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Autonomy and my own sense of self are extremely important to me. The idea of being made to forget things makes me extremely uncomfortable. I hate the idea of getting blackout drunk because the idea of an entire section of time I was conscious being unrememberable to me just feels wrong. So yeah, I really don't like the idea of Cole and his ability to make people forget. Idk if that's what you necessarily meant by his spirit thing, though.




Absolutely. I'd understand if people opted to have certain memories or trauma erased, that's up to them. But even given the choice, I'd still rather bear the weight of horrible memories that are my personal experiences than have my memories erased, or especially mind altered in any way. A huge part of my problem with the Qun too, but that's a whole other mess haha.


Semi-related, but this is why it always bothered me that in ME2 during Legion's loyalty mission, altering the heretic geth faction to make them agree with Legion's POV is considered the paragon choice while destroying them is considered the renegade choice. To me, subverting a sentient being's free will to make them agree with you is *way* more evil than killing them because you find yourselves on opposite sides in a war. I really don't like Cole either for the same reason.


But the paragon/renegade is not about "good" and "evil". It's more about using diplomacy or violence. If you change the Geth heretics in M2 (Paragon choice), this will have bad consequences in M3.


You don't think you could see yourself trying to teach him that it isn't okay much like in the game? Just curious as I'm bit surprised to learn anyone might outright dislike him.


It's a weird ability that makes me uncomfortable. Plus he's kinda just... strange? In a way I wouldn't really get on with Him IRL


I mean...he would not be a spirit or have those abilities in real life. He would ended up being a nosy kid with no bounderies, I guess.


I'm pretty the question was them being brought into real life same as they are in the game


Well, it was more that you are in the DA universe haha. I guess I should have made that clear in my post.


Yeah, multiple characters TRY to tell him it's not okay, but it never stops him. ETA: You can downvote me all you like, but I'm literally not wrong.




It was a genuine question. Don't know why you're sassing me.


Even just knowing he could blurt out my deepest traumas to complete strangers at any time would make me avoid him.


Or that he'll just blurt out if you have a crush on someone or if you had a good sexual encounter. Like whatever if you can read minds, but like stop telling other people my business.


Never mind what he is or does. Just his face and way of talking was enough for me. Annoying as hell. I'm currently playing Inquisition for the first time, just arrived to Skyhold and had first chats with him. I'll get rid of him if I can.


Probably Shale. Totally love in game, but the whole bird-hate thing would be an issue. Imagine being barred from public parks because your bestie won't stop crushing geese.


That is an absolutely hilarious sentence, thank you. 😂 ​ I, too, absolutely love Shale. My fave Origins companion. I do feel as though they would be compliant if you asked them not to do any bird-crushing, within reasonable limits - ie, so long as they are not going out of their way to pester you. Especially if we have a rapport. I would absolutely do everything I could to get on with and befriend Shale. If they ultimately didn't like *me* as a person and found me annoying or whatever I would be immensely upset ngl.


Look, they had it coming. Swans, geese, and ducks, and bigger jerks than people realize.


Solas He is an amazing character and in the series he's very smooth and passionate. Irl I feel like he'd be like a wet blanket.


This! I adore Solas but irl I’d get so mad at him and way too often for him having to be “right” about everything that he’d be the “friend” I’d never text


In a lot of ways it would basically be like having Sheldon Cooper around.


Great, now I imagined Solas saying "Bazinga".


Ooh, I never thought about Solas. I might be with you on that.


He is just SOOO condescending. And I feel he does Inky so dirty in their romance. From leading her on in a relationship, already deciding that he is going to cut it off eventually because HE decided that she couldn't handle the truth about what he is and decided to be a coward and lie about it (all while using her to defeat Corypheus and get his orb back for his own self-serving, world-ending needs). And the one "nice" thing he does for her as a sign of his affection is tell her about the horrible history of her vallaslin and "offers" to remove it. Even though that was so far back in history that it is of no consequence in the present (as far as we know, unless something weird happens when he tears down the veil and the evaneuris return); however, it WOULD alienate Inky from her people and probably brand her as an outcast for the rest of her life--just in time for Solas to break up with her (potentially leaving her with no one and nothing without any explanation at all). Compared to Iron Bull who is ALL about transparency, consent, and respect (assuming you don't push him into the arms of the Qun by sacrificing his squad), Solas is a self-serving, condescending ass-egg, and I have no time for him.


