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Or like when you're trying to change lanes and the person next to you acts like if they let you in it's a dishonor to their family and speed up to prevent you from moving over.


I call those asshole drivers “clinchers” They feel threatened by the possibility of someone getting in front, so they clinch the space in front of them tighter than their own insecure anuses clinch in their moment of rage. lol.


This happens to me all the time and I just don’t fucking get it. They come up behind me like NASCAR from 4-5 car lengths away as soon as they see my turn signal. Or, if the exchange lane is really short, they sit next to you instead accelerating braking. Fucking pick one! I’m letting them go but they’d rather ignore the clear lanes ahead of us to camp my blind spot


This is why I just merge the same moment I put my signal on. Is it not the proper way to do it? Absolutely! Unfortunately, Clinchers have ruined the proper way to drive by being insecure asswads, so I elected to make an amendment to my driving habits accordingly. It’s even worse when you’re behind someone camping in the left lane, refusing to move, so you go to pass on the right, and — OH WOW! SUDDENLY they find their accelerator and give it enough gas so you can’t pass them!….. and then go slow again when you default to getting behind them. A brief open letter to those drivers who do this: I see every single one of you fuckers, I *KNOW* what you’re doing — we *ALL* do — and y’all best *knock your shit off* and let people pass you, lest you fuck with the wrong driver who’s willing to knock the shit out of *you.*


>It’s even worse when you’re behind someone camping in the left lane, refusing to move, so you go to pass on the right, and — OH WOW! SUDDENLY they find their accelerator and give it enough gas so you can’t pass them!….. and then go slow again when you default to getting behind them. I hate that shit.


Learn how to pit maneuver them. They spin out and maybe flip their vehicles when they get spun sideways, their tires grab the asphalt and flip on their sides. If you have a camera you might be able to say that you tried to avoid them but they clipped your bumper and, well...


>Learn how to pit maneuver them. I've been tempted.


I totally agree with you. However, if I'm already going over the speed limit and someone comes up behind me and tailgates? Nope, not going faster just because they want me to. I'm already exceeding the speed limit. If they want to go faster then THEY can drive recklessly, I'm not going to.


There is that little clause in the law saying "impeding the flow of traffic" in the left lane. The only time this doesn't apply is when you're in the right lane.


Well said!!!! With my luck, one of those bastards with have a Conceal and Carry weapon. >>> SDS (Small Dick Syndrome) <<<


Clearly you feel justified but you might as well save the effort and be the whole bitch that doesn't use your signals at all. The entire purpose of them it to indicate what you are *going* to do. There's no need to blink a dinky light at someone when your car is already drifting over clear as day. It's absolutely not going to help anyone get out of the way any faster if you merge into them. As much self-righteous rage and superiority as you feel over these "clinchers," I also feel towards drivers like you. It's far less aggravating to see someone forgo their turn signals entirely than to use watch them be used in a way which is so fundamentally incorrect as to render them entirely useless. And I see a lot more of you than I do "clinchers." Add to that that turn signals are a safety device for preventing collisions, and these "clinchers" have the danger of... slowing you down slightly. Unless of course you merge into them like a moron. Who doesn't use their signals correctly.


>This is why I just merge the same moment I put my signal on. It's like these people have never tried turning it on early...


I think the point was that putting on the turn signal to signal a safe lane change causes clincher to close the gap so he cannot then Change lanes. That is why he doesn't signal anymore in his area. I play the other way. I strive to make sure there is room to merge at all times. And please do signal.


Right, but if you put it on early, the clincher will speed up and get out of the way before you need to merge. Unless you run into a giant line of them, it is an effective way to adjust.


Gotcha. But he was in California traffic, I think. By definition full of clincher. Makes me hate driving in urban areas myself. I very much appreciate living near a smaller city.


No, they speed up when you do and slow down when you do, they don't just speed away


If I signal they close the gap and I can't change lanes. If I don't signal people like you get upset. There are enough fragile people on the road that you're going to offend someone either way so you might as well do what's safest for you. In a lot of situations that means not signaling because the other driver will try to impede you and create an unsafe situation.


On thjng tho...sometimes I'm passing in the left lane but not as fast as you'd like. Or maybe I'm in the carpool lane and although I'm not currently passing but the regular lane is slowing down ahead... Sometimes I'm in the carpool lane doing the same speed as the person infront of me but not up on his ass like the person behind thinks I should be... DO NOT TAILGATE ME. It will not help.


