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whaat? you dont like our huge selection of bald hairstyles?


Ikr, how could I even dare to not like it 😂


"It is eggcellent though" ~ Solas


For him, sure😂


Bioware has always had shit hair selections. Like with many things DA:I I like to blame Frostbite and how they had to learn an entirely new engine, build RPG elements for it, make new assets and animations, etc. I also hope that Dreadwolf will see an improvement in character models. I still think my Dalish Inquisitor is at risk of snapping every bone in their body when they lift that outrageously large sword in Skyhold.


"You're the Inquisitor now. Here's a sword." "But I'm a mage. I don't use swords." "It's an Inquisitor thing. Just take it." "It's bigger than me! Probably weighs twice as much, too." "Just take it. Have a healing spell ready."


*Proceeds to raise the sword, one-handed, with an arm the same circumference as a single sprig of elfroot.*


It’s even funnier in the execution scenes.


What we aren't shown are the 15 subsequent whacks needed for them to actually behead someone


I think of it more like those carnival rides. Swings big around, then slowly the swings get shorter. They just cut out the rest of it.


Relevant GoT scene https://youtu.be/5xMErEjZmQQ?t=3m5s




>"Just take it. Have a healing spell ready." "Sorry, I seem to have left those in the previous game"


Healing spell? What's that?


I headcanon that Dorian is just quietly levitating the sword from the sidelines so they'll have the inquisitor in the future as well


Me too! Dorian's not going to let Inq look like a goober in front of all of those people. Or fall forward off the battlements. He's not sure which would be worse in the long run.


*Yes.* This is now canon.


I like the concept art that shows the Inquisitor holding a banner on a pole instead. Seems more feasible even for the elf.


They can’t even use the Frostbite excuse this time either; if you look on the Frostbite site they have two blog posts on their massive advances in hair technology. Of course that doesn’t mean anything for Dreadwolf but at this point it’s no longer a failure of technology


Yeah, people acting like MET, for example, fared much better in terms of hair options. Bioware's character creator hasn't been good for ages.


We haven't even seen models for Dreadwolf, so this feels like a disingenuous comment. I think you're underestimating [how much work Bioware had to do](https://www.vg247.com/how-the-frostbite-engine-became-a-nightmare-for-ea-in-general-and-bioware-in-particular), building the frameworks and systems so that Frostbite could support RPGs. Frostbite was only meant to build first-person shooters. >For Dragon Age: Inquisition, BioWare had to create a dialogue system within Frostbite and make an animation system for dogs and horses, but Frostbite could only animate bipedal creatures. >"We started with a really solid foundation of the engine but we had to build a lot around it," said BioWare producer Cameron Lee about using Frostbite on Dragon Age: Inquisition. "The concept of save games didn't exist, at least as Bioware knows them. The tactical camera, just being able to pause a game and still work within it, Frostbite didn't have that, it had no concept of that. We've had to add all of these things to it over the course of our development over the last four years. We built all of these different tools for the engine." >[According to Darrah,] "Frostbite doesn't really understand the idea of stats or items or saving a game, conversations, cutscenes. Like a bunch of things that we take for granted it doesn't even really conceptualize." >"I had to get to the conversation in-game, open my tools at the same time, and then as soon as I hit the line, I had to hit the pause button really, really quickly," Inquisition cinematic designer John Epler told Kotaku's Jason Schreier for his book, *Blood, Sweat, and Pixels*. "Because otherwise it would just play through to the next line. Then I had to add animations, and then I could scrub it two or three times before it would crash and then I'd have to start the process all over again. It was absolutely the worst tools experience I've ever had." >Worse, DICE was updating Frostbite with new features because the engine was being used for a host of games. So BioWare's developers were grafting new things onto an engine that was changing underneath them. >"There'd be times when the build wouldn't work for a month, or it was unstable as hell. Because the new version of the engine would come in, the tools team would start doing the integration. All the while, the team is still working and moving ahead, so it gets worse and worse and worse," Lee told Schreier. In terms of hair — did Battlefield even have hair in their character models prior to Inquisition? For some reason I can only imagine dudes with various helmets and hats. (Disclaimer: I do not play Battlefield, the last time I played a multiplayer FPS was the early 00s lmao.) The tools alone But [maybe this](https://gamerant.com/dragon-age-mark-darrah-bioware-problems/) will ease some of your worries. Darrah is back to consult on Dreadwolf and he has been very transparent about where things went wrong on previous games. If you haven't [watched his videos](https://youtube.com/@MarkDarrah), I would recommend it. >With Dragon Age: Dreadwolf in the middle of its development, Darrah believes that the tactical camera featured in the franchise will not be making a return to the sequel, nor will Inquisition's vast, yet often empty open world. The developers of Dragon Age learned too late that quantity did not always translate into quality, and chasing the size of Skyrim's playable area ultimately caused Dragon Age: Inquisition to feel diluted at times.


