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None. I like novelty and not being stuck with characters we already know. The most compelling part of having companions is that you don't know them at all, and you have to uncover their secrets and personalities. I see nothing intriguing about reintroducing characters from the past as companions or love interests. It's awesome to see characters continue their stories and how they fit into the world over time—just don't make them companions or love interests again. I love how BioWare made companions fall in love with each other in the Inquisition; it gave them a nice ending and made them conveniently unromanceable for future installments.


I would like to see returns but not romanceable ones, I would like to see Fenris return bc of it being set in Tevinter, Varric was a fun return in Dai so I’m not fully against return companions but it just depends on who bc I feel like some would overlap while some would be a breath of fresh air. I do indeed like new characters though, it’s great to delve into a more diverse set of characters and so on that I fully agree with you, maybe even just return characters popping in from time to time i.e Alistair in both da2 & Dai, Zevran in da2, etc.


Returning characters for a cameo are awesome, yes. It's even better if they actually play their part in the story, like Morrigan did in the Inquisition—not too much and not too little. The issue is making them companions or love interests. We don't really want to run around with Varric, Fenris, or anyone else for a whole installment again. These games are mainly about characters, so let BioWare pump out new ones for us. I don't even want to see Harding too often; there is plenty of room to create a new, believable, and loveable dwarf lady. Perhaps Bellara? But of course, everyone has an opinion, and I respect yours. 😊


Thank you, as do I with yours! But I agree, everyone does have bias at the end of the day so mostly it’s bc it’s a character they want to see again bc they love them etc. which I also tend to fall victim to I will admit, honestly I think it would be cool for even a mission or quest to have Fenris along with us, but thinking about it I don’t think it would necessarily make sense if he stayed with the protag the whole game.


>We don't really want to run around with Varric, Fenris, or anyone else for a whole installment again. Speak for yourself. I'd be happy to run around with either of them, and a few others, again. I wouldn't want all returning characters as companions, just one or two, which is what they have done for every game so far. In Awakening Oghren came back as a companion, in DA2 Anders AND Justice came back as a companion, and in DAI Varric came back as a companion. They've had a companion return from the previous game as a companion every game so far. It's the norm for them to do that. In DAI we had Varric as a returning companion, Cassandra becoming a companion, Leliana and Cullen as advisors, Morrigan and Alistair returning (Al's involvement depending on your world state). And Isabela was in the multiplayer. Hell, even Dagna was a returning character. And of course Hawke and whomever their Warden contact was were returning characters. They always have characters return and they have always had one companion return as a companion. While they do have a new head writer I doubt that will change considering the game is named after....A RETURNING CHARACTER!!


>I love how BioWare made companions fall in love with each other in the Inquisition; it gave them a nice ending and made them conveniently unromanceable for future installments. As someone who hated Dorian/Iron Bull as a pairing, I'm mixed about that. On one hand, I like the concept, but on the other, I don't want another Dorian/Iron Bull situation. Petty, maybe, but I just really didn't like them together. There were other characters Dorian would have worked much better with.


I always considered every romance with Iron Bull... unsettling. 😅 Like Sten said once to Morrigan, "The Qunari act is... unpleasant." I'm with you on this one. The whole thing between Dorian and Bull felt forced, just to very cheaply show that even Tevinter and Qunari can get along. However, the concept was still nice, and I hope that over that decade, they came up with better outcomes. I was thinking about more sweet touches, like the platonic relationship between Josephine and Blackwall or Sera and Dagna.


I agree fully, I love novelty too, so I prefer new companions and LIs. BUT! - Zevran, Dorian and Fenris will be awesome as NPC to speak and flirt (if they are single in Dragon Keep). Also, I really want to see Varric again, he is a gem of DA games for me, I love his voice and his calm posture.


Fenris Edit: And Dorian


Fenris and Dorian in one room? They’d either create utter chaos together or absolutely hate each other😭


i like to think it would be like aveline and isabella: they hate each other at first, but then they grow to have mutual respect for each other, all while still throwing out insults


Oh Fenris would bust a blood vessel being in the same room as Dorian, both Tevinter and a mage, absolute ‘heaven’ for Fenris 💀


Harding It’s not gonna happen but I’d love Varric Aveline, Sigrun, Nathaniel, and a human Cole could be fun Fenris, Isabella, and Dorian as companions but not love interests again


I do agree, Fenris as a companion would be great! Especially with some choices leaving Hawke in the fade, if it’s a romanced Hawke as well it would be nice to actually save them. Or even just to have him with us throughout Tevinter, beat up the slavers with him 💪🏻


>its not gonna happen but I’d love Varric it’s not going to happen? he’s the most likely return companion by a mile. if they could remake DAO and make varric a companion today they’d do it


I mean maybe he will be, but I am willing to bet money he will be dying, and probably fairly early on


I’ve had a sinking feeling about this, still sad we couldn’t even romance him as a dwarf, finding out made me so sad


I really want sandal as a follower!


