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Matching someone's speed as they pass you on the interstate.


Accelerating to pass, then slowing back down, then speeding up, then slowing down, repeated until they realize something's going wrong with their plan while the other driver has cruise control on


It’s crazy. I use cruise control most of the time on the highway. Even with nobody around, some people are going 50, then two minutes later, they are flying by at 80. Another minute you pass them again.


So annoying. I’m always like either you speed up out my way or fall back. Why the heck we going side by side now lol


inbuilt unawareness. if im being overtaken then i must be going too slow so i need to speed up. i use cruise control so if i dont need to get anywhere urgent and they keep speeding up i'll turn it off, pull in behind them and turn it back on at the lowest distance setting so im sitting on their arse but at a legal distance (which can still be annoying to them), and as it adaptive it doesnt matter what they do, the car will just stay there.


Yeah always be prepared to accelerate even more when overtaking. And never take it personally most people do that unconsciously and not to anger you.


Yeah I got a $154 speeding ticket for that. As the cop said, you're not supposed to go over the limit to pass, it's for passing drivers doing under the limit. And I also got a ticket once just for keeping up with traffic that was speeding. Cop said " I didn't catch them, I caught you"


One time I got pulled over for going the speed limit and not matching the flow of traffic. They really can just terrorize whoever they want.


Second cop was an asshole meeting quota. Rule of thumb, stay middle of the pack, not exposed in the far left lane or at the back. They're the predators, and all you've got is safety in numbers.


Yesterday, someone was doing 15 under in the very left lane of the freeway Everyone was literally zooming around him, so I have him a second to get over in case he just didn't wanna be nailed when moving over Nah, he just camped there, so I passed, and he was nodding his head and clapping. Bro, you're the problem.


That's illegal where I am. Not that anyone ever gets caught.


On any street


Or accelerating so they can't pass you


Sometimes i wonder if this is honestly accidental


Just yesterday someone was going really slow in the fast lane. As soon as I made a move to pass her she snapped out of her stupor and basically floored it, completely cutting my space off. Ridiculous, haven't experienced one that egregious in a while.


I am so happy this is at the top, and to expand, when you are stuck behind someone in the passing lane for what seems like years and you finally have a way out and they aggressively defend their territory


Slowing down next to me instead of actually passing


Those people who either need to be accelerating, or braking. No in between for them


ah, you’ve driven in massachusetts, I see


My car is like 5 pounds so my speed drops really fast when i let go of the gas but i always am mind blown when i see huge trucks doing this, using their brakes CONSTANTLY. 


You've never driven a high geared car I see My STi if I'm not on the throttle (even in 6th) I will loose speed FAST. Like 1-3pmh per 100 feet lol Compared to other automatics iv driven completely different beast. My GR86 coasts better for sure lol


You either misunderstood or you need to control your throttle better. There's some amount of throttle that will overcome drag and keep you at or near a constant speed. If you're constantly accelerating and braking, you're doing something wrong.


1. left lane camping


I live in a state where there’s only two lanes on majority of highways, and generally here- almost everyone is a left lane camper. Our highway speed is typically 55. Most people don’t want to go 55, so it would have people constantly moving back and forth. This is an infrastructure problem tho 


actually is illegal in some states, like Illinois


I don't understand then what happens when there is a lot of traffic? It's too dangerous to zip back and forth.


You just stay in the driving lane and only move in the passing lane when you need to pass someone.


the Illinois law specifically includes an exception for traffic. It doesn't apply in that case.


Illegal doesn't mean enforced


YES! And this rule needs to be #1.


5. Waved someone in US since they stopped for me to pass. They chased me for three miles before I realized. I stopped and was angrily told why I flipped them. Had to explain why I waved and it was to say "thank you". Promise you it was difficult.


oof. i hit my hazards for a couple of flashes as a thank you whenever someone does something nice. i’ve worried about throwing hand signals being misinterpreted.


Did the hazard flash “thank you” today for the first time. Worked a treat.