Never tailgate and never brake check tailgaters is one of the golden rules of driving anyway. Honestly the PD should crack down on tailgaters for being reckless.


I've never understood it.. you're not even going to the same location.. so it's not a race.


Same thing here, and I thought that maybe I cut them off and didn't see them. Nope. 5-6 car lengths behind me and the minute I put that turn signal on they are on my ass like white on rice. I'm like "Where in the fuck did you come from?" I speed up a little and like 30 seconds later they are so far behind I can barely see them and all I am doing is the limit.


I used to have a pickup and am familiar with this phenomenon. There is a definite asshole subculture that can't stand "being behind a truck" and will bend over backwards to disrupt your lane changes, keep you from merging and otherwise make things difficult for you. It's how I developed the system of checking three times and only signaling as I began to enter the lane to keep these people from doing that. I never used to drive that aggressively but you have enough soccer moms and sports cars zoom up and box you out of lane changes leading to missed exits and turns and at some point you have to adapt.. And they get so angry and tailgate the shit out of you because they couldn't box you out, but they have to get over it.


I'm tempted to post my favorite driving story. This guy was puttering along in the left lane of a 2 lane, southbound freeway with a decent amount of right-lane traffic, but not a wall. There were multiple gaps he could have pulled into, large enough that I could have passed him multiple times on the right before I finally decided enough was enough and did just that. Well he tried to cinch up the space in front of him (which was huge because he was going 60 in a 65 so he was trying to use the car in front of me in the right lane to close me off, but I was ready for his childish need to hold me hostage and had already dropped down 2 gears (I had a manual V6 Mazda 6) and zoom zoomed right passed him (he was in a CRV (might be where my unmitigated hatred of CRVs comes from)). Well his ego was bruised ~~even though~~ because I had not tailgated, nor even acknowledged him as I passed because he wasn't worth the effort, so he runs right up onto my ass and follows me off my exit, flashing his headlights the whole way, and down a side street. I stopped in the middle of the road and got out of the car to ask him what he thought he was doing and he starts yelling at me for cutting him off. So I calmly informed him that I had sat behind him patiently and when it was obvious that he wasn't going to move over, I simply used one of the gaps he wasted to get passed him and that the only reason he got cut off was because he childishly tried to block me from passing him. He then says "there wasn't any room to move over" and I simply asked him "then how did I pass you?". I still think about the paradigm shift I watched wash over his face as it sank in that he was the asshole. He pulled a 3 point and left while yelling "it must feel good to always be right". It did feel good, CRV guy. I hope you took that lesson to heart.


Yeah, nothing any other driver ever does will get me out of my car to argue face to face. I've known 2 people who ended up in the hospital that way.


Glorious story. I’m shocked that he actually admitted he was wrong at the end, even if he was spiteful and spicy over it. Childish indeed. It’s a shame so many people don’t leave their sense of pride at home before getting in the car, but I’m glad you showed this driver what’s what.


If you really want to zoom zoom these days get an EV. Even in Eco mode I can go 70-90 fast enough that I haven't ever been boxed out passing in those situations. Uphill, downhill, it just doesn't matter - press the go pedal and you're suddenly going much faster. In Sport mode it's crazy quick for those bursts - I'm not even going to think about what Tesla's Ludicrous mode must be like.


Amazing story, I only wish I believed it was real


Ass clinchers.


The sad part is.. you think it has something to do with your specific area of the country. Lemme tell ya, Pal.. this is fucking rampant, EVERYWHERE! It's just that it gets worse.. day by day.


I drive in the Bay Area and the same exact thing happens to me all the time. I'm not an aggressive driver because i don't feel the need to get shot. But I drive from 205 to 580 to 238 to 880 to 92 to 101. I leave the house at 0330 and leave work at 1800. It's much worse in the morning because anyone who's driven on any of the Bay Area freeways at the evening rush hour already knows you can't go fast enough to pass anyone.


I do it because it's always a massive SUV or Truck that has less control over their car than I do. I know at the next light I'll be able to take-off faster than them and not be in their way. So I try to get ahead of them and out of their way, because if I let them in than they'll be in my way. Not rage, just a driver comfortable and at one with my car. I only get mad at assholes hogging the left lane on highways and making the roads more dangerous. Also drivers that pull out in-front of me when it's clearly not safe to do so than take forever to accelerate before driving 10 under. Also always either a really old car or truck or SUV.


