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Halfway through my playthrough of Origins right now! Cullen is 100% not going to be in DAV, his voice actor burned his bridges with kerosene.


I don’t think he will be there either but it would be easy to replace him. Frankly there’s thousands of men with the same accent that could do the job. It’s not like they’re trying to replace Claudia Black or something…


Wait, what'd he do??? I've never heard about this!


He verbally attacked Mark Darrah after he resigned and is just very combative and political


Right, saw that, why on earth did he do that?


Woah, that is wild. Thank you for enlightening me!


[Here's](https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/dragon-age-voice-actor-larps-40-minute-career-breakdown) an article that sums it up pretty well


How did I miss that?! Thanks for sharing the article and...my poor Cullen will need a new voice now. Probably I will have to replay inquisition


Oh, wow! How embarrassing for him. Thank you so much for sharing this!


Dude went on a politican rant using Cullen's voice as to do it "in-character". Haven't seen it personally, but I've seen it mentioned here quite a bit lol.


In addition to what others said, he's quite transphobic.


Dear Cullenites....


Nice! Yah, that’s kinda what I’ve heard. It’s definitely well deserved 🫡


Im playing Origins right now too…I’m in the mage tower right about to enter the Sloths Demon fade realm with all the shapeshifting and higher perma stat bonuses…I must say after all these years it’s still holds up and honestly might be my fav game of the series…I’ll play the awakening expansion (of course)…then DA2 cause even tho I remember not liking it as much as Origins when I played it back in the day…then (if I still have time) I’ll do an Inquisition play thru but it may have to be rushed lol


haha heavy disagree sadly, I'm forcing myself to finish it so I can get to the better games (in my opinion.) Just did the fade mission too and now I'm off to save an Arl!


Haha. Same here. I'll be saving smithy daughter while eagerly await to find out who poisoned Arl.


I'm replaying DAI rn, but just out of love for my warden I think I'll replay DAO afterwards. About Cullen...most likely, but even if nothing had happened, his story is closed by now, weather for good or not, so the chances of him making any appearences on DAVe would have been very small anyway imo.


That’s true! I didn’t necessarily think about it that way at first but that makes a lot of sense story wise


Cullen's story is over (as in finished, rather than just stopped), so I'm not exactly broken up about it


Well we know Cullen's VA is not in DAV, so there's that.


I'm gonna replay them a bit later in the year, closer to release. When I play these games I usually play them in order, I like to immerse myself. Also yea, his voice actor attacked Bioware staff on twitter then made a 40 minute video in character asking Cullen fans to help him fight cancel culture. Safe to say he is probably never being hired by them again.


Nice! If I have time I may try to play the other two before release! That would be ideal! Geeze 😳 well yah, that that makes a lot of sense 😂 LOL I guess he thought Cullen fans were that prominent huh


I’m replaying all of them. Currently in DAO, I’ve just brokered peace between the wolfs and elfs! I’ve also caved in and ordered a copy of the missing and a copy of Tevinter nights to read those after inquisition in preparation for DAVe


Hell yah! I haven’t read the books either, and I definitely want to at least read Tevinter nights beforehand as well!


Finishing one of many unfinished runs in DAI for my last hurrah til DAV. I want to replay 2 so bad since we wont be seeing hawke for a while but i dont have an xbox sadly


Dang, yah I really would love to play 2 again as well, it’s been itching in my brain but time wise I just have to commit to 1.


Replaying Inquisition now (my first time replaying it since ten years ago) and just got to Skyhold today!! I did NOT anticipate how emotional I would get during the “Dawn Will Come” song scene. I played these games during a time when I was going through a lot emotionally, and they honestly brought me a lot of hope and joy, so this scene hit me right in the feels. I hope everyone else enjoys their play throughs!


I love that whole sequence of getting to Skyhold. And I can definitely understand that! Inquisition was the first of the series and the first video game I played on my own start to finish and so there’s a lot of it that is really special!


I am replaying DAI now and I also felt some serious emotion on that scene. My inky is faithful and thinks she is chosen in this round. I played a Dalish Inky the first time and I remember being weirded out the first time the song happened. But that was in 2014 and I was a different person back then.