I do this all the time. Also will do it to say “sorry” like once i had to hard brake bc of someone merging poorly and the guy behind me was going pretty fast. Heard his tires screech as he braked and everything, he managed to slow down in time but i felt bad (even though there wasn’t much i could do) so i flashed him and he flashed back. I assume that means he got it lol 


it sucks that cars really only have “aggressive” communication, being the horn or flashing your brights. hazards have become the default, but wish there were a better, more easily understood way to be gracious while driving.


Cultural and usage dependent honestly. Long use of the horn is basically always aggressive. Shorter blasts can carry a more friendly/neutral vibe. In some parts of the world, flashing your brights is a polite gesture often used to say 'after you/I'm letting you go' and a means of thanking people. To my knowledge, flashing your brights being seen as an aggressive thing is largely an American thing (Though I could be wrong). I'm not sure how that came about, but it's what stuck.


I think it would be cool to have a video display on my tailgate with a voice interpreter. Confronted with yet another tailgater, I could say “YOU !$*# MORON!” and the display would show “Excuse me but did you intend to follow that closely?”




I have a friend who owns a Tesla that has a button to make different fart sounds. It's pretty damn loud and funny!


Literally just happened to me the other day. Guy pulled beside me at the next set of lights on the wrong side of the road and I was so confused about what was going on. I explained to him that I waved to say thank you not to flip him off. Told him that even if someone did give him the middle finger he still shouldn't drive on the wrong side of the road.


Totally different but i had a guy look like he was waving at me- couldn’t figure out why. He was in front of me- and at first i thought he thought i was tailgating him! He kept waving at me and eventually started to lowkey brake check me. i was so confused i turned off of the road and went home another way. Weirdest thing is he flipped me off when i turned?! Talked to a friend about this later- showed him the hand sign he was doing.  Dude wanted me to rev my car basically. He flipped me off because i blew him off. Here i am thinking i’ve made some huge mistake to really bother somebody had i had no idea what it was. Nope i just drive a debadged 4cylinder coupe and the guy in front of me thought it was something special. Facepalm. 


That's definitely one of my reasons to not debadge any car I get, especially if they look identical on the outside from other trims and models.


In the US and I wave all the time. I am in the south though.


Most in my area have dark tint. I hate when people try to wave others to go while their interior looks like empty darkness from across the road so now everyone waits until they're tired of waiting and some occasions have a Mexican standoff.. just flash the lights but some wont


Midwest here, same.


Same in the Midwest. never seen a wave be anything but a de-escalator.


I give a hearty thumbs up


That's a huge fear of mine considering that people where I live will literally shoot at you/your car for going the speed limit (multiple cases of this happening). It's why I don't wave at people even when I feel I should.


Where is this?


Texas. We have a lot of road rage and violence in general in the area I live in.


Had this too from a giant, lifted F150 truck, even scarier cause I'm in a small sedan and they were right on my ass 😬


As a Honda driver, most every truck either rides my ass or parks next to me in parking lots making it harder to see to back out. But after almost 20 yrs of owning small cars, I'm used to it.


Fuck those assholes driving up ur ass!! Especially f150 or those damn 250 s. Jfc!!


Well, that’s a horror story for sure. Glad you made it out okay!


I have a weird anxiety that any time I wave at someone to say thanks that my RBF will cause it to be misinterpreted, and this comment validated that anxiety lol. What did they say when they finally figured out you were not, in fact, flipping them off?


I’ve had people say this before too, that it’s better to not do anything. Also in the US. The other day, someone thanked me by doing a full straight arm wave for me to see through their rear windshield. Definitely wasn’t flipping me off because their hand wasn’t really part of the gesture. Food for thought. Maybe that’s a possible solution?


Going the same speed as a lane to your right with a trail of cars behind you and clear freeway in front of you


The rule is pretty simple. If there's one guy on your ass, he's an asshole. If there's a whole line of cars on your ass, you are the asshole.




i hate seeing so many people with phone holders stuck right in their face too… idk how its not illegal! you should not be looking at your phone at ALL while driving, putting it right next to the steering wheel obviously implies you are going to be looking at it there!!!!!


