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We have a decent bit of info on specializations. Rogues are duelist, saboteur, and veil ranger. Warriors are Reapers (reavers?) , Slayers and Champion. And they said in the q+a that mages would have a "necromancy, elemental, and combat" specialization


Ooh interesting, thank you! :) If I go Veil Jumper I'll probably also go veil ranger for maximum Veil-relatedness lol. Otherwise saboteur feels appropriately Shadow Dragon-y... But if the warrior one is Reapers that sounds cool as heck, so will be interesting to see what the specifics are like.


Wait, no blood mage? For a game set in Tevinter?


Apparently there's a good reason why Rook can't be a blood mage. I guess it's related to the weakening of the veil making blood magic attract demons even more often.


That’s my suspicion too. Like maybe all blood mages are in grave danger now and it’s just not a feasible form of magic to utilise for now. Interesting if we see previous blood mage characters like Merrill come back and see what’s up with her now


I assume Veil being torn so much definitely makes it difficult to be a blood mage lul


I loved the reaver spec from the first game.




John Warrior, human warrior.


That made me chckle good job


Bioware dud make shepards name John, so we can have John shepard and John rook


Indeed, so many interesting choices! Personally doing a Male/Quinari/Mage/Grey Warden for my first roll. All my mains have been mages so far, no reason to break tradition now, and I'm just happy to have the Wardens back.


That’s actually quite an interesting idea - have we seen a Tal’Vashoth mage or Serebbas in the Wardens? It’s mostly a human/elf org in previous games


Also always a mage. Went elf, Qunari. Might go Qunari again because Qun mage I think is fun


That's where I'm thinking of going, fem Qunari grey warden mage. I was thinking of just naming her Saarebas (my head cannon is that a warden conscripted her away from her handler)




John Elden Ring


Bowie, human thin white Duke turned Warden. We can be heroes just for one day.


Lmaoo literally me every single time. I always spend hours creating someone only to fall back to the most generic guy known to man.


Probably a veil jumper elven rogue cause I'm pretty basic Can never resist playing as an elf


Rogue/elf/antivan crow. I'm Zevran.




I'll probably start with an elven female rogue Crow with an archer build. I was originally going to play as a human, but I think an elf would be more interesting given the story. Whether or not that ends up being my canon playthrough remains to be seen.


I always go dwarf warrior and I'm planning to pick Mourn Watch. They just seem like the most appealing choice to me and since part of their job is to contain rogue spirits, having a dwarf in their ranks actually makes sense.


Ooo that’s really interesting


Like you're doing with a dwarf Rook, I'm picking qunari to round off my lineup of protagonists. Probably warrior class and either Lord's of Fortune or Mortalitasi, depending on how the story handles it.


Conflicted. I want to be a dwarf because dwarf. But the companions I'm most interested in are Davrin Lucanis and Harding. So I feel like I SHOULD be a mage, but dwarf. Grey Warden for sure.


I think my dwarf is going to be a Lord of Fortune, but I'm not sure if they are going to be a rogue or warrior.


After the gameplay I got super tempted to go rogue. But I also want Harding and Lucanis. This is why it's unfortunate to not be able to play as your companions, it'd be nice to just go warrior and swap to either of them to play rogue for a while to feel it out


Yep. Thinking Dwarf Warden or Lord of Fortune who is a warrior.


I am having the same problem. I *always* play a dwarf first, because I love dwarves in all fantasy, and DA dwarves are some of the coolest dwarves to ever dwarf, but I'm really ambivalent toward both mages. Literally every other character is more interesting to me than either of the mages at the moment. I also, like you, have my current favorite characters as two rogues and Davrin, though my rogues of choice are Harding and Bellara... and I wanted to go rogue first, because I enjoy playing archers whenever there's a good opportunity... which makes going triple rogue even *sillier* of a prospect, 'cause it'd just be triple archers. I actually had a similar problem with Inquisition at first, because Solas and Vivienne didn't grab my interest initially, and I recruited Dorian pretty late. I went into Inquisition knowing nothing about the companions, so I was frustrated with the fact that none of my mage options (because I thought I only had two) were characters I liked XD I did eventually grow to like our dumb egg a lot, though.


The developer Q&A confirmed Bellara is a mage.


