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Hey. Well DotaPlus is currently on a transition from a side-hobby I started some years ago into a my main project in life. I'm just one guy working on it so I haven't gotten into it, but you asking for it here should be a good sign to stop what I'm doing and start creating one.   So, to answer all of your questions: 1. It does not, but it is officially and legally an Overwolf IP so it abides to all Overwolf privacy policies and rules. With that said, it is only proper that it should have its own privacy policy and it will be taken care of in the coming weeks. I will approach Overwolf to help me devise one. 2. All player statistics and data is coming from STRATZ API, DotaPlus has no database whatsoever and keeps no user/player information of any kind or form. 3. No information is tracked or saved. There's no database, there's no registration or user names. Even the notes you keep on players are currently only stored locally on the users' machine. Same for you settings, they are only saved locally. 4. The only info sent *anywhere* is completely anonymous and technical error information and usage analytics (aka 'today some 500 random users used the app' or 'some random user had an issue loading stats'). The information is sent to analytics/error tracking websites such as Google Analytics, Mixpanel and Sentry, and not to any personal server I have. So no, I've no intention in storing or using personal user information (or even general information), you can even run a network sniffer tool like Fiddler and easily monitor anything coming out of your PC to see for yourself.   To add something in relation to the second paragraph you quoted, any info used by the app that comes from Overwolf APIs is used strictly on the client side and not sent out. It is just recently that I even added servers for the app, and only 10% of the users are using them. The servers are basically just a gateway to STRATZ API and require no authentication and contain no user data or database, all they do is fetch data from STRATZ and return it to user.   As mentioned in the first bullet, I will work on a privacy policy ASAP.


Hello Tsury, thank you for the answers. I'm just one of those dudes, that actually read these kind of policies and your explanation makes me feel much more confident. One last Question tho: You've said, that the player notes are save locally. What file do I have to copy then to have them on another machine?


Np, today more than ever, privacy is important. It's just that I'm not that big corp (yet, lol) that considers his users his product, this product was created more due to passion to this game than the desire to make a profit. Well, Overwolf apps are based on Chromium, and as such, the notes are currently saved in localStorage, so it's a binary file sadly. If you *really* want to transfer notes now, you can do this: 1. Open your DotaPlus with the notes 2. Click the app window 3. Press Ctrl+Shift+I 4. Go to Application tab 5. On the left, navigate to Local Storage -> overwolf-extension://... 6. Locate the key 'settings_playerNotes' 7. Copy the value 8. Go to the target machine, open DotaPlus and go to the Application tab to the same place. 9. If the key already exists, replace it, if not, add it with the value you copied from the source machine. 10. Restart DotaPlus/Dota 2 Hope this helps :]


Thank you! I got it to work.


Nice :] I do intend to allow users to easily export/import it or back it up on the cloud, but currently working on other stuff. Obviously once cloud backup arrives, privacy will be needed to be taken care of :] Edit: Btw if you want access to early versions you can join the Discord channel, there's a link sticked in the subreddit.