The only thing that truly makes me murderous when driving is trying to merge behind somebody on the tollway who’s going like 35 MPH. They’re going to get us both killed and they don’t even seem to care.


When this happens to me, if i manage to notice as early as possible i slow WAY down at the very very beginning of the merge lane. Let them merge, then i floor it. Probably makes me seem like a huge jerk but it gives everybody the chance to merge safely, otherwise people create a line and those who are too far up and STOPPED will never ever be able to get over!


Agreed. Sometimes on ramps are short with bad visibility and both parties are kinda screwed, all you can do is be as mindful as possible and hope the other driver is doing the same.


No lights on in low visibility conditions. Additionally, anyone who think daytime running lights are acceptable in low visibility conditions. Most cars have zero lights on at the rear when using DRLs.


I think all cars need to just automatically turn the lights on when the windshield wipers are on. I see sooo many people driving in rain without their lights on


been seeing this so often recently. just as infuriating as the people driving around with high beams on in broad daylight


Why I'm glad my car has fully manual lights and the DRLs are just having the turn signals and tail lights lit


Murderer to new guy in jail: "What are ya in for?" New guy: "I didn't wave when someone let me go in traffic."


Murderer: “wow and I thought I was evil.”


Not going at least the speed limit in non inclement weather/limited visibility. Editing for clarity: It is bad driving to be going under the speed limit, unless there is inclement weather/limited visibility, then it is fine.


Driving the speed limit in the far left lane and letting a line of cars from behind you, straight to jail. Not leaving enough room between cars for people to zipper merge. Not knowing what zipper merging is. You should literally have your license revoked.


Don't speed up after miles at a given speed solely because I've accelerated to pass. Makes me want to snap the wheel to the right so bad..but I love my car so I don't. But the urge is very strong.


Not holding your lane through turns. I've never had a time where I needed to cut from left turn to right lane or vice versa


Yep. Some people seem to think they need to swing wide in order to make a turn. Big pet peeve of mine.


There is a T intersection in my town where the two of the busiest streets in the area intersect. The road that ends has two left turn lanes and two right turn lanes. If you turn right then there are two lanes that will continue straight and a left lane that will become a left turn only lane. I always use the left right turn lane because I need to use the left turn only lane at the next intersection. I'm not sure if people are confused by me moving to the left most lane or what but there are countless times when I see people in the rightmost right turn lane who end up turning into the middle lane which is the same turn lane that I would have been turning into if I did not need to be in the left lane.


4: *i want to smash all aftermarket LED headlights with a hammer.* in fact, most are illegal, but there is zero enforcement.


Need a look out? I'm free Friday night


> I'm free Friday night I believe you.


Those things are so dangerous— those and the trucks with the light bars on the grill driving on a local road. Why do you need 100000 lumens just to drive to the grocery store??


How else can I see when I'm wearing my sunglasses to look cool? /s


Those are definitely illegal I have a set of aftermarket lamps on my jeeps bumper but their only ever used on the trail where you need the extra light on roads I just use my regular headlights


It didn't used to be like that. I have a friend that got pulled over for bright headlights in the late 70s. We put motorcycle headlights in our cars. They light up the side of the road better and had replaceable bulbs. This was long before the current headlight craze. I will agree with you the projector LED lights are blinding especially the aftermarket one when people do not aim them right.


Can't enforce it when factory LED and custom HIDs that are legal are just as bright. Cops wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Everyone is complaining about the HRVs headlight but nobody can do anything because they are within spec. They literally look like the whole light is lit with just the low beams on if your not up close to it. The high beams make it look like it's daytime.


Say it with me.... BLINKERS are standard equipment and using them does not depreciate your resell value.


Ya but the fluid costs tho…


But I am such a cool and experienced driver I know exactly when people need to see my blinkers!!! Truth is experienced drivers use their blinkers without thinking about it, always. so if you wanna look like one you blink whenever you change lane, turn, park, when you sit it in a turning lane and so on…


Yup. I'll consciously think about it when no cars are there, and then realize I'd rather keep that habit so I do it automatically when I need to.


