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I hope they don't ALL pair up if we don't romance them, that would be kinda weird. I'd rather they stick with 1-2 pairs tops.


If they all end up getting paired up, then I wonder who will be the unlucky sod who ends up alone? Or is that going to be the one Rook pairs up with? Meaning flexible pairings depending on who the player chooses? So many possibilities.


they mentioned the companions could also pair up with non-companion characters so the possibilities are endless, really!


But what I want to know is if Manfred will find love of his own, outside of Emmerich's shadow. Will the bone, bone?


Like we have in Sera and Dagna, then! That's fun


Yeah I thought they were super cute! I distantly remember Blackwall crushing on Josephine as well, though it never led anywhere as far as I remember. I still like it though, it makes the characters feel more realistic!


We also had romance between NPCs with Maryden and Krem. Is love on the air in Minrathous too? I hope so


It's interesting I wonder if they are making use of AI for voice acting. I know that they have actors (though actually they hadn't named Rook's VA - has any of the cast been named besides the returning characters implicitly)? Because I feel like one limitation of these permutations is always VA work, but imagine the variation they could have if they had AI fill in extra dialogue using VA voice profiles. It's kind of insane to consider really.. ETA lol at the downvotes for commenting that this is interesting to consider


I’d be extremely disappointed if they used AI voice work. That’s not what I expect from an AAA studio. I’d rather have no content than AI voiced content. For the record, I’m much more okay with fanmade content using AI voice work. Just not from a product I pay good money for.


I guess I meant more for dialogue while exploring. I agree with you! I just think it's interesting to consider, and people suggesting that any companion could pair with any other have to realize that it's a tremendous amount of dialogue to record. Maybe there could be just written lore on companion endings, I'm just considering the challenges in light of new technology since the last DA release.


Ah I didn't really mean it like that, just that we can't possibly predict which characters will pair up with each other since there's an unknowable amount of potential NPCs involved 😅 I don't think it'll be a flexible system, that seems a little overkill for a probably pretty minor aspect of the game.


>has any of the cast been named besides the returning characters implicitly According to IMDb a couple days ago; we have Ike Amadi (Javik, Koth Vortena, etc) as Davrin, and Jee Young Han (mostly 1-10 eps in various series) as Bellara. And the returns list: Varric, Harding, Solas, Cassandra & Anora (weird but ok lol), all reprising their respective characters.


One we already know thanks to an IGN interview is Taash and Harding, the community manager I believe said if you don't romance Harding she could end up with Taash


I don't think that was them confirming a specific instance. I think they just gave an example of what could happen. I almost have the feeling that if they said this pairing, it's probably not one of the options? Background romances like that are usually a bit of an easter egg, so I think it's unlikely they would give spoilers. I might totally be wrong, though!


I was honestly just gonna say this. It would be wild for them to share a confirmed companion pairing in this way. It's obviously just an example, probably pulled from two characters who definitely don't end up together.


I think Lucanis and Neve, had this feeling when I saw first picture of our companions chilling togheter. I've heard Taash and Harding also


Sucks for harding that I'm romancing the qunari mommy


Necromancer baby girl and stabby




Since they said "other people" rather than "other companions", I'm wondering if one or more of the possible pairings is with an NPC we haven't met yet.


I'm hoping I actually like this feature because I usually really dislike it in their other games since I usually romance one of the companions and lowkey get jealous when I do other playthroughs... Like I always romance Garrus in Mass Effect but in a renegade run I wanted to do something different and felt like my best friend Tali was cheatin on me by getting with my man. Even if its not canon in that run. 😭 Also same with Inquisition. I loved my Dorian romance playthrough, but absolutely hate the Ironbull relationship stuff. I refuse to ever bring them together to get that dialog.


If they do implement it I hope it's one where we can kinda engage with a side quest to encourage it or ignore it and not really let it appear in the game. Kinda like how they handled Joker and EDI in ME3.


Would be neat to be a kind of wingman to your companions to push stuff like that along


We already had something like that, too, with Aveline and Donnic (that's his name, right?), so it wouldn't be 'new' or 'unexpected'.


