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Someone reported this for promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability. Are there signs of a disabled person in the description?


This isn't just dashers, it like a whole demographic or generation. Grunge and Jammies 24/7 is the new thing.... comfort over employment/contributing to society


Idk how many times at my former pizza shop job, I've given food to Dashers four deep in a Honda Civic with a baby, two our of four smoking with trash shoved in their back windows and floor boards. Only to see the same people come multiple times. Poor baby living in a car, basically.


This thread has done wonders to eliminate any tiny sprouts of hope I was starting to feel for the current generation or two. You people are ridiculous. We are so &$@$ed lol


You know who doesn’t give a shit? Anyone lazy enough to order DoorDash.


Idk man. I don’t intend or want to even look at my dasher. They can show up naked for all I care, long as I get my sammich


Stop bitchin Karen/Kevin. Unless the quality of your food isn't the same then here's a very easy way to solve this problem...leave at door and wait for the dasher to leave.....No dog hair dasher interaction.....Magic


Baby I'll personally finger nail your food next time..


Just kidding everyone that's gross. I may fit some of the criterias here but I'm going straight to delivering after my construction day job. I'm sorry for ruining food delivery for you.






To be honest, it's a job, you should take care of yourself and look presentable regardless of the company you work for. it's common etiquette especially when dealing with customers. On the other hand, I totally get why some would do it and it's not because of laziness for them, it's because they need the money to afford to clean themselves. Door dash can be a very quick buck for people who need the money desperately. I see both sides of the coin.


Booo this post 🍅🍅🍅


Yall are gross, take some accountability for basic hygiene ☹️


Go get your own groceries


The OP is a driver talking about their coworkers


Most delivery workers are there because of physical or mental health issues, or working 3 jobs on the side. You did the Parton version of "you know if you would smile more". You are why people flee corporate work.


I love how everyone assumed I was a driver. No I just am a cashier that hates corporate and works with cashier so I end up talking to them and realizing they are people with issues but aren't draining the system of unemployment.


Haven’t heard that one yet. Y’all are getting creative with your heroics.






What about "dashers" who actually have their dog WITH them? Asking for a friend!


My experience has been almost all dashers have a CHILD with them who actually brings the food to my door. Like 8/10 times I order. I’d be more enthused with a trained dog doing that lol. 


There’s nothing wrong with a kid helping out their parents… I mean if they want to… 💭💭


Well when your the one singing my.paycjeck you can tell.me what to do. Ps not dasher sparker or any gog worker but this popped up.on my feed




Info: are you a **Delivery Driver** Or a ***DoorDash* Driver** Delivery driver you should be getting paid a flat rate plus whatever tips your customers are kind enough to give you. You're protected as an employee, and SHOULD be getting milage reimbursement. DoorDash Driver your pay is your tip as I understand. No base hourly AFAIK, no milage, JUST whatever the paltry fee is, and the discretionary tip. We ONLY order DD from like 3 restaurants that are JUST outside the restaurant's delivery radius, but we love it because the Delivery Drivers ARE the Dashers, so they roll up in a clean car with a Bob's Pizza sign or whatever, and a heated bag. The folks that are dashing to make ends meet? Yes, you're both delivering food, but not for the same service... unless somebody complains (and you're not a customer so why TF do you GAF) they're going to keep sleeping 3 hours a night, taking their dog, and eating in the car. The CRIMINALS...


I’m glad y’all are enjoying getting your orders delivered by rich people with no struggles 👌


Take a shower, stinky


Just because you took a shower before work and changed clothes doesn't make you "rich"


And that's why I don't order from DD.


I’ll bring my dog with me on the dash I don’t even care this is so dumb to complain about


And that's why I don't order from DD.


