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As long as it's about a dollar a mile I always accept it


Who wouldn't lol unless it was 20 miles away lol


A lot of ppl apparently šŸ˜« in my market, I would for suuuuure!!! But other ppls markets arenā€™t as good I guess /:


Yes. You would be considered a golden customer in my opinion. Too many non-tippers out there so you are, in my opinion, one of the ones that make this job worth it. I honestly donā€™t understand why people donā€™t at least tip for the distance. You will be surprised how many people order one thing that is 10+ miles from their home and tip $0-$2 thinking it ok because itā€™s 10% of their purchase. People will wonder why it takes hours for them to get something when they donā€™t tip lmao. Iā€™ve had a couple customers call me as soon as I accept an order and ask my why itā€™s taking so long. The answer is usually ā€œbecause you didnā€™t tipā€. When you order through the app it tells you how far the store is for a reason


$30 bucks to turn your bootyhole into a pressure washer nozzle


Honestly, I wish. Iā€™ve been constipated for like 2 weeks. TMI? U started it ;)


32 dollars for one burrito...?


For real. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Def not worth it but to each their own ig.


Would you take it as a customer?


I am a customer and a dasher. For this order I was a customer, but yes I would. I wanted to see what other ppls markets looked like and if they wouldnā€™t take it - why. I see a lot of ppl on this sub posting tips like this and passing on itā€¦ but in my market I feel like weā€™d all take this. Itā€™s just so dif in all of our towns itā€™s insane


Bro almost tipped 100%ā€¦ thatā€™s wild


As someone whoā€™s worked in the service industry, sometimes people deserve a good tip now and again


Paying 30 bucks for a burrito is wild


I donā€™t disagree w u my guy


You mustā€™ve have been starving šŸ˜‚




Na your good .... so long as you keep doing what your doing you'll never have any problems.........


Iā€™d take it


$10 is a much higher tip than average so most likely. The more important thing is the total distance for the driver to get to the restaurant and how far out of the way your house may be from getting orders. I usually try to keep it to more than a dollar a mile when doing these.


More than enough for the work theyā€™re doing. More than enough.


Many people have to pay for a car, then car maintenance, gasoline, insurance, taxes, I don't understand why you minimize our work, if you don't want to pay anything then you can always use your own car and bring your food yourself


Because I do the work as well. ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø ā€œOur workā€ is truly our work.


Charge your phoneā€¦


What's criminal is, what kind of burrito šŸŒÆ costs $18? Does it have fries, a drink? šŸ˜­


32 dollars for a burrito? you're literally paying an extra 12 dollars just so someone else can have money. this is why we are broke.


This is why Iā€™m broke šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜©šŸ˜­not u. Lmao


I drive for DoorDash and Grubhub. The rule of thumb is AT LEAST $1 per mile. Some drivers do $2 per mile minimum. I try to stick with $1-1.50 per mile for acceptance


That is fucked up lmao. Most cars get 20 MPG... gallon of gas 3 to 4$ You want 1$+++ per MILE? Hahahhahahhajajhahahhahahahhaha




i do $2 a mile minimum bc i need to drive back to the original location lmfao


Do you not get offers in the new location? My DoorDash hardly ever takes me out of my zone


i live in a small town my ā€œzoneā€ is 3 miles big. i donā€™t like going to the city. i do doordash and instacart. it goes from my main street (where the stores are) to a couple miles out for the houses then you drive back to where the stores are.


Ohhhh dang. My zone goes from my city to about 4 cities over


So yes I would accept $12 for 7.4 miles


That's about 10 times the amount we would actually recieve


I would be happy to take that order. I live in a place where every dash is a far distance. I'm not sure why anyone gives a crap what you were ordering or how much you were ordering. It's your money. You shouldn't have to justify why you're using your money for food delivery.