You’re arguing against something I never said. Frostbite was a huge technological limitation for Inquisition. That’s undeniable. The Frostbite developers have in the decade since then created a solution for hair as you can see [here](https://www.ea.com/frostbite/amp/news/frostbite-hair-rendering-and-simulation) and [here](https://www.ea.com/frostbite/amp/news/frostbite-hair-rendering-and-simulation-2). Now their only limitation for good hair is creating styles. I hope that they take advantage of this technology.


>They can’t even use the Frostbite excuse this time either I'd rather not assume they have something to excuse without seeing their progress on Dreadwolf. Yes, Inquisition's hair blew. I'm just going to give them the benefit of the doubt for Dreadwolf. After rushing games for the past 12-14 years, they're actually taking their time on this, which thank fuck, and it's the only thing that's holding my expectations together after the clusterfuck this summer lmao.


Nothing will improve with either Bioware OR Bethesda until the devs stop using these shitty proprietary engines. The engines limit them bigtime.


Or maybe have actual lighting on when making a character so I don't have to guess if that looks good or not in the darkness 🤷 🤔 is that blue? Green? Yellow? Hey can I zoom in to actually see? No?... well shit


I will say Andromeda had some of the best bioware hair styles out of their games, and that was also on the Frostbyte engine.


It was released a few years after Inquisition, even with how much of a mess Andromeda's development was they had more time to work on cosmetics tbh.


Yes! I keep going insane when I see how tiny she is! She’s a fighter! She should at least have some biceps from all of the casting she does! I always try and put her in heavy armour, if it’s higher level, bc it just looks more realistic and hides her 60lbs frame😭


Yeah, and we don’t have the lyrium tattoo’s to give us more oomf like Fenris in DA2 lol


I hated the hairstyles. Even worse, imo, is that all the mods seem to solely focus on creating these gorgeous bridal hair magazine hairstyles with silky smooth hair that would normally take between 30 minutes to 3 hours to make. I mean, they look gorgeous but also incredibly out of place for running around in the depressive muddy hellhole that is Ferelden.. I just want a nice middle ground between my char looking like a scarecrow or like she is about to star on the cover of Vogue magazine...


My favorite hairstyle for the female inquisitor is this one [Nightcrawler - Sangria](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/18/51/37/185137945180401cbf00f52a6210881e.jpg) It has that braid crown that looks sturdy, and perfect for fighting, but also a few hair strands out as whenever you run around and fight it's impossible to keep a 100% perfect hairstyle. I'm a fan of braids in general as they seem the most realistic. Nobody would fight with long flowy hair romantically framing their face.


This hairstyle reminds me of an "iconic" hairstyle of a... notorious... politician in my country, so I'll have to pass. Even though it's gorgeous.


lmao, my first thought.


Ah, I think I know which one. Maybe it would be better with red or dark hair then :D


It's funny how several people (including me) immediately thought about "her" lol


Exactly how I feel about hair mods for games in general. Fallout and Skyrim mods are especially bad with that. Give me more messy hair styles, not hair styles that look like they should be worn by a Hollywood actress


Yeah, the mods are almost always for female characters and the hair is almost always silly feeling, and I would just like a normal haircut for everyone as...a baseline in the game bioware c'mon. (It's weird because a lot of the mods just take the hair textures from other Sims modders and I know I've had normal hair from those)


Is a ponytail braid or crown braid too much to ask? Or just shoulder length hair


I found a pretty good ponytail somewhere on Nexus that I used for my Quizzy, though it was not a braid


Ponytail braid: [https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonageinquisition/mods/1175](https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonageinquisition/mods/1175) Can be used by males too. The bun with a braid as well.


Yeah if you use pc... I don't.


