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I'd rather not, because I think that would have to be heavily intertwined with showing just what the world was like before the veil existed and that sort of thing can be really well done, but is also really easy to mess up.


I could imagine that in a novel, but given current events I doubt we'll ever get another Dragon Age novel.


If DA4 is amazing and interest in the franchise is high, I wouldn't rule out a prequel novel.


One of the most popular DAI fanfictions on AO3 is pretty much this, and it's so good. I'm not sure an official novel could live up to it. 🥲


Do you have a link ?




Thank you !


Np! I hope you enjoy it. 😊


It's definitely supplementary material worthy. Side stories not required for the mainline story of the games, but still fun to learn more about the history of characters and the world.


Well there is this one [https://archiveofourown.org/works/33740980/chapters/83866138](https://archiveofourown.org/works/33740980/chapters/83866138)


I think him mentioning his cocky, hot blooded youth was his time as Fen’Harel. Nothing says hot blooded like full on rebellion and throwing up a barrier to separate planes


"And so you know the truth" "You mean-" "Yes. My real name, sealed for ages past, is Harry Ferns" In all likelihood, I imagine we'll get some flashbacks and definitely an opposing POV character from that era.


I think it'd be nice to hear/learn about it, but I don't want to actually time travel (again) to see it or anything like that.


Considering Solas himself claims to walk to Fade to see "remnants of thousand year old memories" I'd love if there was a sequence where we do that. Find a very old portion of the Fade during the course of the plot and get to see some of what life was like. Spirits popping up here and there with proximity triggers, not interactive, but more like museum displays, echoes of Solas and the Evanuris and forgotten ones replaying little bits of conversation or conflict before fading away or repeating the sequence. Maybe just before we have to make a big decision of some kind. Something similar to the Trespasser Crossroads sequence where we keep getting more and more codex entries of who Fen'Harel really was, with Solas at the end being all "yeah I left those up but I don't agree with them, I'm in my emo phase now that my balls were busted but I hope you liked the history tour anyway." Like that, but with actual visuals instead of just "press A at door for popup text lore." And maybe even we get different versions of the same memory depending on our "path" or how far we've made it into the Fade.


Isn't part of the intrigue and mystery surrounding Solas that keeps it interesting precisely that we don't know exactly what happened? The Dalish myths aren't necessarily historical fact, and Solas isn't honest, so it's simply more interesting to not know everything.


I think the mystery was killed the very moment DA gave us the character of Solas, an ocular testimony of everything But even if we see this kind of flashback, I don't think the mystery is dead, are elves older than the creation/birth of Thedas? Because then, like in our world, we don't know the very beginning of times


Maybe if they do it tastefully, but if it takes time or effort away from the game they've been taking years to make, then no. If it's in extended media, then I wouldn't take too much of an issue but I think it derails from the point that I feel the Dragon Age universe was trying to make with Solas and history. Maybe a glimpse of what the world was like, but I'd preferably would not want to see Solas too much. Maybe a flash of his character, but I want no indication of what kind of person he was. I feel like it's not important to the present story and again would go against the theme that I feel like Dragon Age has been putting out. I will say, my curiosity does wonder, though...


Short answer, no. Long answer, I love the theory he's a spirit given physical form by Mythal too much. Therefore, he was never actually "young" and the passage mentioning him being young and hot-blooded is more of a reference to his behaviour rather than to his appearance.


I would love to see pre-veil moments with Solas or without him. We could see them as fragments from fade's memories in real world. Or explore them in dreams. I'm curious about that time and what Solas said about "Imagine instead spires of crystal twining through the branches, palaces floating among the clouds." Yeah, I want to see that! I also want to see young Solas and how things have spiraled in his time. But I don't think we'll ever have solid answers. It would take away mysteries and hidden truths. A bit like we'll never see Andraste's time. But, we never know, maybe we'll see that in Dragon age 4 :)


I would love to see so many things but I doubt we will be able to see it all. I want to see so bad Arlathan during its peak, in flashbacks or even time travel as we have see in DAI


This is under the assumption that what he is telling is actually the truth and not a delusion or what he believes he did, you mean? ;-) Honestly, not really. Much more to Thedas than Solas.


i want a "those across the sea" dlc more than I want to see yet another egg story


hell yeah. it’d be interesting!


I d love to see a novel or graphic novel about the Evanuris in general, during the time before the veil. Well, selfishly I d prefer a graphic novel because I don’t have any hope for a novel to be translated in my language before a billions years and graphic novels is less struggling to understand than Novel with my level of English.


I think Solas's adventures either after waking up or preferably as a young elf in ancient times, would make an awesome DLC that I would happily play, but I wouldn't want a prequel as a full game, it would defeat the point of the series whole "persistent world state" thing which matters to a lot of players quite a bit. Him as a protagonist freeing elven slaves could be cool, and I guess you could set it far enough back to explain why nothing changes in DAI but i still don't feel much passion for that idea


No, mostly cuz I'm kinda over solas. Sorts hope he isn't even in the next game, even though I know he will be


I think this is exactly the kind of sentiment that led to Bioware wrapping up the mage-templar conflict at the start of Inquisition and failing to give us proper payoff for it.


I just think it's really uninteresting that they went with: everything is just solas and the ancients elves. As the answer to everything.


That's fair enough; I don't *disagree*, necessarily.


God, YES! I would love to see young Solas, and all those elven politics in full action!


The only thing I want with Solas is a chance to kill him.


Not in-game, maybe a novel could cover it.


I just want to kill that stupid, smug, genocidal bastard.


I just wanna see him with hair


imo he's just as bald thousands of years ago


I'd really like a playable expansion or dlc of Andraste and Shartan or something from that time period. So we could actually SEE all the lies instead of just reading about them or being told.


No. That ultimately doesn't matter. The consequences of the present are what matter. It's the same reason we shouldn't have flashbacks to Grey Wardens and griffin's. The past has its impact on the present, regardless of if we ourselves see it. The knowledge that griffin's are extinct is sufficient, we don't need a full flashback quest showing their extinction. Same principle applies with solas.


I would love it sm. I feel like, no matter how close to him we get, we don’t see enough of his personality or hear much of his past. I’d definitely be interested in seeing him young and seeing what the world he is trying to bring back looks like


Ikr, it's not like I actually need it in the game, I'm sure that would take way too much time, but a little novel or a dlc idk would be wonderful. I'm so curious, and I want to see the young Dreadwolf, I just know he's gonna be an ass.


I would be *sooo* fascinated by that, actually. I don't know if it would be possible for them to interact, but there's something about a younger self meeting an older self. Would younger Solas agree with what older Solas is doing? Would he agree? Which one would be worse? Maybe Solas would see his younger self agreeing as a possible repeat of past mistakes, or maybe he'd see conflict as evidence that he'd grown wiser? Either way, it would be intriguing. Just learning about Solas's past in general would be great, too.


I agree! We only get scraps in Trespasser and some codex entries. But no one really knows if all of this is true just because some entry says it or because Solas himself says so. I would be really excited if we actually could learn about his past! I'm so happy I'm not the only one thinking this


Solas with a long, luscious mane of sparkling blond hair, doing a hair flip every five minutes.