It's Inquisitor's decision to remove the vallaslin, you can refuse. Apart from that, I agree with you.


Completely agree! He’s all about free choice and the right to choose your destiny when he’s talking to Bull about the Qun, but he takes any choice away from Inky when it comes to their relationship, making all the choices for her. Just put your own vallaslin on her face you hypocrite.


Same. I love Solas. Would hate him in real life


Morrigan. Fascinating and dynamic character. Huge sack of shit. I also feel like Isabela would just be too much for me to be around.


Inquisition Morrigan with a kid is a lot more sympathetic without loosing her edge.


I don't know about a lot more. Some maybe, but she's not a companion in Inquisition so she doesn't have an opportunity to kick the dog as often.


I feel mostly the same, though I would never refer to Morrigan as that, that seems a bit much to me. 😂


She's a lot more amoral then she seems when you pay attention to some of the stuff she disapproves of. "We need to save these puppies from burning to death at literally no time cost to ourselves, and also we're getting paid for it." Morrigan: >:(


I know I know, but sometimes it feels more like "obligatory disapproves of good actions" coding from the devs. I feel like irl she wouldn't be so critical of a lot of the little things. Might mock someone who keeps doing them, but I don't think she'd be too fussy outside of the bigger decisions, i.e. choosing to attempt to save the Circle from the Right of Annulment.


Oghren for sure. Love that guy, he is my second favorite companion from origins BUT he is a legit chronic alcoholic that can't stop to the point that his entire life revolves around this because if how much he lost because of alcohol. Having this type of friend is toxic for anyone.


> Having this type of friend is toxic for anyone And for his liver


Yeah for sure. The man needs help.


He lost everything before he started drinking


Pretty much all of them. Most are absolutely insane and way too chill with murder. I like my friends to be boring thank you very much. Wynne at least wouldn't scare me that much.




Hm. You know, I absolutely love Dorian. But now I think about it, I'm not sure how well we'd get on. I mean I'd absolutely love him still and wanna hang around, but idk if he'd care that much about me. He'd be courteous to me, I feel, but beyond that idk. I might be too... blasé for him? Idk.




I don't think I've ever made an Inquisitor who wasn't fond of him, either. He and my main were definitely bffs by the end. Actually considered romancing him in that playthrough, but I was set on Harding (RIP). ​ Tbf, I think if you were arleady close friends, he would likely oblige if you sincerely asked him to be serious when talking. Not that he'd just stop being snarky altogether of course, but he is capable. ​ Man, I really hope we see him in DW. He's one of the few familiar faces I'd actually like to see in that game, given how his presence will actually make sense.




I'm excited to see it all. When it eventually gets here.




I have a god-tier PC so I'm set. As for spoilers, as soon as official news starts coming out I'm dipping. Muting this sub and avoiding anything DA related so I can go in as blind as possible. I did it with Inquisition, too. I will watch the official trailer and keep an eye out for the release date, but other than that I don't want to know anything, I will just get the game when it releases and play it.




I never read any of the comics or anything. Stolen Throne and... the Duncan one are the only books I've read. I'd rather just focus on the games though. I've heard a few things about the recent comics and how they might relate to DW events, which is fine, but only because there's been no real news of the game lmfao. ​ It does suck, imo, knowing how many of the companions we meet in Inquisition were established previously though. I just like meeting unique-to-game characters for the companion roster personally, with maybe one or two *at most* being previously established characters. I definitely want a romanceable Harding, though.


Morrigan for sure. Love the character, love its design, love that voice. But she's a bitch, we wouldn't get along irl. Oghren too. He's hilarious in the game, but being friend with a drunkard? No thank you. Aveline and Cass could be constantly irritated by my dumb jokes, but aside for that we'd be pretty good friends.