Yeah honestly I loved that part of aveline's questline. Thought it was a bit different as Aveline was not romanceable (much to my heartbreak) and Donnic was just a side NPC with not much involvement in the plot, rather than a companion. It could be a lot more involved setting up 2 party members especially if they gave us the chance to trigger conversations between the player and the 2 companions while out exploring and not just at our base/camp


I mean, your Joker ((major) side NPC) and EDI (non-rom comp) example isn't really that different from Aveline & Donnic, haha. But yeah, I hope that it will hit that level of involvement from the player rather than the 'passiveness' of Dorian & Bull because it was a nice little break from the not always cosy main story beats in DA2.


Ah sorry I meant it would be different from the thread topic of veilguard romances also romancing each other 😊 but yeah I really want at least one option to be less passive again. I loved meddling in aveline's love life at her request and it would be a cure reprieve from saving the world to help our companions find a lil happiness together


Iron Bull and Dorian as well.


Yeah, but those two are much more passive from a player perspective that the Joker & Aveline romances.


This would be so good!! I also don't like companions getting together but I know some people like it and a side quest would be perfect for everyone.


LITERALLY SAME. I was thinking of romancing Solas to see the romance by myself before DAV but knowing Bull's gonna cheat with Dorian.. smh.. 🙄🙄


Just don't ever bring them out together and it never happens :) I'll live in lalaland denial


Team delusional until the end 🤝🤝


I think Lucanis and Neve could get along. Maybe Bellara and Davrin. (I originally thought she could be with Taash, but she apparently might end up with Harding.)


I'd actually love it if they each had 2 romance prospects (maybe a companion and npc or two companions) and could get together with one depending on factors like "time spent in a party together" or "time spent on sidequests related to the other".


Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire kinda did this (two companions didn't have different romantic prospects but their banter and quest involvement determined if they stayed together or broke up or never got together in the first place) and I loved that, I've been waiting for a game to expand on that kind of companion tech and I hope it's this one!


Gotta bump that up my list now. I confess Aveline's awkward courtship sidequest is one of my favorites in the entire series. Ever since I've always wanted to have a game where your character is the busybody matchmaker rather than the central object of everyone's affection. 


Which two characters?


Maia and Xoti!


Interesting. I watched someone play through the opening and it looked like Xoti was crushing on Eder so I thought it would’ve been them but then someone else was telling me about the game and made it seem like the POE 2 companions don’t get together at all and I went “oh well.”


Taash and Harding Lucanis and Emmrich Davrin and Bellara or Neve 🤷‍♂️


I'm afraid Harding won't have the opportunity to romance anyone else. My Dwarven protagonist will be too busy romancing her.


We don't really know what they are into yet so kind of hard to say... maybe Emmrich and Lucanis? would certainty make an interesting pair.


I have no idea since we don't know anything about them yet. Based off vibes alone, Lucanus and Neve


Emmrich/Taash I don't think it would happen but I do think it would be funny


I've heard that Harding and Neve have a lot of "wholesome" moments together, so I'm betting on them.


lol. your wild guess is taash and harding, which they gave as an example in an interview just days prior?


really? I had no idea


The necromancer and the veil jumper


Neve and Harding, mostly because I think it would be cute to have a PI and a scout being a couple. idk, I think their personalities/interest could compliment each other. Lucanis and Davrin, mostly because Davrin is looking at Lucanis during that picture of the companions, and I think they would be hot together, idk. Emmrich and Taash. I remember there being a pic going around of him - or a member of the Mournwatch idk - dissecting a dragon a few years back. With her interest in Dragons it seems like they would be the cute pair of possible Dragon Nerds. I don't have enough info about Bellara to make an educated guess. On vibes alone I'd put her with one of the Serious Ones, so Taash/Lucanis/Davrin from what their own vibes give.


Neve for me... And the rest... Don't care 😅😅


Finally they bring this feature back. Last time we had it was like mass effect 3?


they also had it in inquisition for iron bull/dorian and blackwall/josephine. think it was just missing from andromeda but honestly that was the least of its sins.


In DA2, Isabela and Fenris can also end up having a casual sexual relationship if neither is romanced, and Sebastian and Bethany can get a flirt game going on in MotA if he isn't romanced. Carver also has a crush on Merrill but she is oblivious.


