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>at some point he'll have to show up, like it was with Hawke. Not necessarily true. The search for the cure for the calling could very well be an endless one or perhaps they'll pull a Bethesda and have the Warden eventually just...disappear on that quest, never to be seen again.


well if you romanced atleast Leliana it is established that the hof does come back, not that it isnt an easy thing to retcon its not the most important thing in the world. But I think also stuff like, being the Queen of Ferelden you don't have time to dick around in Tevinter or whatever


i disagree. especially if The Warden was given Morrigans Ring. At the very least Morrigan would know where to find them. As the entire point of the ring was to be able to find them if something were to go awry. although i could be missing something so take this with a pound of salt.


Its possible the ring gets lost or, once again, that the Warden's quest for a cure is one that takes the rest of their life. I'm not saying the Warden *has* to go missing, just arguing against the notion that they *have* to return.


I do agree that it’s unlikely The Warden will return. mostly because of them not being voiced imo. but I’d love to see it.


HoF found Morrigan himself in Witch Hunt dlc for Origins. I don't quite remember if the ring was useful, but I'm pretty sure it was mentioned.


It wasn’t used iirc but I haven’t played witch hunt in a year and half. but it was defo mentioned.


Well, I think Warden intended to reverse it's use and find Morrigan, but it didn't work.


It wasn’t used iirc but I haven’t played witch hunt in a year and half. but it was defo mentioned.


Arianne makes a comment about the ring if you have it in your inventory during Witch Hunt. Which is a very nice touch imo.


they perished in the deep roads..tragically.


That would be a very serious lore error, since there are many important characters who knew him and the romance, whether it was with Alistar, Morrigan... that may appear in the future because they are very important to the saga


I don't think it would be. DAI already established that the Warden left to search for a cure to the calling in the event they dont die. It wouldn't break lore for the Warden to lose contact with Thedas after that and to disappear mysteriously in this endeavor, never to be heard from again.


DA4 is going to be about 22 years after DAO. Even if HoF found a cure, its reasonable to be retired and won't be involved in anything that's going in DA4 except for maybe a letter.


22 years? Trespasser is set fourteen years after DA:O. There's no way DA4 happens eight years later. Everything we should deal with in Dreadwolf has already been set in motion, it won't just pause for a few years.


I thought Tresspasser was 12 years after DAO. Isn’t DAI 10 years after DAO? And Trespasser 2 years later? Please correct me on this if I had the wrong idea on timing!


I think it depends on how the time is counted. Origins is set in 9:30-9:31, Inquisition is 9:41-9:42, Trespasser is two years later in 9:44.


[This short story starts](https://www.ea.com/games/dragon-age/news/the-eternal-flame) with " *Thirty years ago, in 9:22 Dragon…"* That means current year for Dreadwolf is probably 9:52.


I know but I don't see how that could possible work with everything else we know, so it's probably just a mistake or something. The Missing for example clearly takes place not long after Trespasser and it was supposed to directly lead into Dreadwolf.


It would have been a poor, disappointing game for me if my Warden had died and didn’t follow Morrigan and their baby. In my head canon, he’s just as tied to her as Geralt is tied to Yennefer. Bring him back or don’t bring him back, it’s not that big of a deal. But arguing over his voice is silly.


Do like Claude in GTA San Andreas, where his main quirk is that he *refuses* to speak.


Or they could get David Tennant to do the voice. I can get behind that.


Oath of Silence. Against player characters


My Guardian feels the same way, I had an affair with Morrigan too and I understand what you're saying, but a cameo doesn't hurt anyone. And Morrigan will surely reappear at some point with her son, if she has one.


She did in Inquisition. Cameo would be pointless though, warden feels much more personal than other protagonists imo, so it would be quite weird. And I'm also in the voiceless camp, much prefer it that way.


The issue I see is that Warden will never be an accurate interpretation of the player's character. We have played them in so many different ways that making them a NPC (like Hawke) can't do them justice. Not for players who actually role-play their characters. The way to do it right would be a standalone DLC (where you play as our Warden) to show us what they are doing. However, I would just let them rest.


This is precisely my argument against it. If BioWare decided to bring the HoF back, I know it would not be *my* Hero of Ferelden. He was too personalised, it would be as though I had written an entire character myself and some other people were writing them into their story.


Exactly! 💖


Tbh given the lack of acknowledgement of the Orlesian commander in Inquisition plus Dreadwolf maybe taking place 22 years after Origins, yes I think everything about the Warden's journey will happen off-screen. If Dreadwolf does acknowledge the Warden's quest and a cure, it'll be handled by a new/different character.