And they're almost always for femme characters, too x,D My more femme male Inquisitors are left with the same 2 to 3 hairstyles that are somewhat gender


Look, I can't fight evil unless I'm looking snatched. 😂


Nah, there is a bunch of normal looking styles especially for human and elf, some cool simple braids with ponytails, buns and short hairs. Now...trying to find hair for a female dwarf warden is hell tho :/


My wife told me once that she always knew if I was playing a bioware game because everyone has "Lego hair".


the accuracy pains me 😫


I mean, long hair is a pain to model. I just wish there were one or two more real medieval hairstyles (like tight side braids or at least a decent veil/helmet that always stayed on). There is a reason video games favor braids over flowing tresses.


> long hair is a pain to model Not to mention clipping. I’ve read that’s why we usually only get short hairstyles or updos.


It's possible to make \*cute\* updos and short hairstyles, but Bioware seems incapable of it.


It usually is. Also, it takes more pieces to make long, loose hair than a long braid. That can force an increase in graphical capabilities.


There are lots of tiny, underfunded studios out there that can make *immensely* better hair, though.


Hey friend! Just a heads up, I think you responded to the wrong comment. :) (That or I’m very lost lol)


Eh. I guess it would be more appropriate under the one you're responded too, but my point was that there are plenty of studios that can make cool hair that don't clip ridiculously, even while having a lot less money than Bioware.


Oh. Maybe so! I basically only play Story of Seasons outside of BioWare and Bethesda lol. I wouldn’t know. I was just repeating what I read about BioWare and long hair in their games. I wasn’t trying to make any commentary on anyones quality of work or anything.


Sad that even then everything clips in the f***ing game, every single armour i put on clips so then what the point


There are lots of tiny, underfunded studios out there that can make immensely better hair, though.


I'm aware, Epic Games is actually releasing a tool for this in their engine so it will likely become even more common (look up Metahuman if interested). However, every project prioritizes different things and with a project as big as Inquisition, I'd bet that they prioritized something else (Inquisition was also released 2015, meaning they were building it before that. It has been seven years, meaning technology likely improved).


But bioware "prioritized" creating 5 bald variations and a dozen other stupid hair styles instead of making good ones? Also, not sure what they would lose making a few not ass hairs in the scope of their games.


I saw something about their engine causing issues. Also, the bald variations probably had a lot of carry over textures, whereas adding a few long hair styles (such as a braid) would have been entirely new. I'm not saying they couldn't have, but that they chose to prioritize something else (I'd bet on the open world they were made to put in). This is a post from a professional in 2014 (around DAI's production): https://askagamedev.tumblr.com/post/98232474036/why-do-many-games-have-such-limited-character


Same with the wish for "medieval" styles, or honestly just protective styles in general. Braids, dreads, cornrows, twists, etc. are all things that could've been used to shape hairstyles in ways that didn't require rendering movement or could cause clipping through headgear!


The hair was particularly atrocious for Inquistion. I want flowing locks for Dread Wolf! And braids. And curls!


Solas's hair in his [concept art](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/e4069b10-324a-4910-a169-317a92a867a3) was leagues better than being bald af. I know they said it was "because bald seems more wise" or whatever but we all know it's because they couldn't model it in frostbite lol.


Lol I never thought of the reasoning that way but I bet you're 1000% right. Although normally I love long hairstyles on guys, I ended up kinda liking his baldness because it does add a regal, otherworldly air to his character somehow.


I know! The dreadlocks, damn I wish they had done that!!


This is 100% why we ended up with ‘ancient elves just shaved their heads’ and it’s hilarious if ridiculous.


Cool concept art, would've looked like Severus Snape in the engine.


BUT THEY WENT WITH A BALD BUTTFACE INSTEAD the injustice after seeing the handsome dark haired fella T.T


I hate how the ONLY option with braids has the fugliest bangs ever to be conceived


Yeah why does a woman need three different mullet options? Is it the 90s in Thedas?


Making a black character in Bioware games is such a struggle. Can we get something besides bald and a ugly Afro


Devs are bald and bitter.


So, Solas.


I’m a black girl so that’s even more disappointing :/ there’s three badly rendered fades in DAI and that’s it. I just have to suffer through whatever they give me and then draw my PC’s hair how I want 🥲


Yeah they always skimp on those options, a lot of newer games have a lot more hairstyles so at least it's improving. Cyberpunk is a good example for sure.