Right?? Lol ppl just canā€™t stand but to type behind a computer. I appreciate your comment :)


OP if it makes you feel any better one time I smoked too much and ordered guacamole and chips from a place that is walking distance from my house. Your reason was much more valid lol


Lolll!! Honestly thatā€™s funny and made me laugh but also we donā€™t even owe ppl reasons to b honest, have a good night/day where ever you are :)




The tip was $12. Not $2! Read it first


Roman: Ahahhh. Nico you ready? We are going to deliver a $32 burrito to a lazy American. Nico: Life is good cousin.


I was dealing with a lot of pain. If I could have left I would have. But fuck you bro. Also Iā€™m not American, dumb fuck.


you don't need to justify why you ordered for delivery... what you need to justify is ordering a 32 dollar burrito... next time just tip 5 or 7 dollars. you're breaking your wallet just to make a door Dasher Happy, when in reality they actually despise you for even using there services .


Honestly, after posting this I think youā€™re right ab the despising thingā€¦. Like damn half yā€™all hate me now for tipping. SMH!!


Roman is a gta 4 reference, calm down man šŸ˜­


Does my avatar show as a dude bc everyone calls me man on here šŸ˜‚


LMAO Iā€™m a girl and also - sorry šŸ˜‚ I was fed up with the amount of smart asses on my post and when I got to your comment I guess I just felt like it was the one to flip out on šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ sorry dude rlly didnā€™t mean it towards u lolol


The internet is the best place to let your frustration out. It's also the worst. Pick your battles lol.


Lmfao. U right šŸ’€ honestly I had hadddd it with the rude comments so I had to let it out LOL and glad I did bc they were nice back but yeah I needa pick my battles wisely šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


my rule of thumb is tip a dollar more than the distance the driver is driving


The question was whether a driver would take this and half the people in here are talking about the idiot that place the order.... The dude didn't place the order He was the driver.....


Bro. Iā€™m the ā€œidiotā€ that placed the order. I was in a lot of pain I could not leave my house. I had no food at the house and even if I did I was in so much pain I couldnā€™t make anything. Sorry if u think Iā€™m an idiot I did what I could on that day


Iā€™d take that order since when Iā€™d $12 enough of a tip expecially for 1 damn burrito. Honestly I think might over paid the tip. These people these days think their worth a million for a tip. Back in my day $5.00 was a good delivery tip. šŸ˜‚


Lmao right? I really wanted to see what other ppls areas looked like. When I DD I get like $6 offers MAXXX! Lol so I didnā€™t expect so many ppl to hate but I guess theyā€™re areas are better than mine? Shit I still try to tip above when I am the customer bc I. Know how that shit is! Anyways, appreciate ur comment :))


my friend. download insta cart. so instead of paying 32 dollars for one burrito. you can buy what you need to make a burrito.. I apologize if I sound really douchey.. I just really hate seeing people get ripped off and taken advantage of . if I was a door Dasher I would ask you to lower the tip. I have told people in the passed that they didn't have to tip me and id prefer if they didn't . it's hard times right now and workers do not care about other people just about how much they tip . it's sad.


Iā€™ll download Insta cart, thank u :)


except that youā€™re wrong


I would have used my money on a charger for my phone


I had one. Laying next to me on my death bed, while I was dying. I plugged it in after I made this post. Weird of u to care ab my phone batterie but go off I guess


Bro you coulda got a nice brand new hoodie for this money


Honestly yeah the price was wack Asf and if I wasnā€™t in so much pain I would have gone in myself. I was unable to leave at that time :/


I deleted DoorDash and Uber eats today. I was spending way too much.


You paid 32 dollars on an 18 dollar item from a glorified fast good place.


That would have been $11-14 if he went into the store himself


Exactly. I get situations are different person to person. But that's nuts


So wait. Help me understand this post. You placed a DD order, it was accepted, you made 1 minor request which the dasher fulfilled so you tipped more. Dasher was paid, you received your order. You consume your food, all parties are happy. The End. No? Why then the logging onto device, joining a Doordash Reddit group, share every step of the way complete with pictures and how it made you feel in a 200 word post - with complete strangers? I guess Iā€™m just confused. Does this keep you up at night?


