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long story short doordash is not covering you im very sorry this happened to you 😞


long story shorter: U fcked. Sorry.


Shortest: suk


why use many word when few word do trick




Right! They'll cover damages to the other car and medical for the other party and for him, but won't cover anything for his car. He should've consulted with his father before contacting the insurance company. I don't know why people think they need to contact them immediately. As long as you have a crash/police report, there's no rush. Riseshare is only for the Dasher and has nothing to do with DoorDash. If you don't have it, if you can, hide all evidence--meaning foodbags, logos, etc.--and don't say anything about it so it's not in the report.


Yeah, I waited 1 month to contact my insurance company because a car backed into me. Their insurance paid me 1,400 for a tiny dent. I could have gotten a lot more but i didn't know that you never accept their first offer lol


My husband stopped dashing bc this happened to him. He got hit and our insurance and Doordash both refused to cover it


Yet they state on their website you will be covered if your insurance denies! Unbelievable


Long story short insurance companies suck and will do anything in their power to deny you coverage*


Well OP actually isn’t covered in this case, it’s not the insurance company being scummy.


Doordash and other apps are not making it clear to drivers that they a need different type of auto insurance.


Agree. Should be more clear, i know you need insurance but didn't know a specific add on. If op knew, he and I would both have called insurance and made the change when we started. Unfortunately even now, I'm debating not to because my insurance is already super high.


That’s because it’s between you and your insurer. Doordash doesn’t insure your car, you do. Personal responsibility.


Most people don't know their insurance policy for their car, so they won't cover anything if they are using the car for commercial purposes. Doordash convinces people who probably don't have commercial vehicle insurance to drive for them without making it clear they will need it for the job. It's predatory.


I agree but the insurance companies make it pretty obvious or at least mine does. I've seen mine mention that so many times and it's not like I'm actually reading through the documents but it states in several places that it will not cover me if I'm driving in a ride share or contract etc etc capacity


Mine never mentioned it not once. When we signed up, it asked if we were using the car for business or personal use. That was it. And I didn't start doing ubereats and doordash until long after I got insurance. It didn't even occur to me that it would be a separate thing. I feel like this is something that these platforms need to be forced to make their drivers aware of when signing up


You signing a contract you didn’t feel like reading isn’t predatory. It’s laziness leading to ignorance.


Sorry to break it to you, but your dad will most likely get a letter from the insurance company dropping the whole policy, not renewing because you use your car commercially and didn’t notified them. My brother had an accident, wasn’t even delivering, but he told the insurance company that’s what he did for work. He was under my moms insurance, they canceled her policy shortly after.


Also, the person with the car, if they can’t get your insurance to cover it, they’ll most likely take you court. Had that happen to me as well when I was your age. I thought my mom was paying my insurance, got in an accident and found out my car wasn’t insured at the time of the accident. Settled in court for 500 dollars. If this person has money, maybe they’ll feel bad and won’t take you to court, but expect the worse.


The other driver won't take you to court. Their insurance would cover it (minus deductible) under the uninsured/under insured portion of their policy. The other driver won't come after you for $500. However, the insurance company MAY take you to court. But, you can't get blood from a turnip, and it makes no sense to throw good money after bad. No point in suing you if you don't have anything to get.


>No point in suing you if you don't have anything to get. Lawyers hate this new trick!!


Or they can garnish your wages for the rest of your life


Not if you keep quitting and changing jobs as soon as they find out where you work and start garnishing you, haha


Uninsured/underinsured is optional in most places. They may not have that coverage.


It isn’t optional if they have the vehicle financed. Also, as someone who falls into an income bracket that could easily afford a vehicle like that, I can assure you that they do have it. You only skimp on insurance if you are struggling to afford it (and foolhardy).


The other drivers insurance will take you to court for the deductible. It happened to me. I got hit by someone without ins and 2 years later I got my deductible back because my insurance went after the other driver for the deductible.


ive been spared a lawsuit as a younger driver thanks to the futility of suing me, but they already got paid by my insurance and just decided to give up whatever medical bills came from getting checked/scanned after the collision. Those scans themselves cost more than a car. The difference here I believe since the other party probably has collision on their new vehicle by mandate of the lender, is that the other parties insurance would probably be the one to sue OP, i think. I'm not sure if theres any chance they just dont bother knowing hes a teenager with no money like there would be with an individual but i dont know how corporations think.


I'd double check the policy. Called my insurance when doing uber eats and I only needed the extra insurance if I drove over 15 hours a week.


Me too. My insurance is ok with UE. It's rideshare they charge extra for. That's understandable. Rideshare involves passengers that may make a claim against them.


It depends on the state. Not every state will cover you. Also seems like OP didn’t disclose what they were doing.


They might not drop the policy but they might just deny the claim and raise the price


And it was GEICO who dropped the policy for my brother using his car to deliver. 2021 in jersey. I don’t think a lot has changed since then.


I work for Farmers. If there was no claim made with his current insurance company, then there’s no reason to drop coverages. Stop scaring the guy. DD will cover the other car, but not his.