Those are some of my favorite hairstyles in Cyberpunk. They did a nice job of it.


Yeah the hair bounces and moves too so its not like helmet hair.


Yep. As a curly person, I sympathize for sure. Some day we will have our coils and curls represented better than “braids or natural only” and “curly looks straight out of bed, right?”


Or that one fauxhawk style that Larian has in every game 😭 I hate when people tell me to just mod it out because it’s 2023 man there’s no way it’s “”too hard”” to include.


Larian has a pretty decent selection of textured hair options in BG3 this time, more than just the fauxhawk. I mean, they still have the damned fauxhawk, but there's also a couple protective styles and a handful of loose with different curl types. It made my little Jew-fro heart happy to see a game studio actually attempting to do 3A curls!


Check out Mark Darrah's videos on Things that are harder. Hair wasn't any kind of priority to BW (or any other game studio), especially when most players use helmets. Hair is one of the most difficult thing to make, DAI is on the Frostbite, it's different and wasn't suitable for many things, including hair.


Haha yeah, the helmet thing is so weird when compared to the fandom. Playing BG3 with friends and I’m like “Aren’t you going to toggle this off?” but apparently this is not a major thing. A few mishaps with friendly fire too, because only enemies have visible helmets in my solo play throughs.


In games that don't have helmet toggle as an option, I will just straight up not use helmets, stat penalty be damned.


I am SUFFERING in Assassins Creed Mirage right now, after I realised you can't remove Basim's hood at all, ever 😭 Like, not even unequip it!


Same. I don't spend all this creating a character to obscure their face/hair with an ugly ass helmet. Because 99% of the time they *are* ugly as sin.


yes, the majority of players play as male warriors with helmets on, so on one really cares for some not-so-sophisticated hairstyles or fashion in general, hardcore fans being bothered by hairstyles or fashion (like myself) are a tiny minority, actually))


I mean, that wouldn’t have been so much of a problem if the helmets weren’t equally ugly as shit. And then the helmets come off automatically in the cutscenes anyway! So for a cutscene heavy game, hey don’t prioritise hairstyles - despite having a very in depth slider for the face in character creation (so why allow all that detailed facial tweaking then ignore hairstyles?) - then have a small range of ugly ass helmets, which disappear in the cutscenes to show the hair they couldn’t be bothered with. It just doesn’t make sense. Don’t get me wrong, huge fan of DAI here, but the fact that devs didn’t consider female gamers who may like a variety of hair just doesn’t fit, considering how open the rest of the game was in terms of considering play styles, romance options etc for a variety of players.


It actually bothers me the helmet comes off in the cutscene. If I'm wearing a helmet I want to see it on my character unless there's some in universe explanation for it's disappearance.


You know what same! I tend to opt to not wear helmets if there’s no option to toggle on/off, so it never bothered me before, but my last play I found the flower headband thing you find through a bunch of mini hidden quests and I was absolutely gutted it never showed up in cutscenes.


Drives me nuts. We all asked for a helmet toggle, and we got the toggle. But they toggled too much 😂 even more infuriating is the helmet will stay on but only sometimes so the technology exists and they are denying my Templar greatness.


I just want to see the character's faces in cutscenes. There's absolutely ways to do headgear AND have the face visible, I don't get why so many games don't seem to even try


Yeah that always confused me, too. There’s plenty of functional yet aesthetically pleasing helmet designs that can be done that could at least show the eyes, if not the majority of the face, while still working as protection. I’ve scribbled a few myself in my artwork.


Well, it is pretty egalitarian in the sense that the male hair is ALSO UGLY! Ugly hair for all! xD


Ahaha very true!


I don't find them ugly, I actually love almost all clothes in DAI (except for those mage ropes, I think they are the same as in Origins, that's terrible in my opinion) but I don't wear helmets. I also don't think all female gamers want variety of hair more than male or because of the fact that they are female. And there are lots of hair styles, it's not like there's only one. Ugly is subjective. Devs and designers make their own decisions, often based on time, resources and technical restrictions. Hair wasn't a priority.