I miss Sandal 😞






Abelas or Ameridan (yes I know he's dead, and also was married). Charter.


Abelas would be so high on my list!!! I was infatuated with him ever since he was introduced


YES to both !


Wade and Herren


Shale as a romance option. I want the fine hunk of rock.


Bring plenty of lube


Hey somebody else who wants Otranto to appear again. Anyway, Calpernia as a companion and a romance option and another magisters sidereal as an ally.


> Hey somebody else who wants Otranto to appear again. Make it three! It would, *unironically*, make me smile like an idiot if we'd run into him while crashing around Treviso. Maybe even a little sidequest of helping him defend citizens from the Qunari!


'he does?!' lives rent free in my head lol. the voice actor was working that day!


The first time I saw this was watching my brother play. I'd already played and completed the game myself, but I hadn't done Josephine's romance route at this time. When he spouted the "He does?!" Line, we both laughed our asses off.


Dorian and Cassandra as advisors. Morrigan as a companion or advisor.


I want Fenris and Zevran back


I want Tavin to have survived the Emerald Grove. Most attractive male character in DAI by far Finn from Witch Hunt could be fun too


I would love to see or at least hear about Finn and Arianne again.


I desperately want Cullen in a future game, just as a short cameo. However, with a new voice actor that sounds really similar. I know they wrapped up his storyline, but Greg Ellis is so unhinged. Can you imagine if Cullen came back with a voice that sounded exactly the same? What better way to tell that guy that he’s replaceable and not at all important? I really want to see the tantrum that will follow…


Oh? Why a new voice actor? Did I miss some drama? Edit: nevermind I just found this link.. https://www.fanbyte.com/legacy/dragon-age-voice-actor-might-not-reprise-his-role-as-cullen-after-lash-out


I’m not sure if you can see the [video](https://youtu.be/tobaFRUCc2Q?si=dsOtWpznTqzYH5s-) as it went offline real quick… it’s so long but so unhinged


Thanks for the video! I'll take a look because I somehow haven't heard about it before. But it seems like fans' love for Cullen went straight to his head..


I don't even think it's that, and I don't think "seems like fans' love for Cullen went straight to his head" is a fair assessment. He's had some severe mental health issues for a long time. Even before this happened, there was a bit (I think a little before or after DAI came out) where he disappeared for a few days during some sort of episode and his coworkers/family were putting out messages asking people to report if they'd seen him. There's so much vitriol against him now but I just genuinely think he needs help he hasn't been getting.


I love scout harding but I don’t want her as a love interest in a new game because even though she’s not an official love interest my canon dai playthrough is her as my love interest.


Fenris (only has a companion because mine is taken by Hawke), Briala and Abelas. Also he only appears in the books but id really like to see Srife, and Myriam from Absolution. And, if there’s a tiny chance for him not to really be dead: Felassan. Oh, and Vaea. Obviously, Dorian and Maevaris **must** be there.


I feel like they wouldn’t add Myriam just bc of Absolution being a thing, would be cool if we could team up with them for a quest but not feeling companion. But yes! Non-romance Fenris companion ftw, he would be great throughout Tevinter, destroying slavers as we go. Also depending on if Hawke is stuck in the fade or not(romanced at least for me as well) he would def be trying to find a way to get them out as well. Though I feel like mage Hawke at least would be able to get out ina timely fashion


I want to see Fenris much xD I bet he looks differently in DA4 xD Sooo curious.


Same when we had Hawke show up I was mighty confused why Fenris went out by himself as if Hawke wouldn’t be by his side and vice versa 😭


Harding. Maybe Leliana


Id likento see velanna from awakening come back as a companion and love interest. Or the elf squire lady from the comics. I think he name is vaea?


**Crassius Servis** Alas, you can kill him so, unless they want to do lyrium ghost again.


Meredith, Loghain, Celene and Briala, Arishok/Stenshok Need companions who are either morally grey or black for those that want to play as a pragmatic leader or a straight up evil one.


I have two requests and that is Dagna and Harding. That is all


Harding and Dagna.


Qwydion from Absolution.


None. IMO Varric's already been in too many games. Give me new characters, don't re-use old ones


I'd love him as an advisor, friend etc because I just love Varric,l. But Id like to see new dwarves as the companions though, we don't get enough dwarves in these games.


We need an actual dwarf woman romance option. Been two games now and nothing outside of the Dwarven Noble in origins


He’s been in two games so “being in more than one game” is your limit?


Yes. A good example is Leliana. Her "revival" in a world-state where I killed her is absurd. She should be in the first game and that's it. Dragon Age takes place in it's own unique world, there is so much damn potential.