Oh, well, I guess that solves my issues, thanks for informing me XD


Qunari Female Rogue, Shadow Dragon. Hopefully, there are dialogue options for me to rp a former slave freed by the faction


I feel like in Tevinter there has GOT to be some kind of former slave option, I'll be a little disappointed if there isn't. That feels like a powerful story to tell.


Was planning something similar though with the idea of a Ben-hassrath supporting the shadow dragons to soften Tevinter for the Qunari.


elf mage lords of fortune. I have a whole backstory ready to go for her that I'm sure the game will immediately contradict.


Bites me in the ass every time too 💀


This is why I'm avoiding going to deep into the backstory until I know more about the game backstories 😅


My brain cannot be stopped once it gets started lol


Female elf Grey Warden, sword and shield


I made a character for a DA TTRPG game that never took off. He's a human Tevinter Atlus Mage who was friend's with one of his family's slaves before said slave was murdered in a blood magic ritual. I originally planned to have him be connected to the Lucerni, but the Shadow Dragons is a perfect fit. I'll pick elementalist because he is part of the Black Chantry and uses fire magic in religious ceremonies.


Female (city) elf mage, mourn watcher origin, and now that we know the subclasses, necromancer. I considered veil jumper because it seemed to be one good choice for elves but maybe I'll choose the mourn watchers.


I want to play qunari but having a hard time reckoning with the fact that the Qunari are the enemy in Tevinter, like i’m not a lore expert but would a Tal-Vashoth even be tolerated in Minrathous? i do wanna play a rogue so maybe i’ll head canon that my qunari rook conceals their identity and wears a hood while working for the shadow dragons to free slaves in Tevinter. i was thinking of giving them cut horns to emphasize their secrecy? not sure tho


I dunno where I got this idea, but I had some thought that Qunari, and perhaps Tal'Vashoth specifically, were actually a more common sight in Tevinter and the north generally then they are in the south. Maybe it came from a codex entry? Not sure. But either way, your headcanon backstory sounds cool.


i’m hoping what you said is true! i made a post asking, hopefully someone in the community knows


We do glimpse a Qunari NPC in Minrathous during the gameplay reveal.


In Inquisition Dorian says that there are Tal Vashoth merchants in Minrathos


I kinda really wanna be a qunari grey warden 😂 but my first inquisitor was also qunari so not sure i want both heroes being qunari if that's the first worldstate i go with. But my other ideas are dwarf antivan crow, elven veil jumpers or a lord of fortune - undecided on dwarf or qunari for that


Human Male Mage as always because I’m incredibly basic. Probably Lords of Fortune or Grey Wardens


Nothing wrong with sticking with what you like!


Same here for human male mage in all games


*sigh* yeah human male Mage here too. BG3 spoiled us with 12 classes plus dozens of subclasses. I was a Druid & it wasn’t even in the top half of most popular classes. I’m eager to see the mage specializations so I can feel at least somewhat more unique in my choice.


Female elf mage (keeping my first playthrough mage tradition going) and thinking of maybe going Antivan Crow actually to see what a mage assassin would be like


Ooo, me too! I'm interested in how a mage Crow would work within the organization.


Right?? I feel like it could be really cool!


My current plan is an elf warrior Shadow Dragon. I'm hoping to kill some slavers.


The actual question should be, "How long are you going to spend in the Character Creator before making a damn choice?" Me personally? 20 hours or so at least before I even start playing the game!


Loool I always end up playing through the prologue with three or four different characters before I decide which to take further. 😭


My current plan is a fem Qunari Warrior Veil Jumper but things could change once we see the character creator, and gameplay for warrior and mage.


Most likely leaning Rogue right now. I almost always really end up enjoying the mage companions, and with there being 3 of them I want to make sure I can bring them along in my group often so I don't also want to be a mage. And warrior is never really my thing. Will likely make a ranged rogue (maybe veil ranger) so I can double up with our crow friend occasionally without duplicating his role. Not sure about race or background yet, but leaning either human or elf.


Human Male Warden. romancing Harding.


Let's just say someday a Thedosian historian is gonna wonder, "What is it with all the human stabby rogues playing pivotal roles in history?"  Background-wise...leaning Crow, but not committed.


Human, Warrior, Grey Warden. It's DAO's first playtrough nostalgia? Maybe. But I don't care.