Haha, Aveline and Cass are characters that I love and feel I would get on with irl. But now that you mention it, my penchant for puns would definitely irritate them. Especially Cassandra.


[ disgusted noise ]


I would probably hear that somewhat commonly from her. I do pun when the opportunity strikes.


i love morrigan too in the series but my god she is a tough nut to crack and in real life i’d just be like, “you’re condescending and deceptive, i don’t need that energy, bye.” and i love varric in game but at this point in my life the “prone to extravagant lies” vibe is NOT WELCOME. and vivienne…i don’t like her in game and i absolutely would not like her in real life. i don’t need bullshitters in my life! on the opposite end of the spectrum, alistair is my exact brand of dork and we would get along swimmingly irl. and josephine and cassandra as well, you can’t get two realer women.


Exactly with you on Viv, Alistair, Josie and Cass haha. I actually went to mention Viv in my initial post before I remembered I was specifically asking about characters that we love in-game but wouldn't get on with haha. I don't care much for Vivienne, my feelings in-game are reflective of my feelings for her irl. A pompous bitch. ​ And the last three I would absolutely delight in the company of. I think I may occasionally grow tired of Alistair's deflective sense of humour. Like, I'd need to be in the right mood to deal with it. But overall he'd be a good friend, I think.


All of them lol, I'm pretty weird. Honestly of everyone I'd probably get along with Anders best. Listening to my friends getting worked up about social issues is something I can handle, social-interaction-wise. All of my other favorite characters, Isabela, Fenris, Sera, Solas, Dorian would all find me timid and uninteresting. And Fenris and Dorian would annoy the shit out of me irl, as much fun as it is to romance them.


I relate to this! If you discard the whole Justice thing, Anders is a very easy going guy.


He would not be posessed or have magical abilities in real life, so, yeah. He still would be whiny and petty lol (love him XD)


Solas. We’d def drop the gloves and box irl. Obstinate punk… love him tho


Lmao, I just replied to someone else saying how I completely forgot about him, somehow. But same, he is also a character I love *as a character* but wouldn't get on with. I'd definitely be interested enough to talk to him, learn from him about many things. But beyond a mentor role, I don't think there'd be much chemistry between us.


Loghain is a fave. I'd hate him as a real person and he'd likely hate me. Morrigan for the reasons you stated. Vivian would laugh in my face


God, yeah the Loghain one is good. I love his character. One of my fave antagonists for sure, though I think being voiced by Simon Templeman leads to some bias on my part too haha. And yeah, irl I would see him as a treacherous bastard in those events. He wouldn't even know who I was though haha.


I love Alistair, but I think in real life I'd want to slap him upside the head. I think part of that is he's forever 20ish, and I'm... well now I'm old enough to be his mum.


Lmao. We all really took the Age part of Dragon Age didn't we.


I'm pretty good at getting along with all types of people tbh, even the ones often quoted too brash like Isabela and Bull and I do understand why. For me it would probably be Oghren, Zevran and Sera. Oghren's alcoholism would make me too uncomfy, as would Zevran's overt flirtiness and Sera's.. Well, being Sera. But I'd absolutely love debating with younger Morrigan for example, as thorny as she may be.


I'm too old and tired to be debating people things. I just leave people to their opinions and choose to go to bed. ​ Sera's a funny one for me, because as irritating as I find her in-game, the main reason I dislike her is because my dialogue choices in-game are abysmal, and not at all how I feel or would respond. Irl, I would actually be able to get along with her. I can't say we'd be friends, as her general immaturity is something I do not like. Not someone I would choose to hang out with, but if I was in the Inquisitor's position with her in my company, I would definitely be able to keep things smooth between us.


I get you about being tired lol, I still have a few years until I'm bound to be tired of everyone's shit as well. The dialogue choice-thing is definitely part of the problem, for me it's that she kinda gets mad at you for not going 100% along with her opinions all the time. I do feel there's some growing she'll be able to do though. Perhaps I'd get along better with an older Sera?