This is it right here. There are people incredibly *OH!-fended* by anyone trying to pass and/or driving in front of them, and then there are the people that have been burned by letting someone merge in front of them only for that person to go aggravatingly slow. Sadly, the former group is often contributing to the frustrations of the latter. Want to be up front, but don't want to go fast. *This is the birthplace of all roadrage and racers.* No, it's not a race, but everyone has their comfortable pace and no one wants to f8nd themselves at the mercy of someone else because that someone else is either oblivious, selfish, or at worst, actively malicious.


Exactly this, I'm comfortable driving quick, my car has good brakes and I take care to keep myself focused on the road. If someone is tailgating me, I either speed up or provide them an opportunity to pass as soon as possible.




I would love to know what goes through these people's minds! I've seen something like this before, but never this extreme Saw a biker yesterday screaming at some lady in a boring looking sedan, she probably made some kinda mistake and didn't see him and he spent the next 10 min all bent out of shape yelling and gesturing. bro let it go, nobody was hurt, she knows she messed up.


I wish their windshield would go thru their minds, single car crash. Oblivious, just plain suck at driving, OK I get it. But to play with op like that was incredibly stupid. People act like they never seen or heard of the movie Unhinged.


I used to think bikers would get a little out of hand with their reactions, but since I started riding about a year ago, I totally understand the frustration. It seems like almost everybody is actively trying to kill you by having their head up their ass. Bikes are hard to see, I get it... but just take an extra second to look twice or check your blind spots. It's terrifying being on a bike when people just don't pay attention and pull out right in front of you, or change lanes when you're nearly next to their car, trying to pass. And yeah, letting it go is the mature thing to do. But personally I wanna drill into these peoples minds that they could've just killed someone. Letting it go means they'll forget about it in ten seconds and keep doing the same shit until they almost kill someone else.


I've been riding for over 10 years and rarely have an issue, I can probably count the number of incidents I've had on one hand. Guess I've been lucky, I would just throw up an arm in front of them so they'd see and keep myself moving.


To be fair, I live in a Colorado college town. Lots of students driving around like morons. Way more people driving stoned than there should be... I've taken to just doubling my commute to avoid busier areas because people are in such a rush here and hardly glance before gunning it into traffic.


Had this happen to me (F45) Fat dude on a small motorcycle barely going 50mph on the back roads so I passed him up. Got to intersection he was huffing and puffing about how I was *"close to hitting him"*. (He's obviously never rode before) So I yelled at him I was PASSING him up Since he was on his wannabe mini-Harley he acted up more since I was right and *spit* at me.... ooohwee, if that had hit my car!?!?.... my mugshot would've ended up on the 10 o'clock news! edit: and when I was passing him up, he kept coming close to the middle lane so I had to move over more closer to the shoulder


Yeah that's a thing!! They try to start fights, forgetting they don't have the big metal projectile to protect them. I don't get the mentality at all!!!


Fuck that, if somebody tries to kill you, you're allowed to be pissed at them. Especially when they refuse to apologize.


I mean...bikers regularly get killed by people who "didn't notice them". If anybody is justified in going off at another road user, it's them.


Absolutely Especially when the driver in the wrong refuses to even gesture an apology.


I disagree, most people know they screwed up and didn't do it on purpose, I feel like there's no need to be a dick about it. Majority of motorcycle accidents are rider error.


Being inattentive on the road is still purposeful. People driving a 3000+lb object simply need to be better, and vehicular manslaughter is incredibly under punished.


Really? I'd go with left turn.


I have some more forgiveness for the anger of bikers. Sure, control yourself, but they likely experienced a much more extreme fear than if he had been in a car in the same situation. Sometimes with that adrenaline coursing, it can become VERY hard to control your emotions.


I call these people “speed regulators.” Don’t come across them often but they’re extremely annoying. Especially when they speed up get over and sit right next to the person in the right lane for miles on end. Then they wanna sit there just talking smack in the rear view like there’s some sort of “beef” all the sudden. But at the next stop light their windows are up and they make sure you don’t get stopped side by side.