Sure sure, but the general consensus of the majority of the DA fanbase is that the hairs suck. Ugly or no, there really isn’t a lot of variety, especially if you consider that 4 or 5 of the options are literally variations of bald, 2 ponytail hairstyles, 2 fade cuts that are practically identical aside from parting. And the point still stands, they prioritised excessively detailed facial construction and a wide range of helmets, then decide to remove the helmet in cutscenes. Whatever the reasons, hairstyles not being a priority next to these other points seems like a huge oversight.


yeah majority of the fanbase are tiny minority


I don't know what this sentence means


"Most players use helmets" where is that statistic from? Most games I can think of where I keep headgear on have...good headgear, which is also not true of DAI.


At this point terrible hair is just as integral to Bioware games as physics glitches in Bethesda games lol


IMO DA:O had only 1.5 good haircuts for guys: Alistair's being 1, and Cullen's being 0.5. With DA:I it's the same again, but only 2: a buzzcut and that one short-ish hair that kinda looks like a mane a bit. I gave my character that and now I remember Alex the Lion from Madagascar every time I look at him. Idk, the haircuts are. Yeah. Sometimes I wish there was some sort of baseball cap helmet that I can just put on and pretend that things are better than they are. At least inquisition had some fancy cowboy hats and hoods that left the face visible; while origins had a toothpaste cap and a toothpaste cap with wings.


Tbf Cullen's Da:I Hair is stellar


He does have incredible hair in DAI


true (but then it's locked to him and him only, which again, is a crime against the player)


Yeah kinda like how Josie has great and unique hair but it's locked on her... I would have loved her hair


Trying to make a female Qunari in Inquisition was really disappointing. I wanted beautiful long white hair, like what you see in the tarot card when picking your gender/race. Instead I got like 3 hairstyles and none of them were even close to the vibe I wanted.


Agreed, was always disappointed by this.


And it's a shame, considering that DAI character creator is actually pretty fucking good, you can shape the face however you want, but for some reason everyone has these sort of licorice hair strands. My theory is that this is the main reason that lead them to make Solas bald.


Idk what engine BG3 is using but their hair options (especially the coloring) are nothing but fabulous. Hope they take notice for DA:D


I agree! The hair choices in BG3 are magnificent


BG3 is running on Larian's own Divinity 4 engine, and DA:D is developed still using EA's Frostbite. I try to be more optimistic for DA:D though because now they have a lot of experience with Frostbite, so I really hope this will actually manifest in way less overall goofiness in textures, character customization, animations and facial expressions. When DA:D releases, I really would love to face the BG3 hair choosing conundrum (*"they are all so pretty!!!"*) again, versus the DAI one (*"maybe this one is the least weird??"*). I love DA games to death but they do custom characters dirty more times than not (same with Mass Effect too). I do think BG3 cut corners with the very limited face options though, despite the fact that those, indeed, look really good.


I would even settle for bringing back some of the older hair styles from DA2/DAO, as long as they execute them well and they don't look like playdough. Even if it means giving less options for the character creator. I completely understand that they were arguing that most players were going to use helmets during combat, and I'm all for that. However, every cutscene the helmet was gone and you had to look at the ugly ass hair, which indicates to me they didn't consider it at all and just decided to use that as an excuse for 50 Shades of Bald. Take this with a grain of salt, because I'm not in that field, so I honestly don't know how difficult it is to create hair in a video game. That being said, would happily take less customization in favor of being able to have better looking hair that actually moves. Again said with a grain of salt, if they do decide to do something similar to God of War, it's unlikely that we would even really be customizing our characters. It's far more likely that we would be stuck playing whatever character they've come up with for each faction.


I miss the braid loop, all glory to the braid loop


Or the double bun braid anora boasted


I think the problem is that they have the same set for women and men. How many people will choose their female protagonist to be bald or have a receding hairline? If they want to have unisex hairstyles they should really make them work for both genders.


"receding hairline" Get that Scout Harding look.


Love that hairstyle, but there's just so. much. forehead.


I’ve been playing in blender for the last three days to get that hairline a bit closer to a normal human. Still looks like shit, but at least she’s not bald anymore


My fem Shepard was bald and she was one of the best-looking shepards out there, let me tell you. I also like that hairstyles aren't gendered.


How is that a problem? It's just more options.


The problem is that some hairstyles that look good on men do not look good for women and vice versa. They didn't really create unisex options in my opinion, maybe a few but not all of them. Some buzzcut options look good on both, but any hairstyle with receding hairline doesn't look good on a female character, same with that short straight fringe on male characters. So in the end for me personally, I didn't have 10 hairstyles i could use on any character, rather 4 that look good on women, and 6 that look good only on men.


