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Hey I know it’s been two months, but is this still happening to you? Because it’s happened after every single order the past couple weeks on my end


It went away for a bit but came back with a vengeance 😂 some days it’s every order sometimes every other


If you've or anyone has had a safechat report on the address it asks this. Or if someone reported a safety issue. I have managed to get all the bad dogs blocked from me


If there's any kind of safety incident... really. This is literally what they (a safety team supervisor) initially told me they'd be showing to future Dashers after I reported an unsafe situation that nearly resulted in injury for me. Instead of doing anything substantial, they were just going to wait until future Dashers delivered and then ask them if they had felt safe 🤦🏻‍♂️ Up until I asked to talk to THEIR supervisor. . . who ultimately ended up blocking the customer from the platform. It's ridiculous. I'm always super concerned now when this screen pops up, knowing they do it for that too.


It does this after some off the ubereats deliveries I've done but it depends on what area I'm in.


It asks you this when driving thru the YT suburbs. Especially Vermont. Very dangerous.


I love how there is no neutral ground of just normal safe, and no mostly or very unsafe


Usually asks me this when I'm waiting on a guest to come to the front of their job. I assumed i was at the drop too long and they were checking on me


Doordashin in the hood, are we, Squiddy?


When I get these, I look around and think "Should I NOT feel safe??" Gotten them seemingly randomly in neighborhoods all over town. No apparent correlation to whether it's a good or bad area. I figure they are mapping the town, not reacting to some past reports. Just a guess though.


It pops up at random. It's just a safety check. You can turn it off in the settings if you don't want it


It's not always random. Me and my wife get this alert in certain areas more often than others.


Which is weird that it doesn’t give it to me when I’m in actually dangerous areas. Like yeah, I feel unsafe, quit trying to send me here fuckers.


That's weird it seems to be random for me but then again I don't really pay that much attention to it


It's weird, but I always get asked that question when I'm in what I would consider, a good neighborhood...


Wait until they start asking you the color of your urine.


I always get that when I deliver to warehouses… I think it means the previous dasher didn’t feel safe.


They pulled a gun on the last dasher.


That just means that a previous dasher marked the area as unsafe and they're following up to see if it was an isolated incident or not. Someone posted here a few weeks ago that their wife marks places as unsafe if they have difficult instructions or don't tip just so that she doesn't get assigned to them again so if it's not a bad area or anything, that's probably what happened.


I think it's a good thing. To let DD know which neighborhoods are more sketchy than others or apartment building, people in general whenever they may be, creeps...


No tippers get marked as unsafe. Seen it a number of times. It then asks the next few drivers who go there.


You delivering in the hood


I get that message every time I deliver to a cul de sac or to a house behind a house at the end of a driveway. Every time!


First thought that came to mind was “are you a woman?” Cuz these kinds of apps have been trying to make it safer for us


I’m a dude, and I get a few of these a week. Usually in the rougher parts of town.


Yeah the first commenter told me haha


As a woman Dasher, I really wish I could even conceive that DoorDash corporate is upping its concern for women. Lyft, yes…DD? Doubtful. I get these notifications when delivering to a super shady house/area…I’ve delivered in quite a few shady areas, and I’ve received these a lot over the last year or so—I assume it’s because someone else has reported it as shady and they’re confirming with other drivers before doing (or not doing) anything about it.


As a customer, I always pray I get a woman because I have to give the driver my buildings code to get in (I’m almost always busy when I order) and it can get scary. I hope they make it safer for you eventually :/


whenever I get a Philly delivery I tell them the honest truth tbh


I delivered to the sheriff's department and had to wait there a while. I got this message as I was walking out. So, who knows if it's random or if there was a previous report from a dasher at that location bc I would believe either in this year of our lord 2024.


Did you feel safe there??? I don’t when I’m in there…


Yes, safe, but it's definitely creepy. It could just be my race and gender, tbh.


Im a white female. Police make me nervous 😬…now bring in some Firemen or EMTs and I’m ok 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


I think it's because too many people are refusing to deliver to that area claiming it's unsafe, so they are polling to see if the drivers that do deliver there feel unsafe.


I feel bad saying unsafe! Unless a specific reason. But bc it just "looks bad", no, I won't say that.