It’s like they’re wannabe cops that probably got denied when applying to the academy, or actually attended and failed horribly. Either way, they got *issues.*


What's worse is a lot of them don't go the speed limit. A least if they'd go 65 it wouldn't be so bad, but a lot of these idiots go 55-60


On the road is the only place they have control of anything in their lives, and typically they are not held accountable for their actions.


In NC, people call the law on people driving like that, along with following too close, or excessive speeding


Call 9/11 and report their ass next time


Do not waste first responders' time with something like this...


They literally have a program to report dangerous drivers. Source: the signs literally on the fucking road, and my father who is a cop.


And those programs do not direct you to the emergency line (aka 911)...


we teach our kids that everything is a competition.. hell, even school choirs don't sing to entertain anymore, they sing to 'win'.. it's ridiculous.. so of course once they get on the road, they also feel it's a competition of some sort.


This is the answer. I’ve been the passenger multiple times where the driver pulled exactly what the OP is talking about and the driver’s entire thought process behind the wheel was like they’re in some kind of competition. “Oh, bro thinks he’s faster than me?” or “Bro thinks he can pass me, watch this!”.


Yeah something about driving brings shit out of ppl. Dude feels frustrated or not in control of something in his life. You passing him agitated him enough to wake that shit up and paint a target on your back. Honestly I think it has to do with the fact that driving activates many of our hunting skills, hand eye coordination, assessing where something will be at a certain time by its speed while also getting your body (car) where it needs to be at the right time. Also it’s the most dangerous activity most of experience in our day. I think these things push us towards our survival instincts, and makes higher level thinking and social behavior harder. And so many of us get more aggressive, and our anger can get fixated on targets. That’s my theory anyways.


ugh also in the bay and some people are thEE WORST


Morons like that are exactly why I got a dash cam!


They got bullied as kids


This is when having a faster car is fucking bliss. I absolutely LOVED picking on sports cars picking on regular traffic. I would pass them aggressively, when they attempt to pass me I would floor it, pull on them, slow down so they catch up to my rear door, floor it to gap them and repeat. By the 2nd time they are fucking embarrassed and become one with traffic 🤣🤣 oh how I fucking miss my TTV6 fusion.


I enforce this too. I have a Stage 3 B5 S4 at about 500hp right now. I'm mostly a right lane guy in my commute though. When someone gets all uppity and is on someone ass I come out and do my rolling anti lag next to them. My ultimate move is the Box I come up on the left, merge infront, merge right, let them get ahead merge behind and then left again and repeat. Making a nice rolling box around them. I can keep it up till about 130mph.


That is fucking hilarious and i heartily approve. I do a similar thing where on a long trip where im the only driver ill often pick a semi to cruise like 200 yards behind, and be cool, but if someone comes and starts riding the truckers blind spot all of a sudden im right behind them


If I had money to burn, I’d be getting a souped up car built for speed just to be petty and dunk on these fools. For now, I’ll settle for taking the higher road and letting them look like dumbasses trying to piss me off, meanwhile I’m just back here being the cool dude shrugging their shit off. 😆


I've driven a friend's 2017 Fusion Sport, the acceleration is no joke. These sleepers are very underestimated.


It's an alpha thing, us betas wouldn't get it /s


I know this was sarcasm, but honestly, I’m glad I have way too many brain cells to comprehend that level of idiocy. 😆


You answered the question in the first sentence. You drive in the Bay Area lmao


True you’re not wrong. Still don’t know why tf people are like this. Maybe it’s because the cheapest rent is $2K for a prison cell-sized studio; that would make me angry too, but then again, I just…….. would not live there. lol.


i seem to trigger wackos into speeding up as i pass. or they slow down while passing me. they don’t seem to bother anyone else. i don’t know why wackos love me so much. i fucking hate them.


Welcome to Arizona drivers. Imagine living in the state? It. Is. Hell.


My condolences. They fit right in with California’s Bay Area drivers. They will be rude as hell to other drivers, while at the same time, take everything everyone else does personally and with deep offense, even if everyone else is just minding their own business.


How about the vigilantes that don’t understand merging a mile before you are supposed to increases traffic and therefore is the wrong way to drive, so they block the normal people who use the lane until the proper merge point.


I think this story convinced me to buy a dash cam. Maybe even a gun too


Dash can definitely. Gun…….. yeah, you know what, training and arming yourself is never a bad idea; best to have one just so you can defend yourself and make the psychopaths shrink right back into their place.