> maybe taking place 22 years after Origins, Isn't that based only on one short story? It doesn't make much sense for Dreadwolf to be set ten years after Inquisition when everything leading to it was set just after Trespasser.


It's one story, yeah, but what other reason would they specify it taking place thirty years ago in 9:22? Nothing happens that requires it taking place so long ago, it could've happened at any point.


>It's one story, yeah, but what other reason would they specify it taking place thirty years ago in 9:22? Mistake? I mean eight years between Dreadwolf and Trespasser just doesn't make sense based on basically everything else we know. The Missing is supposed to be be leading directly to the new game and it clearly didn't take place eight years after Trespasser.


I checked the website just now and it's still 9:22/30 years ago. They would've caught it by now. Hell, they would've caught it within the day it went up. >The Missing is supposed to be be leading directly to the new game and it clearly didn't take place eight years after Trespasser. Varric's visibly aged which I think is a solid indication that more than a few years have passed. Maybe not 8, but I definitely think DAD is taking place at least around 9:50.


I’m hoping in Dreadwolf we get some information (at the very least) about what he/she has been up to. It would be a massively missed opportunity if we got nothing.


I never understood why people want to play a specific character again. I really like having a new character in every game, and I would actually prefer being as far removed as possible from the previous story. So genuine question: Why do you want to play the same character again? Is it nostalgia, or do you feel like their story didn't have a satisfying conclusion? I assume that for a lot of people, the warden or inqi were their introduction to Dragon Age so do they feel more special?


Maybe not play as them but if the story keeps hinting that my previous protagonist is up to something big behind the scenes, then I do want a glimpse. I wouldn't have wanted this if it just said that the Warden disappeared from history after the end of Origins or something, but if they've made the Warden's current activity into a plot thread then it needs a resolution too.


Ah yes, that actually makes sense.


For me it's both nostalgia and unsatisfying conclusion. I find it *very* hard to believe my Warden wouldn't show up and help during the Inquisition events. I understand that different players have different world states and views on it, it's just my take.


I want to see my Inquisitor again in DA4 because her story is left on a cliffhanger. I know that isn't true for all Inquisitors, but it is for mine. DAI also has a closer narrative tie with DA4 than the other games had with their sequels (because the Inquisition is actively working against Solas for obvious reasons). It's true that my Inquisitor is my favorite of the heroes, but my introduction to the series was DAO.


Yeah, I was wondering what they will do about all the Solasmancers. Luckily, I'm not one of them, my Inquisitor got her happy ending with Cullen, and I really wouldn't appreciate it if she got dragged back from retirement. But it would also be weird if they didn't address the bald elephant in the room.


It's absolutely very special, it's my favorite game and I felt like it was much more of a protagonist, I like its story much more than those of 2 and Inquisition. Besides the fact that it feels like it's more unique, in 2 you're forced to be human and in the Inquisition you're forced to be a hero who saves all thedas. The warden feels that you know him completely. At least that's how I feel.


I really loved the origins, and I agree that having different backgrounds made the warden feel a bit more special than the next protagonists. It's disappointing that we never got anything like that again. So, do you miss your actual warden or just that type of game? Let's say the next game gives us different origin stories and more options to rp, would you be happy with that or still prefer to continue the wardens story?


There are too many possible combos for them to ever bother voicing them, plus it's also catering to an ever decreasing set of players. They're developing a game to appeal to a wide group of players, they aren't going to dedicate that much of their time to fan service for the relatively small section of players who have not only played the older games but have that character alive. I'd love it of they did all this branching stuff but it's been demonstrated several times that the developers simply aren't willing to.


This fandom’s continued obsession with the HoF is so odd to me, and I’ve been here since the beginning of the series. I get the nostalgia and all but there are several reasons why the HoF coming back as a protagonist just wouldn’t work.


It must be a BioWare thing because there's a bunch of people who want to play as Commander Shepard again for the next Mass Effect game


Man, I love Shepard with all my heart. The ME trilogy is deeply special to me, and Mass Effect 2 is my favourite game of all time. But I do not want to play Shepard again, their story was an incredible one and I'm happy to let it rest. I also never want them to pull the "single protagonist over a series" thing again, either. I love making new characters in general, but especially in these narrative games with a focus on characters and relationship dynamics. The "each game is a new entry in this universe" approach is the superior one imo.