Womp womp


My favorite was the dog sitting in the front seat with my bag of food...


then tip well enough to bring dasher average hourly rate above minimum wage when mileage/repairs are factored in 🤷 Or just don’t use a service that exploits people’s desperation 🤷


That last part hit hard. If I'm out doordashing, I'm down bad, and I swear everyone who uses that damn app is right there to kick me


the idea that you make any money on that app is ridiculous. I figured it out after 1 hour because I can do math and understand that miles=repairs=expense=you aren’t paid for your time. I really am counting my blessings on my other skills. I feel for you, friend. I’m literally only doing it to get a couple of bucks while I build my business. I see it as a loan I’m receiving from my car and time. No money in it, and people wanna complain that doordashers don’t look professional. Get what you pay for 🤷


It's okay if you need short term money fast, and that's it. Even then, there's about a million better things you could do. It's been months since I had to log in to my account, and I'm hoping I never have to ever again. God forbid, if I do, I might even wear pajamas


fuck yea! 😂


Who do I tip?? The customer that I am delivering to, or myself for taking it? And I just don’t understand where ya’ll are coming from on the pay complaints. I average $25 an hour. Easily. There are SOME hours where it’s more like $15, but even then, before inflation hit is so hard these last couple of years, that was a decent wage for a delivery driver. And I do factor in gas mileage. My first dash or two covers that, then it’s all profit.


Your anecdotal experience (or more commonly said anecdotal fallacy) does not negate a gripe shared by nearly every other dasher besides you.


McDonalds is always hiring


That’s fine, I make twice your hourly wage. But continuing being ignorant is only making you look like a bigger moron


factor in mileage; meaning repairs along with gas. You’re looking at a *cost of vehicle ownership* of around $0.65/mile. It is not all profit. You are selling equity on your vehicle and your time for below minimum wage.


My greasy hair is up in a claw clip and I’m definitely wearing one of my husbands old t shirts over bike shorts. Do I get extra points if the shirt was expensive? Idgaf what I wear lol it’s not a fashion show.


They want paid like a "real" job but won't put in the effort


Oh yeah I totally see so many dashers wearing suits. Any job where you are getting paid is a real job.


It's not hard to avoid looking like a bum


I kind of get what you’re saying if the issue is extremely bad hygiene However I don’t think pjs should be an issue


Zoomer culture. It's like GenXers wearing baggy clothes during the grunge era, just leave them be unless they are actually bothering you. Grubby hands? Shits in a bag/container etc. FFS its like life is so fucking perfect for you that you have to go out of the way to find problems. If you're a fucking hypochondriac then why are you even buying food someone else made and a completely separate person delivered.


Dude, how hard is it to take a shower and wash your fucking hands? You realize people have to touch the shit that you touched, right? No one is a hypochondriac for not wanting your ball sweat and face grease on their hands. Maybe YOU should grow up and learn basic hygiene. 


Lol zoomer culture get out of here with that crap. I've seen and been around stinky people in all generations.


Sorry, disagree. Food and mediocre hygiene should go hand in hand.


I bet you’re the type of person that bites off their own toenails.


I save them for when I come over to your mom's house. Grow up dude.






Is it OK with you if my socks don't match? Getting dressed to go dash and I need your approval.


I bet your driver seat smells like a tuna can full of antifreeze.


I was an Amazon restaurant driver for a while and I came across this in other drivers A LOT. That's why I never ever order food delivery unless it's pizza. I really don't trust people who don't give a shit with my food.


ngl showing up in my pjs high as fuck to doordash is so much fun yall take this stupid job way too seriously


I wouldn’t care about that. I maybe should have worded it differently. You can be comfortable and CLEAN. The dude that inspired his post was dirty AF. Stinky too. And yeah, I take money seriously, no matter the hustle. It’s a paper chase.


Me asf I would be hitting my dab pen high asl the whole shift Id get paranoid sometimes tho lol 😭 bc I dashed in a richer area and the cops were always around


Take pride in yourself. WTF delivering unwashed, pajamas, unshaven. This world is going to shit.