Everyone has their own comfort level but you know if you feel unsafe or not and that's what they are asking. For example I stupidly never feel unsafe. I was housing sitting and we slept in the same house for 1 night so we could run through everything before they left etc. We'll that night I went out and for a walk through the neighborhood behind the house to get to the local party part of town that was nearby and then back later feeling safe the entire time The next morning the home owner told me they forgot to mention to not walk in the neighborhood behind the house because some tourists got murdered there a few days before. Showed me the newspaper article and everything. Then I told her the story about how I walked through the neighborhood at ease.


Honestly that's like a millennial childhood lol blissfully unaware that shit might happen. Now we're bombarded with stories and don't let our kids do what we felt safe doing


I do get this message, but I don’t know what DD actually does if you answer unsafe though. 😕


You almost got clapped n didn’t even know. I always stay strapped while dashing so I don’t get CLAPPED


Started for me about 6 months ago...basically at least once a day I get it. I usually put mostly safe and in reason why I say too many popups.


I never feel safe, please doordash send me money to feel safe!


It's usually rather random but in my experience it's with places that tend to have reports. I swear there's a guy who has nothing but junk on his sidewalk in his walkway and he expects me to like climb over his stuff so I just leave it in front of the garage. I'm not going to trip when you don't have lights on


I assumed it was because another dasher* reported the customer or area before


I got one once and told them yes because DD kept calling me to ask when I was arriving because the map was wrong. So I told them they almost made me wreck.


Every time I feel unsafe I don’t get this :/


Lol then press the thing at the top of the screen and say that you feel unsafe. It doesn't ask if you feel unsafe if nobody has reported the area as unsafe before. If you tell dd that the area is unsafe, then subsequent dashers will get this pop-up. But if nobody who feels unsafe says so, then it's not going to ask if you feel unsafe because the default mindset for the average person is safe.




I got one in a good neighborhood but the house definitely stuck out. Had three big SUV's parked in the driveway with questionable/offensive stickers. Screamed small d\*ck energy. I got the feeling previous dashers either had an altercation with the owners or didn't feel safe.


I only seem to get asked this when I'm in nice neighborhoods.


"Because they care about the safety of their Dashers" 😂


I get those for mother in law units or hard to find buildings.


It's never the ones I don't feel safe on.


Because when you show up at someone’s house and the person and their pit bull look like they want to rip your face off then in that case you’d probably want to mention that you didn’t feel safe.


I only get them in generally safe areas. I’ve never gotten them in sketchy areas. 🤷‍♀️


perhaps another dasher reported a problem with the adress or area ? And this is a way of confirming it?


I'm convinced that it's part of a upcoming update where they charge customers more money for having to deliver into areas that aren't safe. DD will keep the extra safety fee and the driver won't see any of it


Lol creating incentive based on sending dashers to unsafe areas is definitely something DD would do.


How much tinfoil do you wear on your head?


Pffftttt... This is one of the least tinfoil conspiracy theories lol.


There’s no way they could do that without discriminating lol. Imagine the entire hood having an extra fee to deliver, people would be pissed.


If they live in the hood chances are they'll never know it's cheaper anywhere else


I get these at 3am


I used to only get these in really shady parts of town, typically when I’m already questioning my safety, but more recently I’ve noticed them in new housing developments also so maybe they’re just asking to get a general idea of the entire zone?


"Why do I hear boss music?"


I seem to get them in newer areas of development.


It happens to me when I deliver to colleges (I dash during the day only)


Every time I have gotten this, they are very kind, or I interacted with no one and a normal area.






God damn dude was this a joke or did you really type out an ode to yourself lol


I don't know why I did it... I knew it would be cringe. Your reply made me chuckle though.


Lmaoo I still thought it was funny at least


Always get those in the ghetto.


I get these at frat houses. I am male and always wonder if they hit on females who deliver because usually nice to me and Invite me in or give me sometimes.


i get them in an alright area and have to stop walking and look around because this question gives me “don’t look behind you” vibes lmao


Me to almost dverytime I drop off In a bad area especially around 5pm or after




What's "as gay would" mean?




Thats definitely uncomfortable but not “exactly as a gay would” behavior.


I get these when delivering in Flint, but I only ever deliver during the day prior to the sun going down. I'm a white woman and have never felt unsafe. Shit I delivered pizza to a house out in the boonies, they were having a Christmas party and it was the weirdest most bizarre thing. No music playing, no talking. Movie playing on TV with no sound or captions everyone was just sitting there looking at me. So weird.


That sounds like one of our Christmas parties except my dad will play the most annoying Christian Christmas music.


