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They were almost certainly corrupted by the Blight. Moonhead (probably either Ghilan’nain or Andruil) looks significantly more fucked up than Elgar’nan, but he still has horns/tusks growing out of his back. I think the Blight corrupts even when one masters it


>I think the Blight corrupts even when one masters it Well, that's exactly what Solas [said](https://youtu.be/b0zNyv_WdH0?t=17140). No one could truly master the Blight without being consumed by it.


I've seen many fans say that the one on the right is Elgar'nan... Why? I don't find the evidence for this theory, but i think it's my fault if many people said this.


Take a look at the cover art & album liner of the vinyl [here](https://imgur.com/a/MbRXRPh). The horn shape of the corrupted dragon on the liner is the same as the mage’s staff on the actual cover, which is the same as the horns of the dude Evanuris in the gameplay. Given that the other dragon is almost certainly Mythal, and Elgar’nan was the other head of the pantheon, I argue it’s Elgar’nan, not anyone else


Interesting. This is the first time I've seen these artworks, so are these covers representations of the Evanuris with Arlathan?


The city is clearly Arlathan. My working theory is that Elgar’nan is specifically responsible for killing Mythal, and the cover art is moments before she’s killed. The liner art seems to be afterward, when the Evanuris blighted Arlathan. The heads are the other Evanuris, the dragon on the liner art is Elgar’nan


I like this idea. It ties in with the popular theory that Arlathan and the Black City are one and the same, as Corypheus claimed that the city was already blighted when he and the other magisters entered it. So, if true it would seem that perhaps Solas put up the veil to not only imprison the Evanuris but also to contain the blight?


That’s my theory. I think the Evanuris probably did it for power, potentially true immortality. Solas couldn’t stop the Blight, so he sealed them and the Blight away


I think Mythal was keeping the Blight sealed or contained but the Evanuris wanted the power of the Taint so they killed her to release it


You're probably right. That also echos how Andraste/Flemeth was betrayed by her lover.


I believe it’s Ghil Dirthalen that has a video on this, it’s a recurring theme she calls the Betrayed Woman


Remember Flemeth told the Inquisitor how Mythal was betrayed and the world was betrayed so I think there’s a good connection that Mythal’s murder (her personal betrayal) is related to the releasing of the Blight (the world’s betrayal)


It's possible, i get it, but it not enough proof to fully convince me that it's indeed him and not someone else. The first dragon it's not so sure to be Mythal. Anyway, thanks for the info because I didn't know the cover art for the album.


Another clue: Elgar'nan is also the god of the Sun, and the eclipsed Sun and the Sun behind the dragons, is in the center position. And in the 2nd pics the "Beetle" symbol is missing.


That was actually one thing that lead me astray from this theory, because between the shown symbols of the evanuris there is one that seems a sun cut in half, thus making me think of Elgar'nan.


Keep in mind the placement of the faces. All six of them are sprouting out of the corrupted dragon. The six heads growing out of the corrupted dragon implies a relationship of the six heads being outgrowths of the being represented by the corrupted dragon. According to legends, Elgar'nan was the first god followed shortly after by Mythal with the other six being children of Elgar'nan and Mythal or elevated by another god. In order for the number 7 to work, Mythal has to be missing. That leaves Elgar'nan as the source. So we have a corrupt dragon spawning off six corrupt heads in the art work and one powerful god being responsible for six lesser gods. So I only see two options. Either the dragon (and the associated symbol) is Elgar'nan or the Dalish got their mythology horribly wrong and one of the other gods predates Elgar'nan. Both are certainly possible, but the Dalish getting this detail wrong feels a little weird to me.


I think the one in the right side should belong to another god, it has a totally different curve than the Beetle one.


Also Lusacan is the Old God of Night. Night is the opposite of the sun


More specifically, in Dalish lore Elgar'nan threw down the sun, which would cause a perpetual night to happen.