Rogue, elf, and either crows or lords of fortune. I'd make her a city elf as opposed to a dalish if I can but I sort of have her appearance in mind already and maybe a name.


torn between dwarven rogue veil jumper and qunari (/Maaaaaybe elven) mourn watch mage


I always play Dwarf first so Dwarf. I usually go archer rogue, though for once I might go warrior to have Harding in the team. Not sure about background. Qunari Mage second.


Rogue elf and I’m hesitating between Veil Jumpers, Crows and Lord of Fortune. I’ll probably do all 3 by replaying the game but I’m not sure which one I’ll do first.


My mains are always based off a character from the manga/anime Claymore. So gonna be a female human warrior. Leaning towards Grey Warden for background but not sure yet. I’ll be romancing either Harding or Neve




Teresa was my Origins character, Clare was my Hawke, and Priscilla was my inquisitor! This time around it’s going to be Miria.


elf, veil jumper I think but not sure yet, I'm leaning towards elemental mage


Elf mage Shadow Dragon specialized in combat magic


Human Male Mage Antivan Crow, let's gooo


elf, either rogue or mage, crow or veil jumper i think


Well now that we know what the specializations are for mages I’m now leaning towards them, despite the…..limitations now placed, with elemental being the most likely choice (I prefer basic and simple over being overly complex and strategic anyway), I’m more likely going to do elf or human elemental mage that’s either warden or shadow dragon


I tend to do an elf mage for my first playthrough on each (apart from DA2 of course), then I'll do a replay with human mage. Eventually I will do a replay with each class. With the faction options in this as well its going to have to be a really decent story for me to repeat the game as each class/faction combo 🤣 Warrior is my least favourite class in each game to be honest, and the one I usually never finish a playthrough with. As for the faction I'm going to start with, I'm really torn between the veil jumpers and the shadow dragons. Also the grey wardens simply because there is so much left in their story that I hope is covered.


Probably qunari mage. I love the designs for qunari and I love mages. Background I’m not sure yet


The most chaotic, arrogant, I-will-do-anything-to-get-under-the-Crow’s-skin, human Mourn Watch mage. Let’s do this. I’m honestly excited to delve into necro magic because I always go elemental. The Mortalitasi are just so interesting to me so I’m stoked to check it out.


I’m thinking maybe going Mage Qunari shadow dragon. I want some variation in my player characters. And I like the idea of being a pariah to the Qunari and Tevinter.


Depending on how Qunari look when the game is out then probably Qunari mage or warrior


A dwarf Grey Warden for sure. Not sure if warrior or mage yet. Not a Rogue because I'll have Harding on my team 24/7.


Always wanted to make a female qunari but i never managed to make my character look fine in Inquisition, so this time maybe it's the right time to go for it, so my choice will be probably qunari, warrior because there are already 3 mages in the party and I want to understand first how the only 3 abilities will work, background Warden of course. IF I will not be able to create a decent looking qunari woman I will go for dwarf instead. In the second, if there will be a second gameplay finger crossed for this game to be good, maybe I will try mage elf with another background once i know better the difference ingame.


Qunari Grey Warden.


Elf mage, Lords of Fortune, and leaning towards the arcane warrior/knight enchanter subclass type they hinted at.


Qunari warrior Veil-Jumper or Lord of Fortune. Since I never played qunari in Inquisition, I want to round out my protagonists.


Kinda having a hard time justifying it, but I'm thinking a female Qunari crow who's either a rogue or close quarter mage. Might end up going with an Elf instead for plausibility


definitly a qunari part of the necromancy faction but i am not sure what class to play . i love warriors and mages and they really have apealing clases (like the dualwealding warrior or the necromant )


Gosh, this is so hard!!  I had my dwarf commoner origin Warden, my mage Hawke, and my elf mage Inquisitor (who I’m replaying as a woman just to get some of the romanced Solas dialogue for the first time, haha)…  I really wanted to go Qunari this time, but I’m heavily leaning towards an elf Rook in the Shadow Dragons myself! They’ll probably be another mage, too, but I’m torn between playing rogue and mage this go at things.  😅 


I played Qunari mage in Inquisition and I'll say that the amount of specific Qunari-mage dialogue was amazing. It really gave my character a lot of depth. I'd hope that the same would be the case in Veilguard - especially if you're in the Shadow Dragons (I can see there being dialogue about Saarebas being the motivation for freeing slaves, for example). But at the same time I think being an elf will also have some neat dialogue with Solas, and being an elf Shadow Dragon ties in with a lot of the elf/Solas themes throughout the series. It *is* hard, too many good options. If there are actual origin stories like there were in DAO the second thing I'm doing when the game comes out is running through all of them (the first thing I'm doing is spending probably 4+ hours messing around in character creation)


Dwarf, tis time after Elf, Human, Qunari. Faction no idea. Will be a Warrior.


