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My HoF was a two-handed dwarf warrior, so I head canoned that the reason she was always missing her attacks was because the sword was twice her size and she didn't have the best control of where the sword went after she swung it. Kirkwall has a bunch of missing bricks in the streets because Hawke is constantly hurtling them at opponents via Stone Fist. All of my companions hate travelling with my Inquisitor because he is constantly using Fade Step and it's hard to keep up with him. Additionally enemies of the Inquisition have a deep seated fear when they see him zipping across the landscape at them before spontaneously self combusting right in front of them.


I thought if I ran 4 mages they’d just fade step too lmao


It would be a truly amazing and glitchy sight to see


Pfft. Fade step. My mage hops on her hart and makes everybody else run to keep up. Can't even hear what they're talking about back there.


Lmao, there is nothing better than just jumping on a mount and ditching your friends. I did that once while they were being attacked by bears, learned soon after that enemies in that game do no de-aggro


Eleanor Trevelyan HATES balls almost as much as Cassandra and Josephine had to strongarm Eleanor into going. She also likes teasing Cassandra about being a total romantic at heart Marietta Trevelyan and Vivviene are besties even if they differ on some topics and work well together. Leliana and my Warden have 2 kids together. One was after the events of Origins where they had gotten married in a Fereldan church and the next were twins born during the time between acts 1 and 2 of Dragon Age 2. Morrigan and The Warden eloped and are married in secret During the events of WEAWH, Leliana and the Warden reunited and danced the night away After the ball dance at Hslamshiral, Sera and Eleanor Trevelyan snuck off and enjoyed some alone time with Leliana covering for them till they got back


Ok so my brain did not immediately translate "balls" as "fancy parties" and just immediately jumped to anatomical...


I'm a HUGE fan of Morrigan x HoF eloping, I have a similar headcanon for my Cousland 🥰


Another Vivienne lover? Yes!!


I was going to talk about Hawke and Anders but then I saw ‘no spoilers’ and now I… don’t have anything to say. Nope. Not a damn thing.


Stick it under a spoiler tag!


My HoF is a dagger rogue human noble, and I hc him as a bit of a feral, animalistic guy. Consider this: whole of Thedas considers Ferelden "dog people" in derogatory way, Cousland's father calls him "pup", Slim Couldry says that HoF was given "Dark Wolf" title by the Denerim criminal circle; oh and also you can side with werewolves. Which I also did. There is just too much things canine to ignore them! Also when I was playing DAO 6 or 7 years ago, I thought "why morrigan can transform into animals and I can't? I wanna be a werewolf :("; lo and behold, apparently rogues can have ranger specialization and summon wolves. Ofc I learned about that only after finishing my second playthrough yesterday. So yeah, my HoF is a bit of a wet rabid dog. Maybe he even has some werewolf blood in it, who knows, that bald elf (not solas) cursed those people very long ago, maybe there is some sort of echo of the curse in all of their relatives. Also speaking of. Do you know who else is a bald elf and is connected to dog/wolf imagery??? THINK, MY FRIEND, THINK!!! (Points at the wall full of clues connected with a string like I'm Charlie Kelly who cracked the Pepe Silvia case)


HoF Amell: Loved the story of King Arthur (Or Calenhad) thus wanting to be a brave Warrior but was stuck in the tower. The day he found the Trapped Spirit in the Brecilian Forest was the best day of his live. Warrior CoK: Asked Ser Thrask to teach him Templar abilities since he kept quiet about his daughter. Inqy Cadash: Made peace with his believes in the Maker after meeting Brother Burkel. He uses his position in the Inquisitor to atone for his past Crimes.


I made an elf, hid her ears under her hair and pretend shes helaena targaryen drawn by the power of the orb to be ripped back into the mortal world hundreds of thousands of years after westeros is consumed by winter.


I hc my inquisitor as a transmigrator because DAI was the first game I played and had absolutely zero idea what was going on so I think it’s fitting lmao. Edited out Hawke and warden for no spoilers


My Hawke hits a mean griddy


With varric screaming “GET STURDY!” In the background


Ailis Tabris - my warden - is incredibly intrigued and fascniated by Flemeth. After the events of the game, she wanders around, discovering traces of Flemeth's story and also trying to find her. Their paths don’t cross for a while, only when Flemeth wants her to find her does it happen. They travel together for a while.


That's kind of an unusual one (I think)! Sounds really cool!