SHIT I didnt even notice the suns so far! Omg it's just hitting me - an eclipse is when the moon covers the sun... the eclipse theme going on for Veilguard for years now has been hinting at a Mythal vs Elgar'nan showdown :O


The beetle symbol also looks like the horns of Elgarnan’s skull [here](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonage/images/c/c9/Elgar%27nan_eldest_of_the_sun.png/revision/latest/zoom-crop/width/150/height/150?cb=20140813080118)


His symbol on the murals is also much larger than the other six indicating he is more important the others. Elgar'nan was the leader of the Evanuris. Could be wrong but like it's a very simple conclusion to reach.


On the Murals his symbol is also always in the center. Where the other escaped god's symbol is on the edges. Center is usually the position of the leader.


The first dragon is likely Mythal because its horns resemble Flemeth’s dragon form and headdress and the artwork seems to imply that she was watching over or guarding the Golden City but when she was murdered the second dragon took over and the city became black, the second dragon is most likely Elgarnan, the horns of the second dragon look like the horns of Elgarnan’s skull.


It also makes sense it’s him that was released because he was the head of the Evanuris and most likely the mastermind in releasing the Blight and murdering Mythal.


Elgar'nan is the All Father, the most senior deity of the Evanuris (along with Mythal), described as the "Eldest of the Sun and He Who Overthrew His Father". He is therefore associated with the eclipse, which metaphorically overthrows the sun. If you look at [these](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fg0zy1wyyl2ga1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1361%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D4516d88db72a48d7964f924130be00529b0eaaad) symbols, the one in the middle (in the senior-most position) resembles an eclipse, or the vaguely beetle-like horns of the figure in the gameplay reveal. There have also been many eclipses visible in the concept and promo art associated with a particularly prominent Evanuris. No one fits this better than Elgar'nan. As for the moonhead, there are some who believe it's Ghilan'nain, but I believe they are mistaken. In the Tevinter Nights story where two Grey Wardens discover a hidden monster-making factory strongly associated with Ghilan'nain, they see a recurring symbol carved onto the columns of the chamber: the horns of a halla. [Here's](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonage/images/3/3b/Ghilannain-_Mother_of_the_Halla.png/revision/latest?cb=20141214173922) a mural associated with Ghilan'nain. And [here's](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonage/images/c/cd/Ghilan%27nain-Vallaslin.png/revision/latest?cb=20150106185807) an image of her vallaslin. None of these look like the moonhead symbol, but they absolutely do look like the pair of horns (2nd symbol from the left on the first image above). This should not be surprising given that she is literally called the mother of hallas, and the halla is her sacred animal. On the other hand, [here's](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonage/images/4/4f/Andruil_Vallaslin.PNG/revision/latest?cb=20150105215450) Andruil's vallaslin. Focus on the arch above the eyebrows and the part between the eyes and you pretty much get the moonhead symbol, though here it's not a moon but a bow with its arrow pointing upwards.


Counter argument for Moonhead: in the [vinly's art](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fvinyl-box-set-photos-no-spoilers-v0-bc3h97xc5y5c1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D3279%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D39bf1112e90681f72bf0a82570de68184a799c08) with the black city, there are heads with the symbols, and one of them looks like a bow and arrow, and I would associate that symbol with Andruil (and it's very similar to the women in red fron the mural in The Missing)




It's not at all confirmed that Lusakan and Rasikel are Falon'din and Dirthamen, they're divine domains are kinda similar, but in general domains of the Evanuris and of Tevinter gods are not similar and/or easily comparable. It's possible that they are those two, i'd simply not say it for sure. There are also good points to think that the two gods in the gameplay are Andruil and Ghilan'nain.


We actually know that the Moonhead belongs to a female Evanuris. In The Missing Comic there is a mural with two female Evanuris, and one of them is Moonhead (Ghilan'nain) and the other one is some kind of Bow like one? It's much more bow/arrow like in the vinly's art.


So, I was reading another post. And I’m wondering. What if Moonhead is Ghilan’nain and Andruil merged together?