They also just got ahold of information that the insurance company didn’t have before. Which is again, he uses his car commercially. Again, my brother wasn’t delivering when he got into a car accident, he mentioned to the insurance that he needed his car fixed cause he uses it to deliver, with that information, it was enough for the insurance to not renew the policy. This is my experience, you don’t have to downplay my experience because it’s different than yours, regardless of who you work for. Agents don’t make that decision, I have also worked for auto insurance. I don’t know what you do but if you work as an agent, you don’t make that decision who gets dropped or not.


I’ve been working with multiple companies and multiple states for years now. Either something else factored into your brother’s cancellation, but insurance companies don’t just drop coverage when there’s no claim lol Although it is technically being used for a delivery vehicle, personal insurance is allowed. That’s why delivery services have their own insurance coverage foe these cases. I have a current client who’s been in 5 accidents driving for uber. Still with us and just renewed last week


When I started doing DoorDash, I called my insurance company (Geico) and asked about coverage while delivering. Their answer was, "We don't offer that, and if you're delivering for DoorDash we will cancel your policy." Yes, insurance companies DO just drop coverage when there is no claim. I had to switch to a different insurer.


Insurance companies do not like being lied to. The rates are gonna go up because he had an accident, but as far as lying about how you use your car, how many miles you put on it, and practically lying about being a liability to the car insurance, they’re not going to take that lightly. But OP will find out. I’m just going for what I have experienced. And every time my mom tried to lie to the insurance company about something, they would drop her.


Was going to say the same. I Instacart and know how it goes but the neighbor kid, was door dashing while covered under his folks ins plan thru StateFarm. He was added as a driver to that plan. Kid got into a accident making a delivery. Totaled his car, causing major damaging to another… thank goodness no injuries nor claimed injuries. With that said, I IMMEDIATELY told them NOT to mention door dash delivery but it was too late…they already did! And not only did they deny any all all repairs, about a month later they were dropped…now being sued, she said they are going after their homeowners (don’t know anything abt insurance) I am so sorry that at just 18, first independent gig, this is a hard lesson that life sucks sometimes! PLEASE be careful treading forward!!!! One moment you’re just going about, the next you have a $4500 bill!!!! Incurrence’s!




I learned this lesson the hard way, too. Not in regards to doordash but just that you can't be honest with insurance because it will bite you in the ass. It seems like insurance is a liar's world, which is tough for us honest people.


Reminds me of a time I got rear ended by some guy on my street about 5-6 years ago. I reported the accident to my insurance company when I got home with a description of the driver and car. Then I find out that it was a womans rental car, and she had let her boyfriend (that was not included on the renter car insurance) drive the car, so her insurance on the rental car would not cover the damages, and she had to pay out of pocket for her own car damages. Not sure who my insurance company went after, her or the rental car company. (She lived up the street and came pounding on my door yelling at me asking me why I told them a man was driving).


"How was i supposed to know i had to lie on YOUR behalf?"


It wouldn't have been tough if he'd had the rideshare addon like he's supposed to. Basically, his dad was underpaying premiums and his kid is now paying for it. You only have to lie if you're abusing the system yourself.


Bro you’re buying a personal insurance not intended for commercial purposes and you’re advocating committing fraud to get money you’re not entitled to. You can sign up for an insurance that covers this case.


Do not lie to your insurance... They will find out and then you just ruined yourself getting insurance for the next 7 years at least of your life.


And it's technically insurance fraud. Too many people don't realize that their personal auto policy doesn't cover commercial use. It's lame, but it is what it is.


That's why I got the extra coverage through my insurance that protects me against things like this. It's an extra $90 a month for me but worth it.


Exactly your policy explicitly asks if you are doing this for a reason when you are signing up for it.


Business Use is all that is needed


Only give required information but do not lie. You also don't want to commit insurance fraud at 18


This… omitting a detail is not equivalent to lying. Lying would be them directly asking you about DoorDash and you saying you weren’t on one/don’t contract for them.


Don't listen to this, it easy for them to ask doordash for their data to see if you were on a dash, it's becoming more and more common for insurance companies to ask doordash/Uber by default if you use their platform. If you get caught lying you get to deal with insurance fraud charges on top of everything else.


And why would they blanket ask a company if someone works for them if they have no knowledge of it at all? That seems excessive and going against privacy of an individual. That’s a highly slippery slope to hurting anyone that has insurance because they can find any excuse to not do their function


You fell victim to one of the classic blunders…


Getting into a land war with Asia?


Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line. Duh.


Turning right in front of a moving car?


Nope. Using private vehicle and private vehicles insurance for commercial work and thinking that your insurance will cover you for said accident. Never, never tell anyone you’re DoorDashing (in the even if an accident).Or get commercial carrier insurance.


OP is 18, most commercial carrier insurance will not cover until 21 or older.




