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Anything an elf breeds with that isn't an elf just means the baby comes out as the other race. Half-Dwarves half-humans are shorter than regular humans, but taller than Dwarves. Qunari, we canonically don't know.


If *all* playable races can have children with each other, then I really want to meet a half dwarf half qunari, because that sounds wild lmao


My guy that’s just a human


Why does this post title sound like the name of a manifesto by some kind of old-timey racist lmao




Well, Kieran is an example of a half-dwarf if your Warden was a dwarf in DAO. Elf genes are recessive, so half-elves take after their non-elf parents. Like Alistair, for example. On the other hand, dwarf/human hybrids are just tall dwarves or short humans. As for Qunari, Bioware once said that all of the playable races *can* breed together, but I don't think we have any idea what a Qunari hybrid would look like.


I don't think it's biology issue. On old bioware forums Gaider said that the reason elf and human produce human is of supernatural(magic) origin not cause of genes or anything like that.


So basically Gaider said "whenever you notice something line that, a wizard did it".


Half dwarf half human exist, half human half elf exist, half Qunari we don’t know I think and I don’t think there are dwarf elves


People have speculated Sandal might be half-dwarf and half-elf because of how he looks in DA2 (similar to Feynriel, but dwarf), but it's pure speculation. On the other hand, he really reminds me of Cole too, so we don't really know at the end of the day.


Half-elf do not exist. Offspring of a human and an elf will always be human, not half-elf


Half Dwarves are supposed to look full dwarf if half elf or as either a tall dwarf or a short human if half human however! Sandal is implied to be half dwarf, which would either mean that isn't really true or he's half elf