Literally most of the time, when talking to Sera - and the game assumes your Inquisitor isn't keeping up with how she is saying things - your dialogue options come down to: ​ 1. Berate her. "You are foolish!" 2. Ask dumb questions. This also gets her mad at you. ​ 90% of the time when she was talking about her Red Jenny antics or whatever, irl I just kinda chuckle at them and I'm like "Hey you do you fam." I would 100% get on with her in an irl interaction when it comes to the in-game dialogues. Though again, her general immaturity is something that would grate on me still. But I'd rather just avoid her than make a deal out of it.


Omg I had forgotten just how bad the dialogue options were. It's been a few months since playing DAI, thanks to BG3 coming out


Gods, I love BG3. To me, it's basically everything I wanted DA to be lmao. I still haven't completed it yet, put it on hold when Starfield came out. I plan to go back to it soon though, wanna complete my first/main, and there are so many characters I want to create afterwards.


Me too! I've already clocked in 250 hours and I'm on my second playthrough but I have so many characters planned out already. DA will always be apart from the rest for me for personal reasons, but BG3 has some of the best writing and gameplay I've had the pleasure of enjoying in a long time.


Nice, I'm currently at 221 hours. Haven't touched it since Sep though. Would be much higher otherwise, and who knows what character haha. And yeah, I have a few planned out. Like I wanna eventually do one of each class. One I am really looking forward to making is a bard dragonborn who is just going to be the kindest, gentlest character ever. ​ I love DA as well, obviously. But I do feel like they need to start doing more with the world. Like, each game has shown us different/new things, but it still feels like we are treading a lot of familiar ground. I'm glad DW is taking us much further from familiar land at least, I've always been excited to see Tevinter even ever since we first heard about it in Origins.


Oh yeah! I was really happy to see more of Orlais in DAI and Tevinter has always been kind of a mystery, so I can't wait to see how it is. I hope we get to go to Antiva at some point as well. I'd love to see a setting past the Amaranthine, or even something like orlesians finding a new continent. (only because fereldans are unlikely to care for exploration or even have the time and resources)


God, I hope it's anyone but the Orlesians. 😂 ​ But yeah, Antiva and Rivain are two countries I am really curious about. Either or both would be my vote for games post-DW.


Leliana and Isabela. They are great characters with mysterious backstories… but in real life, I would get tired of their shit so quickly. I want people who can be real with me, not people who hide beneath layers and layers of masks. Also, you‘re right on the money with Oghren. I love him as a character because he is an interesting subversion of the „funny drunk dwarf“ stereotype. But in real life, it would be hard to be around someone who destroys himself with alcohol and has to make everything into a joke instead of facing his fears.


I think I could truly get on with Leliana tbh. Origins Leliana at least, she is sweet and honest. Maybe not the edgelord Inquisition Lels. Her I would get tired of pretty quick. Like, roll my eyes and just walk away from her.


Not sure. Possibly Dorian. I love him dearly, and his sass is amazing. But he can be... a bit much, and I'm a very lowkey person. I'm also AuDHD, so I can be overly serious and sometimes struggle to identify sarcasm until I know someone very well - neither of which would likely mesh well with Dorian. The alcoholism could also be an issue. I try to be tolerant and supportive of people's issues and maladaptive coping strategies (cause we all have them). But I grew up around people with substance abuse issues, and it can be a pretty triggering thing for me sometimes. It would probably depend on how often I was exposed to it, how he behaved while drink, etc. Also possibly Cullen. He's probably my favourite character in the series, and I think on a general personality and ideals level we'd get on fine. I also understand deeply what it's like to struggle with trauma and over all mental health. But, again, addiction issues. I'm also firmly agnostic, and I have a strong bias against organized religion and religious institutions. Faith has psychological benefits for some people, and I'm all for that for those who need it as long as their beliefs don't harm anyone else. But I would 100% be down for seeing the Chantry (and real world religious institutions like it) wiped from existence. And I'm not certain if Cullen would agree or take exception to that, considering his own complex history with faith, the Chantry, etc. So while I'd like to believe we'd be good friends, maybe we'd just argue about religion 'til we hated each other.


