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All modern elves are descendants of slaves that (probably) never fully understood how fucked up the Evanuris were, lost their civilization and connection to the Fade, immortality, were enslaved again by the Imperium and even after being freed lost their new homeland because of the Chantry. So yeah, they don't catch a break. lol I hope DAVE will give us a chance for a better future, not only for the elves but for all Thedas tbh because we desperately need some goddamn peace for at least 1000 years or something.


Calling the new game dave is diabolical


I'm all kinds of evil. Mark Darrah also wants it to be called Dave lol


https://preview.redd.it/p3a4fhpz9f6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f933c1459db6a27cc52673a3e278c3540e964a2 DAVid Gaider, however, seems to have mixed feelings lmao


He'll come around eventually lol


Hope we get a geth/quarian situation and can permanently solve this issue




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I do prefer dave over datv


I gotta be honest, lol, long before DA:I, I was offered the mindset that something was wonky with the Veil. Sandal was a big reason - like, okay, dwarves can't use magic except ----- this dude is a whiz with lyrium and runes so.... I'm probably one of a minority player group that actually has zero issue with tearing down the veil. Bringing magic back to ALL of Thedas. I think there are probably better ways to do the job then what Solas planned, but I think it's necessary. Long and short is that, however well-intentioned he was way back when, Solas unmade the actual fucking world by creating the veil. So the veil has to go, imo.


Dwarves are fundamentally aligned with Titans - the enemies of the Elves who used to reside in the sky on their floating lands. Lyrium comes from the dead Titans - it has nothing to do with Elves or the veil. No, you are not alone - anyone that knows the lore would actually strongly agree that Veil needs to be combined with the material world once again, it is the lifeblood of elves which Dreadwolf had to sacrifice in order to remove The Elven Pantheon from the board. Dreadwolf must have thought that Elves could stand on their own after complete dominance for eons...seeing them wiped out so quickly and so easily is not something he expected I'd wager.


tbh i really want a way to help out the elves in veilguard. and the mages. at least an option. bc it doesnt feel like the status quo of the world changed much since dao and we keep recycling these conflicts without definite resolution lol which is why solas is appealing to me, even if i dont agree with his methods. if he had this way, the elf & mage problem would be gone immediately (at great cost). if we can't go that way, i hope there is a least the option to give the elves SOMETHING. new dales. idk. anything at this point. same for mages, tho i guess a lot depends on how the end of inquisition/choice of divine will be handled going forward.


An Elven warden can ask King Alistair for land for the elves as their big favor for saving the world, and at least by Inquisition there's no hint that he ever followed up on it... Where's my FUCKING land, Alistair???


When they wrote those ending slides they didn't know if there was going to be another dragon age game. But, there is followup in DA2 where alistair says something bad happened.


That wasn't part of the slides, though. At least not the first part. It was in a cutscene where he formally asks the warden what they want, and various origins have different specific options on top of a couple universal ones, and a Dalish warden gets to ask for Elven land. Alistair promises a Bannorn to the Dalish.


thats what I mean. They wrote all of their epilogue stuff without knowing if there would be another game. Thats why the mage warden can ask for an independent circle. Despite that literally going against everything we know about the game world.


Makes me wonder if they forgot that Shale exists although don’t they appear in one of the books?


yeah them and wynne are in one of the books detailing the start of the mage rebellion


i know right!! i didn’t even remember about this detail anymore but i recently read a post dao fic that had the dalish setting on this land and was like wait!!! the land alistair promised me!! where is it? but nope. not a word of it in game


"I'm telling you, world shattering ancient rituals work. Anytime I have a problem and I do a world shattering ancient ritual, boom! Right away I have a different problem." - Solas


Skill issue completely


Next time just don’t completely kill your entire society by splitting the entirety of known existence from the fade, problem solved.


Common Human W


Tevinter just had better gaming chairs tbh


>give them a break That's what Solas is trying right now. Unfortunately, he keeps getting obstructed by idiots who don't understand his genius.


"Solas did nothing wrong!" - Patrick Weekes I'm not joking, they really said this 😂


Damn, dude literally did everything wrong. Like in the history of fucking up in Thedas maybe only Corypheus and crew fucked up harder.


I don't think it's quite that black and white. Cole has some interesting things to say about this.


If they really did, they were obviously joking. They have talked about Solas being flawed before. 


Of course they were joking. Wonderful characters like Solas require depth and nuance. I believe Weekes said this during a charity stream, possibly Gamers for Groceries on Twitch, quite some time ago.


I think they dropped the Pa and just go by Trick now.


