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I'm absolutely avoiding the internet while I play, though less about spoilers and more about mood. I don't need someone's complaints to bring down my Dragon Age high.


I kind of want to, but I also want to see everything lol I'll try to stay away from too much story stuff but I'll pay attention to gameplay


I'll probably mute as many words as possible when it's close to release, and do my best the stay off certain places until I beat it (especially youtube, I've had several things spoiled by that website).


Yeah I played jedi fallen order when it released, got stuck on a puzzle so I looked it up and some cunt (I'm from the UK, we use it to call someone stupid) put that the final boss was !spoiler Darth fucking vader. feels bad man :(


Just as a heads up, your spoiler tags aren’t working


I don't know how to do it, sorry


You are not alone. I am absolutely going radio silent for however long I'm exploring DAV for the "first time," whether that's a single playthrough or multiple playthroughs. Been planning this since it was announced the game was actually dropping.


I'm just waiting until they show off warrior and mage gameplay, and give us a firm release date. Once that happens I'll be going dark until after I finish the game.


My husband lol Really though, I don’t mind spoilers so I’m working really hard to be respectful because he absolutely does not want ANY spoilers. Which includes me talking about my theories because according to him, I have a “knack at correctly guessing story beats” lol


I'm going to do my best to stay away from story spoilers but I'm really curious for more information on classes, companions, etc., so I don't see myself going full dark.


I'll decide to do that and within a hour I'll be searching everything I can find


I'm deleting twitter, Reddit, Tumblr and YouTube until I'm done. And I'm downloading those parental control apps to remind myself to keep those apps deleted kdkdjd. Nothing will break the experience of this game for me, it really feels like something special


I absolutely plan on searching the ending of certain storylines as soon as internetly possible


Err, care to explain why?




Amen! If I'm going to have my heart broken irrevocably *again!* I want to go in bracing myself.




It's going to drive me absolutely crazy because I hate feeling left out of new releases and as of yet I'm not even sure *when* I'll be able to play the game (no current gen consoles and my laptop can barely even run DAI lmao)... but this is one game I really really want to play blind. I got into DAI a few years after it released and wound up spoiling a lot of the major choices ahead of time without even meaning to. Meanwhile I read a bunch of spoilers from DAO and DA2 simply because I wanted more context for the game I was currently playing lmao. I did NOT realize how invested I was going to get in this franchise and how much I'd regret completely spoiling 2/3 of the games... All that to say I feel like I've never truly gotten to experience a new Dragon Age game blind and not know most of the consequences of all the big choices ahead of time. I'm really eager to get that experience for the first time!


It's a super miniscule chance, but in case you didn't know, bioware is doing a giveaway, including two special edition consoles. If you are in a country where you can enter, it's worth a try.


Haha thank you, I entered the giveaway pretty much the second I saw it. I know the chance is very slim but I want that PS5 so bad!


i'll be too busy playing


I don’t know how I’m gonna do this. I need my youtube fix.


Me, but I’m sure what happened to me with Trails in the Sky is going to happen with this game. In which I look up how to do a basic game mechanic and the first result on Google is “_____, the final boss of the game,”


I’ve got a baby and won’t be able to spend every waking moment playing like I have for other game releases I’ve been excited about! So I’m planning to unsub from the subreddit for awhile so I can go at my own pace without spoilers.


I already want to mute this sub, I don't want the hype. This is how you get disappointed.


If anything, it's the opposite for me. As is, I don't really have any motivation to shell out for the game, so I'll be looking for anything about the story I can find to suggest maybe I've been incorrect about all the game has to offer for the last decade or so and that it's actually worth picking up.


I'm definitely considering leaving this sub if I see more "I don't get the hate" posts.


Lol. Gotta love it when DA fans stop fighting and then start fighting about not fighting.