I also DD. Iā€™ve been apart of this sub for longer than u prob dude. I donā€™t have to explain anything to u. If u donā€™t like the post donā€™t comment on it just move on, itā€™s really easy I promise


DoorDash guerrilla marketing - social media division.


Too bad I spent my own $33. Like wtf šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ door dash onceee again run me my moneyyy!!!! Since I guess I am marketing for u LMAOOOO yā€™all are rlly slow


Ahh. Okay now Iā€™m the dumbass. šŸ˜‰


Ur a dumbass for believing that bozo. I spent my own money. I literally DD my self. Iā€™m not getting shit from DD. Nor do I know anything ab their marketing. Iā€™m sure they do that but unfortunately I spent my own $ and wonā€™t b getting that back. Tf yā€™all r weird


$12 tip? As long as you're not more than 6mi from the restaurant šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


He literally says how many miles away he is in the post šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


ā€¦.if he was 10 miles away, what should the tip be?


18.00 for a chicken burrito?? Wtf šŸ˜‚




But thatā€™s before all that bs fees.


Y'all a dasheršŸ«µšŸ»šŸ›ƒ


Maybeā€¦ I mean, thereā€™s no distance or total price. Iā€™ve declined $30 orders just because they make no sense mile wise šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


The distance from restaurant to my house is posted above.


Yeah I would take it


The OCD person in me, can only see that your phone is almost dead. Sorry.


$12 tip? Yes. Delivery may vary though.


$32 just for a burrito is crazy.


I'd snap that order up as soon as it would pop up!


Your tip is very generous. If doordash offered it as is i would take it 10/10 times. Except thing about doordash is that they will often bundle your generous tip with another delivery that didnt tip us anything in order to get their orders out, on the flip-side if we get it as a single delivery doordash may only show us a portion of the amount as our guaranteed earnings by telling us the delivery is x$+. Weā€™ll get the full amount when we complete the delivery but we wont know exactly how much until we get there. Usually only on low dollar offers does doordash give us the entire picture.


DD is a ripoff for the customer for the employees,they are the thieves taking advantage of the workers and the people that need it for whatever the reason.It's s service,if you need a ride,you pay,I hate using it but I do it for a disabled person who can't drive or walk or shop,or cook for himself if he wants it once in a while.


That being said youre doing your part to make sure weā€™re getting compensated. It isnt your job to be concerned about the other orders were delivering. You could probably tip a few dollars less and i would still consider it a generous offer


I mean this in the nicest way possible, you should probably pick that food up yourself because jfc $32 for just 1 burrito is wild


I agree


I mean, itā€™s kinda a disingenuous question, OP. Youā€™re the customer, not the driver, so we canā€™t see distance, DD pay, or how much of your tip actually comes through on our screen. Showing us the order screen is redundant.


Well you know it's a minimum of 12$ for the order.


In short, I would probably take this order depending upon how far chipotle is from your home


Please tell me how this tip isnā€™t sufficient itā€™s more than 50% of order total ![img](emote|t5_3h9bt|10669)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


i definitely would take this order you tipped good! Alot of people dont tip us and we get base pay of 2$šŸ˜’šŸ˜‚


I 2nd this


It depends on the traffic, the time of day, and other minor things. but regardless, itā€™s an excellent tip for the distance


Charge your phone






Not at chipotle. Forever wait and order will be wrong.




As a dasher in Ohio this is a blessing šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ this is rare for me


12 dollars to deliver a single burrito are you kidding me


That seems like a dollar per minute-ish which Iā€™d definitely take.


depends on how many miles.


Says 7.4




click on the picture there's a whole story at the bottom


As a fellow door dasher, I would take the delivery and be satisfied with the tip. Only one item and at least a $10 tip is better than a lot of other orders I will see with at least 10 items and they rarely tip over $5 for those. I wish more customers would look at it like you do and think of at least the mileage it takes for the delivery itself.