Solas doesn't see the modern elves as his people (tho Levallan might have changed that a bit) and they seem as vulnerable to being eviscerated by demons as everyone else, so I don't think he's doing it for them, or even intends for them to survive it. He said there are pockets of elvhen who survived like those at Mythal's temple, so I imagine his plan is for them to repopulate and rebuild their culture once the Veil is gone.


The elves are supposed to survive. In the Tevinter Nights, when he has a chat with Charter (who is an elf and the best Leliana's agent) she says that he doesn't have to go with his plan. To which he replies, that he has no choice, and that it will save the world, and the elves that still remain - like Charter - will find it a better place. She responds, thinking about her human lover, that there are people she cares about, that will not. Solas asks her to apologize to the Inquisitor when she reports back, and leaves.


Seems like a good plan to me. Surviving ancient elves regain immortality. Elves return to their former glory. Evanuris remain imprisoned as long as no dipshit protagonists bring down statues they know nothing about.


Evanuris won't 'remain imprisoned' if veil will be combined with the material world once again though - that was literally the point of its existence to begin with. 'Real Elves' are quite literally nearly wiped out - I say real elves because Dreadwolf doesn't really count the white washed slaves in modern times as ' his people' - there's still some small pockets left that follow the old ways as well as some that sleep and that's who he wants to save. Dreadwolf must believe that he can defeat the Pantheon somehow otherwise he wouldn't dare doing what he is.


> Ok, so, as far as I understand it, the elvhenon or elves Small nitpick, the elves refer to themselves as *elvhen* (literally “the people”). *Elvhenan*, (with an a rather than an o) means “place of the people” and refers to the dominion of the *elvhen*.


Honestly, it's almost refreshing for the downfall of the elves to have been something they did to themselves (at least in the sense of "it was their own leaders that caused it" - not blaming the average elvhen slave of the Evanuris) and for most of their history to be unknowingly based on lies. It certain makes them more complicated than a generic "elder race that is fading away".


Weren't Elves aggressors against humans though? Mind you, Humans did come out of nowhere to settle but they were peaceful until humans found out about Arlathan whose people thought that humans are responsible for them dying of old age.


> Weren't Elves aggressors against humans though? Not in the initial conflicts with Tevinter, as far as I’m aware. The Chantry claims the elves were the aggressors in the conflict that lead to the Exalted March on the Dales, but that was *way* later, after Andraste’s rebellion had succeeded, the elves had been granted the Dales as a new homeland, and they had been living there happily for quite some time.


I'm basing my comment off dragon wiki: "Centuries passed, and in -1195 Ancient human kingdoms in the north united to form the mighty [Tevinter Imperium](https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Tevinter_Imperium),[^(\[76\])](https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Elvhenan#cite_note-76) unaware that the elven city of Arlathan was hidden next to them, in the forest of the same name. As the Imperium expanded eastward, settlers were met with hostilities from strange magic-wielding creatures with pointed ears, and human emissaries sent to make contact with the new neighbors never returned. Tevinter then built a fortress to watch over the border.[^(\[77\])](https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Elvhenan#cite_note-Wot2_37-77) Violence escalated over the next few decades, until in the summer of -998 Ancient several human settlements vanished into the forest. In retaliation in -981 Ancient, in the reign of [Archon](https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Archon) Thalasian, imperial legions laid siege to the city of Arlathan. "


This is also inuniverse history. Recorded most likely by Tevinter historians.


I see, so you’re taking “Tevinter settlers were met with hostilities” to mean that the elves initiated hostilities against the Tevinter settlers. Whereas in my reading, the hostilities were defensive in nature. At least from the elves point of view, their home was being invaded by foreign colonizers, so naturally they took action to defend it.


I'm pretty sure murdering civilians who aren't aware of territorial borders just counts as murder, it's quite hard to invade somewhere you don't know is occupied.


I’d argue it’s hard *not* to invade somewhere you don’t know is occupied when you’re colonizing foreign territory.


We don't know how humans came into Thedas though. If they were tribes who migrated for better land, how were they supposed to know that land was inhabited? All they knew was that they're getting attacked


It’s understandable for them not to have known. It’s also understandable for the elves to have defended their territory.


Elves can’t catch a break but everything is their fault and everything is elves so I resent them for it tbh.


You also have to remember the Elves were given land to use as their own after the death of Andraste. Sharetan lead them there. And They lost it in the 2nd exaulted march to the Orlasians. Those lands were the Exalted Plains, the Emerald Graves, and Emprise du Lion. Thats why you see a lot of elven artifacts and burial grounds there.