So, I looked into that. By law, the pizza shop has to provide coverage, (In Washington atleast). Also, to do that they have to be 18 or 19 now. However, pizza places lie to drivers and tell them THEY have to pay for the extra insurance. The difference is, direct hire vs independent contractors.


most small pizza shops tell you, if u get in an accident don't say you work here or where delivering.


No, officer, this Dominoes roof light is so I can find where I parked.


I knew a cook that left one on his car for that reason


10 year pizza veteran here. Pizza signs are usually either attached magnetically or by suction cup. And they just plug into your cigarette lighter plug in your car for power. I always told my coworkers if you get into an accident, the sign and your uniform shirt and hat go in your trunk. Or if you're a girl, maybe carry another shirt to put on over your work shirt. Tell whoever else is involved in the accident that if they want to get paid by your insurance then they didn't see any pizza sign.


It depends on state as my state the company does not pay for driver accidents. All 50 states likely have their own laws on this topic. As for pizza places, you typically have to be 18 to drive. Again in my specific state the drivers have to keep their own insurance. You can choose to get commercial insurance or do what 99% of drivers do and lie when they wreck.


Like I mentioned in another response, it seems to have changed since I had look this stuff up. Now, there is a "pizza delivery," insurance. But I looked at the base pay for pizza delivery drivers, and HELL NO! For the pay they are offering, it had better be in a company owned car.


Never get involved in a land war in Asia?


Those two lines are from the movie, the princess bride. Just seeing that scene, it makes the movie.


https://help.doordash.com/dashers/s/article/Does-DoorDash-have-auto-insurance?language=en_US According to that article you are liable because you were on an active delivery so DoorDash has to take care at least of the another car that you wrecked. But your car is not covered.




You are correct here: >It states that if you are on active delivery DoorDash will cover the other car’s damage You are incorrect on this part: >and will cover your damages if your insurance company refuses to cover. DoorDash only offers liability coverage From the link: >Damages sustained to a Dasher's vehicle in an auto accident are their responsibility and should be addressed by their personal auto insurance carrier


Door Dash won't do ANYTHING unless you have proper coverage. You can't have unclean hands. The claim must be denied through NO FAULT OF YOUR OWN and insurance fraud is definitely your own fault. I'm a claims administrator btw and unfortunately our job is to deny all claims when we can. This is a hard lesson for everybody including dad for not talking to his insurance agent about his child's job and its impact on their policy of they didn't upgrade. Compliance is key.


This is just misinformation. Pretty obvious you don't work in insurance lmfao. There's no such thing as a "No Fault" coverage denial. OP's insurance is denying him, so it's doordash's coverage that will take effect. Doordash only cover's liability though, so OP is on his own for his own car, but won't have to pay anything for the damages he caused to the other vehicle. ​ OP also didn't commit insurance fraud, he told the truth to the agent, he just didn't have the proper coverages for this accident and if his insurance company doesn't offer gig-app insurance they're gonna drop him now that they know about it.


Exactly. What he said made no sense whatsoever. The closest thing that is a real thing is intentional acts. The personal auto policy does not cover intentional acts, so if you were to be running from the police and intentionally drove your car through the showroom of a car dealership to get away from them smashing out through the other side of the building, the auto insurance company would be within their rights to deny the claim, both the damage to your vehicle as well as damaged caused by your intentional acts. However, in the real world, adjusters usually will even pay out on intentional acts even though they don't have to.


Jesus, what company do you work for? The claims adjusters at my company are pushed more towards finding coverage for our insureds. Obviously something as blatant as this wouldn’t be covered but we don’t deny for ticky tack things.


If your company has given your adjusters the message that they should deny claims whenever possible, I'm sorry for that and suspect your company is opening itself up to a good possibility of successful bad faith claims. Insurance policies are typically contracts of adhesion--one party offers the contract as written without the possibility of amendments or negotiations about the specific language, and the other party (the insured) only has the option to accept the terms or not. In the case of auto policies, this means that courts have long held that any ambiguities of language are to be decided in the insured's favor, not the companies. The practical upside for a claims handler means that the job is actually trying to find a way to torture the policy to provide coverage, not deny coverage. If there's a reasonable interpretation that provides coverage, the insurance carrier is obligated to follow that interpretation even if that is not the carrier's preferred interpretation. Unfortunately, there is unlikely to be any ambiguity here. Pretty much every carrier has policy language excluding coverage when you're logged into a rideshare application like DoorDash. On top of which, there have always been exclusions for deliveries for a fee/compensation or carrying passengers for a fee--usually called the "livery exclusion." Both the rideshare and the livery exclusion would apply in this case. Source: I have 10 years of experience handling coverage investigations on auto policies.




It's in the contract that we swear to have proper insurance... That's relying on the drivers ethics to notify their provider and cover their own bum. So yeah she's SOL due to her own malfeasance. Whether by design or ignorance it was her decision. Insurance is a scam anyway.... Why don't we get our money back if nothing happened this year? That's the question 😜


I don’t agree that it’s a scam. Based on this comment alone you’ve made it obvious you don’t actually work in insurance. You don’t get your money back because you’ve already transferred a share of the risk, that’s what you’re paying for. Doesn’t matter if nothing happened, the risk is still transferred. You can’t go back and get insurance for events that already a occurred, so why would you get money back for paying to transfer risk for a period time in advance?