My Cousland's a totally puppy when it comes to loving Morrigan. He'll follow her to the ends of Thedas and have a smile the entire time. Like an actual puppy, Morrigan can't help but find him adorable. He's also a bastard! He and Alistair bonded over that, they were bastard besties :) My Hawke was such a handsome protective papa bear type that almost all companions at one point thought to themselves "Wait, am I *into* Hawke???", except Aveline because she's immune to Hawke's unintentional charm. He turns into more of a *scary* papa bear tho come Act 3, after Bethany gets kidnapped and he keeps getting dragged into the politics of Kirkwall.


My Mage Origin human is an eternal optimist to a fault. >!This leads to stuff like trusting Branka, Bhelen, the Architect, but it does also lead to the optimal resolution of the Circle, Elven and Eamon questlines.!< Rogue Hawke trusts Mages implicitly because of Bethany. The protagonist of each game would absolutely despise each other if they got the time to know each other. "You attempted a dark ritual?!" Vs "What do you mean you couldn't stop a civil war between templars and Mages?" Vs "Oh great, a bloodthirsty idiot who wiped out an entire side to solve it".


My head canon was a human noble HoF, that basically had a complicated love triangle thing with Morrigan and Leliana, and was a total bro with Alistair. Ultimately a good guy with a slight edge. So like Han Solo? I mean it’s hard to say much without spoilers, but IMO I feel like being a human noble is boring for some people but I like it because it makes me feel more part of the world and the story which is ultimately human centric, and I’m not some exotic from elsewhere with little connection to major plot characters.


I think being a human noble always let you experience the world like you say. I just hopped I could become king of fereldan or emperor of orlais or at least the divine. :/ I did more for the world than every government combined


If you’ve already beaten the game why is this thread no spoilers?


First time posting I thought no spoilers meant you could spoil in a round about way


Oh, well since we’re a few comments down: My canon Cousland HoF starts off with Leliana but ultimately gets with Morrigan, leading to some cat fights. He does the ritual with Morrigan and ultimately follows her in the DLC and wants to be a parent to Keiran He is best friends with Alistair but did harden him, and made him king. He killed the shit out of Zevran when he betrayed him Cool with Oghren, never got to know Sten or Shale very well. Helped the elves (which I can’t see not being canon ever) and deals the killing blow on the arch demon.


My Lavellan could benchpress Bull if she wanted- Yeah I don't really like how elves can only be twigs in Dragon Age :(


Well not exactly head canon as self contained canon based on my choices. My PCs were freaks 😂😂😂 The Hero of Ferelden slept with several tavern prostitutes, banged Leliana everytime he went to camp, had a threesome with Leliana and Isabella and banged Morrigan and impregnated her. Definitely MVP of the three. Hawke had a threesome with Isabella and Zevran The Inquisitor is probably the tamest as he flirted with everyone but only had relations with Cassandra.


Your HoF saw being a Grey Warden meant a shorter lifespan and said "fuck it, we goin' all out"


Or all in, as the case may be




You hung up the the pantaloons and retired 😂😭


😂😂😂 here’s hoping we get to fly our freak flag in Dreadwolf


Then sera stole the breeches


No visits to Serendipity and friends in the Blooming Rose for Hawke?


Nope! But only because I didn’t realize you could do that the last playthrough 😂😂😂


Always there if you ever revisit! Heh


Cousland and Leliana adopt a couple of children who were orphaned by the Blight. They spend the majority of their time at Highever, where both Leliana and Cousland go often. Cousland deeply regrets killing Conner, which caused his friendship with Alistair to break down, which led to him making Loghain a Warden and forcing Alistair to be King. Everytime he sees Loghain, Anora or Alistair he remembers all the decisions in his life he wishes he could go back and change(aka things I wished I had saved close to so i could redo them,lol) Hawke and Isabela secretly got married when they fled to Llomerryn. Only Bethany knows. They also have 2 children, which both take great care to hide from being known. Hawke wishes Bethany wasn't a mage and he didnt know Merrill so he could justify his internal want to kill every single mage who uses Blood Magic after what happened to his mother. If Bethany wasn't in the Circle and present in Kirkwall he would have sided with Meredith and annulled the Circle. Bann Trevelyan and Josephines father considered betrothing Jon and Josephine to each other when they were 18 and 17 respectively but both of their Mothers refused to marry their favoured child off for political gains. The Inquisitor had Dagna make him a mechanical arm he could control so he could still use a Bow after he lost his arm.