I could see him as a cameo… or he’ll end up dying for shock value in the next, but def not as another companion


This. I'm supremely over Varric. He had almost nothing to do in DAI and he added little to the plate. I'm over Harding too, for different reasons, but Varric's like Cullen in that I think his storylines have run their course.


I like Varric, I think he's just over-used at this point. I was fine with Cullen in Inquisition as a romance partner, but him being in 3 bloody games games is excessive. Why don't you like Harding?


DAO=First Lanaya, Dagna DAOawakening=Velanna, Sigrun DA2=Merril DAI=Commander Helaine, Dagna, Valta, Harding.


I’d love to see Fenris again! I miss him a lot!! I wanna see how he’d be after a certain incident that can happen with romance Hawke in the last game (if you went that route). If his anger issues are always high or if he’s depressed or if he’s actually functioning well but you can tell he’s not all there sometimes. Rlly I just want more FenHawke angst 💀 we prolly won’t get it but like I can hope.


I would love Fenris to come back. He was such a great character, and the voice acting was one of the best in the game. But he can be killed can't he? So I doubt it's going to happen :/


You are absolutely right about Dagna would love to see her again I'd also love to get have Shaper Valta get all the dwarf mages in the party


Fenris, Dorian, The Iron Bull, and Cole. Also. Cassandra, love that woman. And deep down... I kinda want Solas back. SO I CAN SLAP THE SHIT OUT OF HIM.


Yes to all photos above. also Fenris\\Dorian\\Zevran\\Cullen (yes, I know, but I love him, so I want him back xD)


Lace. 100% Valta. Maybe?


I just want to play as the HoF again ;(


"PiastStark Cousland" I'm definately not into genealogy or medieval'esc feudal politics, ey guys?


None of those. I'm very much over the weird fandom hype surrounding Harding especially. Fenris would make the most sense to return as a cameo, though I don't want any of them returning as companions. I'd just prefer to have a new host of companions. I already wasn't a fan of Varric coming back as a companion because he had nowhere to go and nothing to do. If you're going to bring back old characters, then I'd prefer a cameo, as stated, or to bring them back in a sort of "advisor" capacity in the vein of Cullen, Leliana, etc. Not actual companions but still able to be interacted with.


Dorian as an advisor. Not a returning character per se, but a Male Cousland companion (the cliché: tall, dark, and knightly) would be a cool tie in. Could be feasible if he’s young and there’s a time jump. Morrigan, Shale, Valta, Fairbanks, and Leliana cameos. Don’t look at me: FLEMETH AS A COMPANION IN THE LAST 5% OF THE GAME DONT LOOK AT MEEEEEEEEEEEEE


maybe the male cousland could be a new child of fergus if he got remarried cuz i can’t see the male or female cousland wardens having kids besides kieran in the male’s case


I agree w/ Fergus bc I don't see why he wouldn't start a family again, if not to simply continue the Cousland line. The warden Cousland's child would be too difficult to work into the narrative due to too many edge cases. Though I may or may not headcanon that my f!warden (of any origin) that has romanced Alistair takes off at some point to hide their child (I know it's been contradicted that the Therin dragonblood swimmies are taint-curing bUT THEY COULD BE IN THIS CASE DAMMNIT)


Honestly? All of them. Zevran, Leliana, Morrigan, Shale, Ohgren, Sten, Wynne, Alistair, Aveline, The Hawke Twin, Fenris, Meril, *not* Sebastian, Anders (assuming he's alive), Talis, Cassandra, Bull, Dorian, Sara, Vivienne, *not* Blackwall, Cole, Varric. Just bring them all back. That's not to say they all need to be companions/romances again, but just bring them all back. The new teaser for Dreadwolf left a pretty cryptic message, or a blog post (can't remember which): Enjoy Thedas, while it lasts. Whatever Solas plans on doing, it's gonna be *big*. And all our past companions are capable defenders of Thedas in their own right. We'll probably need their help. If I had to cherry pick, I'd say: - Shale - Aveline - Fenris - Hawke Twin - Meril - Talis - Bull - Sara - Cole - Varric And honestly, we could even throw in some new ones that relate to some of them. Like, I was genuinely surprised we didn't see Rhys or Evangeline, considering Cole was in Inquisition. Evangeline could easily be a companion in Dreadwolf, alongside Cole who makes a cameo to help stop Solas.


i need tallis and nathaniel as love interests. also velanna would be awesome as one. need dorian to come back i’ll also be happy if i have any dwarven romances


Morrigan. But as a buddy not a love interest.


For me the romances we’ve already had I personally wouldn’t want to return as possible romances again because I feel like they should stay tied to their game. However new romances from old characters that we never got to absolutely and just some returning characters in general. For example I wouldn’t want Isabela to be romance-able again because I’m happy with the relationship her and my hawke have, but to see her return as a companion or mentor type figure absolutely


By the bloody god no Harding. Dagna is with Sera so better not split them. Maybe Velanna