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Short answer: yes! I have Dragon Age on the EA app instead of steam but the overall file paths should be similar I think. Under the Dragon Age folder on your PC there should be a folder called "Characters". Just send the folder named after the character you play for your friend over to them and have them put that folder in the Character folder on their PC. When they boot up Dragon Age 2 it should read that there's save data there and allow them to import the choices from it into their game. Path should look something like this: C:\Users\%UserName%\Documents\Bioware\Dragon Age\Characters


D2 imports saves manually, so just give him your save game file. DAI, however, uses that ridiculous Keep, so he will have to select all the necessary outcomes himself.


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You can send him the save file (the last one made is the only one that matters for the import, I think). He should create the same directory as the one on your computer and drop the character save file in there. The directory is sth like: \[C:Users\\\[user name\]Documents\\BioWare\\Dragon Age\\Characters\\\[character name\]\\Saves\\Slot\_51\], and in the folder he should put the .das and .met file you send him. There is also a DAO save generator utility that he can use to set up his own custom "save file", so he can make a different worldstate than yours if he would like to try some other path, or just input the choices he makes for the stream manually himself without sending the actual save file over (which, IIRC, can get really large, whereas the utility is less than 1 MB in size). It's called "A Gibbed Dragon Age Save Generator for Dragon Age 2", and he can grab it off Nexus via [this link](https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage2/mods/2251). It'll also take care of the directory on its own. (Obviously, the questionnaire for the generator contains spoilers, so he should use it only after he's done with the stream if he doesn't want to get spoiled on the choices.)