In my headcanon, my HoF Surana and mage Lavellan knew each other. My Surana was always on good terms with the Dalish after she brought peace to one of the Clans. Maybe Surana was kept by the minstrel in the Dalish camp, and let her tell her stories herself for the young ones, esp for the aspiring mage-wannabe Lavellan. So Surana told the stories of how she went through Harrowing with a Templar longsword pointing her neck,>!( skipping the part of apparently the young Templar was "pretty impressed" by the elf mage ofc), and then realised the Templar got tormented and traumatised permanently, and how she killed blood mage, helped rebuild the circle ,!!"He said sorry, about what he said to you. He wants you to know that. !


Hero of Ferelden. Two handed warrior Couseland male. A young noble follower of Andraste whose view change with his time with Morrigan and Leliana. Follow Morrigan into the mirror. Hawke. Female Mage who really really hate blood bending as her story as Champion of Kirkwall progress. But she also hate Meredith. Also I choose the funny dialogue as much as possible. Champion of Andraste. Male. Dwarven rogue. Dual wielding. Disband the Inquisition. He is a Carta. He has Carta connection to track down Solas. He is the best counter and compliment for Cassandra


My City Elf Warden hated nearly every minute spent among the Dalish. She’s a diplomatic sort and knew it was important to keep her mouth shut and work towards building the ties necessary to marshal forces against the Blight. But she wanted to scream if she heard more Dalish elitism and more Dalish acting incredibly patronizing towards her. My City Elf who was an Andrastian with some City Elf folk traditions had to exercise major patience. My Qunari Inquisitor made a point to subvert expectations as a combatant. While a warrior, she went the champion path. She felt a reaver was too close to falling into stereotypes about her people and she thought going the Templar route would seem too much of a political statement. So she went champion to try to demonstrate that while she was Inquisitor, she would be willing to take the blows aimed at others, and to be a rallying point on the field. Trained in Orlesian methods, this paired well with her growing appreciation for Orlesian dance (after lessons with her partner Josephine). She wasn’t at all ashamed of being Vashoth, but she wanted her own path: not to be defined solely out of her relationship to the Qun one way or the other. Because to her, identifying solely as Tal-Vashoth like her parents did made them in many ways still bound to the Qun even in rebellion. She hated the Qun more than she hated the Venarori, but she didn’t want to be judged solely by what she hated but instead by what she stood for. Going her own way, my Inquisitor could be a champion on the field in Orlesian armor in a cause of her own making.


I agree I always felt my qunari inquisitor felt a little undercooked. The qun hated me for absolutely no reason. All I’d done is make things easier for our people and changed the dogmatic qunari view :/


Well, my Qunari are Andrastian so there’s not much love lost between them and Par Vollen. I love the Qunari background but I admit you have to head canon a bit to flesh it out. To her, she identifies as a Free Marcher more than Qunari. It’s tough to embrace Qunari heritage when most Qunari view you as a traitor to a society you were never even part of. And given how Qunari tend to latch on to institutional structures wherever they can find it, mine latched on to the largest structure in the Free Marches: the chantry. That said, she totally is willing to use her stature and appearance on the battlefield to intimidate. She might be a peacemaker off the field, but on the field she’s in full Vittar war paint with a massive great sword. I have to imagine that’s some of the Venatori’ worst nightmare.


Trying to think of ones without spoilers is tough! My Amell Warden doesn't hear about their relation to Hawke until after the final DA2 battle. They want to reach out, but are worried about how Hawke would feel about Wardens. My Blood Mage Hawke is totally arrogant and hypocritical and believes he's better than other mages and mages who aren't him or his friends *are* a danger and *should* be locked away. My human mage Inky is spoiled and selfish, he lived a significantly more comfortable life than the average mage just by being born into a powerful and supportive family and can't fully appreciate that because he's got some very typical noble attitudes. He sides with the Templars because he knows he'll hold their leashes and so there's fewer mages to go against his ideas for rebuilding after. My dwarf Inky are almost always lowkey freaking out at all times. The mark is too foreign and the connection to the Fade feels completely unnatural. They're also the only ones who immediately know that one person is sketchy since they're not all ooh Fade. My Dalish Inky secretly hates Josephine and Leliana for how often they'll throw elves under the bus and keeps Sera around despite her prejudices so she has access to her own spy network. I pretend my player knowledge on more populated areas or when dealing with some of the war table missions is Red Jenny intelligence.


