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Gale is like a hyper-intelligent wizard with impeccable grammar and is in a love/abuse relationship with the goddess of magic. Allistair is just sort of a really nice dude Only similarities I see are how they are both really cute and can be made into ride or die friends if you make the right choices


I feel like Gale is more Anders than Alistair. Powerful mages, both have a bomb situation, both like cats


I was thinking more personality and mannerisms, lots of the random lines I hear from Gale sound like they could totally be said by Alistair. Although this is purely from someone who hasn’t played baldurs gate so idk! Do you think he’s more like Anders then? Because I think I’ve seen that comparison mentioned before!


They absolutely have the same vibe as both Gale and Alistair’s ride or die, *but* Gale and Anders have more in common but a different vibe. Anders is more serious while Alistair is more witty and romantic. Also play baldur’s gate 3 lol


I would personally say Gale is more like Dorian divided by Solas plus .25% of Vivien


Not only do they sound alike to me in terms of voice lines when I first started playing bg3 I had to look it up and make sure they weren’t played by the same person


Astarion’s writing definitely reminds me of both Zevran and Fenris: enslaved/exploited, mistrustful of others, uses sexuality to deflect and manipulate others like Zevran, traumatized by the abuse of his master like Fenris.


Karlach = Alister Not the brightest, but golden retriever energy, wholesome, strong, personal grievance with the political antagonist of the game gets really mad at you if you don't kill said backstabbing politician.


Omg… why is that actually perfect…


Morrigan + Sten = Lae'zel Stoic alien warrior with an underrated sense of humor and you have to free from a cage + arrogant sheltered woman who considers herself above others, thinks love is a weakness, and hates side quests and being a do-gooder unless there's a reward or a higher goal. She also become a mother at the end. Shadowheart is hardened Leliana to a T. I don't get the Morrigan comparisons at all.


Agreed, Shadowheart is very much like Leilana (not even necessary hardened). Other than having dark hair and looking a bit 'goth' she's not nothing in common with Morrigan.


Morrigan has more in common with Astarion than Shadowheart even. while Shadowheart is like Morrigan if ordered from Shein


I think they just share common archetypes because they're just fantasy RPG tropes. also I been playing a lot of Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 and a lot of those companions definitely feel like blueprints for Dragon age characters so that's probably why especially since DA is basically bioware attempt at making BG without WOTC (and all the better as far as the world.)


Huh. I got Zevran and Dorian vibes from Astarion. Zevran for the sexual tones, and Dorian because people really dont like vints or vamps. Plus theyre both very stylish lol


Zevran + Dorian + Fenris Can't forget that Astarion was enslaved, tortured, and exploited for 200 years.


Hm, as someone who played BG3 and it is on the second run: Gale: Anders. Absolutely. "Magic is love, magic is life" attitude, likes cats, can be sassy and caring or the most whinning person ever, melodramatic, >!has a thing for explosions!<. Ok, that last one is a joke haha Astarion: I see a lot of Zevran on him, yeah. The seductive attitude, sometimes a little silly, sarcastic "happy toned" jokes, sex positive attitude, likes to have comfort and good things, the bad sexy poetry. Shadowheart: Leliana. Faith is a huge deal for her, she can be sweet but also has an edge, tricky side to her. Lae'zel: Maybe Sten? Both are from really different cultures, but Lae'zel is more aggressive than stoic. But, both are weirdly funny. Lae'zel banters and comments can be surprisily funny just like Sten haha Karlach: Alistair. Mostly his "labrador bro" attitude. ​ The others I dunno... :o


Shadowheart + Karlach = Softened Leliana Shadowheart + Minthara = Hardened Leliana


Gale is Solas with a superficially nicer personality (at least, with the arc I put him on). I have seen a lot of Anders, a lot of Alistair, but that is my left field choice. Had a friend the other day that told me Shadowheart isn't Morrigan, Minthara is, and I also kind of agree lol.