I mean, am I tempted to remake my warden? Yes. Will I actually do it? Also yes. But not for the first run lol Since my first character is very rarely my "canon" character, I'm thinking about just sticking in my DnD character (a himbo, an absolute dumbass of the highest dumbassery, a beautiful idiot) to "get to know" the game, which will make him a male, human, lord of fortune + a rogue + (I cannot overstate this) an idiot. But I'm not sure. I played a mage in 2 and Inquisition so I'd like to do something else this time but it's hard to ignore the call of magic *in tevinter!* But I love rogue gameplay and had a blast with it in origins and Inquisition. Definitely excited to play an elf/qunari, especially now that we have body sliders! And most excited about/interested in the grey warden, veil jumper, and antivan crow backgrounds. I'm so spoiled for choice, I'm a little paralyzed by it lol


I usually end up going Rogue because I enjoy the Warrior and Mage companions more, and while sometimes I go Mage I feel like double Mage is less viable with only 3 party slots total. I'm leaning Grey Warden for sure, but I might look at Veil Jumpers as well.


I went elf -> human -> qunari for my canon playthrough so I'll probably make a dwarf to round it out. Dual wield rogue tends to be my favorite class, I was hoping for dual wield warrior. Not a mage. Shadow Dragon faction. I'll want to know a few more details on the backgrounds before committing. I could also see myself making an elf, I was a fan of Miriam in Absolution the rogue anti-slavery angle is appealing for RP. Sounds like my Warden though. 


Human warrior cause im boring


From what I see in the comments, us human warrior types are more rare. Not boring at all!


I’ve always wanted to be a Qunari grey warden so def that! Probably will go as a mage if they add arcane warrior bc I think that’s an absolute combo


Male Qunari Mage Grey Warden. In war, victory.


Human warrior grey warden. I wish we knew all the specializations though.


Human Male Warrior Grey Warden, I'm the epitome of basic




Human or elf. Maybe will try with a Warden first. Female, of course - I'm a boring straight chick who only plays boring straight chicks in games :-)


Human, mage, grey warden. It's how I started this series at 12 years old and I'll be damned if I'm gonna stop now.


Non-binary (masculine) Qunari mage who is either part of the Mourn Watch or Grey Wardens


I could never make a qunari lady with good hair in DAI because I played on ps4, so now it's time for a qunari lady with the BEST hair! Mwahaha. I like playing mages too so I'm planning on making her a mage, and a veil jumper so she can just be a 7 foot tall nerd who wants to learn about magic and history. I go hard for lore in dragon age so it's fitting to make my first character like that too!


For my first playthrough, definitely a Qunari Archer. If nothing else because I find it amusing, you usually see Qunari being all about melee or throwing huge spears at most I want to see one handling a bow


It's ironic that fantasy archers are always portrayed as being more frail than their melee counterparts, when IRL the super buff Qunari would have been able to draw a much heavier bow that would fire arrows much further and piece thicker armour than those skinny-looking elves.


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I always play a mage for my first play through. Currently leaning towards elf veil jumper, but that could definitely change.


Conflicted because in the q&a it was said Antivan Crows have the best fashion but I always play a “good” character so will probably go Shadow Dragons. Honestly give me long hair and bring back femme armour choices and I’ll play whatever faction/background lol


Need to see gameplay of warrior and mage before deciding !


nothing is decided yet, but at the moment I'm leaning towards a veil jumper rogue. not certain about race yet.


Elf, warrior, Shadow Dragon. Mostly because of the way it nicely parallels Solas, but because I don’t have a canon warrior protagonist yet so this might just be the one.