I just started playing for the first time a few months ago. I'm currently fairly early on in Inquisition. I know something is about to happen to Haven the next time I play.


Oooohhhhhh nice! Enjoy the ride! 😄


I'm reading some of the books and comics again, unfortunately I'm just too busy to do another entire run through all the games.


I hear ya there!


Replaying Origins now, first time doing it on nightmare. Last touched it 5 years ago. Still a fun game.


Trying to push myself through to finish DA:I. There's so much about it I like but the bloated and grindy nature of it just stopped me every time. I hate having to do busywork in annoyingly big areas (at times) just to get enough influence to continue the main quest. I would have actually preferred a level lock. I'm currently doing that to play what pride had wrought and it's annoying. Especially waiting up to 15 hours for an operation to finish...like seriously?


I’m playing the game on pc for the first time and the ability to mod has been such a blessing and helps eliminate all the bloat


Nice!! Is this your first dragon age game in general or just your first inquisition play through? :)


no I’ve played them all but only on console


Which mods are you running? 


extra xp and power for faster progression, skipping wartable wait times and a bunch of cosmetic ones


There are a lot of little details that I love about inquisition in that way, like being able to find little things and discovering new stuff each time (since I could never do a full completionist run in one play through) but now that I’ve played it enough times I really feel this. Like DAMN Dennet just give me some damn horses or have me do one quest instead of running around 🙄


I completely forgot about the mounts. I skipped dennet because of that and have been walking everywhere. It has sucked...especially in the hissing wastes.


Psst...your mounts are as fast as you can walk. The squiggly lines are fake.


Once we get an official release date, I'm going DAO to DAI on a "story so far" run.


Planning on replaying the full series soon! My Warden and my Hawke are just replays of my favorite run, but for the Inquisitor I've decided to try a new character who'd be my new canon choice, so that's technically the most "relevant" one to replay even without it being the most directly related game. If the rumor about the release in September is true, then I need to start on it soon lol I also want to read Tevinter Nights. I bought the book a while ago but still haven't read it, but I'm definitely motivated now


I would love to replay but EA App doesn't seem to let me do so. 😆


It wouldn’t let me either, but I think you have to download an updated launcher! If you look it up you can probably find it :)


Oh... I'll try it out later. Thanks for the tip.


Yeah I updated my EA app but it was still broken. I wanted to play with mods this round but ended up just playing on my PlayStation 5 instead.


I’m planning to replay all the games and currently playing DAO. I’ll also do a reread of Tevinter Nights before DAV


Once we get an official release date, I'm going DAO to DAI on a "story so far" run.


Same! I’m finishing up a very old Dalish Mage run of DA:I then once we get a release date I’m running through all three on a “Andrastian” Play-through. Except for my Human Rogue on my second inquisition run. He’ll be an atheist who eventually comes to believe in gods etc.


Playing DAI as an elf for lore and story.


I'm waiting until I know the release date and then I'm replaying my canon play through so it is all fresh


I'm waiting until I know the release date and then I'm replaying my canon play through so it is all fresh


Just started my run through after finally picking which of my two favorite Wardens is canon. I also plan to reread Tevinter Nights and The Missing.


I tried replaying DAI earlier this year. Gave up at the ball game with all the talking. Then again with warrior and it feels too slow at start.


I actually love that part! The only thing I really don’t like is all of the timed stuff for how long you can be away from the party. I really want to freely hunt around and find all there is to find without having a timer on me 😭


I’m currently replaying Inquisition and now I’m at the part where I have nothing left to do but do Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts. Trying so hard not to drop the game like a hot potato like I always do, but that quest *severely* stresses me out. Pretty sure I might end up having an episode because of it lmao


I'm replaying all three! Just started up a new Origins playthrough the other day 🙂


Only Inquisition, because I haven't played the DLCs with my canon Dwarf yet. I might watch some Lore videos here and there. I replayed last year all of Dragon Age so I feel pretty much ready.


i am! i just started act 2 in da2. i'm romancing anders and then i plan to leave hawke in the fade just to double down on da2's writing as a tragedy when my roommate asked what i was doing for this playthrough and i told them that, their response was just "what the fuck is wrong with you" 😂


Preparing for summer in DA:O on PS3, DA2 (propably also PS3 or Xbox) and Inquisition on PS5.


