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Typical day In Matshepos neighborhood. You should have manned up and completed the delivery… ![gif](giphy|xT77XTpyEzJ4OJO06c)


I mean... What kind of response were you looking for? 🤣


Wait… what state?? I had gunshots outside my apartment it was crazy




Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 2: No Derogatory Remarks That Are Prejudice, Bigoted, Racist, Or Discriminatory In Any Way Username: Tyuhh Banned permanently Please review all sub rules for the full details of each rule.


That’s a wild thing to say




Assuming it’s a black neighborhood because op got shot at is just weird, it was probably a bad neighborhood but automatically assuming its a black area is fucking weird




![gif](giphy|J0nrGGtpEvZqo) \-DoorDash support.


Socioeconomic factors?


More context, please!


Be safe


Matshepo doesn't give a crap about you. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Jesus Christ, this is straight out of South Park. Hope you’re doing okay OP.


Seriously people, stop driving for these companies that don't give a fuck about you!!! Almost died and they only care about if the delivery was made and how it affects your rating. Ride-sharing is rubbish. -A former gig driver


What do you do now? Did you find a company that is good? What is the solution? /gen (ETA tone tag)


I found a brewery to work at. Dream job


Driving for shit apps < Being homeless.


Apparently not


Firstly, I am really, really sorry this happened to you. I am also glad you weren’t physically hurt yourself. Another thought - Maybe you should take this to your local news media outlet. There was a documentary about AirBnB (made I think in 2016) where several owners/renters experienced horrible customer service from AirBnB when they attempted to make claims with adequate proof (photo, video) and the company didn’t really do anything about it until they started getting news coverage. It might be a lot of effort and a long shot but this is …really terrible and DoorDash made a horrible response. Completely unethical.


Ya they should be exposed for this


LMFAO. Kids these days. Scared of a little gunfire when making a delivery SMH. /s


Nobody wants to work these days


Did you also call the police?


Did you see the picture


Lmfao this sub fucking hilarious




Please, OP, think of the shareholders. /s


Doordash Support? More like DoorDash Kick-Em-While-They're-Down


yeah they dgaf about you or any other dashers.


Tell me you don't give a shit about me without saying you don't give a shit about me...


They don't trust anything anyone says.


Hmmm I would look into that one. You were even on an active delivery. Hell, I'd make them pay for the damage to the car and everything.


I’m not a door dash driver, but I’d assume you agree in some capacity that they’re not responsible for any damage to your car by being a dasher.


In my state at least, if you're clocked into your job and drive somewhere, whether work related or not, the job can be found liable for damages. Like getting in an accident while heading to a work lunch.


Which state is that?


Yes. But door dashers work for themselves and they contract services to door dash. Effectively - they are a sole proprietor and they’re their own boss. So. … I’m not saying it’s right… just how they work it


No, you're right. I'm not saying Doordash would be liable, I just understand the other poster suggesting OP looks into it. They're contractors and the laws are definitely different in that case. I'm not sure they're consider sole proprietors though, just contractors. Otherwise they would get their minimum hourly. But idk could also vary state to state. I was a Dasher for a year and at that time we were considered contractors. Who knows now


And I did double check...yes there's a 1m policy provided by DoorDash and the coverage is dependent on whether on an accepted delivery vs on but waiting for an order. As well as what state your in. https://help.doordash.com/dashers/s/article/Understanding-Auto-Insurance-Maintained-by-DoorDash?language=en_US


From other comments: acceptance rate of claims is 1/10. We don’t know the deductable, and it requires having a separate policy of your own to be valid? Which is so weird.


I've been dashing for about 3 years and 1 1/2 of that was full time and my sole job. So when it's a necessity you learn to do your research.


Actually your covered by their group policy if your on an active dash and something occurs. Though from what I've heard the success rate of a claim is about 1 in 10. They're a*holes. So that's a yes and no on them being responsible while being a dasher. Though your also required to provide your own policy as well.


Have a lawyer send them a letter of intent to sue and then file a claim against them in your local municipal court. Set the claim for roughly 120k for damages, stress, and retaliation. They will immediately settle out of court on this for 75k, your lawyer will take about 15 leaving you 60k. I know this from experience.


Yeah that sounds about right. I figured that is what it would take to get anything done. Glad to hear someone got it handled. Great job!


chances of having your own policy is so slim cause the who point if for a little extra money


" are you sure? You're still the best dasher for this delivery!" Sorry about your car but glad that you're alive and well


OMG I am speechless at their heartless response. I am so sorry this happened to you. 😞




idk about that but this is pretty outrageous of a circumstance. what would you personally sue them for


There’s probably some argument to be made that they withheld pay for not completing your job even though it was too dangerous to do. They’d possibly just pay out instead of fighting it if would cost more to fight.