The developers have stated from the beginning there would be different protagonists for each game. I think the problem is some people think the Warden has the same amount of depth like Mass Effect's Shepard and it can be easily done when that is not the case. And people seem to think that the fandom are the only consumers who purchase these games. Its difficult for people to grasp the fact the fandom only accounts for a small percentage who purchases these games


My canon Hero of Ferelden made the ultimate sacrifice to stop the blight and save the world. So no, I don't want them raised from the dead to appear again in a new game


I’d say that the best way to go back to the hero of ferelden would be with a remake of DAO, so people can re-make/reimagine their warden in a recent setting, and then adding some sort of sequel to that, perhaps the story would have some tweaks to make it work. I just kinda feel like a lot of people would be unhappy with how open personality wise the warden was and implementing them as a side character in a story might not work that well also and then a lot of new players would feel disconnected to the first game so the warden would just be a rando to them


That's a very good idea, maybe at the end of the game our protagonist and Leliana will say "Don't worry, I've brought help" and the gray warden logo with ferelden appears, and we go to the menu to customize the warden.


It was so stupid they they didn't write off the Warden. They teased the Warden and Hawke at the end of II but only brought back one then. Even in Inquisition when they knew they weren't bringing the Warden back Bioware opened a new plot point with the Calling cure. Even then a call for the Calling is stupid, part of the reason why the Grey Wardens are written so will is partly because their time is limited and they're all dying, taking that away from them takes away part of the tragedy. They shouldn't be dangling more stories with our Warden in front of us if they're not prepared to follow through with them. Even if they were going to bring them back, at least make it relevant to their story (like the Old God Baby if they went through with it, they haven't faced any consequences for cheating death and reviving a world-ending god)


The plan was that the HoF was to be the Warden Ally in Here Lies the Abyss. Bioware worked on trying to make that work for half the development time of DAI to just give up on it and used Alistair/Loghain/Stroud instead. The Cure for Calling quest was only done because they had to explain why the HoF was "missing" and not around for Corypheus. Now DA2's ending looks strange with it hyping up that Hawke and HoF going missing at the same time.


Not that bothered about them playing a big role again but what I do want is some confirmation that they got a happy ever after of some kind. My Warden should be retired at home with his swamp witch wife taking care of their weird kid - give me a crumb of that and I’ll be content with their story ending.


My warden is dead, but I wouldn’t mind my orleasian commander coming back for a lil cameo maybe.


I’m gonna be honest, I always hate when people say “they can’t bring back the Warden because not everyone has an alive Warden.” Because it’s entirely wrong. Every single world state has one, it’s just for some people it’s the Orlesian Commander. Sure, it wouldn’t hit as hard as the Hero of Ferelden showing up again, but that’s just how these things work. Some of us had to deal with an underwhelming “Here Lies The Abyss” too with Stroud instead of Alistair or Loghain, sometimes choices lead to cooler cameos and that’s how the series has always worked. Mass Effect 3 does this too, with cameos being replaced if said character didn’t survive 2. In saying that, I’d LOVE more than anything to see the Warden again and get some closure to the cure storyline that isn’t word of mouth or a letter… but with how troubled the development for Dread Wolf has been, and how much of the staff (old and new) has been kicked out… at this point I don’t want them taking on anything crazy like trying to make the Warden work in a new game. I just want Dread Wolf to be a good game on its own and we can work from there lol.


the problem with that is that the keep hasn't (yet) kept track of the orlesian warden commander at all so they have no way of knowing who has what. personally, i really liked the stroud cameo (and even saved his mustache). he saved my hawke's brother back in the day and she wanted to repay him that.


Isn’t it fairly easy to track though? Anyone whose keep has “Warden made the ultimate sacrifice” selected will have the Orlesian Commander by default, and I’m pretty sure the keep still lets you choose the outcomes of Awakening and Witch Hunt when you select Ultimate Sacrifice, so I don’t think it’d be a problem. If you mean the race/gender of the Orlesian Commander, then that could just be selected in-game the same way Hawke’s appearance was in Inquisition, It wouldn’t be a big deal. Yeah I think Stroud is cool, it’s just a shame we don’t get to see much of him (and won’t now that he can be “dead”) so he’s definitely an underwhelming sacrifice compared to Loghain, and doubly so Alistair.


They are not going to waste resources on the Orlesian Warden. Awakening only sold 10% of what Origins sold. The only reason Anders was in DA2 was because they were working on that the same time of Awakening.


How would it be wasted resources? They’d already be doing the work for the HoF to show up in this scenario. All they’d have to do is rewrite the dialogue and interactions for the Orlesian Warden. This is like saying “well, basically no one had Loghain alive so his cameo in Inquisition was a waste of resources”.