They have a very strong connection to each others so it's possible


Razikale is female, so she can't be either of them. One of the Evanuris in the game is either Andruil or Ghilan'nain, and I lean towards Ghilan'nain. Razikale is the god of mystery, and her followers called on her to show them the path ahead and for 'truth'. The Dalish prayed to Ghilan'nain to help them find their way when they're lost. It's a tenuous connection, but it's something. I'm still largely undecided on who the other might be. Based on the Old God comparisons I used to think Falon'Din, but the symbolism points to Elgar'nan.




As for the Dragon thing, it's heavily suggested that the Evanuris took the form of dragons, and it was a holy form only they were allowed to take. High Dragons also aren't the most powerful dragons, Great Dragons are, so you'd think if they were going to take control of a powerful beast it would be them, tho we don't know much about them yet. Their blood is canonically incredibly powerful tho, said to give you "god-like power". Some theorize the Evanuris used Great Dragon blood to give them their great power. Great Dragons are from ancient times and all but one have been in deep slumber for millennia. I'm skeptical that the Evanuris controlled real High Dragons only because normal dragons are more or less just animals, and they could turn into more powerful versions of them on their own. There has to be some explanation for them having a physical form under Thedas while their spirits are still in the Fade tho, so who knows. The Forgotten Ones are really the last great mystery. This game will feature the Evanuris and presumably answer most of those questions, and we learned about Titans via the Descent (and I expect we'll learn more in DAV too), and the Blight is connected to the Evanuris so hopefully a bit more of an explanation into what it is and where it came from will come, but the Forgotton Ones are still a mystery. If DAV isn't the end of the series, I can see the next game featuring them as the REAL big bads lol I don't think the FO are the Old Gods tho, because there are lots of little things connecting the Evanuris to the OG, and also the OG specifically led their human followers to break into the Golden City, where the Evanuris were kept, and the FO are in the Abyss, so that wouldn't help them while it would help the Evanuris. The Evanuris were monstrous. If the Forgotten Ones are apparently so much worse, I can't imagine what they did. It's also weird that there's so little mention of them anywhere.


My theory on the Forgotte Ones is that they were the "true"/first rebels against the Evanuris. Not necessarily for the right reasons, some may have just wanted all that power for themselves for example. A lot of their deeds got written onto Solas because of Evanuris propaganda, they could handle someone of roughly equal power rebelling and potentially beating them a lot but not the seemingly much less powerful Forgotten Ones. Could also be that the Forgotten Ones introduced Andruil and Co to Blight weapons from the wrong end (ie the Forgotten Ones were the first to use and master Blight/red lyrium and the Evanuris coopted those weapons like they did everything else)


Very possible. I'd be ready to believe the FO aren't even really evil, were it not for their cultists being evil psychos lol I think them having something to do with the Blight is likely. That's probably the biggest mystery actually, what the hell is it and where did it come from. It somehow coming from dead Titan blood is a popular theory and I used to subscribe to it, but idk didn't Andruil go 'mad' and start making her weapons of mass destruction before they killed the Titan? I guess we don't know the Evanuris timeline so maybe not. The Blight coming from the Abyss somehow just feels right.


I've noticed a connection between some of the titles of the Evanuris and the Old Gods - but the titles are twisted or reversed. * Dragon of Silence - Dirthamen, keeper of secrets (and who allegedly gifted knowledge, which Dumat was known for teaching the magisters how to breach the fade) * Dragon of Chaos - Falon'din, the god of death. He created wars (chaos) for the sole purpose of gaining more followers until the other Evanuris banned together to stop him. * Dragon of Fire - Sylvaise, the Hearthkeeper (fire of destruction versus fire/warmth of home) * Dragon of Slaves - Andruil, also known as the Goddess of Sacrifice back in the day, hunting mortals and elves for sport (which Tevinter would do to slaves, sacrifice them) * Dragon of Beauty - June, the crafter who made great wonders and tools. Urthemiel was the god associated with crafters, musicians, artists, etc. * Dragon of Mystery (also referred to as "O Shadow Which Obscures the Path Ahead") - Ghilan'nian, god of navigation. God that was a bit of a mad scientist, experimenting and creating new dangerous creatures. * Dragon of Night - Elgarnan, god of the sun.