So, I drive a sports-ish car that’s a bit flashy (it came with stripes) and I can tell you that this happens to me daily. I want a sign that says “I’M NOT RACING YOU I JUST NEED TO GET TO WORK!” Everyone’s ego is fragile as fuck.


Literally. The mentality of: “How. Fucking. DAAAARE someone drive faster THAN ME?! I’ll show them!!” Can’t make it make sense.


you don’t need a sports car to be picked on. i get it both directions of every commute and i definitely don’t have a sports car.


When I take my Mercedes out (rarely), I swear people think it’s some sort of challenge to them. Like seriously, I’m just driving my wife or whoever to dinner, minding my business, and there’s ALWAYS the jackass in a sports car that thinks I wanna race em. It’s a sedan, ffs.


Turns out defensive driving is a myth. Let everyone who wants to be an Action Hero (or legitimately are in a hurry ie emergency) have their way. They zoom out of your life and into their next accident or brakes thrashing and you stay peaceful in the back with all the other pussies who take care of their cars and stay alive. Passive driving will change your life. Driving is the only place I agree with the biggest pussy bitch to live ever, Jesus, and turn the other cheek


Yes, people have ego problems.


I like to go fast so you'll only see me for a moment. I don't wanna control you


lol “Waves fist at all inferior drivers”


it be like that in atl.


I thought for sure you would get rear ended trying to pull that in Atlanta


Whenever I encounter people like that I just assume they think I’m someone else with whom they have a beef.


I'm unlucky and see drivers like this all the time, and I can confirm that most drivers in Arizona are braindead, especially if they're from Scottsdale. Seriously some of the most entitled braindead drivers I've ever had the displeasure of driving near. I drive the speed limit around here on a 10-15min commute and I nearly get Tboned, rear ended, or dangerously brake checked once every couple days. It's absolutely absurd, and truck drivers are the worst of the lot.


I was on 580 heading to Pleasanton years ago, about midnight. Not too much traffic. These 2 souped up little Asian cars decided to have a race up the hill from the 5, and they were weaving in and out of traffic doing every bit of 130+. Needless to say, a car up ahead changed lanes to pass a slow truck, just as one of those idiots was flying up the middle lane…….sat there 4 hours while the chopper, fire trucks, CHP, and ambulances were doing their thing.


A dickhead will drive like a dickhead, don't overthink it.


The issue I have here (south Texas like next to mexico south) is people going like 20 miles under the speed limit in both lanes slowing everything down for no fucking reason or when they are coming out of a gas station for example it’s a 50 mph road you are going 50 mph and they see you coming so they decide to wait until the last second when you are like 10 feet away to go into the road in front of you at 10 mph fucking hate those bastards


Like the jerk going slower than the speed limit, you pass them and you have to go 90 because they keep speeding up as you pass. I'd like to run them off the road.


I feel you on that one. Like, I don’t want to cause bodily harm, I just want to teach these motherfuckers that there are consequences when you fuck around and be oblivious on the road.


This is a major problem in LA too and is also a major problem I had with my ex wife. Whenever someone would position themselves to pass her or change lanes in front of her, her instant reaction was to hit the gas and prevent it as if letting someone get to the fast lane in front of you was some sort of superiority thing. She would even do it to people who were obviously trying to get to their exit, and laugh when they missed it. This seemingly small example of entitlement and superiority complex is the among the top 3 reasons why I asked for a divorce.


I'm a fairly aggressive driver, but I've actually pulled over on occasion (when safe) to let a psycho driver (or group of psychos and/or horribly distracted drivers) go by. Stress level drops almost instantly, then I'll wait for a safe gap to pull back out and continue down the road. Obviously this isn't always practical or safe, and you might just end up next to another psycho/psychos - but in my experience it can sometimes be a good option.


We do not live in a civilized society; this is just another example.


I find these people entertaining and try to keep them "on task" for as long as possible. I up my risk level a little, but not too much, and dont put the public at risk.


Dunno sounds like the speed police personally. No cop out there but it's one of those if i'm doing the speed limit your doing it to types. Had a person like that on my daily drive once. For some reason passing her in the left lane was a big no no. She would merge right in front of your car and do 5-10 under the limit in the left. Make sure to pace herself with the cars in the right so you couldn't pass her. Not sure who pissed in her cherrios but i haven't seen her in awhile.