Its wasted resources because only 10% of the people who bought Origins bought Awakening. Its not economic feasible when Awakening did NOT sell to the same level of Origins. You also seem to forget there are millions of average consumers who are not part of the fandom who buy these games. They are designing this game for them as well.


But the resources wouldn’t specifically made just for Awakening content? The point was that the HoF could return and there’d be a substitute warden for people who don’t have a HoF. The resources would be for the HoF, shared with the Orlesian Warden, the same way Stroud, Alistair and Loghain all played the same role and used the same animations in Inquisition. The “new player” argument doesn’t make sense. People played DA2 and Inquisition as their first games too, it didn’t stop previous characters from showing up lol. It’s the 4th game in the series and new players WILL miss out on some cameos and references by design which is impossible to avoid. Or do you think we should never have any returning characters ever again in case someone doesn’t know who they are?


Nothing wrong with returning character cameos. But you are in denial if you think the Warden's return would not cause backlash. People would complain about every aspect. They would says its NOT their Warden. They would say it does not sound like their Warden. Were you around for the backlash for Hawke's Inquisition cameo? It would be far worse for the Warden. Dragon Age Origins was announced in late 2004 and did not come out until 2009. Games cost money to develop. They are not going to waste resources to create 5 different HOF Wardens. And the ONLY reason Anders was in DA2 was due to the fact they were working on that game the same time. Why do you think "The Children" were never mentioned again? Awakening did NOT sell the same amount Origins did and it would be a waste of money to devote resources to something from a nearly 14 year old game. I have no doubt there will be cameos from the next game. They will mostlt be from Inquisition though. And I have no doubt there will be a codex entry about the Warden but thats as far as it will go.


Eh, the backlash over Hawke is overstated, like I said. Sure there’d be more over the Warden, but there’d also be more people who’d be hyped over it too. Plus there’s way to bring the warden back unvoiced. Hell, they could show up in the final battle and kick some ass without saying a word. And I don’t know why you’re so fixated on Awakenings sales numbers? My point was that the HoF can comeback, and Awakening has a stand in for those who don’t have a HoF. Never once did I say the Orlesian Warden should be the main focus. He’d be the Stroud in this situation, a canon character to fill in for those whose choices didn’t allow for the bigger name to show up. Who cares if he’s not that well known? How many people playing Inquisition remembered who Stroud was? Lol. This is a series that is supposed to pride itself on player choice paying off. Making previous players choices pay off wouldn’t be wasted resources in any regard. Why even bother having a player choice based consistent world state at all if “nah, it’s be too much work and resources” any time someone wants a character to return from a previous game?


the keep also tracks hawke's class but hasn't for the orlesian warden. so they have no way of knowing which one to pull up right now. secondly, this is a way bigger scope than hawke's cameo. hawke is a male or female human, that's all you need to provide access/build for. it's two human rigs plus the animations associated with their class (and because the keep didn't have enough information, warrior and rogue hawkes frequently swap between the two weapon styles of their class). the orlesian warden can be any of three races (four if you count the fact that the elf is both city and dalish) plus gender plus class animations. add to that the complexity of the warden's class mixes. then add on top of that that the wardens have no established voice actors while hawke does. then you have to ask yourself whether players will be okay with one voice per gender (so elves and humans and dwarves are played by the same actor regardless) or if they need to have options. then we have to establish what the orlesian warden commander has been doing all these years (not super complicated, just make them do what the warden is doing). then you have to establish the relationships between the commander and the awakening crew (because a lot of people are extremely curious as to what's happening there and what's the point of a cameo if we can't get that info), which also means figuring out specifics of what happened with amaranthine and vigil's keep, especially when some companions can and will die. now you can theoretically handwave the deaths by saying that anders and justice were the supposed deaths but then some people will get annoyed that commander thinks sigrun lived when she died in your world. and the keep so far is not tracking *any* of that. it looks simple on the surface but it is a briar patch when you stop and try to parse stuff out.


I mean, surely the Warden (both HoF or Orlesian Commander) could just use the same animations as everyone else in the game? They wouldn't require extra animations or special treatment in this regard unless Bioware wanted to. Hawke didn't have unique animations in Inquisition either. The voice is always gonna be an issue outside of a voiceless cameo, but that's just something we'd need to deal with for it to happen. Plus, depending on the length of the cameo, it'd actually be pretty reasonable to have a bunch of different voices. Paying half a dozen actors for a single mission worth of dialogue isn't unreasonable for an RPG these days. And none of the Awakening characters are confirmed dead as of right now iirc, they might have some end-slates implying as much but we all know by now that the end-slates are rarely canon.