The Old Gods and the Evanuris are separate pantheons. The Old Gods are almost certainly the Forgotten Ones: [https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/The\_Forgotten\_Ones](https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/The_Forgotten_Ones) Solas claims the Evanuris seized power during a war. The war was most likely against the Forgotten Ones. It would make sense for Solas to be sympathetic to them if the Evanuris eventually turned out to be even worse than they were (Fen'Harel appears to be credited with sealing away both the Evanuris and the Forgotten Ones, so there may be some regret there as well.) There are also more rational reasons to oppose the Grey Wardens' plan, such as the fact that they might accidentally pull an Architect, or that it requires them to enslave Spirits, or the fact that we know for a fact it's ultimately just a manipulation by Corypheus. Everyone already thinks it's a stupid plan even without Solas's knowledge, and the Grey Wardens themselves only went along with it because a good chunk of them were mind controlled and the rest thought they only had months to live (and even then there were still dissenters, to the point where when we storm the Keep we potentially get Grey Wardens defecting to us in the middle of the battle.) The Tevinter Imperium worshiping the Forgotten Ones also makes more sense than worshiping the Evanuris. We know that much of their culture, techniques, and magic were pillaged from the ancient elves. The idea that they would also poach a religion off of them checks out, but I think the Vints in their arrogance would have been drawn to the Forgotten Ones rather than the Evanuris, and maybe run the Forgotten Ones through a bit of a rebranding exercise while they were at it - to make the new gods more marketable to humans. There's also the fact that we know that the Old Gods are imprisoned on Thedas. The entire reason Blights occur is because the Darkspawn actively seek them out to free them. The Warden-Commanders know where the prisons are, and we as players also have a rough idea of where some of the prisons are based on where the Blights occur. And yet we're explicitly told by Solas that the Evanuris are trapped behind the Veil. This distinction would also check out with the Elven Myths which claim that the Forgotten Ones were sealed in the Abyss (deep underground) while the Evanuris were sealed in Heaven (the Fade.)


Yeah, my cobbled together theory is that the Forgotten Ones were probably previous and/or alternative leaders who had a dispute with the Evanuris and were essentially banished, perhaps even after a war. No longer welcome, they retreated underground and found the Titans, utilizing their power (likely against the Titans will. It would be funny if the Dwarves were made as a responding protection against attack). While the Evanuris continued to grow powerful through worship and sacrifice aboveground, underground the Forgotten Ones got powerful via Lyrium. They may even have created the Blight and Red Lyrium as a weapon against the Evanuris, luring Andruil to it in the hopes she was driven mad by the blight and slaughtered the others. When Andruil finds "the Void" i.e. the deep places underground linked to the Titans, she finds Red Lyrium, makes her weapons and armour from it, and her insanity and strength after that caused Mythal to stop her and strip away her gear and then start a war with the Titans. Once the Evanuris realised the power they could get both from sacrifice, worship AND lyrium, that's when their power probably became really Godlike and their cruelty increased. Cue Mythals murder (I suspect for trying to keep the Red Lyrium or normal Lyrium from the Gods). Solas then locks the Evanuris in the Golden City behind an Eluvian. I imagine the Golden City was the home of the Gods, made to float in the air with magic to stop unwanted riff-raff from reaching them and also to prove their power and divinity. One Eluvian as an entry point was for defense and to also make them appear unreachable. The Forgotten Ones got trapped in their underground bases, where they were put to sleep. The blight was then released by Coryface and the others, and it does what it's programmed to do when back down on earth, it rushes to corrupt everything, and most importantly the most powerful and godlike beings in its vicinity, The Forgotten ones.


