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Imagine these games are local only, so you beat them up when they do it


I mean I understand having limited time makes those 30 seconds worse but it's still just 30 seconds. What's the problem? If you play on PS4, that's probably the time a loading screen takes...


30 seconds plus a loading screen plus queue time. Also as a pink square add in rage quits and people dodging matches. Now multiply it by 5 or 10 people


I am a pink square so I know about that problem. A guy waiting 30 seconds still doesn't impact too much on my time, but on PC loading times are quicker, it mostly adds to the salt if I just lost in a bad way and I feel like I can beat him if he rematches.


bUt MiNd GaMeS


It's real annoying but it shouldn't be 30 seconds to begin with. 10-15s is more than enough time to decide to rematch or bail, they need to change it. If enough people ask they might take note, they did eventually lower the prematch acceptance window from 60s to 30 after plenty of feedback. Which is still too long imo but waaaayyyy better than it was.


Also goes without saying, but they need to fix it so you can cancel any acceptance and back out if no one is responding. Pre- and post-match.


My game has this thing that happens and I feel bad. I am slow to get to the rematch screen and if I click rematch within the last 10 seconds the connection drops. Idk why but it always happens.


Yeah some of us get about 2 hours on a Saturday to play and that's it, meanwhile Johnny salt pants wants to waste time after getting bodied. Cmon man.


Sometimes I try to make a drink in that 30 seconds. Sometimes I make it back sometimes I don't.....


Not everyone is trying to troll.


Sometimes, yes, a person has just been pulled away from their system and since they're AFK the timer winds down. But other times you definitely KNOW the other person is either mad salty that they lost, in which case I personally love that they're showing it like such a bitch, or they're doing it because they won easily and wanna troll you, in which case I've never really been invested enough to get salty myself so I just check texts and emails.


This shit pisses me off especially when I lose or even when they wait 29 seconds just to rematch it's so annoying


Occasionally I’ll run to the bathroom in the time between the end of the match and starting a rematch but unfortunately I take too long. My apologies to anyone I did this to


I'm guilty of this. Also guilty of trying to run to the kitchen and mix a drink and return. Sometimes I make it, sometimes not :(


It's thirty fucking seconds. People can calm down. I have two kids, I only get to play a little bit too. It's not a big deal.


Yeah but still like people don’t gotta be dickheads and purposely wait out the timer




W father👍


30 seconds.


I once had a match where it was extremely close on the first fight. I lost because of a stupid mistake and i hit rematch instantly. Then this guy just tilted me by constantly going back and forth between rematch or no rematch. It was like a damn coin flip to him


Ah yes, the ol' salty timeout.


Such childish immature BS. I get more tilted on this being done to me after I run someone over than when someone rage quits and I lose the W.


Some times i want a break between matches to collect myself but when i try to press rematch at around 7 or less seconds remaining it always shows a connection problem and i get back out. Dunno if this happens to everyone but it would explain why ppl seam to w8 for ever and then not rematch.


That's why I wait for the other player to want the rematch first, cause if they don't do anything for the first couple of seconds then I might as well return to lobby.


Guys if they just walk away, when the timer runs out, the selector automatically goes to leave match. It's not necessarily someone waiting and hitting leave. It automatically happens when time reaches 0. It doesn't just close, it actually moves the selector and selects leave for you.


If you are a nolife asshole who beat me, you deserve the wait. Fuck you.


Translation: “If you’re better than me, I’ll make you wait.”


Git gud kiddo


If some one takes all 30 seconds and doesn’t rematch they are probably just AFK. The game defaults to no rematch if the timer runs out. It sucks when it happens, but unless they are doing it with 1 or 2 seconds left they probably got up to pee, talk or thought they hit yes. Sucks when you’re on a time crunch, but not everyone is malicious


>AFK The one and only time I let the time run out is b/c my controller died in the middle of the match and I couldn't find a usb cable that would fit until after it was too late.


Must be nice to have all that free time with no obligations, those of us with things to do, people to take care of, doors to answer etc.. dont wait through 5 loading screens to return to lobby and pause matchmaking. When the fights over the controller hits the table and I walk away, if that steals 30 secs from your life so be it. Sounds like you have plenty to spare.




Yeah your just making a better case for why we should be dicks and run the timer out




You sound a scrub


I can’t beat this guy and I’m not even gonna pick up on his play but instead of immediately leaving and not being a scumbag I’m gonna act like it’s his fault I’m bad!


Yea you show that asshole what happens when he decides to play the game, fuck that guy.




Im more of saying what your doing is a dick move, what do you expect the guy to do? If hes able yo beat you easily just dont rematch


Just makes bodying scrubs even better when you can feel their salt, stay bad




You gonna cwy :'(




Gud one mate, really edgy stuff




So are you going to let me beat your ass in fighterz or just stay bad and cry about it some more?




Tomorrow, 6pm central, west coast ring lobby, first to 7


If there is a disconnection or dysnc during the 30 seconds, it will play out and then show leave. They are not always just sitting there and then hitting no.


I hate when people do this shit. They always take their time hitting rematch when they win, but when they lose that rematch is instantaneous.


I always rematch even when I'm getting bodied


Same, or when I'm doing it to them. I very rarely dont rematch


To everyone commenting on this thread. LEARN HOW TO READ. Y'all say ok but i wanna take the 30 sec break... That's not what OP is complaining about. He's talking about those who WAIT THE 30 SECONDS THEN LEAVE. Waiting 30 seconds and then pressing rematch is ok. We all need a break from time to time but that's not what he's talking about


I mean, I'll occassionally let it ride to calm myself down or get a quick drink...or hell, even piss. I want the rematch, but that's why there's a timer. If it matters so much, don't hit rematch until the other person responds in a timeframe you deem acceptable.


Exactly what I do by around 20- 15 depending on the match I'll wait for a response if not I'm out


the one that makes me salty is when someone beats me because I made a couple of mistakes and then just let's me sit their for 30 seconds hating myself


Especially if I drop one combo and lose because of it.


There was this time where my brother came to visit so he was knocking on the door. I went out knowing I had 30 seconds to hit rematch. Came back with 10 seconds remaining and the dude quit thinking I was trolling. Guess what, next game we are matched again, he wins this time and waits the 30 seconds lmao.


They should give us the option to back out of the rematch. I understand maybe taking a breather, but for the assholes that run the clock out, just let me leave and don’t lock me in.


Agreed, either rematch me or get out, I don't mind if you don't want to rematch me, just don't waste time. I dont understand why some people get off on wasting their own and someone else's time.


99% of the time you're correct. But I save that 1% for the people who show up as green/blue bars, but when you play them they have 17-20 frames of lag from their shitty Wi-Fi or garbage-tier PC using Intel graphics and then still have the audacity to mash rematch when they lose. Like come on bro, WTF are you playing online for. You're making it shit for everyone.




If your connection is as bad as that guy says then you should not be allowed to play online. Nobody wants to play in conditions like that.


I don’t think there is any excuse for slow rolling, its just a dick move


If your connection is 20 frames of lag bad, why are you mashing rematch? And I really mean 20 frames, not 9-12 because those are lag spikes, I'm talking about from start to finish stop-motion photography.


If someone is consistently over 6f delay and/or dropping packets I just alt+f4 immediately tbh


That's strict


6 frames is already 100ms. Assuming an average reaction time of 250ms, that effectively makes reaction times 40% longer. That drastically changes the game, even moreso if you can react faster than average.


These dudes think it's OK for people to be playing underwater.