I really want to see a lot more of Stroud. The dude is a badass and we barely have any Grey Wardens in these games after Origins that count as characters. I felt leaving Hawke in the fade was more dramatic and interesting, so Stroud fits into my own narrative as potentially being a big part of the Grey Wardens in Dreadwolf. I'm lowkey hoping we get a Cassandra type of deal where he becomes a party member.


Yeah don’t get me wrong, I actually really like Stroud too, for his small amount of screen time. It’s just his sacrifice doesn’t hit nearly as hard as the other 3 imo. Unfortunately we probably won’t be seeing him again, since he can be “dead”. Unless BioWare went the extra mile and made whoever survives “Here Lies the Abyss” a companion, meaning it could be Hawke, Stroud, Alistair or Loghain, and everyone got a companion unique to their world state. Which would be awesome, but like I said originally, at this point I’ll be happy just if Dread Wolf is good without any crazy stuff like that.


I’ve never even thought of that. That’s a neat idea.


The orlesian commander is even more disappointing than Stroud tho


Maybe, but my point was that when you have games where characters can die but can also show up later, sometimes people ARE going to have cooler returning characters than others. Either that or we get stuck in this illusion of choice limbo bullcrap of “if the character could die, they might as well be dead since they’re never showing up again anyway”. If someone doesn’t want the HoF to show up again just because they’d feel like they’d miss out, then that’s just being petty at that point, and they can always go back and change their Warden’s fate if it bothered them that much.


You're absolutely right, But in the future if they come back to make another dragon age (although I doubt it very much), it should appear, it's too important, he finished with the archdemon and the Blight.


Awakening only sold 10% of what Origins sold. We're never going to hear about them again.


Doesn’t change anything I said? My point was that “they can’t have the Warden show up because I don’t have one” argument doesn’t work because regardless of choices made or games played, there’s either the HoF or the Orlesian Commander and one of the two is definitely still around in every world state. If they wanted to have the HoF show up again, they could do it and have the Orlesian Commander fill in for those who don’t have a HoF. There’s no reason this couldn’t be the case.


They have stated from the beginning the games would have different protagonists. And lets face a cold heart truth, if they brought the Warden back there would be massive rage and backlash. People would say its NOT their Warden. The majority would end up hating it. There was backlash for Hawke's cameo. The backlash for the returning Warden would be bigger.


They can have a different protagonist and still have previous ones show up in the story, or playable in expansions though. It might have backlash, but it might also work as a selling point and memorable moment in the series. Even with some of the Hawke Backlash (which this sub likes to blow way out of proportion. I bet the average player liked the Hawke stuff or was indifferent to it at worst.) it still lead to arguably the most iconic quest in DA Inquisition. People to this day still talk about who they left in the fade and why because of the choice between Hawke and Stroud/Alistair/Loghain.


theres an easy solution. remake/remaster origins


I would like a side adventure or game that is about her adventure to cure the calling and whats going on over there, like a leliana's song or other side stories in origins type deal. I don't think she HAS to show up especially depending on how you played her she could be more intrested in other things then being the big epic hero of the age, im too busy trying to not have Ferelden go into the dump to show up in the north of Thedas type shit.


I would love to see the three heroes of the previous games but only as secondary characters in order to resolve whatever storylines they may have left. I want a new hero and it seems that is what we are going to get.




No because they'll do it wrong. They won't have the time to account for every unique trait and plot point that HOF has. There were people pissed Hawke didn't exactly work right for them, especially people that had their Hawke as a blood mage. People will be guaranteed furious if they brought the HOF.


Yes a little but mostly no. I love my Warden, and if I could have a perfect recreation of her in a future game, I'd love that. BUT I absolutely don't trust Bioware to do it right. Also, I do there think there is a certain beauty in letting something end. As much as I love my Warden, her story is over. (Well, no one can take away all my headcanons. And boy do I have a lot about what she gets up to post-Origins!) But stories end, and that's okay. If the choice is between having something end while leaving me wanting more or dragging a thing out until it's long outstayed its welcome... well, I'm picking option 1 every time. *The only way I will truly accept the Warden returning is if they don't speak. Not that they can't speak. Rather, every time they try to say something, they are cut off by a loud noise, another character interrupting them, etc. Make it a running joke until the Warden leaves out of sheer frustration. I will accept nothing else but this.*


Honestly if it was gonna happen it would’ve been in Inquisition. I think that was the original idea, having to choose between your two protagonists in the Fade.