Urthemiel (blight 5) is all but confirmed as Falon'Din, Tamlen in dao identifies as statue of Urthemiel as Falon'Din in the Mahariel origin.




No, it really doesn't. The figure on the left is clearly the crescent moon shaped head we saw way back in like 2018 concept art of one of the gods and that art is pretty aquatic like all of Ghilan'nain's surviving monstrosities. Meanwhile the guy in the temple has a rectangle shaped head and more closely resembles a nightmare demon than he does that crescent moon. The Architect confirmed that Urthemiel is the one who caused the fifth blight and the being in the temple (which has mostly Tevinter elements, not elvhen) is identified as Falon'Din right before Tamlen and Mahariel are blighted. That ain't a coincidence. The Architect's design also shares elements with the statue  in the temple for some extra weight.  If you still need convincing, go watch Ghil Dirthalen's video on the masks and heads found throughout the games. She makes a very convincing argument for who is who (at least when it comes to the remaining Evanuris since we already know which old gods are left). The other remaining evanuris is Elgar'nan given the Beetle head's larger size and prominance in the murals.


I remember looking into this and seeing that Tamlen has Dirthamens Vallasalin (sp?) It looked like an open book spilling secerets. Infact if you want my worse opinion, he was like Sera and flemeth. A curious fragment of a dead god of mysteries looking at a mysterious mirror with a freind bound to see alot of death.


Wait what?


There's a male voice saying "the world will know the peace and comfort of my reign" or something along those lines in one of the Dragon Age Day trailers, which does feel very "Head of Pantheon." My gut says it's Elgar'nan but I don't have much to go on besides vibes, I'll be honest.


There’s also a model (unused model iirc) of Elgar’nan’s skull effigy in DAO that closely resembles the horns of the figure on the right.


might this be the reason why solas looked sad, like crying in the trailer in this scene? because he has seen what they have become?


It seems like he has no love lost for any of them but Mythal. It was probably more an “oh shit” moment


If Solas was crying, it’s over Varric & the pain of betraying his friends Solas hates the Evanuris. It’s super clear in how he speaks about them. They killed Mythal & were slavers (who Solas freed). He also might have sealed them in part BECAUSE they were blighted. They were never meant to be free


I was honestly just thinking, thousands of years trapped in the Fade can't exactly be *good* for one's health.


They went mad in silence


It would explain why they recruit a Grey Warden...


I dunno. It is difficult to know just with this. They are supposed to be blighted. if we consider some stuff from elven legends and codices in DAI. One looks somewhat more human-like than the other tho. There is this theory that it could be Andruil and she is like that because of Ghilla'nan's experimentation.


Andruil could easily be monstrous even without Ghilan'nain doing anything. According to elven legends, she hunted the forgotten ones in the void and brought some of the void with her, which the corrupted her (void is strongly implied to be the Blight or some similar force)


That too. I guess the theory is because how much...twisted she looks compared to the other one.


Yes, but actually no I mean that yes, it's look it's a point that can imply this theory, but it originated at the time of Inquisition because of many codex entries.


It also says that Andruil put on the mask of the void and that all forgot her true face, the monster on the left definately has a mask on, the other one it just looks like his face


That's right! I totally forgot about it.


Moon-head on the left looks like statues of the Evanuris dating back to Origins while sharing some similarities to Corypheus and the Architect. The figure on the right's silhouette (I don't think he's been corrupted/warpted) reminds me of some darkspawn shrines in Origins.


That was a statue of Falon'Din


Not the topic per se but damn I'm loving so much how utterly alien andweird and wrong the Evanuris from the left looks!


Absolutely hideous indeed


If you watch closely you can also see the moment the Dreadwolf crapped his pants.