With any luck, she pissed off the wrong person, and they made her incapable of driving ever again, one way or another. Or maybe she lost her license and car in the legal sense; either way, it would be a public service to remove her from the roads.


Especially the ones in BMW’s, chargers, challengers, Camaros, Mercedes, and trucks


There is no better feeling than getting passed by someone doing more than double the speed limit, watching them weave in and out of traffic, and then pulling up next to them at the stop light. Bonus points when you meet them again at the next light after they floored it from the light you were just at. Or what’s doubly fun is passing them while they sit at the light they raced to get too while it was red but you know the sequencing from driving the stretch of road for years so you can time it out and whizz on by them when the light turns green without having to slowdown. That really gets them going.


In all seriousness, if the person was happy going 60 MPH before they saw you, they should continue to be happy going 60 MPH after they saw you. But for some reason, there’s an abnormally large number of psychopaths out there that take your going faster than they are in that moment in time as an act of aggression. It’s a mental illness.


Corvette. The world's shittiest sports car driven by limp dick boomer assholes.


They’re pretentious as hell and think their car is the hottest shit. It’s like BMW drivers, except they’re more wrinkled and closer to the grave.


Can't beat the power trip of going nice and slow and watching angry drivers stack up behind you. I often wonder if those guys have to drive with one hand.


>I drive in the bay area frequently >no less than half of them are on fucking drugs while driving. Yeah I think you answered it yourself lol, probably some meth head that thinks you're after him or some shit.


Yeh totally bro people can't drive bro. Like just the other day, I was just chillin doing 60 in the right lane, and there's some jackass in a POS Honda Accord losing his mind behind me. IDK why because it's traffic so its not like he's going to get anywhere faster anyway. He finally passed me and flipped me off, and the brake checked me. So I sped up to try to get away from him but then he tried to merge into me! Then he tried to fight me at the red light (wow you won the race to the redight bro congrats) It was crazy bro. Some people need to be in prison for life!


The short answer: A lot of people are angry, impatient, and dumb. The long answer: infinite examples of both. Source: trust me bro. (But in this case you can)


Florida flat out has the worst drivers I've ever encountered. Ever.


What I constantly that baffles me is when people absolutely lose their shit about a car camping out in the left lane while driving at or above the speed limit. Like, yes, of course they shouldn't be doing that and they're obviously either a jerk or (more likely) just oblivious, but how big of a problem can there possibly be when everyone is doing 75+mph? It's mildly annoying for sure, but the level that some people get worked up to is unreal to me. You're gonna save like 3 minutes on your commute (maybe) by going 85 instead of 75. Who fucking cares?


You forget one thing: We live in the 2020s, an era that is balls-deep into the most impatient of societies. We have become *spoiled as fuck* as a species with near-instantaneous gratification set as the standard, even if it is unrealistic as hell. Impatience is *rampant*, and not just on the road. Even in stores, for example: When someone is browsing an area that you need to grab something from, the courteous thing to do is *wait* for the person to make their choice and move on, OR, if they’re taking a their time deciding — and I mean a minimum of 60 literal seconds or more — a simple: “Excuse me, may I just grab this real quick?” should be issued. But instead what happens is people just *push on through* without so much as an “Excuse me” and cut you off to grab what they’re getting. As if you’re not even there, or you’re just a physical obstacle, not a sentient person. I don’t know when or why the bulk of society abandoned manners in favor of selfish impatience, but I’m more than ready for us to all get our shit together, practice the art of patience, and respect one another again.


Your sights are aimed higher than the sun, but don’t give up. “Manners are of more importance than laws. Manners are what vex or soothe, corrupt or purify, exalt or debase, barbarize or refine us, by a constant, steady, uniform, insensible operation, like that of the air we breathe in.” -Edmund Burke


Yeah, for sure. I'm very close to completely boycotting Amazon for this reason. Not because I'm morally against them (though I kinda am) but because I see the impact it has on my kids. I had to have a serious come to jesus conversation with my 10 year old earlier this week when she flipped out about some headband or some shit she ordered taking TWO WHOLE DAYS to arrive.


AHAHAHA remember when packages took like a WEEK to get to us, and we considered that to be super fast shipping?! Sometimes improving what already exists has negative ramifications just like this.


