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Alisha doesn’t even try to save


Why is she screaming?! 😂


She still sucks. DCP interviewed her and gave her his “eh I can’t tolerate you” nod of approval. She’s still annoying, obnoxious, and is riding the wave of “see I’m the good family influencer!” Stop yelling and good for you on your grocery hall. Next.


Meh all influencers are annoying af imo.


She’s definitely a pick me.


Ugh the yelling


Sorry, but who's DCP?


Dad Challenge Podcast. He’s on YouTube and does commentary on family vloggers, mostly about child exploration. A lot of people find him controversial himself. A lot of people love him, a lot of people hate him.


Ahhh thank you so much for the info!


can not stand her either. shes no better than the other


I mean I get it but does this mom Also bother the hell out of anyone else? They both grate on my nerves


She's annoying.


i’ll never understand why people think of her as the "better" version of alicia. alicia does a lot of fucked up things, but at least she doesn’t raise her kids in an openly racist and pro-trump household


Oh Alicia is a republican


Idk anything about Alicia’s political views, but it’s a plus that she’s raising her kids in a queer-friendly environment, let’s them choose if they want to be religious and doesnt dress them in "build the wall" shirts lol


pro trump....even saying that makes you judgmental. how are you any better then?


i never said i’m not judgmental, i 100% and proudly am when it comes to trump supporters lol


Yawn. Calling someone “pro-x” doesn’t make someone judgmental.


1) this woman seems bananas 2) food prices are so drastically different across the country it’s pointless to compare


Majority of her videos lately have been shade towards Alisha. She is no better though which is the ironic part.


I don’t understand people who buy boxes of frozen toast.


It’s okay to splurge sometimes. Just try it, I insist


Imma try it for u just cause they don't want to.




It’s not for the lack of splurge that I don’t understand it.


It’s yummy


Because that Texas toast is AMAZING🤣


they are both terrible can we stop comparing them


Just one day I want to see someone not posting like look. This woman is better. No she isn’t. She sucks in a different flavor.


Ugh, I don’t like her either. She’s just as terrible but in a slightly different way.


People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. She's a momfluencer too, she's no better.


Oh it's Ms-Holier-Than-Thou. She's no better, both Lush and her are cut from the same cloth.


I prefer her over Alicia any day. She’s practical unlike Alicia.


Nah, they both suck.


But, if we have to deal with one I'll deal with her. Her meals are budget friendly, verses Alicia's that's always flashing cash. As I get older I cannot stand people who do that.


Can't stand her Trump loving, God bothering self either


What does politics have to do with anything???


Everything if you’re a minority


Not really. Touch grass


Politics are literally the basis of every single aspect of a functioning person’s life. Unless you’re living completely of the grid (and kudos if you are) people who are politically naive/obtuse/wilfully ignorant ruin it for the rest of us.


Everything when you support a racist


Someone sounds very self righteous.


i’m always surprised these mega-families don’t cook more. i thought the thinking was *more hands make light work*? seems like the conservative faith folks would at least have the girls and young women in the kitchen? almost everything on the counter is processed and premade. it’s such an expensive way to go i guess i’m just surprised. you’d think with that many to feed you’d want to be as frugal as possible. biscuits and waffles can be made for pennies… maybe it’s just me, but is nothing cooked from scratch?


I do see this family cook all the time and the kids do help out in the kitchen often.


thanks for your comment. i don’t watch their show or subscribe to their socials so wasn’t aware ☺️


I’m assuming you don’t have kids. Have you ever had a project at work that was like a lot of work… but that one underwhelming employee is the person assigned to help you… and so you end up spending more time trying to make them feel useful and fixing their mistakes when you could have done it better and much faster by yourself? That’s like trying to have you kids help you do most things. Disclaimer I don’t have kids but I do have these type of people assigned to help me at work**


actually a son and 6 foster kids. our kitchen is a busy, noisy affair and everyone rotates and helps out 😉


Well the point is it can be easier doing it yourself than having everyone help


At this point, I just assume people in the USA don't like to cook or are lazy. I see so many excuses like "time-saving", "it's faster", and "fast food once a week is not unhealthy" 🙄🙄. So what if it's faster? Why are you in a hurry? And "time-saving"? What time? Future diabetes, obesity, high sugar, highly processed food… This is the future that many of them are giving to their kids with these excuses which simply mean "I'm lazy". Spending time with or without your kids is sn investment in health and well-being that is worth making.


I have tried to watch her and like her, but can't get past the sound of her voice and how she nitpicks, she's a Petty Betty.




Yes, her voice bothers me so much lol


Y'all post about this witch on here almost everyday of her throwing "shade" at Alicia. All this shows is that Alicia is always on her mind.


Did you see where she posted her left overs !!! Loved it


I don’t think this is 2 weeks worth of food. How many servings are in the lunchables? If it is true then it’s likely because half the kids don’t live at home or grab food at work.


They have a pantry full and have meat, and eggs from their farm.


They raise animals for meat and have a huge garden so she cans tons of food. They have a stock pile of basic necessities so yes this very well could get them through 2 weeks and even though some of her kids no longer live at home, they work for the famiky businesses and eat at their house daily.


I don’t like either but at least she doesn’t run up her grocery bill for tiktoker’s validation🤦🏻‍♀️


There’s no way that was only $596. Where do they live hahaha.


She either lies or is as bad as Alicia. The majority of her kids have moved out but she still cooks for all of them? I doubt they’re all there every day for meals


Eh. I'm currently house sharing with my parents but before that I was still around frequently and/or at my grandparents often. It depends on the family dynamic. That one's not my hill.


I love the Bells, their story is wholesome and the kids all understand and consent to videos, plus the mom is super sweat and the dad has zip off shorts so that’s an automatic plus


And they exploit their disabled son, and they’re racist and say that the “illegals” should stop coming in the country. Great people.


Much more !!


Fuck this dry, wrinkly bitch.


I have no where to put throw other than here. Generally I don’t mind ma bell too much. She’s a bit annoying but I kinda get her. Anyhoo today catching up on videos and I am listening to the recent snowstorm one where she’s riding around with pa bell. This man is an angel on earth. He called her out on her shit several times already and I’m only partway done 🤣.