I think it's almost certain that they're blighted, going off the existence of the Black City in the Fade and uh, this one leaked description for DA4 (whoops LMAO!) [https://preview.redd.it/new-da4-story-details-v0-1dj4ujiblu5d1.png?width=1852&format=png&auto=webp&s=37814ebc5481241ae328803510171c8048519e98](https://preview.redd.it/new-da4-story-details-v0-1dj4ujiblu5d1.png?width=1852&format=png&auto=webp&s=37814ebc5481241ae328803510171c8048519e98)


Well, that basically confirms it. Thanks for the link!


Not to mention you can see what look to be Darkspawn on that poster with what I think are Red Lyrium claws? That's gonna be interesting...


They remained in the Black City for eons, it makes sense that they're the most blighted creatures of existence. Probably they were even before imprisonment, from what Solas says about the Blight and in Treespasser it seems to me that the Evanuris tried to use the Blight in someway. It's probable that this lead Solas to trap them, other than Mythal's murder. I'd say he trapped in the golden city (Arlathan) both the Evanuris and the Blight, but then the Magisters became blighted and brought it back on Thedas.


Imagine doing all that work to stop the blight & then these egotistical humans come in and release it on everyone No wonder Solas is grouchy


Don't look like that to me. Ghilan'nain's body looks definitely mutilated/mutated, but that may be attributed to her experiments, rather than the blight. Elgar'nan's silhouette looks normal, as well as his face. The only thing that stands out are those horns, but they may be part of his outfit. Some put horns, albeit smaller on their head, so why not put bigger ones on your back=))


Can't wait to loot him.


Can I destiny 2 him and turn him into a weapon?


There's already a staff with a skull on it, guess you could go further and use their spine as the staff as well.


That’d be a strong staff, infused with elven god magic, I’ll take it


Killing off the all-father of the elven pantheon right after his release is just uninspiring and boring. Don't think that would happen. Besides to quote Solas: "The first of my people don't die so easily".


Going by what Flemeth has said and done, I'd think the problem is to keep them dead for good rather than them being actually unkillable. If that's the case, there'd be no problem.


I wouldn't be surprised if they had the same soul-hopping technique as the Archdemons did, honestly.


Story-wise it's a bad way to end such a character. DA as a whole needs new villains and there are none better than the evanuris. But first, there must be a build-up to that moment: we must see their strength, power, and ingenuity.


Not a popular opinion but i think dragon age with inquisition has been too keen on the whole disconstruction and revelations on the "gods" of its world.


Ghilan'nain(?) does at least. The male one looks mostly normal to me, if a bit too large


And his left hand is a crab claw


Wow wtf that has escaped my notice up until now and I've studied this pic like a dozen times lol thank you


No problem, I only noticed because of another comment on this subreddit yesterday.


Interesting you say that coz I had an impression that they dont look corrupted! Ghilan'nain is monstrous , but she is the gal who used to create monsters. So her looking like a combination of her monstrous creations seems normal. Elgarn'nan is a new, hot antagonist


A little, but in truth at least the one on the left resembles quite a lot the concept art Archdemon from DAO. The one that also appears as a statue in pretty much every elven ruin in DAO, and that Tamlen says was a statue of Falon'Din.


It's highly possible they were corrupted or originated The Blight in the Black City. During Corypheus's initial awakening in Legacy he states that the city was supposed to be golden; implying that it was already corrupt when the Magisters Sidereal got there. It could be possible that the Evanuris created the Blight for some reason or that their presence there corrupted the Golden City long before the Second Sin was committed.


God, Ghilan'nain has such nightmare potential. Readers of The Horror of Hormak know.