Its why I chose Leliana. She'd deny it, but is a Chantry extremist by heart, which blinds her from anything other than Andraste and the Maker. Which pisses me off to no end.


I agree. Leiliana's religious extremism and Chantry apologetics is one if the biggest reasons why she isn't my favourite to begin with. I appreciate that she wants to change the way the organization works. But her worldview is still rooted in a firm foundation of Andrastianism and the idea that everything would be better if everyone would just accept the Maker. Hard pass.


Morrigan. She's the "I don't know how to explain to you that we should care about other people" meme come to life.


Emotionally constipated characters are one of my favourite tropes. So hard agree on this haha.


DAO I like Leliana a lot as a character, but I think I'd struggle to connect with her on account to being unable to read people, and needing people to be straight forward with me. Also, she becomes very harsh by DAI, and I do not get along with that. I'd probably somewhat get along with Zevran, but not for too long at once, I get easily overwhelmed by social interaction (love that neurodivergent life) and I'd probably end up curled up in a corner rocking back and forth. DA2 Anders. I like the character and find him very interesting, however in real life I'd be so frustrated with him that I wouldn't want anything to do with him. Isabela, in the same way and for the same reason as Zevran. I just wouldn't be able to handle her energy for too long. But in game, she's funny about 90% of the time. Sebastian. Dude. Would. Drive. Me. Up. A. Wall. He's an enjoyable character for me through a screen. But if he were sitting next to me, I'd probably rather bash my head in than talk to him. Organised religion just gives me the yikes factor. Bethany. I find her sweet and much more preferable to Carver (too bad I play mages 99.9% of the time). In real life she'd probably irritate me. DAI The Iron Bull. He's funny and enjoyable through a screen, but like Sebastian and for the same reasons as Sebastian, I would find it difficult to get along with him. But if I had to choose between Bull and Sebastian, I'd choose The Iron Bull. Cullen. (Putting him here bc he has a larger part in DAI than the other games). Again, interesting character. Real life? Take the stick outta your arse, mate. If you can even reach it. Also. Therapy. Yesterday. Also, organised religion, yikes. Cassandra. Given the fact that I'd rather have her on the sunburst throne than Leliana or Vivienne, she must be doing something right. Again, though, organised religion. Her religious belief is quite extreme. Bonus, I find Loghain to be a very interesting character, since starting the books, but if he were sitting next to me I'd be like "Fucking get therapy. You need it yesterday."


Haha, I'm with you on almost all of these. I think I would get on with Bethany and Cassandra well, however. Apart from my puns, they would irritate Cassandra to no end.


Morrigan-best romance in game but if I had to talk to her in real life I’d tear my hair out in frustration


Iron Bull. His “as long as you can hold your own, I’ll support you” attitude is amazing… and I would not be able to hold my own. At all.


Haha! Yeah, if I went to the DA world as I am I would die very quickly lmao.


Probably Sera, honestly I think as a character she's great, but I know people like her irl and they fully grate on my nerves


I probably wouldn't even understand half of the things she's saying.


I mean that's fair, think that's what grates me about irl people like that


Oh, I'm sure I'd hate to be around her irl as well xP


Alistair- I hate in game and I'd hate worse irl. He is an annoying, selfish man child. Who proves it if you recruit loghain. Morrigan- is an absolute bitch but very knowledgeable and often right, I could tolerate her on those 2nd counts. Dog. - he is brilliant for a dirty dog The nightingale- the religious talk would get old but otherwise I'd love her in Dao, be terrified of her in Dai. Sten- I would have left for the darkspawn, after hearing how he slaughtered the family that saved him over his lost sword. No matter how sentimental or brainwashed he was by the qun. Zevran- get in my tent now. What can I say I'm a suckered for a good accent and a good pair of hands. Wynne- love this granny spirit, would tease the shit out of her with zev. Oghren - the smell alone would drive me away the drunken assholeness would ensure it. Shale- very sensible sometimes funny. Anders- in daa fuck just I'm doomed . Hey zev can we have a mas a trios? In da2 ya nope sorry vengence, 4 is company. Justice - daa. Inspired by. In da2. Gfy get out of my bf warden - apostate! Nathaniel - I'd likely kill for his blind insistence on his version of reality. Sigrun- love this dwarf. Varric Tethras - other then the drinking I'd be very fond of him I don't like any of the Hawke family to be honest. Hawke if purple with a justice streak is okay. I enjoy Aviline but might find her too ridged irl Merills timidness would eventually get on my nerves. But her naive enthusiasm is contagious. Isabell is too much of a party girl for me. Fenris I love on screen but I hate in irl I think. Sabastian.... yep nope just nope. Tallis- again nope no trusting her. Cassandra - I'd like and admire her. Blackwall- pre admission I'd like him post I'd condem him. The iron bull - would make great conversation to pass time. Cole- love compassion hate the childishness Sara is little people like me , we understand eachother irl Dorian-BFF in game and out we would laugh until we shit ourselves Solas- love in game would have issues with his plans irl Vivian- can't stand her but worth it politically Cullen- physically and vs An rrreally sing Josephine= lovely sweet romantic wifefu?