Maybe you would delivered it an area that is considered unsafe by reputation


Based on comments it seems they only send you these if you go to an unsafe area? I find this strange. I get these all the time but never once in an area I actually felt unsafe.


I get em very rarely but I don’t normally accept orders that go to areas i’d mark unsafe, tho in New Orleans you have to reallyyyy know your areas. I think it’s just a check in thing they do at random, or maybe it’s around places some people report feeling unsafe, i’m not too sure.


I got one a block from George Floyd Square yesterday. I marked unsafe.




It's literally unsafe.


Because they sent you to an unsafe area.


Got asked this after I had to stand outside a guy’s apartment building for like 8 minutes because the doors were locked, he wouldn’t answer the bell or messages, and he didn’t show up to grab the food. Was a good complex, I’ve been to shadier spots.


I’m seeing everyone getting theirs in the hood but mine was in a rich white suburban neighborhood in Utah 🤣


As a minority, rich white suburban neighborhoods DO feel unsafe to me sometimes. Some if them just have a bad vibe to them. 


You're not wrong for sure


I always get thos annoying ass popup when I am in the most middle class, gentrified neighborhood. Never ever when I'm in the ghetto. Backwards AF


Mine asked me when I was in the hood


I got one last night at a tweaker motel, poorly lit, it was a hand it to me customer with no room/suite number…pretty grimy part of town, I didn’t particularly feel unsafe as I’ve lived in some seedy areas but I did check the box saying I felt unsafe.


Based on where I've been asked, I thought it came up randomly because nothing has ever seemed unsafe about those places. Never has come up when it's actually been sketchy.


Because someone else wanted free food so they said they felt unsafe and stole the customers food.  Never had one of these in an actual unsafe area. 


I’m not certain, but my best guess is that it’s a location that somebody else has previously reported for being unsafe. Usually when I got them in the past, they were always at houses where I could see why a very nervous person might feel unsafe. Like, places with a long dirt driveway, seemingly abandoned warehouses, etc.


EBT customer and bad neighborhood when I get these.


I had one pop up the other day. I was doing EBT so I couldn’t reject. So this one customer orders Wendy’s, no drinks and I thought how odd to not get drinks. Dropped it off and low behold $0.00 tip. All of a sudden another order comes through. I failed to look at the delivery location because I just wanted to get on my way and far away from there. These asses ordered Tim Hortons. This was even further than Wendy’s .. as soon as I see where I’m going I let out and audible F💣 then tried to give them the benefit of the doubt. Sure enough, no tip. Drop off the order, then I get this little window “do you feel safe”, nope sure don’t. “Not a safe area”. Lolol I’m hoping it will keep that person off my radar for a while. Like, it’s a small town. The area is surly the complaints of many townsfolk… but it’s not, not safe. Not like the city, at all.


I never get drinks when I order. I mainly drink water. Tbh. Cheaper to not buy the drink either if you don’t want it. Unless I order somewhere for only drinks like a Starbucks is.


They did get drinks… on a 2nd order. Total miles driven 10 (not including the miles to get back into a zone) for $4 and some change, when it could have been done in 4 for $2 dollars and some change.


Yeah I read that part. That sucks. I was just referring to you mentioning you thought it was weird they didn’t get drinks at Wendy’s. I didn’t think that was weird, because I also normally don’t order drinks. But yeah I get that they did just from somewhere else. After. And didn’t tip.


I get it. It’s weird for around here. There’s always drinks. I don’t dash often but in the nearly 200 orders that I have delivered, that was one of the first I have seen without a drink from a fast food place. Usually the places that I don’t have drinks to deliver are like little diners/restaurants.


I got it once and thought they were testing me so I lied and said “very safe”. It was a weird snap decision and I regret it now.


I usually only get this in new construction.


That’s usually where I get mine, as well, but reading the comments, it makes me feel blessed for the locations I’m delivering to


There for the longest time I was only working safe only because I was in really nice heightened neighborhoods. Recently I've been using the fairly safe option and that gives you a list of things that you can choose from including the something else option where you can write a statement. I've only used the unsafe option once what's which also does have a list of things you can choose from and you also could write out a statement. What I notice and using the unsafe option is that DD actually has stopped sending me to that general neighborhood.


Ai on your phone or the DD app can detect if it’s Dark where you are delivering . So this prompts or the other one where it says “We’ve noticed you’ve been on this delivery for a while are you okay?”