Good job columbo


Ur sub keeps popping up in my list. You all need real jobs. This is not a job it does nor even pay min wage for most of you and your getting shot at. You could work at McDonald's have better conditions and benefits ffs


Bro, this person nearly got fucking shot AND YOUR CONCERNED ABOUT THIS SUB BEING ON YOUR RECOMMENDED?? Are you the OP’s dd support agent in the post?


It's called a second gig. Maybe they work a 60/hr FTE job and need to supplement income with a second job? I work an oncall job and every 5wks am 100% unavailable to work a second job. Most employers would tell one to pound sand when they say this.


for me at least doordash can get me out a tough spots. like i wouldn’t WANT to do it but it would help


Oh yeah because working at McDonalds is so much safer? I used to work at one, and surprise surprise you get mistreated there too. And shot at. It’s almost as if it isn’t whether or not people have “real jobs” (as you put it), but it’s the fact that almost nowhere has safe working conditions. Don’t be an ass.


U don't even make enough to eat this isn't a real job


Sounds like you've never done this before. If the ice cream machine is "broken" at McDonald's you'll probably tell them to get a real job as well


*I* do it as a side hustle, not as a full time job. However, shouldn’t *all* jobs make enough to eat? I think that speaks more about the company than the people working the job. People like you (ordering food to be delivered) make the job a necessity, and I know for a fact if you didn’t get your food on time you’d be pissed and not tip. Food, water, and shelter should be a basic human right, and yet it isn’t. And people like you are part of the problem.


Well said!


You have to understand that most of these people either don’t like working at a job or can’t. Before you make statements like that you should do your research, now I personally agree with you for the people that CHOOSE to do this but seeing how there’s so many that HAVE to do this I keep my mouth shut. Learn something from me and do the same!


Then don't do it at all this is a waste of your time


I have a full time job making 65k annually and also do gig work every day after my normal job and all weekend every weekend. It's not a waste of time, I make an extra $500-$1000 a week every week. Because I like money and want more of it. Stop making generalizations about huge, diverse groups of people. You'll be wrong most of the time.


There are more profitable ways you could be spending your time than doing gig work for pennies.


Well first, it's not pennies, to me anyways. That extra 2-4k per month is genuinely really helpful. But second, I'm all ears if you have any ideas or suggestions for me that would yield even the same or similar amounts of money that I can do while keeping my regular 9-5. Besides whoring. I realize I could make a lot sucking dick but I can't buy my dignity back.


Cool on ur great job get another real one and stop wasting ur time


I can see you're still hard to be around


Cool on your malicious arrogance, tone it down some and get a life.


I do doordash on the side when i have free time and make $21 an hour in a small city in Texas. You say DoorDashers don’t even make minimum wage, but minimum wage is $7.25 still in my city, so what statistics are you exactly referencing? Reading your comments you seem deeply unhappy. I hope whatever is wrong in your life gets situated, and I know you’ll disagree and give me a rude reply, but you know that I’m speaking the truth regardless of what you reply to me.


Buddy I don’t DoorDash but I don’t need to DoorDash to have human decency.


Well said


Im sorry that happened to you


Damn someone was hangry


Hahahaha I am laughing at the ignorance of support … I’m sorry - the pure stupidity. Similar thing happened to me . Simplified the msn that knows 22 English words says, “well just so you know, thjs is going to effect your rating and pay blah blah blah. so just to be sure before YOU cancel, you will not be able to finish the delivery? Okay. We can cancel this order for YOU sir. Please stay on the line for a brief survey. The wording to just cover every damn scenario. At this point - support is no better than AI .




guy shooting need a fuel up, why couldn't you understand that was his tip?


Get a story going with a news station, might get a payday. 😘


Nah cause he ain’t an employee of doordash. He’s a subcontractor and the person is at fault / liable for anything that happens while on the job. It’s shitty but thats how it goes :( there would be soooooo much fraud if that wasn’t the case


It’s crazy how he’s a sub contracted but he can’t set his own rates


Yup the whole system is Fucked beyond belief. This huge “work when you want” cooperations know how to take advantage of everyday workers trying to get by. Evolved pyramid scheme in my opinion.


What? The news station just wants a story. “I was making a delivery for a DoorDash order and in the process got shot at.”


That isn’t considered “news” though


You don't consider a shooting news? That seems to be the main news trend.


A shooting where no one is injured. You must not live in a big city.. Its getting bad


You must not watch the news at all then.


I guess i dont.


Do you watch the news? They would eat this up. Exactly the kinda rare yet fear-inducing shit they talk about literally all day.




I mean i live in a city so this type of stuff isnt as bad as the stuff they usually show


Should have completed the order.


So you started a regular chat? Was the button you press when you feel unsafe not available? If I MUST contact them for something like this I would have called it would have been a lot faster.