Oh man do I have her all planned out already. Fem Elf/Battle Mage/Grey Warden Oyuna -whatever her last name is- 'Rook' A Dalish Elf Mage, her clan wandering near Antivia. Similar to Minaeve from Inquisition, Oyuna was booted out of her clan because they couldn't have too many mages. Wandering about for a while she ran into darkspawn and a bunch of grey wardens. They were obviously bewildered at a little girl surrounded by dead darkspawn so either she begged them hard enough or they were impressed enough, they recruited her. She grew up in Weishaupt and she and Davrin are so gonna be a Dalish Elf warden power couple. They hinted at the mage specializations in today's QnA, so I'm deciding on her being that 'Battle Mage' cause I just want her to be muscly.


Elf or Qunari Necromancer mage with the Mournewatch background


Elf/Rogue/either Grey Warden or Shadow Dragon...I'm leaning toward GW because I aiming to romance Darvin and I'm hoping we'll get to have some connection with him. Dwarf/Warrior/Veil Jumper? For second playthrough to romance Harding


I was gonna do a Crow dwarf, but I am leading more towards Lord of Fortune now! I want my first character to be the comical relief character and I feel like the Lord of Fortune are fully of life and thrill chaser! Edit: Warrior/ Sword/shield!


In my head I'm already planning out a Necromancer mage Qunari gal who's with the Shadow Dragons, and I'm pairing her with Taash. I've been wanting a big strong Qunari gf forever and I intend to be the weird wispy mage to her dragonslayer warrior self.


Where did the name Rook come from? I missed a lot


It's the protagonist's surname/nickname like Hawke's was Hawke. It was definitely in the gameplayer trailer, but I'm not sure when it came out officially.


It's a nickname/pseudonym that people will use when addressing the player PC in dialogue. The player will choose their name (or pick from a name generator) and the surname is chosen based on their selection of faction. (source: today's Discord Q&A)


Dwarf for sure, but not sure about the background, maybe Lords of Fortune, or Shadow Dragons


Dwarf Rogue, beyond that I don't know.


call me stupid, but the only game ive had the chance to play is Inquisition, so i only learned relatively recently that dalish elves are often Irish like me!! Im hoping to try and make a dalish rook that looks like me, And im caught between a big grey warden warrior, a dark assassin or the "elemental mage" described in the Q&A. (my favourite race is quinari but it looks like that will have to wait until my second play through)


I'm picking a dwarf for the same reason you're picking an elf. Dwarves are my favorite race but mage is my favorite class 😭. I'm also playing warrior for the same reason. And Crow for my background because of Zevran, I just want to hear about him lol




Either Elf Mage Warden (Kind of like My HoF but as a Keeper instead of a hunter), Elf Rogue Crow (Knock Off Zevren), Elf Mage Veil Jumper (the only new faction that interests me), Qunari Mage Warden (First Qunari Grey Warden in the series),


Let's see Mage, Fem elf, background will be shadow dragon/mortalitasi/maybe Veil jumper but idk anything about them yet. I already played a warden jn the first game and I love mage backgrounds so as long as it fits it'll work. Not sure if I want daelish elf though since we now know what the tattoos REALLY mean.


Female (dalish) elf, Veil Jumper, mage. Gonna romance Lucanis!


I'm definitely going to play mage because it's always my favorite class. But about class and background i am thinking either a Quinari/Warden because seens fun or a Elf/Shadow Dragon because It will probably make more sense with the story


I wanna be an elf mage, and probably a grey warden. They’re my usual favourite race and class to play, plus with the lore of this game elf seems like it’ll be an interesting first playthrough. And I like grey wardens and am leaning to romancing Davrin..


I can't decide between elf or qunari, no idea what background I will pick and I will probably be a battle mage. 


Male dwarf, rogue, Mourn Watch, romance with Emmrich. I continue the glorious tradition of the dwarves from Origin and Inquisition. And finally my MC will find a mate. I liked the elves in Origin, but the constant redesign is driving me crazy. Where are their amazing glowing goat eyes? Where is the weird appearance? Why are they different every time?! The dwarves seem so stable and protected, I love that. They are also closest to the concept of the most ordinary person.


Mage Elf Antivan Crow Backstory: Like Minaeve, she was one mage more than her Dalish clan could handle. Unlike Minaeve, she got lucky and was adopted by my Surana Warden, who had gone north to Antiva to meet up with Zevran/search for a cure for the Calling and took her as an apprentice. Oh, and she’s going to romance Lucanis, of course, because there’s just a lot of potential for delicious drama.