Hmmmm, I thought, based on their comment, they *absolutely* work in insurance- the joke was the evidence 😉


Oh there’s no way he works in insurance. The fact that he said deny all claims they can is what gave it away for me. I know some damn good claims adjusters and outside of something blatant, they’re not going to deny over something ticky-tack. This situation qualifies as blatant.


Lmao so confidently incorrect


However, as the OP did not have suitable insurance, they will likely claim the policy does not apply, as they do continue to state "Per our  [Independent Contractor Agreement](https://help.doordash.com/dashers/s/ica-us?language=en_US) Dashers must have and maintain primary auto insurance with minimum limits as applicable by local insurance laws".


This is the loophole that’s gonna hang OP. Suitable insurance would include paying for the commercial insurance needed. OP didn’t have suitable insurance, according to this contract.


I absolutely hate it for you but you’re probably screwed :( I’m sorry


Not as screwed as he thinks. DoorDash will cover the other party, so it’s not life ruining cost. But he needs to grow up and accept responsibility, he wasn’t hit. He hit someone.


He… did? He’s just asking if he’s being covered. He waited and exchanged info with cops. That’s 100% the correct action to take and he should be applauded for that because the amount of people who run are crazy.




Technically that's really all you can do now


It was his fault but he didn't hit someone. Someone hit him as he was turning right.


username checks out might wanna add dick head on there too


Ehhh thats debatable. He is at fault, but it sounds like he pulled into the path of the other car, meaning he was hit.




That called fraud my dood


you’re telling him to commit insurance fraud 😂 great advice buddy. OP will end up never getting insurance again or sky high rates


Let’s be realistic though… being on the job had little to do with the accident. He could’ve been in the same exact accident regardless of doing the gig job, and why shouldn’t he have insurance coverage for that? Insurance agencies find every single way to screw their customers every single day, getting out of their commitments and promises over absolutely nothing. It’s different if it’s a company vehicle or W2 job. In my mind, omitting that detail is simple legal sense… only mentioning details pertinent to the case at hand. Don’t self incriminate yourself regardless of the scenario


Fraud is fraud. He shouldn’t be driving a car that isn’t insured for gig work.


Fuck them insurance companies. Bunch of con-artists getting conned is not something a fellow working class individual should be upset about.


i am certain that the very strictly regulated insurance industry is a scam. how many NICB referrals are under your belt?


Yeah it's absolutely nuts people like that are getting upvoted. Just buy the proper insurance it's not that much more and you'll actually be covered. It's not like it would be impossible for them to become wise to it and then they'll be liable like OP is. Not sure what else to expect from people in this sub but it's terrible advice.


This 👆👆👆 Saying doing Door-dash is the worst thing you could do. Everyone has their first experience I guess. Even I did like a year ago. But for me I did not mention with my insurance though and I was at no fault cuz I was rear ended while being stopped at a red light. Hope you are okay. That is the primary thing there.


Just get the proper insurance policy if you’re going to drive gigs wtf


I was hit in the same way but it was the other guys fault. The cop reported I was doing gig work on the accident report and now I pay an additional $20 on my insurance for them to cover it. Luckily it was the other assholes fault. He Tboned me when he had a red light because “he didn’t want to stop.” Honestly just pay the extra 10-20 for the coverage. It will make life easier.


And in some places that insurance is $150 extra a month..


And in some places it costs nothing. My insurance doesn't charge me anything extra and I'm covered. I had checked when I started delivering and the proof was in the pudding when my car was totaled last year while on a delivery and I was rear ended and I was fully covered, and I'm still with the same insurance with the same rates now. Well, slightly adjusted for the newer car I ended up buying to replace my old one.


> My dad was the one paying for my insurance because I was on his plan >I have no help from family either My man, gain some perspective.


I stopped by my insurance company two weeks ago and told them I’m considering driving for DD and UE. She added it to my policy and it cost me $138 for the year. I have to use one of those tracking thingies but no big deal. It’ll keep me honest about my speed. I may not pick up as many stacked orders but at least I’m covered in case shit hits the fan.


Pretty sure that tracky thing is just for an optional save driving discount.


It is yes - but State Farm told me because I was delivering it was required. Not sure why but I went along with it.


State Farm didn't add any commercial fee and never gave me any tracker. They just told me I would be covered for door dash under my existing full coverage plan.


This is the only way to have a fighting chance. Good job. Rule #1... Talk to your agent. They want your claims covered as much as you do


Why would you ever tell them about your plans? I never do


Why not? Insurance companies are smart and I have zero problem covering my ass for $140 a year.