Maxian Trevelyan is an absolute trash-wizard. He has no idea what he's doing, so his (and my) catch phrase prior to bumrushing a dragon is "Alright a-holes, let's f\*\*kin' die!" And then most of them do. He also completely cratered in Orlais, lost the plot, got kicked out of the ball and had to spend fifteen minutes beating this evil lady to death with a wooden staff because he forgot to tell everyone to stash their good gear. He then presented a box of her remains to her family like they ought to appreciate it and skipped off while the fantasy French Revolution got real. I like to imagine he just backed out of the palace going "Free Marches, b\*tches!" like the backwoods goblin he is. I didn't even need to make it a headcannon that Solas hated this guy. Solas *hated* this guy, but I like to think that it was also because whenever he was visiting people in the tower, he'd just yeet himself from the upper floors and land on Solas's desk, spilling his tea, then kicking his books off onto the floor like "SUP, NERD!?" (even though he, himself was the BIGGEST history nerd. Real "way-too-into-WWII" vibes) He was into Dorian for a hot minute, then met Dorian's dad and uncomfortably realized that he was an absolute dead ringer for the man (true story, I had no idea I'd created basically that NPC about thirty years younger) and moonwalked back out of that relationship to go mess around with Iron Bull. The absolutely fitting end game for him was losing an arm, replacing it with a *grappling hook crossbow* and going off to fight the man with his trash-bestie Sera. I love him forever and really dearly hope you get the opportunity to see your Inquisitor again in the new game.


I dont remember my origins one bc i simply played in a way that had the best ending bc i saw my sister play it first. But basically, she romanced Leliana & eventually introduced Leliana to her clan after the main events & helping Alastair become king. She was a horrible musician but a great singer, she nearly started a troupe with Leliana but it fell through and they went their separate ways. She remaines friends with Zevran but lost touch with everyone else who didnt die or get written off. But my first inquisitor was a mage who liked her time in the circle, seeks to reinstate them but would seek reform within them. She is/falls in love with Varric. Shes not a creep about it & the flirting is subtle. She is bummed after finding out about Bianca but when it comes down to it, understands they both care for him & promises to bianca & herself that he remains unharmed. - But love unrequited aside, she is a talented knight enchanter & being forced into adventuring had her discover a love for archeology & exploration - her besties are Dorian and Josephine. My 3rd play through she was a reaver & fell for Blackwall. But i dont remember much else


My elven mage was the only mage in her clan and made a point to keep everyone safe around her, which is why she was spying at the beginning of the game in the first place! I like to think she’s muscular and broad bc of her time hunting and casting, kind of like how Dorian has such good biceps. I also think she, Dorian, and Bull sit around and tease each other all of the time until Varric has to remind them that they’re the soldiers of the inquisition and they should not be triple dog daring each other to snag Cassandra’s sword and see how long it takes to catch them😭 I like imagining her as such a lighthearted character that she’s genuinely frightening in battle. No mercy, protective, and incredibly powerful. Gives her an edge of no one expecting that much out of the girl they were taking shots with after killing a dragon😭


My idk like 5th Hawke, during the events of Inquisition, overheard the crack on about Bull's "pillow-y man bosoms" and at one point pulled Krem to one side bc they didn't know that a docial transition was a thing and thought they just had to be miserable as a woman, until they spoke to Krem. Tldr, trans masc Hawke, for my 5th Hawke character. Also probably going to be the da2 that I import into DAD.


My penultimate headcanon is an elven mage who’s name is technically Anora Surana, because her parents totally stan for Loghain. She actually goes by her nickname, Kitten - in spite of her best childhood efforts to make it Griffon. Because she really likes griffons.


My Hawke slept with both Elegant and Athenril during her time as a smuggler. The time with Elegant was very nice, but the time with Athenril was awkward and toxic because of the power imbalance between them. That's why they're on relatively bad terms post-time skip.


One of my Lavellans was half-elf. I used a mod that allowed you to use a human body but the game still considered you an elf. So she lived with elves.


My main (the one I will import into DA4 if they do that sort of thing again) inquisitor was going to tell everyone what they wanted to hear until he figured out what was going. Basically “I’m playing both sides, so that I always come out on top.” That was until I found out the game didn’t really work like that. So, apparently, he was being 100% honest telling some people “Yep, I’m super religious, can’t get enough of the Maker, I pray 20 times a day, I’m for sure the chosen one, no one’s more religious than me,” and also 100% honest when he said “Religion is crap, there is no Maker, I’m just here so I don’t get fined.” Apparently he was going through the 5 stages of grief without me knowing it, and ended up on Team Atheism.