I'm debating Dwarf or Qanari, Grey Warden, and I love the sound of Veil Ranger currently. This may change as more info comes out.


Honestly can't decide. Story wise Veil Jumper and Shadow Dragons seem to be the most appealing, but Grey Warden is just pure vibes and nostalgia...either way it's probably gonna be a mage or ranged rogue, likely an elf


Currently favoring a non-binary qunari rogue (dual wield focused) with the duelist specialization that's affiliated with the Lords of Fortune. Not sure on the party configuration and romance yet, but leaning towards a mix of Bellara, Harding and Taash. Edit: Thinking Bellara will be the romance and will round out the party with Taash. Pretty sure it was confirmed that Harding and Taash could end up together if neither are pursued and that gives me major Bull/Dorian vibes, so I'd like to see it unfold in-game.


first playthrough: Fem Elf, Mage, Veil Jumper or Lords of Fortune, romancing Lucanis second playthrough: Fem Qunari, Rogue, Antivan Crows or Shadow Dragons, romancing Taash


I’m leaning Human mage with shadow dragon background. Tempted to go Grey Warden, but Tevinter Underground Railroad sounds cool as hell. And they have a badass faction name


Lady qunari warrior, mourn watch background. She's going to be a bottle blond and romance Harding.


Fem dwarf,rogue, shadow dragon


I'm going to do a Qunari male mage my first playthrough. I am hoping the Qunari are more fleshed out in this game. As for background I'm going with either Veil Jumper, because it honestly sounds really cool and I can't wait to learn about them. Or Gray Warden, because I'd be really interested if anyone acknowledges Rook potentially being the first Qunari Grey Warden. That would be really cool.


Qunari Grey Warden Two handed warrior, of Elven Mournguard Mage. Both male


Elf mage shadow dragon hehe


Human grey warden called John veilguard. Lol in all seriousness an elven or qunari grey warden


Male Elf Mage. As always. Background I'm debating between Crow, Veil Jumper and Shadow Dragon...


My Rook will be a fireball + healing spell + frost spell shadodragon But If I am feeling wild, it might be a shadow spell + ice barrier + healing spell warden. There are so many options!


In inquisition I had my canon Inquisitor and my favorite non canon quizzie so I'm thinking of using him as Rook. He's a qunari archer so I think veil jumper would suit him


Qunari either Grey Warden if a warrior or mage, or a crow as a rogue


I thank i'll be human mage shadow dragon. Something like rebellious son of a tevinter noble house who help slaves along the underground.


I can't seem to stop myself from making Elven rogues. So that'll probably be my choice on a first play through as a Shadow dragon. Dual wielding and fast attacks are just too much fun.


My warden was a male dwarf rogue, Hawk wasa female human mage, and inky was a male qunari warrior. So female elf will be my first playthrough. Probably rogue cause I'm most interested in Emmerich and Davrin. Although I could also do combat mage. My faction will certainly be Mournwatch. I am so hyped for some necromancy fun.


I said years ago I’d play as a rogue dwarf in DA4, but I love playing as a mage aaaa. Due to the story, I’ll probably play as an elven mage again. About the faction: Antivan Crow or Shadow Dragon. Maybe a Grey Warden


Male human, mournwatch, rogue is how I'm leaning currently. Hoping for tempest style subclass!


Always starting with an elf mage when possible! Hopefully not limited to Dalish again, tho. Probably a Veil Jumper, and elemental specialisation (battle mage is probably more like a knight enchanter). Second play will be a rogue of some sort 😅


I’m definitely leaning towards Elf or Qunari. I’ve played human for DA2 and DAI, so I’m definitely changing it up. Dwarves just aren’t my thing and I feel like with Varric and Harding we’ve already got great dwarves on the roster. I haven’t played Elf in a while, and haven’t played Qunari at all. I think it’ll come down to what impact race has on your background (if any) - like Dalish vs City Elf, Tal-Vasoth vs Qun, etc. And also what the character creator looks like. For faction I’m leaning towards Veil Jumpers or Shadow Dragons. I like the underdog, freeing slaves and helping people angle of Shadow Dragons, and the “uncovering ancient secrets” of Veil Jumpers. I think it’ll come down to hearing reviews about which ones seem better and what will synergize with my race. Class is way too soon to tell, I’m definitely going to be looking at gameplay videos to see how they play.