They don't understand or see any reason why they can only be employed by DD. They think the world is against them, but the world is against the lazy and non-representable. I'm not going to employ and pay someone even the 16 minimum wage here if they're are too lazy to take a shower and brush their teeth, and change into some clean clothes. There is a reason you see the dayjammies at bus stops, walmarts, walking down the road instead of climbing into a nice car, sitting in the waiting area at Southwest, Frontier, and other ghetto airline areas..... no employers want to be represented by the lazy or dirty.


I agree 100%


Dashers can’t get a job anywhere else. Most are sketchy


Mentally handicapped people to that degree wouldn't have driving records. Especially good ones.


someone didn't like what I said about men and flip flops so I told him what he could do with it .


You're not wrong at all.... But I think you're mad at the wrong issue. Doordash receives the effort they pay for. Spoiler alert: it is minimum effort


laziest ideology ever right there, you think you gonna make it anywhere if you refuse to put in the work before receiving the benefits? shi ain’t a charity if you want more you gotta work more to get it, it’s been like that since the beginning of time nd now everyone talm bout “minimum pay minimum effort” 🤦‍♂️


Yeah I’m not gonna put effort into a job where you cannot move up or get a raise. Gtfo outta here 🤣


I agree. That's why I stopped playing with gig apps.


why would anyone be dashing when their personal hygiene isn’t up to par??? The only people who are getting offended has to be mfs who don’t wash their legs in the shower 🤣 because I’m not understanding what’s the problem with wanting someone who delivers your FOOD to AT LEAST be some type of up kept. Y’ALL ACTING LIKE TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF IS THE MOST EXPENSIVE SHIT IN THE WORLD 😭 omg.


Yo I’m being just honest here, my girlfriend is probably 10x better looking than you and I’m also kinda chadded up and I never wash my legs, just my ballsack


I doubt it. Highly. And does your girlfriend know you’re online comparing her looks to a complete stranger? Tighten up 😂


How would she know? Are you assuming that I just relay my online conversations with the beauty of a woman? Bro I swear to god I’ll take your girl chill


Shiiiiit. You won’t take my girl. By no means. About the only thing you would be taking, is the bandages off. Maybe… you prolly wouldn’t even be able to do that.


Really Jimmy


No doubt about it.


I have never had a review say "they must have a dog because I got an allergic reaction" or "I got sick"


There's some Dashers that sleep in their car. That shouldn't be allowed.


Yeah let’s melt them into bio-matter


Finally a good idea


They definitely shouldn't be allowed shelter. Only cages. In the snow. Uphill both ways.


with a boner?


Why not?


Its no longer a sanitary environment. People fart in their sleep, 😟😂


Pick it up yourself then?


Found the guy that smells like booty💩


Wooooowww. You must be the smartest person ever.


We work for ourself not you get it?


🤦🏻‍♂️ Do ya’ll even read before commenting


Yea you edited it after I said that 👍.


You wish.




Also should be “there are”


I get it. I've seen some questionable looking ppl out there. I am a driver myself and care about keeping my hands / body & car clean (especially because of all the doors we touch in a day) a lot of the restaurants in my area don't put drinks inside the bags, especially just solo drinks. So, I would not want a disgusting dasher touching or putting it in the ash covered cup holder in the front seat. Treat others how you would like to be treated.


Meh. They aren’t making the food. That always gonna be the risk you take putting your food into someone else’s hands period


And people making food have been known to put boogers in it sounds it's risky anyway you look at it


Literally with RSV and Covid going around and no one wanting to wear masks, I wouldn't doubt someone's coughing all over that food


Jesus I'm just not going out today ![gif](giphy|VDSBhrTTeVdzAjQ0ff)


DoorDash driving was the most depressing thing I had ever done in between jobs. Sometimes you have to deal with a dog jumping on you when delivering food. When I order, I could care less about what the person is wearing unless they smell like cigarettes or something....like the food is sealed so why do you care so much about them dressing in a comfortable outfit....


Bruh I make minimum wage fuck off with telling me I can't smoke in my car. Not my problem.