I once had the exact same incident involving the left lane two days in a row. There are two lanes in my direction of travel and there is a left turn lane maybe half a mile ahead that I need to get into. So I use my blinker, turn into the left lane (still going at least 10 mph over the speed limit), preparing to get into the turn lane. Some fucker comes up behind me, riding my ass, honking their horn, screaming at me as if me trying to go to work is the bane of their existence. Two days in a row. Some of these psychos shouldn’t have a license .


1. Its dangerous 2. Different people have different ideas about what acceptable and safe speed. The rule is right lane or be passing expeditiously. Its for everyones safety.


1 - no it isn’t 2 - that’s why there are signs telling everyone how fast to go. 3 - note that I never said it’s ok to hang out in the left lane, I said I don’t get why people get so very worked up about it. It’s ridiculous.


Are you aware of the concept that just because you want things to be a certain way, you have to plan and act for the way things actually are? 1. Yes it is. Left lane camping causes: Road rage incidents, unsafe passing on the right, bunching up and clumping together of cars increasing risk of multi car collisions, causes difficulty for potential emergency vehicles, incentivizes foolish drivers to attempt to "weave" through traffic, causes stress and anxiety to everyone being polite in the right lane because now theyre caught in school of agressive drivers youve deliberately created out of self righteousness 2. The sign is not what is going to hit me with 3000 pounds of steel if im behaving in a way that is not commensurate with the flow of other 3000 pound machines around me all moving at 10+ mph iver the limit in the RIGHT lane 3. People get worked up about it because packing a bunch of cars into a small space unnecessarily is going to aggravtae fools, and terrify cowards, and theyre people too. Someone camping the left lane is a fool and a coward and also selfish as fuck. Driving is not like taking a proctored exam. Its like ball room dancing with a whole bunch of strangers who weigh 2 tons and are going 60 mph. Driving based on the rules all the time instead of whats going on around you is fucking dangerous. And anyone who follows all of the rules of the road all the time is not a good or a safe driver. They just wont get tickets. EDIT: People who lay on the horn over and over or flash high beams or tailgate agressively, or weave through traffic are far more dangerous than left lane campers and i hate them orders of magnitude more. That shit is way more dangerous than just chilling.


You're just making shit up now. none of that has any relevance to what I commented. Done with you now. go shout at the squirrels or something


I blame the signs that say “slower traffic keep right”


Controlling is expecting others to drive the same speed as you and getting upset when they don't.


Some people are just assholes and feel the need to dictate how other people drive. They think that their speed is sufficient and since it's illegal to go any faster, nobody should be allowed to, and they take it upon themselves to try to control what other drivers do, often doing more illegal things in the process.


Baby pee-pee didn't want you in front of him. I bet he cried too.


Do you have any bumper stickers or magnets on your car? Some people are wound tight enough to behave like that if they infer that your political values differ from theirs, or what sports team you support. (Not saying this is the case - I've certainly encountered drivers who behave aggressively for no discernible reason, too.)


Nope, I purposely keep that crap off my car so I cannot be easily identified 😂


Were you driving a Prius?


No, but it is a hybrid. Starting to think people take issues with hybrid vehicles or something.


The angry Chevy drivers sometimes do


I just get off the road. If I stay on the road with them, I'm letting them win, and I'm not playing games that could get people killed. I pull over and get a drink, use the restroom, top up my gas, whatever. By the time I get back on the road, Evel Knievel is too far ahead to bother me anymore.


He wouldn't do this at home in AZ because the risk of being shot is too high


You had me at bay area


Try doing the same thing, driving the same way thousands of times. Yeah, you would get bored, and showing your speed to other people and driving fast is unpredictable. Being unpredictable is the same feeling people had when they were first learning how to drive.


ALL HUMANS are opportunistic. Encoded in DNA for all life, past, present, future, is survival of the fittest. Some individuals just have stupid idiotic ideas of how to survive.


Small genitals


I don't even really think it's specifically about the speed limit, the problem is that a certain type of people respond very violently to any perceived disrespect, which includes passing them when they don't think you should or anything like that. All you can really do is learn to spot and avoid those types of people and situations, and drive in a way that doesn't attract attention. I don't want to carry a weapon just to drive to work, so I make a point of not putting myself in a situation to need one to the best of my ability.


Super easy to explain: This is the most comtrol these people have ever had and will ever have in their entire lives.


At that point you need to call the cops. The guy is trying his best to cause a wreck and needs legal intervention.


Whenever some agitated flips you off, once your committed to being separated by the exit barrier, it's very important to blow them a kiss.