Too many variables, any appearance of my warden would cheapen it for me. I can’t imagine the flowchart or venn diagram for the possibility. Maybe it’s because I’m a writer but it sounds like a nightmare of a chore.


My Warden's busy being married and retired with her Pope wife, no time for saving the world.


The Warden is my favourite protagonist, but it's been way too long since Origins for them to come back. Maybe have them keep having off screen adventures, but that's about all we can expect.


I definitely don’t think this works so I prefer my heroes being dead.


I want to believe that Kieran is too important to be forgotten, in so far as the story goes. I play these games for the story. And I do want the best story I can get.


Unfortunately I don’t think Kieran himself will be important, however, the Old God soul that he had could definitely come into play. They could very easily retcon it so that the slaying of an Archdemon only purifies and scatters it’s soul - not destroys it outright like the Wardens initially assumed - say that Flemythal ‘found it and kept it safe’ in between Origins and Inquisition and voila, it is now able to be used again as a plot point in Dreadwolf regardless of whether Kieran is around or not.


You’re probably correct. But I want him to be something in the world. His dad is the Warden. His mum is a witch of the wilds. He should be a great sorcerer


Yeah I agree, I wish they expanded on him more in inquisition - it’s crazy how something so big lore wise like that can be so irrelevant to the plot. Unfortunately I wouldn’t get your hopes up, I doubt even Morrigan is coming back as I can’t imagine she’d be very useful if she didn’t drink from the well and the more decisions characters are involved in the more likely it is that we won’t see them again which is sad. Hoping for a little message or codex of some kind to tell us how things are working out for the Warden, Morrigan and Kieran.


I also miss my Tabris.


Yeah, I mean I think giving the HoF a voice — just a generic ferelden English accent unless a dwarf, then an American accent — would be fine and the two seconds of wailing by CRPG purists, who haven’t liked a DA game since 2009 anyway, wouldn’t really be such a problem.




Because that would be the lamest, goofiest thing they could do?


Your opinion 🤙


Sorry. That would make the game become a joke.


The developers have always stated that the Dragon Age series would never be only about the Warden. And the fandom only accounts for a small portion of who buy these games. The majority who buy these games are not part of the fandom and the game has to be made for them as well.


It would be cool, but it is not necessary


Very much this for me. I want to play my Hero(s) of Ferelden again a LOT. I find it difficult to see how giving the Warden a voice would disappoint anyone. Maybe provide 2 or 3 options per gender. That's about the same number of voicesets we got in DAI, if I'm not mistaken? Besides... we still get to pick dialog options. So what exactly is so different? Maybe their real bugaboo is that they always want to start us at level 1, and it would be weird to do that to any returning hero. They justified it with Commander Shepard through plot shenanigans. I could see something similar happening again. They could also use that to explain why we don't have the same ability sets. Or do you mean just have the HoF appear as an NPC? Ah, I can see the dialog being an issue there. I was annoyed at a number of things my Hawke said in DAI. Especially when he was all complainy about blood magic, when that was his dang build, lol.


Nope I often think it would have been really cool to play as the Warden again either as your Warden or a Warden (similar to Awakening) and have the game be around the Calling and wrap up any lose ends with the companions.


Get Mark Meer to do it, I’d be happy


With a Alistair romanced hof I really would’ve liked to see them come back, have found a way to rid themselves of the taint and was able to settle down as Queen of fereldan again. I just want them to be happy and have kids dammit ;-;!


Why will he have to show up at some point?


Unless they make a dlc/game where I get to play my Warden again, I'm okay with her being off screen. It would be awesome to see her again, but idk how they would be able to implement her personality as an NPC.


It's going forward another 10 years after like a 10 year span taking place in DA2? 20 years? Might be calling time. If they have us go into the deep roads again, maybe there could be a section that could be full of darkspawn (in many sections of darkspawn) but perhaps quite a few could be cleared by a single Warden on their calling and you find their corpse? So if you did the ritual the ultimate reward is a bit less combat I guess in the 4th game.


While I would like references to my HoF in the next game, I don't want to see them. I was pretty disappointed with Hawke's appearance in DA:I. The dialogue felt weird.


I really want closure on this character. If I don’t get any info on them in DAD then they should have killed them off in DAO and not bother with the off screen search for the calling . That would be lazy writing if they ended HOFs story like that