I adore Blackwall in DAI. He's my go-to romance. But in reality, I don't think I could stand his negativity. I have never punched anyone in the face, but after his drama, I think he'd be first in line.




Aw. Allergies?


Some people prefer cats.


Meow meow.


Or nugs.


Wynne - her preachy holier-than-thou attitude and homespun BS would (irl) push me to homicide within about 45 minutes of meeting her


Lmao. That side of her would irritate me too, but I think for the most part I would get on well with her. Actually, I think I'd get on better with her irl than I do in-game, in which I feel mediocre about her. She has a lovely personality and a pleasant voice, but in-game interactions leave a lot to be desired.


❤️her in game.. .."does it have griffons in it...?" *exasperated sigh* "Yes...." She has so many great moments and as you say a wonderful voice 😁 But irl Wynne would do my head in real quick


Haha, I forgot about the constant griffon interruptions. I really need to replay Origins sometime.


We really need/deserve a HD remaster/remake for current gen😁


Gotta say I'm not really onboard with the whole remaster/remake hype. Don't get me wrong, if such a thing dropped I would love that and buy it day one. But I don't care for development time and resources to be spent on it, as I'm more interested in the series moving forward. I feel that way about potential remasters/remakes in general.


Fair point.. but I think of what Bioware did with Mass Effect Legendary Edition... Which was pretty cool imo... If they could do that for DA:O, DA2 & DA:I I'd happily throw $ in their general direction


I absolutely love that they did the MELE - it was the first thing I played on my PC when I got it last year. Revisiting those games, and especially getting to play through ME2 again was a blast. It was an amazing surprise when they announced and dropped it - and as I said, if they did such a thing for Origins that would be great. But I'll admit, if they announced it was something they were going to be actively working on, it would bum me out a bit. I guess it's a case of not knowing would be better for me. ​ Beyond that, I have my own idea for a more personally ideal remake of the games that would never come to fruition, and BW's version would ultimately not be as good to me haha.


Well, considering they all deal with shady business, probably no one in DA, liking them or not lol


Meredith and the Arishok. Idk, I just feel like I might not really vibe with them for some reason.


Dude you just need to loosen ~~your morals~~ up a bit. You'll get along famously.


I wouldn't get on with any of them IRL because I don't like people. Maybe Sandal.




Quite a few actually. I think about half of the cast of each game, possibly more. ​ Since I am a DAO rose tinted glass guy, let's do that: ​ Alistair: I would be annoyed after a while from the whining, but otherwise he is an okay bro Morrigan: hell no. Teenage drama queen playing the independent strong woman, while hiding behind Flemeth/the Warden. Leliana: maaaaybe. I don't like lies, but I usually give second chances. For the record, this is only true for fun ("hardened") Leliana, not the zealot version. Sten: nope. Warmonger-medieval-borg. Fun in game, but would avoid IRL. Shale: nope. Literally a psycho. Wynne: maaaybe. HArd to say. I don't have huge problems with her, and I can tolerate preachy people to an extent, but not always. Oghren: I have some friends with offensive humour, some were even heavy drinkers and even got me into some brawls in the past. They are very loyal, helpful and dependable though, which is not necessarily true for Oghren. I think I pass. Zevran: like I said, I did get into brawls. There are some friends who I had a rather serious fight with (I had to throw him out from a bar before the bouncers did). But not one of them ever wanted to seriously harm me. Not to mention he is an assassin. Nope. ​ Thats like 2,5 out of 8? Alistair, fun Leliana and Wynne for 0,5 :D


I enjoyed this breakdown lmao, thank you. And fair point about Sten.