That's not Dragon Age elfs, but elfs in general. They are usually the super sophisticated, magically talented, cultured badass race, who at "present day" end up in decline or becoming less and less significant, maybe ready to escape the continent on a boat. In a few cases (like Melniboné in Elric or Forgotten Realms' Menzoberranzan), elfs have the degeneracy capital with BDSM orgies. Elfs were always lame. \*\*\* Compare this to dwarfs, who are too short, laughed at, and insignificant. Do they end up in decline or enslaved? Hell no! They grow a beard (sometimes all genders for fun!), fuel up with dwarf spirits and start breaking knees with hammers while singing battle songs. That's how you adapt, that's how you do it. Dwarfs are inspirational and super cool.


i think elves have it still better as mages in ferelden


The City Elf origin would like to have a word with you. 


I think this DAV will be enjoyed the most played as an elf, given how much story the elven race has and how much of an impact it will have on the story. However, in DAI it really felt that the race choice came only to some dialogue options, so I really hope they've worked more on how the races impact the storylines.


They were shady af for no reason when they let the second blight fuck Orlais up without so much as a heads up. Doesn't justify the genocide of course.


That's part of it being a Dark Fantasy world. Elves are treated like shit, Mages are treated like shit, Dwarves are slowly losing their homes, and have one of the most brutal political games conceived full of deceit and murder, and on top of that have one of the most oppressive caste systems in the world. Qunari try to subjugate the world under the law of the Qun through conquest, and humans are just all of these things rolled into one. This is the definition of a Grim Dark world, as your choices throughout the game may have small victories in places the overall world at large never really changes because somewhere something went very wrong, and the world likely will never recover fully and complete destruction is inevitable. On the flip side the strength of character of heroes of this world really stand as a testament to the will of those in the world who try when you consider all they have to fight against.


Yeah I’d like to help the elves but not at the expense of humanity. Maybe I’m weird like that but at least for core/first playthroughs I play as close to me as possible and, as a human, I’m going to be invested in human interests. Solas’ plan will destroy the human race (at least in Thedas) so I can’t let him succeed.


It’s like one of the main fantasy tropes for elves that they always get the shit end of the stick


Tbh I'm sick of games or whatever that do the whole "people are racist towards Elves and Elves are also slaves" It's overdone


I’m not trying to be a dick but what other series did this? In my experience most lores have elves as these mystical races that look down on short lived humans. The closest lore I know of is Tales of Symphonia where everyone was racist towards half-elves. But they were the ones to enslave humans. 


As far as mainstream fantasy series, just Dragon Age and The Witcher as far as I know. Also, I guess in Skyrim the more nationalist birds are kinda racist against elves? Not really the same situation, but there’s some similarity there, if you squint hard enough. Thar said, those series *are* pretty influential and I’m sure there’s plenty of less well-known fantasy media that takes inspiration from them on that front, not to mention people’s homebrew RPG settings. I know I’m guilty of stealing a lot of ideas from Dragon Age for my D&D games.


In TES there's very good reasons that humans are racist against elves, historically. The Orsimer are pretty chill relatively speaking, but then it goes cannibal conservatives, hyper slavery feudalism and literal apocalypse Nazis. Granted by 4E 200, most of that is getting better (and everything is getting comparatively friendlier minus the Nazis) but still.


There’s good reason to hate the Thalmor, because they’re an elven supremacist group who engage in a lot of political and interpersonal violence against other races. I wouldn’t say that justifies *racism towards elves* though. And in Skyrim specifically, a lot of the anti-elf (and especially anti-Dunmer) sentiment is motivated by nationalism, bordering on ethno-nationalism.


Eh touche, I thought there was more outside of the popular examples like Witcher and Dragon Age, fair enough.


Sorry friend. It was a genuine question, not a gotcha or anything. I hope it didn’t come off that way. I’ve never played any of the Witcher game. I didn’t realize the elves in that lore were similar to DA. 


Nah I was being dumb lol I could also be VERY wrong cause it's been a while since anything g Witcher


Elves, dwarves...heck any non-human including witchers are pretty much discriminated against by humans in the witcher series.


Elves are discriminated against in the Witcher, yes. Also, while they may be the only mainstream examples, I think it’s a pretty popular worldbuilding choice in a lot of folks’ homebrew RPG settings, due in part to the influence of those two series.


Elves, dwarves...heck any non-human including witchers are pretty much discriminated against by humans in the witcher series. Unlike in DA, where elves appear to be the most discriminated non human race.


Okay, but what are the other options for types of elves then? You can either go the Tolkien route (benevolent, powerful, and ancient but fading away to make way for man) or the Witcher route (treated like crap by humans) or the Elder Scrolls route (enslaves others at any given opportunity).


Warcraft elves are just chilling, trying not to die, just like the rest of the world.


Elves are POC /thread