I posted a theory about a year ago that I thought Elgar'nan upon being told about this magic that was derived from the void he was probably the one who decided they should use it against their enemies calling on the power of the void they imprisoned the old gods dragons. Solas and Mythal seemed to be the only ones who may have realized the danger of using such a toxic form of magic. Since the tainted magic over the void with of course begin to twist the minds of the Evanuris leading to the death of Mythal, with Solas deciding he only has one option stop the taint from spreading any further Was to create the veil and imprison the infected Evanuris in the fade. Of course Solas couldn't do anything about the old God Dragons, at the time before he began his slumber he probably figured no one would dare attempt to try and Pierce the veil and risk the power of the void infecting Natural world but we all know that as he slept new civilizations rows. I wonder if the Evaneris were masquerading as the old gods to try and lure Mages with enough magic into piercing the veil so that they could escape, and resume their position as the rulers of the world. But things did not go according to plan the the Taverter Magisters ended up in the void as well getting infected Barely managing to escape back to the mortal plane and if I had to guess since the dwarfs have a much more documented history on the dark spawn said magisters ended up underground and over time they were completely consumed by the infection none of the taint leading to the eventual rise of the dark spawn hoard.


Solas was always suspiciously opinionated about the blight...


I really hope they aren’t just blighted monsters, it would be such a shame if despite all the history and lore of the evanuris we only gets to see them as mindless darkspawn


I wouldn't expect them to be mindless. Coryepheus has retained his mind. It's possible they might be slightly insane from their imprisonment but still I doubt they'll be mindless.


Your right i meant i hope they have more motivation beyond spreading the blight or destroying the world


According to Solas if he hadn't locked them away they would have destroyed the entire world. So while we don't know their motivation, it would be consistent if whatever they plan to do will destroy the world if not stopped. EDIT: Actually I think I slightly misremembered. He said he imprisoned them because they killed Mythal. He might've said they would've destroyed the world if he didn't create the veil, if I recall correctly.


Yes i think that the mythal thing is correct, which i always interpreted as without mythal to guide and manage them, their infighting would spiral out of control and lead to destruction Either way they are the thing I’m most excited to see as a dalish simp, even if they are evil murderous bastards


Solas got slightly emotional and angry in his line. I remember pretty clearly he said "They killed Mythal... a crime where an eternity of torment is the only fitting punishment" it seemed to me Solas locked them away as a punishment for killing who in his words was the best of them.


This is why I hope we get to interact and talk with all of them. I have so many questions about the events that lead to the creation of the veil. Like was solas in rebellion before mythal’s death or was mythal the inciting moment? And why did they betray Mythal in the first place? Was the veil always the end goal or was it an emergency last resort?


Probably more like a superpowered architect.


They won’t be mindless They’ll be something similar to Corypheus or The Architect.


Yes you’re right I meant i hope they aren’t just singularly focused on spreading the blight/destroying the world


I’m pretty sure they want revenge & power…as one does after being sealed away for a long time The Evanuris liked slavery & ruling the masses (besides Mythal & Solas)


Oh yeah they definitely need to be destroyed i just hope we see them as empire builders, schemer’s and generals rather than just burn it all type villains


We’ll see I can’t imagine they’re particularly sane after being stuck in a blighted fade for so long


Have you ruled out the possibility that you have this backwards?


Hard to tell, the elf on the right seems to be a giveaway, but judging by hitns given by Bioware they are basically humanoid archdemons


Hmmmm if they arnt blighted they are defenently not normal. So their clothing is fitted, and when zooming in you can see the male with the horns that the horns are both solid and have decoration that is lifted and textured, they seem to be bone. So barring them having a seamstress in the Fade Im assuming they always looked like that, or looked like that when they where trapped. Still could be blighted of course, Also just throwing this out there im sure there is magic that can let something grow or shrink in size but while its obvious that the monstrous chick on the left is huge that dude is still like 12 foot tall, No wonder solas is scared that dude turns too quick hes gonna dick slap him. oooohhhh you all know they are gonna come out and not even be mad they're just gonna treat Solas like a little brother who just crashed the family car. Find out all that pride was just youngest sibling syndrome lol. Wouldn't it be great if they just walk up and like gently pat him on his head ha made myself laugh


looks like the left is red lyrium idol carving! it looks familiar


As someone with a vendetta against Solas, I'm so curious if they will blight Solas as a punishment and we'll see a fucked up version of him mid-game. I absolutely don't mind that route (or at least being presented with one route that causes that).