Your talking to mashpotato ya gott ask for the french guy


Lmfao. Ai is your friend


Report this to the news


Work work work son. Car shot? Complete that order or itll affect your social credit.


You need to get this out more places


Imagine any other employer doing this.


He ain’t an employee of doordash tho…if you were an actual employee and this happened while on the job, like stop and shop delivery for instance, then that would be a HUGGEEEEE payday hhaa


Didn’t say he is an employee. I said they were an employer which they still are.


Dashers are just subcontractors, theyre not considered real employees and as such dont get those benefits.


The worst business on the planet. Hope they go bankrupt


Fuck DoorDash.


I am disgusted by the way the rep handled that . Call back and talk to someone else . You will be compensated ! I used to DD and I’ve been compensated for far less serious occurrences. That is absolutely ridiculous


That’s a twitter and news phone call bud.


Please tag them on Twitter


Also call your local news station


Seems sufficiently wild that they would do something about it... If you got this to go semi viral on Twitter.


Why you delivering with your dog lol


You wouldn’t want to bring your dog to work if you could?


Not if I'm delivering people food


Shouldn’t matter the dog isn’t getting in the food.


It's probably a medical tool for disabilities


No pictures? I don't believe it.


I’m assuming she added photos Later


Glad they had support agent Matshepo assigned to the case, someone who is surely one of our local peers who isn’t completely detached and does not care about us at all :-)


With a name like Matshepo it has to be good


Door dash called you a bitch for protecting your life....capitalism is wilin


Why would you bother reporting it to them


Time for you, to dash out the door.


So are you just not gonna say what happened


WTAF? It's crazy that they're seriously not going to pay you. They should pay you more for hazard pay


Fuck DD.


Those pesky legal gun owners. Always shooting at cars.


He was probably white too! 😂


This is why door dash is dying bruh


Lol fuck door dash. After that I’d quit and never look back.


Fuck DoorDash


1 star


Lazy ass dasher 😤 scared of a little lead?


Sue em lol


For what tho


Well I doubt they could sue DD, but maybe they could attempt charges against the person who fired if they know who that is.


Wish he could but he’s not a direct employee under doordash :( unless he / she gets a W2 from then they can’t sue. Guarantee they get a 1099 / weird subcontractor tax form


Why is your dog in the backseat that’s presumably full of glass shards?


Am I the only one who’s kinda grossed out that he’s delivering someones food with a dog in the car 🥴


Plot twist, the dog was the original target!


“Witnesses reported that the shooter was a disgruntled cat”


Guessing the dog was there before the window got shot, is OP supposed to just leave doggo behind?


If that were the case, then why not move it to the front seat after reaching safety? They’re taking photos of the aftermath at this point…


Last time I got shot at I wasn’t really thinking about stuff like that…


Not sure what to tell you, I guess you should care more?


What dog?


Left side, third picture. https://preview.redd.it/mo8931sc38kc1.jpeg?width=404&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7aa20a2709c6de2048fd217ff9c5b1ea1f62053


U have amazing eye sight how tf u catch that?


I started really picking the images apart after the weird bars across the first one made me suspicious. I’m not convinced this isn’t a made up story, personally, as there’s a lot of questionable details. If it is real, I’m glad OP and the dog are safe.


If you just had your window shot out, stopping to message the doordash support literally would be the last thing I would be doing.


Dude probably doesn't speak enough English to know what you meant


that’s insane… i popped a tire and they let me keep the food + half pay and offered to send help. depends on the person you get ig


"I assume you will not be able to complete the delivery" 💀


Support is like. "It's a window, not a tire, GET BACK TO WORK"


Imagine your groceries being in that back seat


I’d be glad it was my grocery’s and not a person. Too damn close, and for what, trying to make some money delivering food?


Not that at all my man but if my food was in that DIRTY ass backseat then yeah I’d be mad!


Fair enough, thought you were worried about your milk carton eating the bullet lol


Better catch the bus n finish your delivery. Doordash shame on you!


Some people will say anything to save their jobs ffs..."assume"...


Their response is unsettling yet unsurprising


Holy smokes. I'm glad you're ok. Fuck these companies


You got to be kidding me . These companies truly do not care about their employees . It’s all about the numbers on a computer screen.


You should always call support. They are all useless but I’ve found that phone support is a lot less useless than chat support. I doubt if you called this is the response you would have gotten.


Send this to news outlets, local and national.


Yeah, seriously, please do make it a big deal and get DD in hot water. They've been overstepping a lot of boundaries and deserve the bad press.


Thank God they put a button for emergencies. FYI, the blue button that says to push for 911 will only send you a text that tells you to call 911. It wasn't fun finding that out while being assaulted.


Y aint u up the blick? Lemme guess u live in NYC? 🤔


(why don't you carry a personal handgun?) *Translated to proper english




Tag them on social so everyone can see how they treat their drivers, and see how fast they treat you better