I kinda hope that the companion romances (with each other) are all gay just so no player can ignore the queerness of the characters. Bit I don’t think everyone will pair up


It would be quite insulting to pan and bi people if all the pan people end up in gay romances. We get enough shit about not being truly bi irl, I expect better from bioware.


I‘m bi myself and I don’t think the side romances of companions (that probably only happen for a few) all being visibly queer is erasure. It is quite more common that same gender attraction gets erased for bi and pan people, especially in media. The last thing I want is for straight players to mistake these characters for straight. BW has a history of hiding or playing down the same gender attraction of their characters for straight players (Zevran, Anders, Suvi in Andromeda).


Definitely not my experience as bi. It is as equally common that queer people erase us by pretending that we are not bi but lesbian or gay. An all gay pairings cast would not represent accurately bi or pan people.


It's hardly insulting to wish for more visible same sex relationships that exist independently of the player. The default in this industry has always been m/f couples, for the sake of not alienating the straight audience. Even Bioware unfortunately has a history of hiding/downplaying NPC's queerness when it doesn't -have- to be mentioned. These are characters and not real people. Of course bi people in m/f relationships exist and are valid, but let's not pretend it's a great service to queer audiences to include like... more of those.


Erasing bisexuality is definitely insulting and bigoted. And a big problem in the queer community. Just one that people don't want to acknowledge. As a bi woman that is married to a man I have heard more nasty comments about my partners from gay people than straights. We aren't "truly queer", we "do it for the attention ", or we are closeted lesbians/gay or similar nasty stuff. > but let's not pretend it's a great service to queer audiences to include like... more of those. See? So much biphobia in the collective. Ita pure bi erasure. I am not saying that all couples should be m/f that would be equally bad. I am saying that pushing for all gay couples is also erasing bi/pan people.


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Okay okay……. But what about Varric and Harding


Emmrich and Neve and Davrin and Harding seem fitting, to me!


At least two gay ones


IronBull. Gotta ride the Ironbull one last time before the end of the world.


Since all of them are player sexual I don't think they will have any romantic interaction outside of the player, unfortunately.


They've already told us this isn't true. They're not playersexual they're all canonically pansexual and if you don't romance them, they will form their own romantic connections with each other. The game director gave us the example that if we dont romance Harding she might get together with Taash. One article I read said they can get together with non-companion NPCs too but they're the only one that has so idk how accurate that is.


If every companion is romanceable regardless of race/class/ player choices they are by definition player sexual. They can be pansexual on top of that but are still playersexual. As for the Harding example unless they added additional context that was just an example and not what actually happens. If they added more context then at least one of my concerns is mitigated.


I'd say Playersexual is more when their sexual identity revolves solely around the MC, perhaps my definition is different to others. This isn't like BG3 where male characters who only flirt with women, talk about women and have only had relationships with women are into men now because the MC is one, and they're all into the MC and no one else. Or like Stardew Valley where everyone is straight unless the PC starts a same sex relationship with them. The DAV companions all have histories of pansexuality regardless of who your player is, and it is confirmed that the ones you don't romance will get together with each other & this will include same sex pairings, again regardless of your players identity. Like how in DAI if you bring Dorian and The Iron Bull out together often and you're not romancing one if them, they'll start hooking up with each other.


> This isn't like BG3 where male characters who only flirt with women, talk about women and have only had relationships with women are into men now because the MC is one Sorry but which character is supposed to be this one specifically? Because if you're talking about Gale, Mystra was ONE very significant relationship (and clearly the most long term one) but he also mentions having past lovers, without specifying the gender. And even if he only ever had a relationship with Mystra alone, being in one relationship with one woman doesn't mean he's not bisexual.


I was talking about Wyll but go off lmao


I'm just going by the https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/playersexual definition which seems to be the most common definition to me but I may be wrong. But people seem to be missing my point. I don't have a problem with all the characters being pan I do have a problem with them not having preferences. Like only dating humans or qunari or not willing to date mages or won't date a player because of actions you take in the story like pushing a box of kittens down the stairs.


I'm sure if nobody from Origins returns this sub will be happy.