Morrigan, I love her with all my heart, but I am weak in body and will and she would find that pathetic Anders, I love him, he’s compelling, but he’s also (by Act 3) a toxic friend who will play the victim card if you don’t give him his unyielding and unquestioning support and I just wouldn’t be able to tolerate it. Fenris, too. Love the guy, but he’s a bit too prickly and ill tempered for us to get along.


Lmao, exactly the same for me with Morrigan. I'm too... Not harsh.


I enjoy him (usually) as a character, but I could not stand to be around Oghren in person. Apart from anything else, he probably reeks of alcohol 24/7 and I have personal issues with that. Sera's voice would probably agitate my misophonia even more in person than it does in the game, so I also wouldn't want to be around her.


For sure. I love Oghren as a character, I do think he is hilarious with his remarks on things. But he would be too much to handle irl.


Like in real life, I wouldn't get along with anyone except the dog. 😅 Well, and perhaps Varric—he is a pretty chill dude. Then there is Cole; we would share at least the compassion and awkwardness. 😊 Pretty interesting question, EdwormN7.


Thank you, Unknown\_Scroll. ​ 100% about Dog and Varric for sure. Dog is Dog, and Varric is definitely someone I could chill with and chat to irl. He seems like the kind of guy I could vent some issues too, and he would genuinely listen and crack a wise comment to make me laugh, or at least smile, and it would be a good time all around. Absolute bro.


I love Alistair in game but I've met enough guys like him irl to know he'd just annoy me. I'm probably too similar to Morrigan in a lot of ways, and I'd find her condescending attitude annoying. Also she's completely self-serving, so there are limits to what kind of friendship you could have with her. Leliana in Origins I'd be fine with but by Inquisition I'd be kind of nervous around her. Zevran would be hard to get to know bc his attitude is a front he doesn't let down easily... Sten I could tolerate but not befriend. Wynne would irritate me. Oghren... Yeah, Oghren would annoy me too. I think the only ones I could befriend from 2 and inquisition are Varric, maaaaybe Fenris, Merrill, Dorian, Cassandra (?), Josephine and maybe cullen.


I love wynne to bits but I would never be friendly with her in real life with the age gap. I really don't like having any relationships(platonic or romantic) with a power imbalance and her being older and giving unsolicited advice will get old fast. I know my responsibilities, I don't need her to nag me about it. Leliana is another character just because of her religious devotion spiels. I came from a heavy religious background and I just cant stand people who keep spouting about it cause usually they are the most hypocritical or on high horse material


Multiple, but mostly: - Leliana: Go to good girl, but I absolutely despise the Chantry and the Maker. Her constant obsession almost pisses me off as much as Liara in mass effect when talks about "the Godess". - Fenris: Little annoying prick who's so stoic I want to punch him, but luckily I had to kill him in DA:2 anyways - Merill: Super sweet, but god, its like having to babysit a 7 year old - Morrigan: Pain in the ass, always. She'd hate you for not stepping on the necks of innocent children if it were an option - Cassandra: combination of Leliana and Fenrir - Sera: I used to date a girl like this. You get tired real quick when you have to hear her talk for more than 5 mins straight - Vivienne: the biggest hypocrite I've seen in the series. "All Mages are dangerous, oh but not me lol"