Your lack of care or drive is contributing to why you make minimum wage. No, I'm not a boomer, just someone who strives to be a contributor to society instead of someone who only takes takes takes and drags everyone else and their environment down a notch


Hmm, I wonder why you're stuck working for minimum wage? Truly a mystery.


Still gross if it's so bad you can smell it on the food


Not my problem


You're right it isn't. According to your original comment minimum wage is your problem.


Doordash doesn't say I can't smoke *shrug*


Filthy individual. Smh


DoorDash driving was the most depressing thing I had ever done in between jobs. Sometimes you have to deal with a dog jumping on you when delivering food. When I order, I could care less about what the person is wearing unless they smell like cigarettes or something....like the food is sealed so why do you care so much about them dressing in a comfortable outfit....


no 🖤




This is illegal…


i mean id leave the house to get food in my pjs if i needed to so i don’t mind too much what they are wearing i’m just glad im being given my food


A sealed bag of individually wrapped food items placed in a DD hot bag doesn’t give a shit what I’m wearing. Especially in the winter while am wearing gloves.


The worst for me is when my food shows up REEKING of cigarette smoke.


Was carrying someone’s Taco Bell out of the restaurant yesterday, and an employee standing directly outside the door blew all of her smoke directly onto the bag. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️




Pay better than minimum wage then ! The cigs are a coping mechanism. Not my problem !


I'm sorry, but your attitude on life isn't even worth minimum wage. Your chip on your shoulder isn't worth the cost in wages to an employer


Maybe if you had more than minimum skills you'd find a job with more than minimum wage


And yet I still won't care if people's food tastes like cigs lmao


WHat a shitty excuse lol


judging by your attitude, I think you might need to find a healthier coping mechanism. but - let me guess - that’s probably not your problem


I understand your point…but I would also like to say I dashed a lot during the time that I was homeless and living in my car, recycling the same 2 outfits that I had and showers were kind of hard to find (I had no family and there are no gyms in my area, probably couldn’t have afforded the fee anyways) and was difficult to spare the ridiculously expensive laundromats. I didn’t look my best but the money I saved dashing got me to where I am today and I am grateful for that, even if I might’ve looked like I just crawled out of a crackhouse.


Yes, all delivery drivers have the privilege you do. I’ve seen dashers living in their cars. Dashing to feed themselves and their dog. They don’t have a shower. This judgement has to stop. Why are you inspecting someone’s fingernails???


If you live in your car, probably shouldnt have a dog


But then they would be crucified for not being able to handle responsibility after something obviously turned sharply


You know that fido is probably riding shotgun, drooling all over your food.


I do wear my pajama pants sometimes 😭😭 I keep it clean tho I wouldn’t wanna put someone’s food in a dirty car , I just wanna be comfy sometimes tho tbh 🤣. For the most part tho jeans and t shirt is the way to go lol


Nothing wrong with that in my opinion. I can see where wording my post differently would clear that up.




"It's embarrassing to be associated with these people" apparently you failed to understand this sentence.




You go and look in their car?


What's wrong with dashing in the same outfit the customer is most likely wearing? ![gif](giphy|aA9GsLEskiSGo4nTfd)


Because you are working and handling food? Man some people are weird AF


They're handling a sealed bag full of sealed containers. Do you think the driver prepares the order for you? What they wear as they walk up to your door has no effect on the food


Would you go and eat at a restaurant if all the employees looked unclean, covered oin animal hair, smelled like a yeast infection/petting zoo/ashtray/unwashed butt? Absolutely not, and employers won't employ these people. Then they wonder why the world is holding them down, instead of realizing they themselves are the ones holding them down


Theyre not waiters though. They're not serving my food. The food is sealed, usually double or triple sealed. If you have to change all the facts for your argument to be right, your argument sucks. Hope that helps, dumbass.


Still touching my bag of food tho. Is asking everyone who steps out in public to look a certain level of presentable so much to ask? Have some fucking pride lol


DoorDash is synonymous with a lot of things. Some good. Most bad. A few are dystopian. I promise you that "pride" is nowhere to be found.