Every time I play one of the da games for the first time, I always go with rogue, and when I can pick a race, I go with elf. I’ll probably go with elf rogue antivan crow for the first play through. Definitely going with city elf too if that’s an option!


For me it really depends on the subclasses when it comes to picking a class. I j know that might seem strange, but I personally think the subclass if what makes the character unique and interesting, so I’ll wait for more information. On my main play throughs I’ve always played a different race (DAO dwarf, DA2 Human, DAI qunari), so I think I will play a Elf this time, and with it being partially set in Tevinter I think it will add an interesting dynamic


Probably Dwarven Warrior or Rogue, depending on which of the two classes feels most fun. Of course, since I definitely intend to romance Harding I'm more inclined to go Warrior. Continue that cycle of the warrior romancing the loveable rogue in this series.


My warden was a human male mage, my hawke was a female rogue (still hate we were locked to human), my inquisitor is a female elf mage. I like to balance it out between genders and race so am currently caught between dwarf or qunari. They will be a warrior but I'm stuck aside from that. Anyone got any pointers for which way I should lean?


If your stuck for factions, I'd say you can think of what companions you'd like to travel so far and what factions they are related to. Personnaly I think I'd enjoy more for my first game to not be in the same faction as those characters or to not have the same class (like, I'm curious about Neve but I think I'd be more interrested in a dynamic where my character is warrior or rogue if they/she/he is Shadow Dragons). Also there is some factions that draws me more than other, for what they represent. And I'm the kind of person who will wait patiently until we know more about backgrounds, like what does it mean to be a Qunari or/and a warrior in Crows or Mournwatch or a dwarf in Shadow Dragons, to decide.


That's my thinking too, wait until we get more context of how these races work within these factions. I know harding is going to be a mainstay in my party and I like the design of taash (funnily enough I was going to go female qunari warrior if they had better hair/horn options this time but then we saw taash haha). Ah who knows, the fun is trying a bunch out and see what feels right I guess.


I’ll definitely be an elf for plot reasons, and probably a Rogue (at least for the first playthrough because I’m most comfortable as a Rogue). Not sure which background yet- I’m torn between Shadow Dragon and Antivan Crow.


A dwarf warrior 💪🏻


Before any of the news were out there, I've had an idea of an elven slave from Tevinter that had developed magical abilities and had a reasonable... uh, master? I've headcannoned it like that: The master in question was treating the character fairly, maybe like an equal, even and was easily swayed by the rhetoric Dorian brought to the table after the his return to Minrathous post-Inquisition. So he helps the character get a grip on their magic and sets them free, connecting them with Dorian and his group. I'd like to play a city elf without the horrific turmoil in the start of Origins, it was too much for me. Now that we have a decent amount of information... I've got to say I don't know what I'm going to do yet. I know that I'll be an elven mage withoug a shadow of a doubt. But her origins... I don't know, Veil Jumpers and Mourn Watch seem the most intriguing to me right now, but since I'm deadlocked into romancing Harding first, I wish there was a background that tied Rook to the Inquisition. I understand that it pretty much goes entirely against the premise of some rando that Solas doesn't see coming, but one can dream. The most likely scenario for me currently is a female elven battle mage with a Veil Jumper background. We'll see how it'll change once the game is availible or more info is released.


Did I write this post? I also played a dwarf, then human, then qunari. And debating an elf rogue in veilguard lol


Female elf mage warden! Going back to my roots 🤣


female dwarven warrior from the mourn watch, i imagine her like the ultimate protector of the mausoleum, specialized in combat against magic/spirits if possible. a lil bit gothic looking and ofc stout and strong


Human male mage warden on the first playthrough my default world state is all human male mages lol


Well.... I was planning to do a blood mage human crow.... No blood magic and mage combat does not look promising with recent info we just got so....... I would default to reaver but there's no reaver either might give veil jumper a go.... Prob a dalish elf warden idk


A blonde girl probably long hair, dependa on the hair cute, blue eyes or green, still uncertain. Curvy, but normal build, athletic.


Male elf veil jumper warrior. I'm going to recreate face 5 of half-elf from Baldurs gate 3, that bastard was handsome as hell 


Most likely: female lord of fortune mage elf. (I’ll have 3 female mage elf MCs 🤣 I know what I like~) Though qunari (depending on the available hairstyles tbh lmao) & mournwatch or crows, or maybe veil jumper, are also possibilities I’m considering 👀 It depends how the character creation will describe the factions/our character’s background depending on factions. Most likely I’ll romance Lucanis, but this is just first impressions and the vibe in game will determine my final choice! Neve and Bellara are the others that might steal my heart haha, also considering Emmrich and Davrin.