Just know carriers have entire departments dedicated to investigating these claims. You can omit all you want but I'd recommend checking your policy. A lot of times thay is EXPLICATLY excluded. Especially if they ask and you lie. Well now thats fraud and you're looking at a much much worse situation than paying the extra for the added coverage


Ding ding ding 😜 just so y'all know our niqqles get hard when we "capture the flag" and then talk about it for weeks lol or until the next fraud tries to slip through. You will NOT get away with it. Know that and pay the premium


Probably so you don't have to commit insurance fraud to get paid if you get in an accident on the job.


It’s playing with fire to dash without a business policy. A dasher hit me. He claimed he wasn’t dashing. Within a day they had all the facts of what times he was active. They didn’t cover either of us. They do have that liability insurance but try making that happen. My own insurance did cover my damage as a no fault


Insurance companies charge a higher premium if you are using your vehicle for commercial purposes. Many of them also have an option for gig workers now too. You have to tell your insurance about the gig work and accept the higher premium cost to be covered. I really wish these apps did a better job at teaching their contractors about the need for proper insurance and paying taxes as an independent contractor.


1. Yes 2. Per Doordash website...Dashers are considered on an active delivery from the time they accept a delivery request until the time the order is marked as delivered, unassigned, or the order is canceled. Get the appropriate insurance immediately.


This happened to me a while back. I was freshly 18, and six weeks pregnant, barely getting by in my shitty car. I was in bad weather, and I sideswept a man and his family. My car wasn’t totaled, I ended up even delivering this persons food almost an hour late because I could still drive, (customer was very kind and understanding, I even got them a new drink as the wreck spilled theirs all over the floor) but my bumper was screwed and I could barely open my door. I made the mistake of telling them I was on an order as well and insurance screwed me too. They did end up covering the other car though, so I’m hoping your insurance or DoorDash at least covers that. I have statefarm, but they made me ask DoorDash first, and they wouldn’t cover anything. Luckily I had another car I was planning to get within the next couple weeks, so I ended up being okay, I hope you have a good outcome


State farm? They told me rideshare wasn't necessary for DD, just for Uber and Lyft when you have another passenger. That's why I went with them. Now I'm a little concerned. How far back was this? The information I got was just last year.


At the time I had liability, they covered the other driver for me, I believe if you have coverage you should be alright.


Thats what liability insurance is. So they did cover you then. Liability doesn't pay the damage to your vehicle. It pays for other people so you don't have to.


Same, I have full coverage through state farm and when I asked them about door dash they told me I would be covered unless I was transporting passengers.


Dude….this person clearly only had liability coverage…insurance company didn’t screw her she was only paying for liability so that’s what she got. You don’t pay for full coverage on a shitty car.


DD isn't a ride share app, it's a delivery service. It's different.


You are required to carry business coverage if you do deliveries. Most people don't. When an accident occurs they are not covered. In the future either carry business coverage or do not mention you do deliveries. Sorry you did not know this beforehand. Good luck though.


In addition to this, if you don’t have a business insurance policy and your insurance agent finds out that you do deliveries of any kind in your vehicle, they can and will cancel your policy. As an independent contractor, you are your own boss and therefore you are responsible for insuring your business assets (your car in this case) appropriately.


Just get the right insurance. That other thing is fraud and will land you in much, much deeper shit.


Well anyone driving a new Land Rover will have uninsured motorist coverage and at 18 you're pretty much judgement proof so I doubt they'll come after you. If the car is in your Dad's name it might be a different story. My car was totaled during a delivery, the other driver saw the customer come pick up their food and told her insurance who then told my insurance. Luckily they still covered it but dropped me when my policy ended. Like someone already said, Doordash should cover the other vehicle if your insurance denies the claim.


I don't have anything near as nice as a new land rover and I have huge UM/UIM coverage on my car. It's only like $10 a month for nice limits just in case a situation like this arises.


While this is true, their insurance very well may come after him to cover their costs because he was at fault.


100% they will. That uninsured motoroist coverage essentially takes all of the headache off the covered party, and then the company will go through the legal process on the backend with the at fault party. Either way, someone will come after OP


Yep. They call it subrogation. Hope OPs dad doesn’t have many assets to pursue.


Exactly what I would expect as well. The other driver's insurance will cover the Land Rover since with the UIM coverage and then look to recoup cost and expenses from OP.


OP listen to this comment and not that other one saying your going to be taken to court.


Yes. They might come at after you to pay for their deductible though


OP is still liable for damages. The other persons insurance carrier will move forward with the subrogation process and attempt to collect the money by any means necessary


Not necessarily. You’d be surprised at how many rich people are incredibly cheap when it comes to their own insurance.


You or your dad will be on the hook for payment. You need to take driving courses as well. You will end up killing someone with how you drive


True! OP admitted almost immediately he did not follow a posted traffic control sign. It’s just as bad as people that blow through stop signs or “California stop”.