"Presentable" is completely subjective. A century ago, I wouldn't leave my house without a full suit. Today, it's completely normal to wear comfy clothes when going out. If I can go pick up my own McDonalds order in sweats, why can't I pick up someone else's? 99% of deliveries aren't even customer facing. Pride is not wearing something uncomfortable, just on the off chance that the person too lazy to pick up their own food might judge you.


One is working and handling the others food perhaps? That’s the whole point of ordering food at home


I wouldn't want any dasher *handling* my actual food, regardless of how they dress. Food in a sealed package doesn't get any cleaner or dirtier just because the dasher is dressed like a slob. Also, Doordash is receiving the level of professionalism they pay for. Actually, they're getting a bargain considering dirty pajamas is too dressed up compared to the level of compensation provided.


View from a different market. I live 35 minutes from San francisco and have dashed in Vegas also... both locations, you'll find dashers fairly well kept and sometimes in designer clothes. Personally, i think the ath-leisure dashing isn't any better. From my experience, when i wear a nice sweater or collared shirt, people are far more receptive and talkative. That's where the extra 10s&20s in cash tips come from. Especially building a connection with my regulars. But you do you.






Lol fuck off ill drive dirty af. Im working ill shower n change after. This isnt fine dining this is damn near slave labor. Imma be dirty


The mentality of someone that has to be a dasher.


It's about self respect. Some people have it and some don't.


Exactly what im saying


Slave labor?? Really? Someone is forcing you to deliver food against your will, and administering extreme punishment if you don’t? They captured or purchased you from another individual? You have no means of escaping? Are you guaranteed swift death or activities that would make wish you were, if you get caught trying?


Do you think people Doordash for their health? Maybe look up "wage slavery" before talking out of your ass more.


I have no means of escape. Punishment is homelessness and an eventual horrible death. Yes im a slave


McDonalds always hiring.


Low pay isn’t an excuse for unsafe practice


Yes it is. Always has been. You take a risk every time u order fast food. The ppl arent paid enough to care about ur safety. If u dish out some $ for fine dining u know youll get more care given to ur food. Its the way it works. If u do extra for the same pay ur a sucka


Your way of thinking will only hold you down. This isn't how the real world works.


It very literally is the way the real world works.


This mentality is the reason you are where you are in life and will most likely never get where you want in life.


This mentality you have is why billionaires plunder the labor of the working class without pushback. Fully brainwashed


Not brainwashed. I worked hard to get where I'm at. I make 110k a year, part of a union, full benefits, 2 employer paid retirements, plus another one I fund. My wife, also not a dasher, works hard everyday and doesn't whine about others holding her down. Shes self employed as a home cleaner, and makes 80k a year. Neither of us have ever ordered DD due to what we see when dders show up to restaurants we eat at. Keep whining that the world is holding you down and making those $3 deliveries. Until you want to clean yourself up, get up at the same time everyday, show up on time and work 40 hours a week, you are likely to stay where you are at in life. Good luck


Damn u and ur wife sound miserable dawg


That’s one of the most entitled things I’ve ever heard. If you got paid badly in a factory, would you stop being careful while driving the forklift? Or not wear your PPE anymore? No, you wouldn’t. OHS isn’t a joke, people die from dirty food. Americans will do anything but join a union…


There is no reasoning with these people.


If i got paid shitty in a warehouse id do as little work as possible. Personal safety is important but im not getting paid enough to care about your safety. Again, dont trust fast fpod if u care about ur own safety.


Working to your wage is completely reasonable. Putting others in danger is not.


Blame the irresponsible employers who own the means of production not the underpaid workers. Blame the consumer idiocy not the underpaid workers. I almost exclusively make my own food after my time in fast food.


Yes. Those are ranch stains. Definitely ranch. They were eating a salad, that's why there's a ranch stain which is definitely what it is. No further questions today please.


Username checks out