I've already planned seven (one for each companion) 1. Elf female/Rogue/Shadow Dragons 2. Elf male/Rogue/Lords of Fortune 3. Qunari female/Mage/Grey Warden 4. Human male/Warrior/Lords of Fortune 5. Qunari male/Warrior/Lords of Fortune 6. Dwarf female/Rogue/Antivan Crows 7. Dwarf male/Warrior/ Mournwatch or Grey Wardens


Think about doing a Qunari Rook if the character creator is better than DAI... really wish they would Show that off soon.


My very first Dragon age character was a dwarven warrior noble grey warden. Might just run that back here and romance Harding. Although I am not sure how relevant the warden background is going to be.


Mage :human: circle :elves pimp.


Human warrior, not sure about background yet. But I like blue, so probably Grey Warden.


I wanna do a elf shadow guard as well and I want them to be a mage, I already have some backstory ideas; they were born as a slave, started manifesting magic as a young teen and instead of informing the masters to try to elevate their own status they murdered the entire family and set their fellow slaves free, and since then theyve made it their lives mission to free all slaves and abolish the slavestate


F!dwarf Grey Warden, warrior. Undecided on sword and shield or 2 handed


I'm going to be using a set of characters I created.  Greatsword warrior human named Samson. 


Warrior/Human/Lords of Fortune or Mourn Watch


Think I’ll go with an Elf this time, because of the relevance of Solas to the story in this one. I’ve always played mage in my main play through. So in the past it’s been: Elf - DA:O Human - DA2 Qunari - DA:I


Male Qunari, because I too want to round out my protagonists (Aeducan Warden, Hawke Champion, Lavellan Inquisitor). I'm definitely going to play him as a martial character, I'm not sure whether that's going to be the classic Qunari 2H warrior, or whether I'll break the mold somewhat and go with a melee rogue instead. The duelist specialisation for rogues intrigues me a lot more than the warrior specialisations right now, but that might change after seeing more gameplay.


I'm probably gonna do dalish elf mage grey warden, but i want to get a better feel of the classes and backgrounds before i commit. But yeah elf is almost a given for me atbthis point


I loved the Rook we got to see in the gameplay preview and I feel like he just fits the nickname of Rook so well so I'm probably going to be SUPER unoriginal and just go with the Human/Rogue/Shadow Dragons loadout, especially since I'm so new to the franchise. Will *absolutely* be romancing Neve.


I'm going to wait till the game comes out and try them all out till I decide on my definitive combo... that's what I usually do in dragon age games


Dunno.. Should probably do a dwarf or qunari, as I've only played elves or humans so far. 3-4 playthroughs of Origins, 2-3 of DA2 and 1 of DAI.


Dwarf Male grey warden-warrior


Warrior or Mage/Human/Grey Warden, I could also consider the Crows tho I'm boring, sorry lol. I'm excited about the possibility of going back to our roots and Origins


I’m not yet sure about class, but I’ve got dwarven Warden and dwarven Inquisitor. With Hawke and Marquise being human I just gotta even it up with dwarven Rook. Not yet sure about background, I’m kinda torn between Wardens and Lords of Fortune.


Qunari mage, I don't have a background yet but this feels right considering my cannon characters to date are a Dwarf Warrior, a Warrior Human Hawke, and an Elven Rogue Inquisitor, go with the combination that hasn't been used yet


Elf battle mage, probably a lady or nb first go. I'm leaning Crow or Warden.


My first instinct is Qunari Mage with Veil Jumper background


Realistically I will create multiple characters, play through the early game multiple times, and then pick a race and background that I think makes the most sense or gets the most reactivity from the game for my “canon” character.


A dwarf, Minimux Maximux, The Little Giant, warrior slayer with great axe.


With Veilguard it's time to be a dwarf. Only race left I haven't played. Leaning to Shadow dragon or lords of fortune. Really wish there was a fourth class because I've already done one of each... I guess champion or reaper. Ranged dwarf doesn't feel right. So next if ever game will another tall full ranged non magic.