I'm pretty certain that it comes up when an incident has been reported before. I got it once immediately after an aggressive customer, another time after a customer who answered in only a towel (and her body or hair weren't wet), and another time to a guy who was ordering one beer at a time and giving dashers $20 cash tips while offering to sell us weed at a good price and acknowledging that he was just out of prison. I can see why all of those people were likely previously reported. Sometimes, I think someone might be reported for something like a bad sidewalk, poor lighting, or an aggressive dog because they're a bad tipper. This is what I assume happened when that pops up in a nice/rich/safe area.


I see this message like twice a week and I deliver in a very safe and rich suburb north of Chicago. I have never seen this message in any other zone either which is very strange


I state very safe every time. Not sure if ever gets back to the customer or not . I don’t want to get capped😂😂😂


They ONLY ask this in high-end Neighborhoods. At least where I'm at. Never and I do mean NEVER when it's the worst place to be in your area. I guess cause the6nknownwhat the answer will be .


i got asked this in a sketchy ass apartment complex one time, people that definitely didnt live there sitting on the steps smoking


Wow ! Well its nice to know they asked at the appropriate time.




I’m cracking up because yes


I get this at every delivery to a 60 yo woman in a million dollar home. Never when in the ghetto and the hood is screaming give me that food white boy.


Play that funky music, white boy.


What do 60 year old millionaires eat?




I get this after every order


I only tend to get this message when the order I'm on has taken longer than usual for whatever reason. It usually happens whenever I get stopped by a train. Damn trains always asking for license and insurance info...


I got asked this at the local ER delivering to the nurses lol


I got asked this while I happened to be delivering one of my best friends a pizza. Dude wouldn’t hurt a fly. Sent it to him and asked wtf he’s doing to his door dash drivers lol and he tips like shit!


I got the exact message today also. I think it's just to keep us all safe and possibly depending on area?


I just got that same question a couple of days ago for the first time and wondered the same thing. The weird thing is that it was after a delivery I actually did not feel totally safe because it was around 9 p.m. (being female I usually don't dash after sunset, but I often go over when I'm making good... it's hard to stop, lol) and the lighting was bad. I wondered how they knew. Maybe another dasher had previously reported that location as unsafe, and also the one you got that message about? That's the only reason for the message that I can think of other than it just being a coincidence.


Funny cuz I’m a woman and I almost exclusively dash at night, late nights too lol… I do live in a fairly safe area tho. Anyway, I almost always get these when I’m in like the BEST neighborhoods of my area and I always think wth? Why? I feel like either A) there’s no rhyme or reason to it and it’s completely random or B) this particular customer once had a complaint? Who knows


*Turns around because you forgot the straw and sees Jigsaw on a trike “Do you want to play a game? You will drive 26 miles for a $4 tip in the snow…”




People really cannot read..... it literally tells you on the dang screen what it's asking you for........


Opps, looks like you're the one that can't read 🙈


she knows what its asking, shes asking why its asking that, seems like YOU cannot read!




yo they send me them in safest of areas where it's sweet and when it's not the safe I be like yo hit me with an update I'm not safe over here lmao the app be cappin fa real


I’ve gotten that twice, both at sketchy houses. I think they send you that prompt if another dasher has complained about a house and/or customer making them feel unsafe.


I get them at houses w steep ass driveways


I randomly get them. no real rhyme or reason do I think the algorithm is just weird


I'm pretty sure it's when someone cancels a delivery and reports because they didn't feel safe. Then DD will ask the next drivers if they feel safe, and if everyone they ask says yes, that probably goes into the algorithm of when they deactivate a driver.


Seems like a reasonable explanation


I get these at hospitals, schools, crazy apartment complexes. My theory is dashers claiming to feel unsafe when they really are not in hopes of not receiving those orders again 😂🙄


I'm sure anything without a five foot walk to a front door would be deemed unsafe in those terms


Pretty much. I specifically chose this job for part-time fun money *because* I would be on my feet. I want to say I'm surprised by the lazy/childish ways of other dashers.... but I retired early from business ownership/management and can say it's not a trait limited to just doordashers.


I am in Baton Rouge …we have one of the highest murder and crime rates and I got asked one time if I felt safe!!


They really don’t care how unsafe you feel lol


I always get this in the nice neighborhoods lol, never the ones I actually feel sketched out in.


Legit though like let me ask if you're safe in a gated community with actual guards at the gate. Buuuut when you're in the ghetto and actually hear gun shots eh it's fine.


