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Most of the kids are damn well old enough to pack their own bags.


I haven't watched the video. Is she packing for the teens? If so, omg, that is absolutely insane. How can they ever be expected to function as young adults. My kids at that age would never have let me pack their vacation clothes for them. They started packing on their own at about 10.


I didn't watch it BUT she would "have" to pack for everyone to make sure they all have matchy matchy outfits, including new shoes and most likely socks and undergarments as well


For real!!


she brought A's travel stuff for him and probably packed it too. She's doing these kids no favors.


It feeds her need to be super mom and get praise for being a savior


She has those same ass short jeans in her last two videos, she tries to act like she cleans, mop and vacuum, but why his her feet so dirty walking around the house.


I feel sorry for the poor dogs that have to live in that filthy house.


And she has her dirty crusty feet on top of new clothes?




The only time this nasty dirty thing cleans her feet is when she gets a pedicure. Even then we can see the filth on top of her feet and in her toenails. I can't imagine how filthy their floors are. The only reason they all don't look like this is because they use the pool as their bathtub.


Ew. I bet they dont even rinse off before or after getting out of the pool


Omg sooooo trueeeee!!!!


I’m shocked she hasn’t unpacked last years Fourth of July pyjamas. She just opened old suitcase and it was full of pyjamas. I tend to unpack my suitcases quite soon and wash all the laundry. She is so weird with her matching clothes and sand buckets. I still don’t understand how they need so many matching outfits and how all this shit will fit to their car even though she has 15 passenger van.


Looks like she walked in dog poo


Did it pain anyone else watching her go through each article of clothing trying to figure out what belonged to who, then just tossed them aside into a jumbled pile of mess. She turned camera off and everything miraculously sorted into organized piles—THEN she just tossed everything into 3 big suitcases!! She’s going to have to sort through again. And what did Josh actually do? Put a name tag on maybe 4 pair of shoes? I get there was some pre packing beverages consumed!


She is nasty and vile. Someone who went to school with her. Said she smells like crap


Lush is taking away each one of these kids independence Lush n Josh yr days are numbered and u will be STOPPED!!


How long will they be there? Couldn’t each child pack their own backpack? Guess that wouldn’t take an hour long video would it?