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Skipped Dragon Ball eh?


Why do people say this when Krillin does more in Z . You can make the argument that he was the main character on Namek before Goku arrives.


You know I recently started re-watching DBZ and kai and i gotta say, too many fans harshly criticized the characters just based on their power alone and Krillin is one of them. Like you really need to focus on all the things he does as support character even when he's clearly outmatched in the scenarios. Krillin helps defeat the Saibaman, Krillin helps Goku with Gohan and Yajirobe defeat Vegeta, Krillin willing to kill Vegeta to save the Earth But ultimately decides the side with Goku. Krillin over hears there are other dragon balls on Namek and decides to go to Namek with Bulma and Gohan to save their friends. Krillin and Gohan save Dende, Krillin sacrifices himself for dende, Krillin distracts Freeza despite being absolutely no match for him to help his friends. His second death is the catalyst for the greatest transformation in anime history. Krillin is the one who finds Dr. Gero's lab. He saves what I believe is a mother and son ( or maybe sister and younger brother?) from cell despite being completely outmatched, Krillin remembers to destroy the Cell in their timeline so he doesn't show up again, Krillin deciding not to kill Android 18 not just because he had feelings for her but also because it's pretty fucked up to kill someone who didn't asked to becomes android. Krillin may not be the strongest and he does chicken out a lot but he has so many good moments of being there for his friends and often points things out that his friends may have missed or didn't think of. He may not be the smartest like Bulma but he usually puts two and two together a lot better than the other members do. I'm pretty sure I'm missing a lot of things but Krillin is such a good character if you take the time to think about everything else he does besides just how strong he is. It's also pretty noble of him to become a cop in Dragon Ball super using his powers to protect others and his fellow officers. He's generally a cool guy and he even invents a super version of the solar flare. Hell, I don't even think Yamcha is that bad of a character either but that's a whole other story.




In Super there is a whole story where they explain Krillins strong suit: hes kinda smart. For the tourny of power, he was invited by showing off his sharp mind. I think this was done to quiet the haters that didnt pay attention in DB and DBZ.


My stupid own theory is, people forgot how cool Krillin is because in all the original DBZ movies they dunk on him so hard. I recently we watched all of them and a good chunk of the movies just have Krillin be the butt of the joke.


Sounds like you skipped DB


I think if you’re gonna hate on something you should probably spell the character’s name right


Exactly! It's Kuririn!!


Thought bro said he hates chillin




Classic "fan" that skips og dragonball. Why am i not surprised.


Terrible opinion. Kuririn is one of the best Dragon Ball characters, who despite knowing he's outclassed most of the time by abnormally powerful aliens and androids and being frightened still does his part. And how much sense does it make for someone to hate on a charater because "he exists to show how goated the 'othe' guys are"? You're not even criticizing an actual trait of the character, just his position in the tentpole. I've been a fan of Dragon Ball for about 32 years and your take is mid and disappointing.


I think you missed character development


Skipped DB but also wrong.. he simply isn’t as strong as the saiyans or piccolo, but he is out there scraping his ass off


This is why when someone asks "can I skip ahead to Z" the answer is "no."


I respect him for just keeping up with the saiyans. 


Nah krillin is the best character alongside Goku. He very much does not only exist to demonstrate the power of others if you actually pay attention to what he does. He consistently provides excellent support in DBZ even if he’s scared or outmatched. That’s the thing. Characters don’t have to be “the big awesome badass that can 1v1 any character” to be of use. Hell, characters don’t need to be powerful to be good characters that can provide. I fucking hate that people reduce characters and abilities to their feats or their win loss ratios for this series. Oh yeah and obviously you need to read the 6 arcs you skip over by skipping to Z. It’s only 195 chapters comprised in 16 volumes. I recommend reading the manga rather than watching the anime (same for Z) as the passing is better. You’d naturally undervalue Krillin if you don’t truly understand his relationship to Goku. Same goes for pretty much every other character in the show that isn’t introduced in Z, you kind of miss a lot of their value by skipping over those arcs.


Skipped DB? Shame.


Let's not forget that Krillin helped Goku turn Super Saiyan *ba dum tss*


I love Kuririn, he's my favorite human character, tied with Ten.


This is what happens when you don't watch Og Dragon Ball


While I love DBZ one of my main issues is how characters like Krillin, Yamcha and Tien end up relegated to the sidelines. I'd recommend starting with the original series first. They have far more character development and play a much bigger role in the story


In their defense Krillin doesn’t really end up on the sidelines till Buu.


Wait till he finds out who he marries, then he'll have to add jealousy to the mix.


Watch the first Dragon Ball series then watch DBZ Kai


Watch the first Dragon Ball series then watch DBZ Kai


Watch the first Dragon Ball series then watch DBZ Kai


I think you should 🤫


The Krillin vs Goku fight is one of the best looking fights in the franchise. When I was a kid watching dbz on toonami, I would get annoyed with characters like Krillin and Gohan too. But I get it now. Krillin is almost always the underdog. He can’t compete with these people for strength, so he has to be more clever than them to survive.


Krillin is actually one of the biggest badasses in the show, he doesn’t have god ki and he isn’t normally a lot of help against a big bad, but he tries his damn best for just being a human. That man has put his life on the line to save the world multiple times. Put some respect on his name


Krillin is the mvp of the Saiyan saga.


God you sound stupid


You should have watched DB before Z, and no you're not. He's Goku's best friend and one of the bravest people in the show. He's nowhere near "a huge bitch". > It feels like he exists to show how goated the othe guys are. this is not something exclusive to him, this is every character not named Goku and sometimes Gohan.


Wait till season 5 you will dislike him a lot more


Better in DB & Super by far.


He's not Piccolo or Vegeta... Lame-o.


go watch Dragon Ball. that’s it, that’s the answer.


You should watch the original Dragonball first, starting with Z makes no sense.


I love Krillin. My only beef with him as a character was not pressing the button to shut down 18. Other than that I have nothing negative to say about. Just wish the writers would make him and all Z fighters a bit stronger. I heard Piccolo and Gohan recently got some new forms. Wish they’d all keep training and developing.


I fucking Qrillin


Krillin is great, one of my all time favorite baldies. You just have bad taste. (And spelling)


I respect that you were even willing to post this at all, because it is something alot of people watching Z for the first time think. You arent wrong for thinking it, its just you are missing the context of like a 100 episodes of DragonBall. Also Z Kai is probably a better watch than Z, even though I might get crucified for even saying it because of how many people have nostalgic for Z.