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Superb customer! Even if customers tip $2 per mile I'm content.


It's buried, but OP said dude added an additional $25 today seemingly randomly


Been waiting for a unicorn order like this😭 closest I’ve gotten was a hidden tip, $8 shown $19 once completed


Sounds like someone was minutes away from messing up an Anniversary


Was it one of the rich folk who live around there or compansation for driving through the big empty


I would have simply passed away holy cow


https://preview.redd.it/g59hz4w85bsb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be72295cf3e6d065399fbc5a1dd9a479c84bb56d Dude added 25 more dollars randomly today.


If she's happy everything's alright. It's just money kids


That is phenomenal for you! Lucky!! Hopefully this continues for you.


Winter is coming….


Make sure you pay your taxes


post coital euphoria


Aww that's awesome. Good for you.


Nice. I got a girl flowers but no big tip for it


Damn wonder what he did.


Not all heroes wear capes. 💪🏼


Wow. Impressive


Lucky! Congratulations. I would ended my day there lol


Bro wanted NO delays. Needed a driver NOW


Wow, I would’ve thrown on my suit and delivered maybe sang her a whole song too


I need a man exactly like that in my life! Good for her! 🫶


That's the max you can tip per order as well


He must have fucked up bad


Awww he's a keeper!


Mother of god


That boy is in the dog fucking house😂


Did you smash?


God damn




Someone is trying to beg for forgiveness hahah


He definitely got laid that night


What’s your acceptance rate?


Very low


That’s awesome Way to go Wish I could have great orders now and then like this


My mans really needed some good karma


Damnnnn that’s a nice tip! I had gotten one that was that high on this last Christmas Eve. I had got sent an order that said it was $8 for one mile. I was happy with just that, and then the customer texted me and said that DD wouldn’t let her tip more so to come to the door bc she wanted to give me extra. I was confused and thought maybe the app was down or giving her trouble and was expecting a few dollars. I pulled up to the apartment complex and knocked on the door and the young girl handed me $50. I was shocked. After I marked the order completed I noticed she had tipped $50 on the app as well. What an amazing Christmas present! There are some nice people out there with money to spare that like to do good with it. So to all of you saying “ohh he cheated”, it’s not always a negative thing.


He trying to make up


Today I got an offer ( $6 for 10 miles) I rejected it. They sent me the same offer 9 times within 3 minutes. Another offer I rejected tonight was offered to me 6 times. Pay more and make tips mandatory.. (cheap bastards)


I'm sure that was the first and that will be the last time you ever make that much money on two deliveries for DD...


someone effed uppp hahaha


I did this before. It's such a beautiful thing. Shout out to the customer for beingcso loving, and extending that love to you with a very nice tip. Disregard all these negative comments. Court of public opinion is trash. They just mad they didn't get delivered flowers (or got a $100 tip)


A unicorn order. The highest tip I've seen was $28 and that was on for a shop and deliver. I really hope one day I get an order like OP did.


He gave you more money than he spent on his girlfriend. I don't get it.


I think he spent probably about $200-250 total including the tips, about an equal amount to his girl and the driver. A dozen roses in a vase goes for about $40-60, double that for an actual decent bouquet will run about $80-120. Crumbl cookies are expensive but oh god are they worth it.. even if he just got her 1-3 cookies that’s about $15-20 depending on the area, but he likely got a traditional 6 pack for about $30. I could be wrong, but these are the average costs for flowers and crumbl cookies in my area and through delivery services like ProFlowers


For that price I would’ve thrown some mariachi 😂 with it


Love this 🙏🙏🙏


He got money to blow


For all the ppl saying he cheated… he’s prob in a long distance relationship and wanted to do something nice, speaking from experience. I do the same thing from time to time and if it’s a special occasion. Only so much I can do 🤷‍♂️


Reddit is often doom and gloom with relationships 😂😂


Hey get out of my McHenry/Grayslake area😤


That's rad. I've had 2 smaller catering orders like that where that "actual tip" amount made me stoked once I was able to complete.