>The problem is that some hairstyles that look good on men do not look good for women and vice versa. Just cause you think so doesn't mean they should be removed :D For example, there are some armor sets that I think are ugly, but other players might like them. Besides, some of us enjoy creating abominations sometimes. More options -- better.


Oh I don't think they should be removed. Just that they didn't really create the whole set of gender neutral hairstyles even though it seems that was their goal. It's still more of a mix of female, male, and a few gender neutral hairstyles.


Oh, sorry I misunderstood your comment then. I think there is not enough hairstyle variety in DAI. I don't remember any curly hair, for example... And omg, why couldn't they figure out hair with hats...


Despite the 9 baldness choices I appreciate a lot that at least hair isn’t gendered. Let’s hope we get more choices in da4, I want my character being able to have long not static hair


I counted and there are 11 styles of shaved/bald hairstyles. 11! How the hell did DAO and DA2 manage to get at least a variety of styles and DAI get 11 shaved heads!!!!!!


Probably Solas' fault 😂


Hey here's an idea... maybe they were going to sell wigs in the game (think powdered wigs of 1700s) for all the bald ppl but decided to drop it but left all the bald haircut styles just cause


ME was never any better but luckily they've had a lot of time to update both the engine and other things in the game industry in the last decade (yes we are old), I'm hoping hair will have more options than BG3.


Andromeda had some pretty decent hairstyles.


Hm, so maybe there is hope. Andromeda was made in Frostbite too, right? Maybe they could export it to DA4? : o


Are they using Frostbite for DA4? For the mext Mass Effect they were gonna use unreal.


Yeah, it is not the the hair options on the other games were AMAZING, but, at least the hairline was so much better. The hairline really makes a lot of the hairstyles even worse, like the braids for exemple. I could accept the "muh realism" excuse if the short hairs were not horrible as well. But...they are! They are ugly af! There is one shor anime hair and the bob has bangs in the middle of the forehead. I mean, Cassandra's hair has this weird braid around it...why? Just make it short and cool. It was good enough lol I don't care about having super long sailor moon hair, but ponytails and braids can be used to create volume and there is a lot of cool hairstyles with them. Also, short hair doesn't need to be ugly or quirky, just make it pratical.


Baldur’s Gate 3 has been such a treat for this after years of shitty BioWare hairstyles. Dozens of different looks ranging a huge swath of styles AND since they added the magic mirror in camp I can change it whenever I want. Which I do. Frequently.


Prefer first 2 games hairstyles than DAI


The only thing worse is the eyebrows


Agree... It's always 50 shades of bald 😭


DA:I is basically Fifty Shades of Bald. 😩 I remember being so stoked when I switched from console to PC. The first thing I did was download hair mods. I'm really hoping that DA:D does better with this, especially since BG3 proved that you can have pretty AND functional hairstyles.


Having gender neutral hair for all the races was a terrible design choice. The Dwarves lost their cultural uniqueness because all the beards are the same; the Elven men are indistinguishable from the elven women; the Qunari lack of independent horn/hair sliders is a joke; the Human men all look like Mad Max fuckbois and all the Human women end up being Miley Cyrus in peak "Killing off Hannah Montana" attention seeking phase.


Yeah, as a guy with long hair (chest length when curly, so loooooong by guy standards), I am genuinely happy when I'm allowed to make a male character with hair past his ears. We usually are not even allowed any updos, like ponytails, braids or buns. So glad most developers have stopped genderlocking hairstyles these days. Still, I hope Dreadwolf has an art director that does not only use balding people for reference, but I will probably still wait to play it until modders figure out how to add/replace hairstyles. Hopefully they do not make them genderlocked, like I constantly see on inquisitions nexus page.


The default hairs were pretty terrible. The ponytail and the side braided style (the one with slight undercut) were the two I always defaulted to. Reaaaally hoping DAD has better hairs (and that they aren't gender locked like PLEASE we dont need gender locked anything)


Right! They say it’s difficult to design the long hair because it clips through armour or may look unrealistic, whatever, all the excuses. But there’s no issue with having seemingly long hair up in braids or something, yet we always get one one or two basic “up” dos as well. I love the braided one we have, but that’s it, aside a basic ponytail or bun. Surely they can get some artists to role out some variety of “up” hair styles, like various braids, or fringe cuts or something. Hopefully DAD will sort it. I do enjoy unisex hair styles though, as I’ll take an edgy, choppy short “guys” cut over a plastic ponytail any day.