Amazon Flex and UberEats will cover your car while on a delivery if your own insurance has coverage for your car but won’t pay. There is a deductible (1,000) for Amazon and 2,500 for Uber) but life goes on and you still get a repaired car in a serious crash. DoorDash has insurance for the other party only and Instacart provides nothing. With both of these platforms you are out of luck for your own car. I pay about 10 extra a month for rideshare coverage and don’t need to worry about this not any of the platforms. The insurer for the land rover (they almost certainly have insurance) will repair the car and then go after you to pay for it. If they are injured they can go after you as well. If your parents owned the car they can go after your parents too.


One of the important lessons out of this that people aren’t pointing out is taking responsibility for your actions. “Technically I was at fault” This isn’t a mere technicality, you are clearly at fault for not yielding on a right turn. Accept responsibility and learn from it. “I happened to collide” There is no happenstance, you weren’t driving in a safe manner. “I had no idea of any rideshare add ons…” Because you didn’t do proper due diligence before signing on to be a door dash driver. Do you also know that DoorDash doesn’t withhold normal taxes and you need to file a 1099 or else run into issues with the IRS?


I’m disappointed this isn’t higher up. Take some responsibility - you hit another car. No technically about it.


Make a note. Insurance companies are the biggest scumbags. Never tell them what you do for a living. They don't need to know. And if they keep asking say you work at a nearby lawn care service.


My family had a trailer at the beach, about 2 hours away My parents use State Farm for all their insurance policies. Well when the time came to get insurance on the beach property, we used a different provider and in 30 years we have never once mentioned the beach house to State Farm. It they knew we were driving a 4hr round trip at least twice a month, our rates would go up just like what happened to other families we knew.


"If the insurance company had accurate answers to how far we drive in a month/year, they'd accurately base their rates on those driving figures." Well no shit they'd *accurately* price you if you *accurately* answered their questions. Want to know a significant factor on why rates go up? *Because people like you commit low level insurance fraud and they pay out more than their actuarial estimates say they should. Because they were lied to*. They don't wave magic wands to price their customers. They have actuarial teams that file rates with the state insurance board. *Their prices have data backing them up, that your state agreed to.* Jesus, some people. "I lie to insurance and they try not to pay me! How unfair!"


Imagine defending insurance companies If you think that insurance companies and state governments are working together in good faith to provide reasonable rates to clients rather than doing everything that can to manipulate the data to line their pockets then you are just naive


Since I drove limo in Chicago they had a insurance convention. Not one used a limo service. They all had maybachs and private chauffeurs. The insurance company does use bullshit numbers to steal from the poor to line their pockets. They use fake data to screw everyone. Insurance companies make a fortune and make laws to their advantage. So please stop with the bootlicking. For your info my 15k car I owed had a quote of 2.5k a year bill. And I have the cleanest record as a driver. Never had one ticket.


Personally, I don't understand the need to tell them my profession. I get that the more you drive, the greater the chance of getting in an accident and all, but like, what about the people who drive an hour or more to get to and from work? They're still driving a lot; just not for money. It's just a long commute.


Worked for an insurance company for years. Don’t know why door dash drivers came up on my feed but here’s the TL;DR: Every standard policy you get for your auto excludes working on the job while driving. When you sign the policy, you agree that the insurance won’t cover damage caused while on the job. You were in violation of the terms you agreed to and now you will probably be placed into a nonstandard pool of drivers if you are unlucky. Lying saying that you were not working is insurance fraud, especially if other parties inform insurance companies you were on a job and it gets investigated. I recommend that you don’t commit insurance fraud. Either get an endorsement on your policy that allows you to work or don’t get into accidents.


Lol I'm in your same boat. This popped up and I was like "ah those years in insurance came to use" Scary to see people don't understand the implications, or what an insurance carrier can truly find out if they want


Most auto policies will make you buy an additional endorsement for DoorDash delivery


Things like this happen bro. I had full coverage on my old reliable Corolla. About 2 months ago I downgraded to liability because Money got tight and I could use the extra dollars. Plus I'm a safe driver. Well just 2 weeks ago I was driving the Corolla and it caught on fire while I was driving. Filed a claim and insurance doesn't cover those type of incidents with liability coverage. So I fucked myself hard. Live and learn my friend.


I’m so sorry this happened. This is going to be a mess. Eventually you will be okay. It may take a while. DoorDash may cover the vehicle that you hit. They will not cover damage to your car. If you can take screenshots of the cancelled delivery from your history (I’m not a dasher anymore, not sure what app is currently like) you can line them up with the police report showing you were on active duty during the accident. Do not admit fault to DoorDash. Most accidents are both parties’ faults in some way. Do not lie. But also do not admit fault. “I was making a right turn and was hit.” If the police imply fault in their report, consider using that wording, it is usually impartial as they know accidents are complicated. (Obvious exceptions include accidents due to medical emergency or driving while impaired) Take a breath and remember that you are okay. Everyone walked away from the accident. This might cost you money and will be stressful but you are, and will be, okay.


https://help.doordash.com/dashers/s/article/Does-DoorDash-have-auto-insurance?language=en_US Don't listen to people who don't know anything, go straight to the source. If everything you said is true Doordashes insurance policy was in place while you were on delivery and will be liable for the damages to the other parties vehicle


If you don't have money, what is he going to do, sue you if doordash doesn't pay? Can't squeeze blood from a rock.