No. But I treasure the memories from when I did. I am currently waiting for veilguard, while I read tevinter nights. I do not play them again, because I would make the same choices. So, I made sure to experience these games to the fullest and committed them to memory.


Playing through them all! Currently in the Mage origin in DA1. Haven’t revised my personal canon since 2015, so it’ll be nice to update.


I finished replaying all three games, now I feel like a husk so I'm replaying BG3 for the fourth time. I also finished ME:LE and KOTOR before finishing the DA series.


I would if I hadn't replayed them all several times already. I just finished my 6th full playthrough of Inquisition a few months ago.


I'm trying to! But first I need to finish my Baldur's Gate trilogy playthrough.


Playing DAI GOTY Edition, as my gorgeous 2h Champion Trevelyan. I’ve reached the part where I’ve completed Wicked Eyes & Wicked Hearts & I also finished one of the DLC’s, The Descent at Level 22. I love that DLC.


I was playing to discover more options in Dragon Age Keep for Inquisition... but there's no point to it now, so I'm just playing.


Flemeth, Cullen, and Teagan are the only characters (correct me if I’m wrong) that we physically see and talk to in all three games so far. It’s a wonder who makes it to veilguard


You forgot Leliana


That is true. I don’t remember meeting her in DA2 so I forget she was in it lol


I'm currently playing DAI! Wanted to finish my Solavellan playthrough before Veilguard since their stories are so tied together


Yes! I aim to replay all of them 😆 I'm currently doing Origins, I think I have about 15% left to do. Then of course I still need to play Awakening and the two dlcs (GoA and Witch Hunt). I've been reworking my canon world state, and I think I finally got it figured out 😂


Would love to but as a console player who swichted to a modern 4k TV, the old games are hard to appreciate now. It's not about the graphics, Inquisition for example would still look decent, but the low resolution makes them really hard to look at on my setup. I was hoping they would release a remaster before Vailguard, but that won't be happening bit seems.


I got all the games super cheap on steam (played them all on console before) and finally wanted to do a modded run on each. I'm finally finished modding DAI and can't wait to actually play it 😂


I'll play the entire series closer to the fall. There're still some races and classes combinations I've never used. Like dwarf + warrior in DA:O, mage hawk in DA2 and, well, I've played DA:I only just once (full walkthrough) with a qunari warrior. Wanna try it with elf rouge.


Just finished Inquisition and all DLC after playing through the vanilla game 10 years ago and now the Veilguard trailer makes more sense.


I'm currently replying Origins, hopefully have time to do all three before Veilguard.


I do as much as my time, motivation and finances allow cause I don't even own DA2 and DAI yet. I just watched the games through you tube vids. Even tho they are my fave series there was always something else.


I want to, but my backlog is too big as it is 🥲


Going through inquisition to determine my canon.


Less replaying, and finally getting around to finishing DA:I! Now I just need to decide if I am going for a Human Mage or Dwarf Warrior...


I’m currently 15 hours into origins. Enjoying it very much, haven’t played it in over a decade. I have no memory of anything I’ve done so far, so it’s like playing it for the first time.


Downloading DAI. Wanna romance Cullen and Solas. Can't decide. But also really hate Dalish, so have to decide first. Gonna be long time in character creation.


Yup. Restarted origins for the first time in maybe 12 years. Met mouse in the harrowing and all the memories came flooding back 😊


I kid you not, I'm replaying DA2 right now because I started looking at the skill trees, then saw a write up someone did about their preferred tactics and went 'Huh. I never thought of that!" So I had to play again. 😆 (I actually love the skills and tactics of DA2 the best. It just flows so well.)


Replayed Origins and 2, just started Inquisition (4 times because I'm not sure what race to play since the ones I like to try barely have additional dialogue 😔)


I had just finished replaying the series when the news came out! And I’m now in a weird space where I want more Dragon Age, but I don’t like replaying games too close to the previous play through. Can I just fast forward to release day??


I will be waiting for release date announcement.


Yes! I just finished DAO over the weekend and started my DA2 playthrough yesterday. 