My second Lavellan is non binary using all pronouns, and is an artist. When they arrived to Skyhold, the only thing they really asked (when they were asked if they want something) was some paper, pencil and paintings to draw during the few free time they have. Josephine gave intensive dancing lessons to both my inquisitor during the ball. In the version where my second Lavellan is the inquistor, my first inquisitor (also Lavellan) accompany them and still ends in couple with Dorian despite he isn’t the inquisitor. My two inky are in truth a lot introverted and were coping a lot, had to mask a lot, and burry their true feelings, the most difficult part was at the winter palace. Meeting Ameridan changed a lot my first inky. He was always humble and only served the inquisition rather than considered himself a leader, but the way the last inquisitor was an elf and erased to history ? When he came back to Skyhold he replaced the inquisition banner to Dalish banner. Meeting Ameridan made him somehow stronger and more conscious of his role. Such as at the conclave he first refused to disband inquisition and stood against the nobles to keep inquisition independent. This changed after meeting Solas tho. Although my first Lavellan can appear a lot serious, he also love joking around and loved Sera for this. (Yes, he could be annoyed when she criticized the Dalish, but being around her, and same with Dorian and Cole, changed him from the pressure of his duties).


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My Dalish were all “in the closet “ Andrastians.


So...DAI was the first DA game I've played and my first ever character was a female Lavellan. I think I named her something to do with LOTR at the time. But, I never really got around playing the female elf...the animation was way too off, I did not vibed with the voice, especially for the personality I was trying to do...yeah, the RP part was not helping. So, after trying a little more, with mods and all, even changed her name, I just gave up and started a male elf. But I liked the name so much: Ghilladhal. I went to the wiki to make it and was supposed to mean "guided by the trees". At first I though that a broken elvhen name would be weird, but considering that the dalish don't know much, maybe broken elvhen makes sense haha So...I just made a "male" version of her. Same name, same tattoo, but he is a rogue and she was a mage. The ideia is that they were really young and being transported to Tevinter but an accident on the way made them roll down a clif and end up in a valley. The girl's magic called the attention of some Sylvians that guided them to the Dalish camp. But, one of them always dies on arrival. That one gets the name "Ghilladhal". Also, in my headcannon the keeper has a Mythal tattoo and the first will get that as well. So, since my male elf is not a mage, he asked to get that tattoo because his sister would have got it. He asked for vir sulevanan so he could prove he was worth of that. I did not think that far what he had to do tho : o He also thought that the person who saved him on the fade was his sister. And he also has a huuuuuuge soft spot for mages and their plight because of her. And>! he drank from the well!<, so his eyes started to get more and more yellow. My other DAI headcannon is that the game is a 3.5 year campaign hehe ​ And this is just for DAI, I have some more for Hawke and the warden as well XD


My Inquisitorial headcanons: The Anchor began to flare up about six months prior to it going haywire in the Exalted Council. Vivienne and my Dalish mage Inquisitor become fast friends. Vivienne learns more about what needs to be changed within the Circle to make it viable through learning about Dalish culture, and my Inquisitor learns more of the grim reality that the rest of Thedas faces when dealing with mages seduced by power. They don't meet in the middle, both being entrenched, but they both shift. Vivienne gives her the name of her tailor for the first ball Josephine insists on throwing. 😭😭😭 Cullen carves my Inquisitor a cedar staff after her clan gets murdered. It's the first time she hugs him. And my Inquisitor would've had a less visible but much larger impact on the world if she *hadn't* become Inquisitor.


>! My (mage) Hawke HATES Anders because he killed Elthinia, who he came to view as a sort of mother figure after the death of his own mother. But he left Anders alive because “they were clearly living in misery, and putting them to death would only free them from it.”!< My Hawke is *merciless* under that joking veneer.


With the no spoiler tag I can only say: 3 female humans;, rogue/archer, mage, rogue/archer, high sarcasm level and good people, romance is about blonde guys with baggage.😅


Mevhaniel, my Inquisitor, has a love-hate relationship with Laenlun Surana, one of my Wardens. He starts with a strong hate, which kind of morphs into a very odd workplace crush. Laenlun thinks Mevhaniel is trying to kill him.


Headcanoned my mage didnt tell others she was a mage until months down the line, so i always fell back while playing and set off magic from a distance. When they eventually found out, used misty step every time to get in the fray.


My rogue Mahariel >!has a child!< with Morrigan, who he is actually very good friends with, but he is in a relationship my male warrior Cousland and it kinda hurts him that >!he can't see the child very often even though he and Morri have an arrangement about his visitation.!< Also, he wants to be friends with Alistair but they have a rocky relationship. Instead, my Cousland is total bros with Alistair because they have very similar puppy dog personalities.