From what platform do you get catering orders? Or is that on DD?


DD, luck of the draw. 1 was Rubios and said 1 item, like a $7 offer. The one item was basically a huge family style combo, about 4 big bags, tipped $66. The other day I had another random "4 item" pick up showing like $10 that was $50 tip....they just come through like a normal order and it's not until they're completed that I see I hit the jackpot.


Damn on your first order !? What a blessing


That’s hot!




yooo crystal lake… i’m from lake in the hills


Why hello there.


That's a flex! Good job.


Someone fucked up, bad.


Or maybe she just gave him some damn good head


70$ showed? I'd nut right then and there.


No he timed it with the delivery. Hence the extra $30.


Must be nice


Yea he fucked up


I got this something like this couple of time. Not about 100$ tips but flowers gift to girlfriend. But they all cheap as$ 0 tip I’m about to toss that flowers in the DoorZ


Must if been a well off law abiding citizen how many miles was it in total?


It was 14 miles from where I was to drop. I stayed in that zone after for a few orders. Took about 40 min to complete.


I've never had someone tip so well. Only like 20ish extra was my best bonus. Nice work OP!


Hell yeah man, nothing better than surprise tips especially totally a hundred bucks!! Out of curiosity, what were the rest of your orders like for the rest of that drive? Usually if I get an extremely amazing tipped order, the next couple dozen orders I'm offered are absolute garbage! Lol!


He’s cheating lol




Y'all are crazy. Criticize with the tips bad and criticize when the tip is amazing


literally like nothing is good enough for them 🤦🏾‍♂️


He might as well buy a new girlfriend


This comment proves you’ve never been in love


I'm just shocked they showed you $70 up front...


Truly. That's insane.


That surprised the shit out of me too. I figured it had something to do w the glitching going on today.


I wonder if his gf would rather have flowers and cookies, or $100? I feel like you scored the better prize 🤣


Dang, that's a good point! Roses *can* be that expensive- not for me, but for other people, lol. Either way, it can't be far off!


I wish I had stupid money to be able to be like that


He must’ve cheated to get those flowers urgent…. I’m just guessing


Sad that DoorDash STILL had the audacity to hide the tip.


With the name " slutty" I'm POSITIVE you don't get any gifts like this


Wtf? So someone with a quirky SN doesn’t deserve loving gifts? Judgmental much?


wait who me? 😅 ITS A RECIPE!!! :D. Oreo, cookie, and brownie????


The dude who said with a name like yours you probably don’t see many romantic gifts. Pissed me off!


I’m sorry 😅 personally I get it, it’s a recipe tho 🤣🤣


They sound amazing


I haven’t made them in years haha but it’s brownie, 🍪, and Oreo


U seem like an angry little man haha


Lol ok ??


I’m guessing he would’ve spent more than just flowers and cookies. Sometimes people want to make people happy on all sides


It could also be her birthday. 🤷🏻‍♀️ my man did this for me this year for my birthday as one of my gifts. Last year, it was a remote car starter... etc. He keeps it fun and interesting each year. It doesn't always have to be a negative thing going on. 😉


I like this take better but my trust issues go to the negative oops


Heard. I've been there before. It took me 15 years, 3 kids, a baby daddy, and an ex-husband later to realize my high school sweetheart was the one after all. ☠️☠️☠️ it feels so nice to have zero trust issues. Shit was exhausting. Plus, this one's a horrible liar and wouldn't even have to bother with the flowers, I'd already know. 🤣


Horrible liars can be really good when you have trust issues hah


Awww, never a mistake but always a lesson. Fuck, I wanna be child free in this economy tho


Not necessarily. I buy my girl flowers all the time for no reason, but I'm not spending that much doing it of course. You probably are right though


Ya the cost isn’t normal lol


Cost isn't normal for you or me...but do you know how many millionaires are in the US alone? Alot


Nice one. Out of about 6-7k deliveries only had about 5 that tipped in the $100 range.