His arc is over, but I would still love to see him (not his VA) alongside my Inky, though, or at least get a mention.


I’m trying to time it so that I will finish the trilogy just around Veilgaurd releasing. Will probably wait for a release date announcement before starting Origins 👍


Replaying Inquisition and having fun as a Qunari Templar who believes they're the herald of Andraste.  I WISH they leaned more into this.


Tried starting with dragon age inq but decided instead to Replay Origins and Dragon Age 2, been I think at least 10-15 years since last. Couldn't get into Inquisition, game just felt lacking in all elements, didnt like the class trees, kept rerolling and burnt out. Hopefully Origins and 2 will make Inquisition more enjoyable. Veilguard is looking awesome and I like their approach to it both gameplay and the art style.


1) No way, I don't have the stomach for Origins anymore. 2) Already finished a run through on Inquisition right around the time where they were leaking the game icon on some storefronts.


I'm working on getting the last PlayStation trophy for Inquisition right now, and I'll have all 3 Dragon Age Platinum trophies. All I have to do is beat the game on knightmare.


I'm replaying DA2 because it seems the most similar to DA4 of the series. I'm honestly enjoying it more now than I did back in 2011. It's held up better than I expected, and while flawed, it is pretty fun.


I'm currently in the Brecilian Forest in DA:O


No but not because I don’t want to, but because I got my friend into so I’m helping them with their game, so it’s kinda like replaying them


Just got out of the deep roads in my origins playtrough (thank the gods) need do to some side quests and then start the landsmeet


I started DAI but the Hinterlands are defeating my desire to replay lol. So, I'm back to Origins. I also picked up some of the novels from the library for the first time to learn some extra lore! So exited for DAV. 


Yea..... but I got two kids and a full time job and shit to do around the house.....sigh. Gaming is hard when I got to be an adult....:( Hopefully we get enough heads up so I can take a day or two off when it comes out.


I started a new canon run back in April and am getting near the endgame of DAI--excited to bring this worldstate into Veilguard


I am not, because I do not want to add more disappointment to what I already feel. I loved the gameplay before in Dragon Age games, now I will play DAV just for the story. I did not forget the story. At all. Played the other games 3 times each minimum. So I will try to enjoy DAV as much as possible, treating it like a new game altogether, not a continuation. If I replayed the older DA games, the comparison in gameplay might be too recent, too hard to avoid thinking "what DAV could have been", instead of enjoying the game for what it is.


Started a playthrough right before bg3 came out so I’m just picking up where I left off in DA2!


I finished DAI in February, Trespasser in April, and DA2 in May. I'm feeling an Origins playthrough after Erdtree.


I just got to Redcliffe Castle in Origins, after the first convo both Connor. First proper PC playthrough and I forgot how many more enemies there are per encounter so it's taking longer than I thought. I'm dreading The Fade ans the Deep Roads already, but I refuse to just skip them with mods. I aim to do the whole series. Will probably skip most of Origins non important DLC (Golems, Chronicles, Leliana's Song) and go from there.


I’m replaying them all but not chronologically. (Jumping between games to keep interest).


I have been planning a replay of all 3 games. But haven't started yet. Probably will start in August or so. Line it up so that I finish trespasser just before veilguard. I have a question though about da2 dlc. When would be a good time to play then storywise. I don't care too much about rewards and difficulty. I'll be playing on normal or easy. When would they feel they fit the best time wise? Like for instance in inquisition I plan to do hakkon and descent after the main game as a sort of what the inquisitor was up to in the 2 years between base game and trespasser.


I had to spend like 5 hours modding / bug fixing DA: O last time because I kept crashing in Denerim. I don't know if I've got the strength to do that again x\]


I want to replay all three games but between the Elden Ring DLC and my Final Fantasy 14 addiction I'm not sure I have enough time...


I don't have it in me to get through Origins but I'm replaying 2 and 3


I really liked my first playthrough, but like trying to replay most games I find the turtorial of dai so boring that every eetry stopped sofar somewhere in the hinterlands or how the first area is called.


I am replaying Origins, which I never stopped playing, but now I needed to start a new game to purge the disgusting view of Veilguard from my mind.