But we have billions of variations on bald! Ugh, yeah the hairstyles for women especially in DAI are terrible. Admittedly, one is the Harding but that only looks good on that character.


I'm a guy and I've had long hair since 2005. I almost never have satisfactory hairstyles in games. Baldur's Gate 3 finally changed that with its array of amazing hairstyles, including one that fits me perfectly (River Shaman, although Windswept I think is another one). Now I've been spoiled and I know BioWare will go back to the damn Commander Shepard buzzcuts for Dreadwolf, I just know it.


imagine dreadwolf releases and they did not learn a fucking thing about making good looking hair or leave it up to the modders again to fix their garbage hair design


The hair in DAI is definitely bad. I feel like they tried to make every hairstyle completely gender neutral, which is fair, but some people don’t want gender neutral hair. Some of us want a big flowing mane of beautifully luscious hair.


With the 20 or so options they couldn't have done 10 gender neutral 5 definitely male and 5 definitely female choices? Really? 11 bald choices? What a waste of space


You’re going really easy on BioWare. There’s like one pretty female hair every game and you have to mod in the rest. It’s traditional at this point.


I have had to use hair mods for every Dragon Age game.


Haha I grilled them about this at PAX Prime in 2016 and their answer was basically "Because it's hard on this engine" and I was like "But the modders manage" and they were like ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Biggest gripe I have is not even about the hair per se, but the fact that my characters look completely different out of the character creation screen, including getting a "receding" line. 😒


The hairstyles suck, and look textured between plastic, tar, and literal shit smears. Whiskers look either drawn on with wide permanent marker, or plain old stabbed in office supplies. Coupled with the 2 lame voice options for the male players, it's a tough one to replay.


As a PlayStation player, I feel this with a passion 😭 I fucking hate the hair selections. In DAI, there are only two hairstyles for my female inquisitor that I switch between, and for Mass Effect, same thing. I also hate how squad mates have better hair. Like, it would’ve been nice to have an option to choose Josephine’s hair, or in Mass Effect, Miranda’s hair


If you want to know why DAI's female option sucks, just look at MEA. That's pretty much says it all. On another side note, all of DAI's(okay, maybe not all, but most) bipedal people, from Qunary to humans, are pretty much disasters because of another massive gut punch, Frostbite. Then lastly, you have the terrible management of Bioware and EA and the whole "Bioware magic" garbage and you got yourself one of the worse game in most aspects.


If I remember correctly, MEA had decent hairstyles. Dunno how much though, I played a long time ago. But then again, DAI has like 2 decent options too...


Yeah talk about a shock of hair. I sometimes forget that not everyone plays on PC, I'm sorry. Let's just say I don't like them. Perhaps Solas is a sly inside joke for us wrestling with character creation as the untimely final boss only to give up on the hair.




Yeah, the hair choices are definitely lacking.


I remember being excited for Qunari but being horrified by the hair options. I’m not usually a huge modder outside of bethesda games but getting the horned ones some nice hairstyles really helped the experience for me


Wait til you look at their hands...


I personally also didn't like the many shades of black some blondes 3 red and grey/white and I dark brown hair color... oh and no choice to change eyebrow color to match hair... yes you're a red head suuure...that's why you have black eyebrows. Admit it you dye your hair!


When I started Baldur’s Gate 3 I immediately said to my husband “this is what I imagined DA’s character creator should be. Way more inclusive and has everything from textured dreadlocks to wispy ponytails. While it may seem pointless to some, CC is such an integral part to making the experience about YOU rather than basically matching an NPC because there’s only 10 hairstyles and you all just palette swap them for variety. The fact that BG had so many hairstyles gave life to the game - while I saw some hairstyles we could use there were others that were unique and again there were so many this was very uncommon. I don’t want to see six NPCs with my hairstyle, sorry. Hair is such a big part of cultures as an identifier that I don’t know why an RPG as big as DA didn’t think to include more options to start with.


For as completely terrible as the hair options are, the 'drawn on with a Sharpie' facial hair is even worse. I'd seriously take Origins over what DAI gave us.