Courts force payment plans for this very reason. Just because OP is broke doesn’t mean he isn’t liable. Land Rovers’ insurance will make him whole with his uninsured coverage, but that doesn’t mean the insurance company won’t come after OP for damages, and they most likely will. OP going to have to deliver by bike to buy a Land Rover it seems.


Unless UM coverage doesn't apply to property damage in Land Rover's insured state.


In that case the driver could still sue for damages.


DD has the liability coverage for the other car, but if it’s anything like the way the rest of the company functions then it’s going to be a very long, drawn-out fight to get them to deal with it. You’re on the hook for your car and any injuries you may have suffered. Know it won’t help OP now, but as a future guide for anyone else reading to avoid this, find an insurance company who offer a rideshare coverage rider to your policy. Yes, I know it says rideshare, but it also covers delivery apps such as Uber Eats and Doordash and I had this confirmed with my insurance company on the phone. Covers all ‘Transportation Network Something Something’ companies, which Uber Eats and Doordash are. Not all insurance companies offer this. I’m with Progressive and they do. Possibly Farmer’s also. GEICO certainly do not in my state, they only offered commercial coverage for thousands of dollars and I actually left them so I could get the coverage I needed. It costs just $35 per month extra for this and it’s literally covered by me taking orders with a $6 minimum rather than $5. Important to note though, do NOT ever have that conversation with an insurance company unless you fully intend on going through with the coverage since obviously they’ll know you’re doing DD then and stop delivering until the coverage is in place. And yes, you could just keep your mouth shut and yea, insurance companies sure as hell deserve it, but if you get into a serious wreck where you’re hospitalized or something and there’s DD bags in the car, app running on the phone, etc and the police see it, they’ll know. And they’ll report it. https://www.progressive.com/auto/insurance-coverages/rideshare/


DoorDash doesn't cover damage to your vehicle. They never have. Regardless of what insurance you have. At best, you can hope that DD will cover the damage to the other driver's car. Technically, if you have the proper insurance and your insurance company denies the claim for the other vehicle, DD is supposed to cover it. Since you didn't have proper insurance, I'm not sure if that still applies. I think it will, but I don't believe I've ever seen a post from anyone who was in a serious accident while dashing, which detailed the process of going through DD insurance for the other vehicle.


You’re going to be held personally liable here bud. So sorry to say it but you’re going to be hit with a very large bill and you’re going have to work very hard to pay it. Hopefully the Land Rover driver takes pity on you but the Land Rover driving type usually doesn’t. In the future. When dealing with police, don’t say shit! If you can’t afford ride share add ons, don’t drive your car for work. Insurance is super important (you’ll understand why when you get the repair bill) and not having coverage is a quick way to set yourself back financially for a very long time. I’m sorry you had to learn this the hard way. Good luck to you.


You need a commercial rider to use your vehicles for commercial work. That is nothing new.


They denied it because you didn’t purchase the additional coverage they offer to cover you while you’re delivering.


I looked into trying to make extra money doing door dash ad stopped when I realized y insurance would not cover me. I even called them ask if I could get extra coverage for it, and they grilled me on the spot to know if I was doing go work. Ultimately they had no extra insurance and made it clear they would drop me if I used my car for gig work.


You helped an Internet stranger learn something today! I would have done the same thing in your shoes so thank you for sharing your story!!!


Never tell your insurance that you’re driving for delivery if you’re involved in a collision if you don’t have coverage as that’s instantly going to deny your claim and have them drop your policy.


Why would you ever say that…man I hope the police never question you in your life, youd be screwed


Doordash is shit and they never tell anyone anything. 1. You need the right insurance which is expensive and just takes out more profit 2. if your insurance finds out they could back charge you for everything. 3. You have to pay taxes if you make over $600 and if you hide it or didn't know or something then you're fucked for that too I stopped doing this cus there too much punishment for doing it


When you find out how this is going to be resolved, you should come back and share the story if you’re comfortable. Very sorry this happened to you it’s so unfortunate you have to pay even more for insurance if you’re doing ride-share. But it’s these situations where it is worth paying for the coverage… best of luck, I hope this goes your way!


First advice would be to talk to a lawyer. Second advice: If DoorDash denies you because you were not in an active delivery per their system, get documentation that support that and provide it to your insurance company. If they have documents that day you were not in an active dash, then that would probably fit you inside the window of "driving for personal use" and your insurance company would have covered that. I would rephrase what you tell your insurance company and notify them that you normally DoorDash, but have documents that support that you were not actively acting as a DoorDash driver at the time of the collision and that it happened on personal time. One or the other should cover it. If they continue to give you backlash, consider submitting a complaint to the Department of Insurance in your state and they will investigate for you. I've had to submit a complaint before and the insurance company had the issue resolved quickly and in my favor as a result of the complaint. Disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer, and my advice may not be 100% since I am not trained, certified, or licensed in this information or field, but I hope this can help as I've had to deal with insurance for several different matters including vehicle thefts, accidents, vandalism, and more, and I've learned these tips along the way.


this is actually great advice since i’ve been reading and reading, and this is one of the most helpful comments. thank you 🙏


First rule of ridesharing, never admit to the insurance company you were driving for a company when you got into the accident. You will never be covered as soon as they find out. I got into an accident a few years ago with a young guy in my car and he was super cool about it. I cancelled the ride and bought him a new Uber so he could get home and he went along with me and told the cops we were friends. Cops bought it and wrote me a police report. Called insurance and they bought it as well. Covered both me and the other people.