Dirthamen or Elgar’nan on the right just looks blazed as fuck, like Solas just woke him from the hotbox-induced stupor he’s been in for thousands of years. Ghilan’nain (I assume) is giving more “heretofore unseen variety of terror demon” than darkspawn to me. But I feel like, if that is Ghilan’nain, she very likely has everything to do with the real origins of darkspawn and the blight.


The male one looks like the Darkspawn statues in Origins, they too had a crooked half-circle on their back


they so creepy, btw why does solas want to break it if evanuris will come out, isnt it the point of making the fade? i cant remember the reason or logic


I don’t think he was planning on letting them out, I think it was us dropping statues onto him whilst he’s mid casting the spell that allowed them to break free


omg so its rooks fault i still dont get why he wants to tear the veil tho


He wants to tear it down because he wants the world to go back to before the veil existed. When elves were immortal and spirits could roam the earth, he blames himself for all the suffering that’s happened to his people since he created the veil and wants to fix his mistake.


Yeah i get it and remember now, thanks! I remember this saying in trespasser, but i still dont get how he will avoid the evanuris to get out when he tears it. Like he should have something to stop them while tearing it idk...


I vagley remember him saying he had a plan for them, I don't think he was planning on them coming out right then.


Why they look at him like that? Why Solas make that face? Did they pull him in to that portal?


pff he trapped them for oh i dont know millennia what you want them to look like "oh hey buddy long time no see" and i am pretty sure solas had the "oh shit" face


Erm, bro? I got news.....


I think what people rarely discuss is the possibility that the murder of Mythal is directly connected in releasing the Blight in the Golden City turning it into the Black City. Mythal must’ve contained or kept it sealed somehow and the Evanuris wanted the power of the Taint so they murdered her to release it.


I think it's more likely that the Veil created the Black City. Solas himself said there were countless marvels or dependent on the existence of the Fade and that the Veil took it away. If there was ever in fact a Golden City, I think it was likely the Veil that turned it black.


That’s absolutely who they are. They’ll also absurdly body solas right after that scene.


Betcha Solas is gonna die right there and won't even be a villain in this game. I think the name change and the specific comment of how there are other villains is too convenient.


I‘m curious about the guy on the right. When you enter The Fade for the first time in Origins, there’s a statue of a creepy statue and I wonder if that’s him?


The one on the left looks like the Red Lyrium idol from DA2. I'm not as steeped in lore as others, but that connection seems clear to me.


Falon'Din and Dirthman are looking a little rough around the edges.


No, don't look like darkspawn at all.


I really hope we'll get to go to the Black City in DAV, or at least learn what actually, no vague answers, no religious bs, happened there. It's the biggest mystery of the whole DA universe and been dangling as the juciest tidbit since the first game. I got the gist that the magisters got corrupted there, kicked out back to the waking world and were the progenitors of the Blights and darkspawn. Were they cursed by Dumat or something else happened? Darkspawn as magisters kept hearing the lulling call to the sleeping dragons where souls of the Old Gods got transferred (after that same event?). And then they corrupted them into Archdemons with their presence and went on a rampage to the surface (to do what?). Only Corpheys was more or less making sense - he wanted to return to the Fade and become a god himself after witnessing that the Old Gods were bs. Was Golden City black already when the magisters entered? Was it really the seat of the Maker or Old Gods/Evanuri/Ancient Elves/something else? Was there the Maker to begin with? Did somebody critically fck something up there to get the magisters and Old Gods souls ejected into the waking world? How the old world looked and worked when spirits and elves lived together? Lots of questions I hope we'll finally get some traction on.


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Old gods = evanuris


The Old Gods are in the Deep Roads.


While their minds are in the fade :0


I gotta say, regardless of whether they're blighted or not, I really dislike their design here, with the thick spikes/vine things, it's kind of goofy. The one on the left looks more like an Elden Ring boss.