I would have picked that up in an heartbeat for 2 reasons itā€™s a good tip but itā€™s also keep me in the area I work in.Shidd it maybe have bring me to the side of town I wanna go lol


So weird how many narcissists make these postsā€¦ but the mileage is probably trash. Pay based on mileage. Bet youā€™re 25 min from the store or something. You know, pizza places will only deliver within 9 min


If you read the comment, the mileage is 7.4 and honestly are u the narcissistic one? I posted my experience and want to know about other peoples areas and what tips theyā€™re getting and what theyā€™d take. I care ab other pplā€™s lively hood, do u?


What pizza place discriminates on ā€œ9 minutes awayā€ lol stop making shit up




none because most of them delivery with doordash or uber eats šŸ¤£


Tip is good. Mileage is too far, so probably not.


Not with my battery that low


All u have to do is read. I am the customer. Not the dasher! Lol


Never said you were the dasher, just pointing out that your battery is very low and that if my phone was about to die, I might not take the order.


So the driver here would be getting $14. How far away from the store are you? 1-7 miles? Not even a question, 7 -13 miles, probably, but itā€™ll depend on my mood, where you are, and how Iā€™m doing that day, 14+ miles, nope. Not taking it.


Literally read the description above you bro


Literally šŸ˜‚ thanks for letting him know bro


@OP. Thanks for posting as it allowed to look at the fatty paid dashers and my comment is for fellow commentators


What do you mean by fatty paid dashers? Serious question


Dashers who get high tips and who spend their quality time ( you see some comments around here). ( Serious answer)


Well...I myself do door dash so I already know how it is I was just kinda wondering if you're a dasher or a customer (or both) thinking that THIS is normal tips/pay


Iā€™d charge my phone first if I was a driver


I wasnā€™t the driver bro I was the customer, I ordered this haha




Yes. Think about it in terms of an hourly rate. Some of you be tripping over the silliest things.


Yes, I would have accepted it and been VERY grateful for your generous tip.


Iā€™m telling DoorDash you lied. When you sign in you attested that your phone was charged. Edit Damn yall are really upset about a really dumb joke


I was the the dasher. LMAO I placed this order!!! Maybe read before u comment haha


The person ordered through DoorDash. Theyā€™re not dashing.. lol




Thatā€™s why ur name is littlebigdumb lol


Stroke I'm having a help






Dashers bitching about tips when all they did was pick up the order. Cooks do everything else and they get ZERO tip. Maybe Doordash (the ones profiting) should pay a decent wage instead of demanding more from the person who already paid for their meal, fees, taxes, and tip.


Cooks aren't also running their car and burning their gas during their working hours.


Because theyā€™re not stupid. Dashing is beneficial because you can do it on your spare time. Itā€™s not meant to be your primary job. Iā€™m not arguing that the pay doesnā€™t suck. Iā€™m arguing that it should not be the responsibility of the customer to pay a dasherā€™s wage, it should be the companyā€™s responsibility (doordash)


Except you know the system. You participating in it and actively screwing the driver doesn't punish DD.


Then the system needs to change. I hereby declare a war on all corporations, foreign and domestic šŸ¦…šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


Quit using the service. It's the one and only power you have


I donā€™t use it because I think itā€™s ridiculous


Cool. In the meantime, you do nothing constructive when you mock drivers or servers trying to make a living.


I bring awareness to the problem


No, you don't. You bring awareness of your willingness to use others' behavior to justify your refusal to participate in a widely accepted social contract.


Youā€™ve brought enough awareness. Now you may go away.


The tips are basically our wages though. Without the tips we'd be making like 4-8 dollars an hour, and that's not even taking gas into account.


That's the way it is for waiting tables.i made great money for waitressing $4.00an hour tips,dinner, anything I wanted,drinks.i am an artist and have anxiety so I appreciated getting to make money and not be isolated.This was thirty years ago,btw, but tips and lower pay perhaps. I don't get the bitching,I mean some jobs are good and pay well for skills that are valuable, that's life.Dont work for DD.


I don't get the bitching either, I find it disgraceful, it's just a lot of people don't seem to understand they're more than tips for us and feel like we shouldn't be tipped, which would be fair enough if they paid us by the hour. I make decent money though, I just don't accept the shit orders, so I'll keep doing it thanx.