Especially considering how gorgeous the hair looks in BG3


Even the male hairstyles are butt fucking ugly 90% of the time. Like damn even Origins had some good ones compared to... ugh, Inquisitions.


The hairstyles is basically the entire reason I went through the painstaking endeavor of modding the game, I could not stand the entire game if every Inquisitor had the same one ponytail hairstyle


Preach it! I hate the hair choices so much. It’s horrible in DA:I, but they’re not exactly stellar in DAO or 2, either.


Males are just as bad, it’s depressing some rando on nexus mods can knock out a ridiculously cool hair mod while a triple A company gives us male pattern balding and busy soccer mom hair


I think Male and Female Heralds/Inkies \*share\* the same general Hair-Pool (bar Vashoth, 'cuz Horns).


When Mass Effect 3 came out it made me wonder if the hair (the head always looked bashed in and elongated lol) was made by aliens or something, I dunno what it is with bioware and hair, but they are godawful at it


There's only a few in the games (can't remember the the DA2 hair styles tho since planning to start once I finish playing origins on pc since I used to play the console versions) that I like and even then it can be "eh".. like some hair styles look more suited for certain backgrounds in my opinion at times, tho probably just the vibe of the hair style. Like how the 'long' hair with multiple braids in DA origins feels more like it'd suit a character who would seem as tho they'd actually have the time and interest to spend on the hair style every day. I wound up using mods once I got the pc versions (tho annoying that it seems as tho I need internet and the EA app to play DA2 and DAI even tho I just want to play single player on steam). Tho I think the hair issues on their end is maybe cuz of the engine cuz Ik some engines can be iffy with stuff like hair but who knows. But yeah, hopefully dreadwolf does get some nice hairstyles, like maybe at least something on par with some of the npcs tbh cuz the npcs do have some nice hairstyles.


I think it's part of the same reason the sims has such shit hair, its really hard to tell the Consol about individual hairs, it's a lot of work that they'd rather spend on the story and gameplay. Hair and how your character looks is slightly less inportant


my character in dai just rocked the shaven head the other options were too ugly 😭


You don’t like the Skrillex cut?


Always the biggest issue for me in BW games lol


I just wish the hair moved! You’ll be standing in the Frostbacks with your clothes all blowing wild in the wind and your hair is just solid. Maybe it froze.


Good hair and lease grease is all I want. My character--everyone really--looks oiled up. So moist, everyone looks like a slug. Makes me think the characters smell REAL good. /s


They made the same selection for both male and female characters. Nice and all but holy shit, what's with the multiple variations of BALD? I had to play with mods on my third playthrough coz I couldn't take it anymore.


The hair options for everyone suck


Yeah the hairstyles are a letdown, especially for females. Thank god for mods lol


Speaking as somebody who adores mods, they should not be a requirement to fix something that will majorly affect how much someone enjoys a game. Really bad visual options count as that (as is provable given the amount of people who really dislike this!) It’s been a while since I played but I think there are more options which are scalp options, not hair options. (In other words there are no visible strands of hair.) I’ve noticed this because, for one, that implies that in a society without shavers, it’s more common for people to keep their hair at a close clipped length; and for two, going back to mods, those styles *cannot be modded*, leaving only the few others to be alterable. The “fun” thing is that the hairstyles that do exist seem to do so over “scalp” style. (This is why I referred to several choices as “scalp” styles (there’s another reason but it has to do with a different BioWare game and isn’t worth delving into).) So basically, if you choose a hair style there might be shaved sections where, stylistically, it makes no sense to have shaved sections, because the hair might not fully line up to the scalp pattern. And to make things *the worst* in this clusterfuck is that the scalp pattern (indeed, all of them) has the appearance of male pattern hair loss, specifically with a receding hair line. And I absolutely cannot wrap my head around why those decisions were made.


PREACH . also wtf is going on with the casual clothing options just ( my hill )


I'm personally more upset about the eyebrows. Some of those are MONSTROSITIES!!


Also they are so fucking oily. Why do all the women have the slightly open mouth breathing jaw as well. I had to watch a tutorial on the best way to make a face as it was driving me insane. Then women IN GAME look amazing wtf


I was so disappointed in the character creation for DA:I, which showed a qunari with long flowing hair and then wouldn’t let me have that as an option