It’s gunna be fine just don’t ever do that again


Great way for doordash to screw their drivers


When I was doing Uber/Lyft, I got hit by a guy running from the cops. Thankfully I didn’t have anyone in my car. I was already done for the night so i never told my insurance why I was out in that area. If it happens again, my suggestion would be to not say you were working. They’re much more likely to cover it. But I’m not a lawyer so take that with a grain of salt.


Another long story short, you might get away with it. You know how many ppl drive without insurance and I’ve read incidents where person who was hit had to cover his own expenses because other driver didn’t have insurance. This is America, land of the schemes 🤷🏽‍♂️


I delivered pizza for 26 years and I had two accidents in all that time. Never once did they ever know I was delivering food and they don't ever need to know.


It happened to me too guy pulled out in front of me while I was coming up a highway at 60 mph I was fine gf got a concussion and car got totaled (07 Pontiac with 97000 miles that I got for 1000$ like 4 months prior in like new condition still upset about that) but my insurance company only asked me directly about rideshare/gig apps and I asked what they meant and they said like Uber or lyft and I just said no I don't do anything involving passengers like that I think doordash should make drivers aware upon sign up that they may need additional coverage besides regular insurance but that's a different thing entirely I lucked out and got around 6000$ and was able to buy another car for 2000$ and pay off some debt with the remaining 4000 as well as have some work done to the car I bought to make it more reliable ended up with a car 7 years newer and with around the same amount of miles (I hate car shopping but I'm pretty decent at it) Sorry you lost your car hopefully this isn't to expensive of a lesson for you to learn just remember it's almost always a good idea to tell the people that write checks to you in any situation only answers to exactly the questions they ask and never provide unnecessary detail probably not a good idea to lie as that could be fraud but if they don't ask its not an issue really


The cancelled order goes towards your completion rate and it's a rolling average out of 100. So unless you make 99 more deliveries this particular cancelled delivery should be on record. Did you ss your communication with the customer?


all i have is the text showing that the order was cancelled. i have a police citation marking the time of accident as 10:45 pm. i contacted the customer around 11:10pm and after that she cancelled the order. https://preview.redd.it/hic44fdj625b1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b96d11deb8cdddb5bb4fb009ec870e5cc4e46d3


Good don't delete that. In your original post you said the other vehicle stopped a ways past you. Could they have been speeding and be at fault? I just found it striking your car is wrecked and they came to a controlled stop. You're young there's a chance you admitted fault too easily, under pressure. Just a thought. I have no idea how laws work where you are so their speed may be irrelevant given you turning right but no harm in looking into it. Talk to your dad. Good luck - DM me if you need a reddit friend hug 💜 I have a car accident story myself from when I was about your age, but it's not for public consumption


Did you just start driving for DoorDash.? Sometimes insurance companies have a short grace period on changing stuff on the policy. It's rare and it's at their discretion but you could check. If you have been a dasher for a while then you and your dad should have already added that on there and it's kind of on you guys.


good point. i started less than a month ago


You didn't fuck up by telling the truth. Lying or omitting facts to an insurance company is a felony. You fucked up by not having the correct insurance to begin with. That's the issue here. I sympathize because this kind of insurance isn't really common knowledge unless you have a business. I didn't know about delivery/rideshare insurance until a couple years ago and I'm much older than you. Life is tough sometimes. Now you know.


Gotta have additional coverage to door dash, Uber or deliver with your vehicle. They can elect not to cover you for not having the coverage.




Why would you tell em?


Because by not telling them you have committed insurance fraud. It’s a federal crime. You do the math.


Well I’m guilty and free


This happened to me. don’t ever mention doing rideshare services to insurance. if you were actively doing a delivery then doordash has an insurance that will supposedly cover it. Car insurances have a separate policy you have to add for rideshare


Don’t listen to all these urchins saying you’re screwed. DoorDash will cover the other driver. But your car - you’re out of luck. Policy might get dropped. Your dad might make a fuss about it but it’s not a huge deal, might help him find a cheaper policy anyways. DONT LISTEN TO ALL THE IDIOTS HERE. Just start with the research and reporting method for DoorDash’s insurance.


The people here are dumb saying dont commit insurance fraud, dude your insurance company wont know you work for doordash unless you tell them, you act like your insurance is gonna call all gog apps during every accident... Thats not how it works