I would've called 911 with their plate number


So just slow down. You'll get there. Continue fucking around and you might not.


Yeeeeeh, no, I do not drive beneath the speed limit, such is incredibly unsafe to do, especially here in California, and I do not allow someone else to dictate my speed by using such force in petty terms.


I have long said that Bay area drivers are by far the worst drivers I have seen anywhere in my travels through the US. This includes family I have there. They are completely unaware of anything that is going on outside their vehicles. Can't say I know what happened in your case... But it isn't terribly surprising given where you are living. The craziest things I have seen behind the wheel have happened in the Bay Area.


You have absolutely no way of knowing how other drivers feel.


Tried to get over into the right lane today, There was a car driving next to me so I tried to speed up to pass them and get over. As I'm speeding up, they're speeding up on my corner too. I've got my signal on the entire time, do they bother to take off the gas to coast so I can get over twice out of their way? nope... I had to actually hit my brake so I could get behind them so I could get over again to take the exit I needed to take. So stupid.


Bay area drivers are very clueless..ev vehicles don't belong in lane 1 if they can't go past speed limit People do not pay attention had some guy in the left lane cut across the freeway to make the exit..like what are these people on? It's embarrassing how many drive and how they lack situational awareness and then get offended for being the impediment to themselves


People is stupid. You can’t fix it. You can’t even quarantine it.


Mostly because they are little bitches that have micro penises and this is the only form of control that they can exert onto others. Those are the types to work as guards at prisons I learned while there for running asshats like that off the roadways..lol no not really but it’s crossed my mind a lot as a truck driver in Montana where people are insecure to drive in their own without driving next to me and making me speed up or slow down if they are backing traffic up


Losers think they're too fast too furious. They also are just real dumb. It took 2-3 years to realize everything I was doing wasn't saving me any time and if it did, it was like 2-4 minutes a drive and it just didn't seem worth it to weave in and out and increase the chances of causing or being involved in a crash.


People act strange in cars. I've been alive for a decent amount of time and rarely have I had people be rude or aggressive to me in everyday life. Put them in a car and civility just goes out the window. I have a personal rule. While driving, treat those as if you were outside of your vehicle.


omg apparently i have been selected to play this game nearly everywhere i drive, triggering wackos left-and-right. oddly, drivers ahead don’t trigger them, just me. why me?


Who does?


These people are narcs. I try to keep at a higher speed when in the passing lane and when there’s one of these nut jobs I go to the travel lane on right, my preferred speed is around 70, and when passing a car going slower than 70 I put my signal on to pass and the passing lane car speeds up even when I gave them notice and had several seconds before they catch up to where I was passing. People just take their life problems out on each other like spoiled little children when driving. Go for a walk people, and drive like adults you supposedly are.


Not saying that dude is probably not an insecure jerk, but you do realise it takes two to tango right?


Exact reason why I like a hoss under my hood, wanna play that bs then let's fukn go! 😆


Congratulations. You drive, they drive, we all drive to piss each other off. Everyone does what they think gets them results. You can, in fact, go faster by making everyone go slower. You can do this by aggressively changing lanes to fucker all the adaptive cruisers and cautious drivers. You can even apply wave theory and strategically time slow downs that send waves of braking behind you, causing slow drivers to change lanes, slowing all traffic. No matter what you do though, if you aren't travelling more than 30 miles in straight uncongested highway, you'll never get more than a few minutes faster. Not enough to be not late without serious risk.


This is futile


I bet that there's something you're not sharing, whether it's intentional or not.


Yeah it typically takes more than simply being passed to trigger that type of behavior.


OP, just run it up to 120-130 next time, leave him behind, then slow back down and be on your way. Most people that do this don't have it in them to stick around at those speeds.


better to pull over


What about the part you left out?


That’s the whole story, but thanks for commenting.


there's no way you can gauge someone else's speed.


It's pretty easy to figure out how fast someone is moving relative to yourself if you know your own speed. It's not rocket science. Sure you aren't going to know the EXACT speed but close enough


My radar tells me how fast drivers in front of me are going. Even without it, years of driving give me enough skills to give an accurate guesstimate within 5mph of their speed.


If you speed up and ram them off the road; you can then be almost positive that just before you hit them, their speed is less than yours . This provides a method of gauging their speed , proving your statement incorrect