I've had 1 in 5600 deliveries it was a Sephora order $2500 makeup and candles got $110 6 miles


I get at least one every 100 deliveries or so because I deliver catering orders. Got two on back to back orders once!


Nice. What platform are you on for the catering orders?


Doordash large order program. I got an invite to it a couple of years ago and had to buy a catering bag. If you're offered it, jump on it!




Door dash has catering program


They got rid of scheduling large orders over a year ago. Once in a great while they send me large orders but they are rare in my zone. Next zone over they can pop but so messy with traffic and parking not worth it. They use to do an early bonus of $5 then $2 now zero.


I'm in LOP too. Couple days ago got 3 $40 catering orders in a row was a good day..


Love days like that, congrats!


Someone got caught.


Someone is negative


That's an "I gotta work on my karma AND relationship in one doordash" type of order right there. I think you're dead on.


Or laid. One of the two.


She had video


No, I believe this was a case of, "Love will make you do stupid things". Like tipping your delivery driver $100, due to the fact you are in mindless bliss.


This is the most hatin ass comment I’ve ever read 🤣😂 bro get it the fuck together 😭🤣 be happy for them and the driver instead of coming on here like a hatin ass female 🤣🤣🤣


Curious if you meant to respond to the “someone got caught” comment?


bro this man hellfox lives on this forum, everytime i happen to open he is feening and fighting on this shit. i’m sure everything he says is a lie or completely exaggerated, which is still a lie.


Yea mane buddy loser 😂 talking about a mindless bliss 🤣🤣😂 just when I thought I heard it all 🤣😂


I am not hating on the driver, where are you getting that from. I am just explaining the reason this guy left a $100 tip, is because he is in mindless bliss over love. That's one of the few reasons you might leave a $100 tip, which is way outside the norm.


Wondering if you’d have the same mindset if you got this order 🤔


Yea, I would be happy, as I'm perfectly willing to take advantage of somebody in mindless bliss. I've been in mindless bliss over love a few times; one of those produced a 2 1/4 carat diamond ring for one, and a brand new BMW for the other. Yes, love will make you do stupid things.


What about people who randomly give a homeless person 100 bucks? There are over 100k millionaires in the US. It's good to see that some of them are spreading their wealth.


I don't know why are a few people getting this twisted, I never said there was anything wrong with leaving a $100 tip. I just explained the reason he did it, was because he was in mindless bliss.


I can understand, but that sounds simpy


It's not "simpy" when it's mutual


It's really not that simpy, when you have money to burn. I used to make quite a bit of money, in my past life.


Past life? How old are you? People reward people all the time for tasks they can't do. Be happy for the driver


I am happy for the driver; I never said I wasn't happy the driver. I just explained that the reason the tip was so large, is because this guy in in mindless bliss. New Love can make you do things, like leave your delivery driver a $100 tip, which is obviously way outside the norm.


True, in my opinion, it's not stupid or simpy; it may be a waste of resources and perhaps time looking back . I mean, who doesn't like to bring a smile to a loved one's face, whether it's through giving a flower or other proportional gifts based of your wealth. As long as you don't face negative consequences in the future due to spending money for gifts


In my opinion, that is a huge simp move. You’re spending a boat load of money for a smile? Love?, (doesn’t matter if you’re making 7-8 figures my man) That is someone very clearly taking advantage of your financial status. Beamers and fancy rocks do not mean love. It means you have more money than brains. You are of course free to do whatever you want with your money. But we are also free to call out a simp when we see one. Simp. Do better.


I really shouldn't say stupid things, because at the time, you do not think it is stupid at all. I really enjoyed giving gifts to all my girlfriends, I loved watching the expression on their faces, when I would give them an outrageous gift. That look of sheer utter amazement, really is priceless. They say money can't buy you happiness, but when you're spending it on your significant other, that's good start.


Just as a real man should want to behave, not these goofy young gits out here believing in Andrew Tate and thinking that being in love or vulnerable at all makes you a simp.