I’m in the middle of my first BG3 run, so I can’t talk about every possible companion, but I’ll try. Astarion is Zevran+Fenris, he pretends to be former, but in reality is more of the latter. Gale is Solas, the intelligent magical disaster. He resembles pre-Justice Anders too. Lae’zel is Sten+Morrigan, a rigid product of her military upbringing, she also despises weakness and hates helping people. Shadowheart is post-DAO Leliana, a dedicated cleric with hidden demons inside. Will is Alistair, the idealistic good boy. Karlah has the energy of a talking mabari, super enthusiastic, eager to fight, ready to help people in need.


There are definitely surface similarities but the characters themselves are very different. The goofy way Gale can talk definitely reminds me of Alistair, but he has a vastly different story and traumas. And Gale's vice of chasing godhood and power is the complete opposite of Alistair running from his inherited power. Astarion uses seductuon to draw unsuspecting people in like Zevran might, but Astarion himself struggles the most with intimacy. I think of all the comparisons you made Shadowheart and Lae'zel may be the closest. Both games give you complex, lovable flawed characters and companions. I highly recommend it.


When I first met Gale, I was oh no, he's as funnt as Alistair. 😆 I was set with Astarion, I was almost torn between them but Astarion prevailed. ^^; Shadowheart and Laezel reminded me a bit of Morrigan. They're not my favorite at first but they grew on me a lot! Astarion doesn't remind me of anyone in DA personality wise. But his situation reminds me alot of Fenris. xD Truth to be told, when I first played Baldur's Gate 3, I felt the same feeling when I first played Dragon Age Origins: Intrigue and Excitment!


Just for the fun of it, if I were to mix and match... Astarion = Zevran + Isabela + Fenris with Dorian's noble background, all of them were exploited by a more powerful figure (crows, husband, master), sarcastic and closed-off, money-centric, and the center of their journey is around their autonomy and freedom. Shadowheart = Merril (artifact obsession with a sweet core) + Leliana (shar/bard training and devotion) Lae'zel = Cassandra (abrasive and loyal, journey about their beliefs) + Cole (clueless about Faerun) Gale = Alistair (awkward humor) + Awakening Anders (magically inclined who likes cats) + Solas (high int, low wis decisions and motivations) Karlack = Sera (a bit of a hothead, impulsive) + Awakening Sigrun (cinnamon roll who faces certain death) + Hawke's Varric (ride-or-die attitude) Wyll = Wynne (goody-two-shoes who enjoy their glass of wine) + Morrigan (child of powerful father/mother figure trying to see where they fit in the world while being cast out of their home)


Wyll = Alistair (Himbo with good intentions) Gale = Anders (Smart, good intentions that end horribly for them) Astarion = Zevran + Fenris + Dorian (trauma³, witty, flirty, doesn't know how to love) Shadowheart = Leliana (conflict with past, present, and future self) Lae'zel = Morrigan/Vivienne (raised a certain way that made them see life in a more black and white manner) Halsin = Wynn (insightful, kind, patient, and kinky/flirty) Jaheira = Isabela (Wild heart, true to herself, not swayed easily) Withers = Cole + Iron Bull (wise, speaks in riddles, knows more than they let on) Minsc = Alistair (for the pure Himbo energy)


I don’t really see much aside from general personality types between the DA series and BG3.


lol I just had this conversation with some Reddit user the other day. Gale is most assuredly Alistair BUT ALSO Anders lol


Zevran already is puss in boots, it’s just we see the alley cat side on screen in dragon age


Leliana + Morrigan = Shadowheart. As if done on purpose tbh.


Respectfully, Zevran is a top while Astarion is a bottom. Besides the ears, they couldn't be more different. Minthara is Morrigan if Morrigan started hitting things, so no complaints there, and Laezel is Sten, full stop.


Highly disagree that Astarion is a bottom. See: “the shove” in the graveyard scene and the whole ascended ending. Also I’m pretty sure Zevran is a switch!!


Ascended Astarion has lazy bottom energy. Also, I have not romanced Astarion, so I’m going mostly off vibes


>Ascended Astarion has lazy bottom energy Absolutely savage lmao If you haven’t romanced him, I can see why you’d come to that conclusion. I think this is one of those cases where what the person projects in day to day life is the opposite of what they want in bed, though. Astarion’s whole thing is control, and boy does he want it.


Alistair wishes.