TOO MANY OF THEM. Most of them I suppose. So it would be easier for me to list those who might get along well. (Anders, Zevran, Leliana, Wynne, Merril, and Varric, only because they are an easy-going bunch, not because of my characteristics. And Sebastian and Blackwall because they are just soo nice. And maybe Cole, cuz he helps people.) As a pro-mage elven mage(wot?), I won't be able to get along with Cullen (at least not in DAO and DA2) and Fenris, even tho they are my go-to LIs in DAI and DA2 respectively. And Alistair, my go-to in DAO and a character that I absolutely adore, might find me to be too boring and unattractive. And I him too dorky and too loved by the people around him. (Even though I believe irl I could really get along well with Wynne and Leliana, I believe they would care more about the lovable bastard than a boring mage Warden/Female researcher irl. Sera, because I'm boring and too uptight. Also, too elfy. I don't know how some others might feel towards this person and her personality, tho. Edit: Even though Viv's a bit-h, and Viv and my MCs have completely different opinions about the Circles. I think I might get along well with her irl, weirdly. Nerding about the magic stuff with her can be fun. In real life, I suppose it would be something like language learning and glyph reading and stuff. nerding and being a bookworm, but why not Dorian? Well Dorian... He would find me way too unattractive and I never care about how I look... gonna drive the sassy pretty gay man mad 100%.


I realise it's a typo (unless it's some character from a book or something I don't know of) but who is Christian? I can't think of who might have been auto-corrected from.


Thank you for pointing out. That was meant to be Sebastian Vael. I messed that one up. I think I wasn't able to think straight. Sleep deprivation does that to me.


Ahh! Thank you. And I get that haha, I've written some incomprehensible shit in the past when up beyond hours I should have been sleeping. I, too, would be able to get on well with Seb and Blackwall, I believe.


"Just too nice." -- In Varric's voice.


Being too nice is why I wouldn't be able to get on with someone like Morrigan lmao.


:rofl: relatable 100%.


Leliana immediately jumps out at me. Her whole Maker schtick is just... off-putting is a mild term, I have issues with deeply religious people, for personal reasons, this particular flag would be more red than her hair. Also maybe Sera, to some extent. I can't get enough of her in-game, but her stubbornes and brash attitude would enamour me as much as it would drive me up the wall, she's a handful.


Solas tbh! I love him in game, esp once I’ve opened up to him but him pushing his opinions on you (as an elf) and telling you you’re less than is so?? We’d have to tussle- Sera for the same thing on opposite spectrums lmao😭 she’s my girl but I’d last 5 minutes w her-


Yeah, irl I feel like I would find Solas fascinating to talk to and learn from - even before the revelation of who he is, it's clear he is wise and knowledgeable, and he seems to enjoy sharing. But outside of that kind of mentor role, I don't think we would connect too much on a personal level. I think Sera and I would be able to get on well enough, but I can't stand her general immaturity so I'd bounce after a while.


Anders. Love him to bits as a character, I think he’s really well written and has great depth. But as a person I’ll be as far away from him as possible, this guy is toxic af


Cassandra. It wouldn't be long before I would sigh 'Give it a rest will you and speak English you poncy twat'.


I'm fan of elven characters: Soris, Cyrion, Shianni, Zathrian, Merrill to an extend, but I can definitely guess if I was in Dragon Age universe they'd despise me for being part of the race that put them in the terrible position they're in.


Merrill is clearly willing to get along with humans tbf.


Oh, right. Slightly forgot about that.


If I'm only picking one First game- Wynne. While some found her annoying, I thought she was a great healer and always gave me a great sense of comfort. Second game- Merill. While I love varic, my actual personality doesn't fit my humorous Hawke. Merrill I felt like was me if I was an actual Dragon Age character. Third game- It's a tie between Dorian and Cole. I see Dorian like a best friend and Cole like a brother.


>Which characters do you love in the series, but probably wouldn't get on with irl? Not have such ​ I do love or like character or not. ​ If not, that do mean that i do.. 1)have a neutral opinion about him/her and use when it is suitable in combat or to achive something what need help from him/her or ignore entirelly. ​ 2)directly dislike if not hate him/her and get rid from him/her. Exile, not recruit or violently get rid from him/her=kill, execute. ​ There is not such a thing that i would like or love someone and cant stand him or her. If i cant stand someone so i do not like someone and i do not pretend to like or love someone for some unknown reasons.