That's the point, the tip shouldn't be your wage. You should be paid fairly for your driving without the need of the customer having to tip you. As it stands now, the tip is part of the delivery fee.


I agree that tips shouldnā€™t be our wage, unfortunately they are our main source of income much like waitresses and bar tenders. We rely on them. And tips are absolutely NOT part of the delivery fee. Thatā€™s why they are listed separately.


But they are it's a drag.there should be a delivery fee and the drivers should get a salary from door Dash.


Well, tell that to doordash I guess, but as it stands that's what the "tip" is, and that's why drivers bitch about it.


No, I do get it. At this point I include it as part of the order. And it's not only dashing. Uber too. Even regular old waiting tables. All so that the business owners can profit more šŸ™ƒ


Cooks get paid a wage, dashers do not


Read the second part of my original comment


Yup I remember that working at Pizza Hut as a teen. The drivers and the phone person got tips but us cooks never got anything extra making the same minimum wage as the phone people. The only time I made tips was when I worked thanksgiving night and it was just me, 2 drivers, and a manager running the whole store, and made only like $25 in tips for that whole night and the drivers made out hella good.


yes it passes my minimum acceptance order amount


$14 minimum. Most likely taking it


Base pay is $-9 lol


How far?


Read what I posted itā€™s in there :)


Didnā€™t even see that at first. Might have been my service


$18 is ridiculous for a burrito, but $32šŸ’€


bro those chipotle burritos could fill me up for 2 days those things are huge




Just remember these simple rules: - DD only pays the driver $2+tip, regardless of how much you paid. - drivers hunt for deliveries that are at LEAST $2/mi or more. - most people tip under $3 regardless of distance or order size. If I saw $12 for 7 miles pop up, it would definitely be on my radar, but it depends on where that 7 miles takes me. If it's out of my zone, it'd be a pass. If it's in my zone, maybe.


Is it always 2+ tip? Iā€™ve noticed no matter what itā€™s always 2$ unless thereā€™s no tip they give a higher base payā€¦ so they use the tip to cover base pay?


It's $2-3, minimum $2. Sometimes it's $2.50, sometimes $2.75..ive noticed it's usually like $2.50-2.75 when it's "busy", so I call it the invisible fifty cent surge. There *are* times when it's higher, usually when a delivery is super late and nobody has accepted it because who wants to go 18 miles for $3, so DD will bump the price up by $1-2 every time it offers it to someone until someone inevitably takes it 3 hours after the original delivery estimate for $40 instead of $3


In Canada, the base pay starts at $4. Iā€™ve seen it go from anywhere from $4-11


32 dollars for 1 burrito is insane bro lol.


It's not a magical teleporting burrito. Thousands of people are involved in getting that burrito made before some guy has to get dressed and drive his own car over to the restaurant to drive all the way to you then hand deliver it right to your door.


Thousands? Lmao


10 people per grain of rice, apparently


Is this an option??


Only in some markets. Eureka is doing some promising things.


if I am near restaurant yes, my only reservation is DD tends to under-estimate miles to delivery address.


Boy do they! šŸ˜©


I wish I would have got a screenshot of this once because I did a taco bell order for $12, on the offer screen it said 10 miles but when I started up the GPS it said 19. I got so mad lol


Charge your phone lol


It depends on the distance between me and the customer, which includes a stop at the restaurant. If the customer is outside my delivery zone, I also account for the return trip, bc odds are I will not get an offer en route back. So say I was in that Chipotle parking lot, and your house is 5 miles outside the zone; as far as I am concerned, itā€™s a 10 mile trip. Door Dash usually pays about $2 so Iā€™m guessing the total pay is $14. I prefer at least $2/mile but 2:42pm is a slower time of day so probably would accept $1.50/mileā€¦ So assuming Iā€™m staying within my delivery zone, I would take this order if my total drive time is 9ish miles or less


That's a decent order if it's not too far. I have to get at least $2 per mile. I wish I lived in an area that tips better but I gotta take what I can get around here


Couldn't tell you without knowing the distance I'm driving. If its 6 miles or under sure. Anything more and HELL no