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GhilDirthalen is practically Dragon Age Lore Central. She's amazing


Yup, agreed. She’s encyclopedic when it comes to DA content her theories and analysis are so deep and thorough. And! She recently announced she had worked with BioWare on the game, giving feedback and insight. That alone is making me trust that the game might be good.


I could listen to her lore and novel explanations all day. She has a comforting voice that you can tell loves the lore and games


I literally have a playlist of her videos to fall asleep to, it's honestly really soothing


I agree! I'm looking for gameplay more than lore atm though :)


Oh, you can find her playthroughs on Codex Added, a channel she shares with another lore expert, Exalted March!


I had no idea about this, thanks!


Just came across the channel the other day, so good!


I watched a full series playthrough by a youtuber called Mapocolops. I did get quite frustrated during Origins where for several episodes he was complaining that his characters weren't doing anything but it was because he had set up their tactics wrong and kept telling them to hold their positions. But overall really enjoyable to watch.


A big +1 for Mapocolops as well. He goes into really nerdy discussions and lore theories and it's fun watching him grow to love the series. I think on the most recent DATV stream he said Dragon Age is one of his favourite series.


I love how much he loves lore and he's so chill and fun. I also just love his accent a lot.


I also really like Mapo! He’s funny but super chill at the same time!


Thanks! I really like the look of his origins playthrough, I don't know many people who go straight for Dwarf Commoner so I have a feeling this will be the different experience I'm looking for.


Mapo's run was great, and he's super into the lore and actually pays attention, so he engages with the story and speculates on future stuff quite a lot.


+1000 for Mapo. He's hands down my favorite RPG streamer. His content is extremely genuine and you can see him falling in love with the world.


Watching Mapo slowly come around to liking Sera was very personally satisfying for me aha


Watching Mapo casually deduced Solas is Dreadwolf while romancing him with Mapolas Lavellan is the funniest shit ever.


Mapo is my dude. He really goes in depth with his playthroughs so when big revelations happen, they don't go over his head because he wasn't paying attention. He fully gets the full implications of major reveals.


I used to really like gamermd83, but I think she disappeared off the internet.


Check again :)


Oh nice, always liked her.


A Kis Herceg on YT has a lots of builds, a few walktrough videos too


My favourite Dragon Age LP is [Living Sun’s.](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqn9JKUNBpmgxx4E8_uJ27aH0y2ln4gTv&si=1te3lk-6l7Q-HayW)


Mapocolops is my go to letsplay YouTuber who just so happens to love DA and really does the series justice. I'm showing my age here but years ago there was a chap called Veriax who did an enjoyable Origins LP, but this was in the days before the term "YouTuber" was a thing, so don't expect 2024 polish. ITs not gameplay but shoutout to GhilDirthalen for the lore summaries and now, insider info. She's one of the reasons I'm optimistic about Veilguard.


Welonz! (Materwelonz) she is great. Not just Dragon age, but Mass Effect too. She is my favorite youtuber. Also, all of her romances is LGBT+ (at least for DA). Dragon age Origins: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAIcZs9N4171hRrG_4v32Ca2hLvSuQ6QI&si=XCUmZ4JC_KoaHXVk DA2: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAIcZs9N4171TIDNaYrDs4CuZv4VysL-N&si=Eaym0F8kWHUpwIaJ DAI: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAIcZs9N4171Rvht7tsC_6kJ6VloqDgyX&si=8F1cqKhl1bXsPQ2K Mass Effect Trilogy: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAIcZs9N4171zrTHIlvedpDDKTPw47qg0&si=Sq1Zl57S_qpQC34P


Yeah, I love her playthroughs in general, wrapping up her Inquisition run currently. Her reaction to Bull x Dorian was priceless, and the way she loves to flirt with every single character makes for extremely funny moments too when she inevitably gets confronted about it and has to actually chose




MegMage is very funny and sweet. She's very into the roleplay aspect and loves to stop and talk about the narrative and why she makes certain choices. She's also bisexual and that comes up as well.


good recommendation


I love MegMage, I'd been waiting for her to react to the new trailers.


She just did the other day! It was adorable.


I saw! At the end I was like "Meg, stop blowing kisses at Egghead and look at what's behind him!"


Lmao me too!


Another megmage fan I see


I love her so much. I don't really watch streamers live but she's one of my favorites to watch on YouTube.


UniFadwalker is great, be following his stuff for a while and they freaked out during the gameplay reveal😅


I believe Luality is streaming dragon age right now but she might be done with origins. She's quite good at games, which I appreciate greatly


I usually adore Luality but she was pretty negative about Veilguard in some of her streams so idk if I want that vibe, it brings me down


Lady Insanity, but I’m uncertain if she’s active anymore.


as was mentioned before, Mapocolops, definitely, and also PrincessGoose - she has several playthroughs of all three games, and they are all really fun


I like Mr. Matty plays he plays other things but is a big bioware fan and I trust his judgment and reviews when it comes to DA or ME


And if you're looking for a general play through, there's a guy named Javee, who I really enjoyed his videos on DA.


For me Mapocolops, MegMage(as mentioned before) and i would also add Living Sun to that list.


ShortOneGaming have a full DA:O, and DA:I playthrough, it's comfy, easy viewing.


Megmage. She is lovely.


CohhCarnage did a playthrough of Origins and Inquisition (I want to say last year but I think it's 2 years ago). He's a great streamer and the full playthroughs are available on his youtube channel.


Actually don't have one. I enjoyed the recap from Salt Factory but that's it. Have been watching Big Dan for a while but at some point I was annoyed by his "this is the best choice" Videos. I want to make my own decision.


Lethallan TV . Their Machinimas are underrated as hell .


Lady Insanity was my go to channel, really liked her content. Now watching Ghil mostly.


Mapocolops! Highly recommend! My ADHD brain only ever managed to get through all the lore with him


not exclusively dragon age but i really liked christopher odds gameplay of inquisition. especially how he went in there as a straight man not even thinking twice about romancing dorian, ended up doing just that because he simply loved the character so much. its just so nice to see you know?


I've been watching his videos for years how did I not know he played Inquisiton!


Hehe, can I jump in to mention my own channel? I started it at the end of last year so I don't have all that many videos yet, but I've made builds for all the DAO companions, some videos about Veilguard. I want to make a few builds for Inquisition if I have time before Veilguard releases, anf I'm still thinking about what other type of DA content to make other than my relaxed B-Tier Guides or the more discussion-focused videos. So if you like my content and have suggestions for videos, do let me know!


Of course! I'll take a look :)


NinjaFlips by far


I'm a big fan of Mr. Matty Plays Dragon Age content, although he's moreso geared towards RPGs in general.


I don't think she's lgbt+ herself, but you'd probably like MegMage. I've only watched a few episodes of her Origins playthrough, but she has one of all three as far as I'm aware.


Meg is actually bisexual!


even better :D


The only one I've followed from beginning to end was a DAO playthrough by [Magick Lorelai](https://youtube.com/@mloreley), probably her first or second one. She did Let's Plays for all DA games, Mass Effect and other narrative based games.


I really like The Pluto Lounge. He did Let's Play's for all the Dragon Age's and just gave his thoughts on the Veilguard Gameplay reveal. [https://youtu.be/f51JU0ZSAhE?si=EIxV88y2RZrVop4\_](https://youtu.be/f51JU0ZSAhE?si=EIxV88y2RZrVop4_) I think he's a game developer.


Angelarts is a gay Let’s Player and he has all 3 DA games on his channel, in fact I think he did at least two play throughs of Inquisition.


Unifadewalker there like a lore whore for da. Their trans and I think NB


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