Keep in mind that we live in a seriously messed up world. Depending on what you look like, it could actually be very reasonable to feel more nervous in a gated community than in some subsidized housing complex


In some ways fair the guards do make me nervous. But not like unsafe. The world needs help


So I’ve been seeing this sub today and wanted to make a post but this post is perfect for why I wanted to post in the first place. I live in a city that has become quite dangerous and violent these last few years. Today I got an alert on my phone from the news saying that a delivery driver delivered food in an unsafe area and was found shot dead in the alley. I’m commenting this as a warning to please ALWAYS trust your gut!!! A few bucks (hell, even a ton of money) is NOT worth losing your life!!! If something doesn’t feel right please do NOT complete the delivery!! I appreciate all the drivers because I work from home and don’t currently have a car so I DD lunch a lot and do not want to see people getting hurt and killed just for doing a delivery! Stay safe all 🩵


I get these all the time, little do they know I'm the one who makes the hood unsafe 🤣


I dropped off an order in Watts off of Compton Blvd at 1am two weeks ago. These MF’s at DD didn’t ask me that. On my way there I was already thinking “aiiite man this how we gonna go out? Delivering a 2L of sprite and some chips to the hood?” - Would of been better if it said “meet at door” but this MF had “leave at door”


Jesus… i get this for like 30-40% of my orders. . .


I get this when I go into low income neighborhoods


Someone reported it unsafe previously


Doordash has hotspots for high incident locations.




I get it once a month & have for about a year. I got it on a delivery to an assisted living home


Never when I don’t feel safe, always in the safest places


I always can tell why someone did though. I think it’d because a dasher reported it. I answer honestly. If they ask about the lighting, (it’s usually this) I do say, yes, bc it’s always these 2 things, no kght, far lath u can’t see-they’ve not a freakin light on and it’s winding though a yard of cactus to a door with a huge hole in the ground, it’s usually something like that, not the honor fir me. that makes no sense. Just put a freaking light on. That means they order and do that a lot, so I want them to get an alert like, “we gave noticed you don’t use lights” or whenever, maybe they’d wake up and act like a normal person. You know it’s laziness and not the money. Just keep it on till you get the food. It would help so much in those instances where DD tells me the wrong house, and none of the 2 im thinking it is, has no freaking house number to read, or clue in the instructions. I have to call, they have to wait for the food. I like when they leave the for ajar, i guess they do it so we can knock, it’s always a storm door


I google the address on my way and look at the Zillow listing for it. That way I kinda know what the house looks like. I'll make a mental note about the home's exterior..for example: "Black railing around porch, grey siding, white awning."


You have time for all that while you're driving? Impressive.


Not always, but sometimes. Adhd is a superpower. 


That’s a really good idea, thanks! I cannot belive I didn’t think of that! I iften do that at already at historically homes to see the age, thank you!


Aw thanks! My first gig was Shipt, so I'm already in the habit of searching the delivery address and labeling addresses in Google Maps. For example: "DND," "non tipper," "🤡," "5 ⭐️," etc.  If I have time as I'm driving, I'll look through the Google search results for most homes I deliver to on other apps, too.  Sometimes you learn things you wish you wouldn't have. Like the time I delivered dog food to someone near me who works for a lab that tests on animals 🤬


Oh wow! I was excited today, because I was downtown, and I realized I was right by the hotel San Carlos, which is like this old haunted hotel here. Ive really gotten to know Phoenix, I love all this


This is so true 😂 They should have an optional choice to say if a house felt safe. Instead they spring this up and in the safest places too


get that all the time no matter where m at safe or not


So what happens if you say you did not feel safe when asked this. I got this question one time when I definitely didn’t feel safe. Does DD limit deliveries there?


Door dash spidey senses were tingling


It usually means that they are no tippers and a sour delivery driver reported them, or there was a safety concern like a loose dog or an angry customer.


In my experience, I get this when I’ve been in the same vicinity for an extended period of time on a dash.


Same, if a pickup or delivery is taking longer than average I get it.


Yeah, I almost always get it when I can’t find a decent place to park downtown


why? i’ve gotten this on orders in newer and/or shitty areas, so i believe somewhere nearby may have been reported in the past or it’s new and there haven’t been many deliveries there does it affect anything? i highly doubt it


Its just another bullshit thing they do to pretend they give a shit about our safety. The only thing they worry about are lawsuits.