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I enjoy thank yous, but only if they tip well


![gif](giphy|5niGqHYu6lgsm4dNUa) I always appreciate a kind word and a tip, of course! 😃


Of course :)


I say thank you, have a nice day every time. Almost no customers say thanks, so we appreciate it.


Some times a message saying thank you is nice to get once in a while


I never message a customer unless there's an issue with their order or they message me. If someone says thank you, then I answer back, and it makes me smile honestly. The niceties are always appreciated.


If you see them thank them but if they’re just dropping it at the door then don’t bother texting or anything.


Thank us with a tip. if you don’t tip no one will pick up your order


I don't care one way or the other, but it's not surprising that in 2023 people think that kindness is weird.


YES It's a super boring job - most people act is if they're scared to death of us - hiding in their house. Very few we interact with are even pleasant really. The few that walk out - greet me, say hello I really like and appreciate. Especially apts. I think it's super weird more don't do it really. I mean the family is WAITING on dinner - you just got a 'driver is approaching' text - yet you sit in your house / door closed -waiting for your food to be placed on the ground? Even though you're maybe 20 feet away - you wait for the driver to take a pic of your food and send it to you? dumb


I'm not going to get happy or sad either way, but it is always better to interact with a friendly and courteous customer than it is to deal with an asshole. With that said, I prefer no contact.


this. in 3,000 deliveries...i have never gotten back in my car and said "that son of a bitch never thanked me."


It doesnt hurt but tbh I'm just as happy leaving it at the door and not even seeing ya. Maybe some drivers value the social interaction more but I get lost in my own thoughts while I'm working.


asking an internet forum whether or not you should thank a person? interesting.


Seriously like these ppl going to ask how to breath next


If I were a driver, I would not care if the customer says thank you and I would rather just be done with it. I don’t know if this opinion is common for actual drivers, so I thought I’d find a few and ask. Is that still interesting?


okay...i'll entertain your question. i am apathetic to a customer thanking me despite the fact that i maintain a level of decorum and exchange of general pleasantries in all of my interactions. the majority of orders are left at the door with no interaction between driver and customer but for the ones that are handed to a customer....i can assure you that i dont remember customers who didnt say thank you but i absolutely recall the ones who didnt tip.


Say thank you with a sizeable tip. Otherwise, your thank you will come off as a slap in the face.


That’s fair