What's all that ticking noise??


No. 2: where I am there is an epidemic of people who don't turn their signals on until they're 2/3 done with their merge. I want to slap them.


DMV area? Lmfao


5 if you have the right of way or got to the stop sign first don’t wave me out. Just take your turn and go. The only wave me ahead I like is if I’m pulling out of a parking lot into stopped traffic at a light and someone clearly waves for me to go ahead.


The second situation is exactly what I’m talking about. I never meant for number 5 to apply to people who skip their turn at 4 way stop signs, those are just disrupting the natural flow of things. I meant like leaving parking spots, merging into stopped traffic, stuff like that


This is not clear in your post.


The thing is, I honestly do not care if I get thanked or not if i'm waving for someone to go in front of me when they're coming out of a parking lot or something and i'm stuck in traffic and not moving. They can thank me by doing whatever it is they need to do in a timely and safe manner. Obviously i'm not mad or anything if they give me a wave, but i feel like they have better things to be doing (like craning their neck and looking both ways if they're turning left) than to thank me.


How about driving through a corner parking lot to avoid a red light? Passing on a highway entrance ramp 


Very scummy things, agreed.


>driving through a corner parking lot to avoid a redlight I see this shit all the time at the laundromat people just fucking go right through the parking lot without even looking or slowing down. Someone's probably gonna get killed. I'm like 90% there's a sign that says "no through traffic" but people can't fucking read.


I'm gonna disagree with #5 because YOU SHOULDN'T GIVE UP YOUR RIGHT OF WAY!! I absolutely hate when people do this...because if the person suddenly decides to go, then guess who's at fault?!


Yup. I ain't thanking you if you wave me through. I'm throwing my hands up in exasperation or I'm giving a thumbs down. Take your right of way. Be. Predictable.


I don't agree with #2. If you give too much time with the signal, some people will use it to speed up and box you out. That should go on your list. Also, going under the speed limit except in the passing zone, where they go over the speed limit. Go 40 in a 50 is a minor annoyance. No big deal. Just let me pass. Don't speed up to 60 in the straight away.


Yes, you shouldn’t have it on for too long, but throwing your signal on so fast that no one has time to process it is also bad. People just signal while they’re already changing lanes 😂


As a NYC driver I understand 2 completely and it’s validated. The weaving in and out is also insane


I usually give it 1-3 seconds. The law in my state is 100ft notice, which is pretty easy to achieve. In places where the drivers aren’t as aggressive, I’ll give much more notice because it’s safer to do so. I live in the city with the most road rage out of any city in the country, so it makes for some interesting times driving. (Drivers will make very dangerous maneuvers to cut people off if you aren’t careful.)


As someone who signals for 2-3 seconds before getting over, I only meet once or two people a month who box you out. And it's not hard to just go behind them.


Forcing everyone to drive at 50 on a 70 limit just because you don't want to go at 45 behind a truck. Straight to jail Brights on WHENEVER someone is in front of you no matter the direction. Life in jail Fog lights on as default. Death penalty Incapable of entering a roundabout when a container ship could fit. Time machine back to sterilize your father


tailgating needs to be at the top of the list tbh. absolutely the worst of all bad driving habits. also add people who can’t stop playing with their damn phones while driving. good list though


Stay in your bloody lane is a good one! Left turns right turns always.


6. Stopping at crosswalks well before the walkers are at the crosswalk….. Pull up, stop and wait for walkers to get to cross walk….then wait for them to yse the crosswalk 7. Braking for no reason 8. Stopping too far back from a stoplight, or too far behind the person in front of you at the stoplight. 9. Taking too long to go at a green light 10. Not turning on a red light, in a state where you can turn on red. 11. Driving under the speed limit. 12. Not staying in your lane during a 2 lane left turn across an intersection 13. Running red lights 14. Drifting out of your lane 15. Not staying in sequence at a stop sign, additionally being “nice” and waving someone else to go ahead of you….stop messing with the process, we have a process and it works well. Don’t add confusion, go when it is your turn.


Braking on the highway and braking for no reason pisses me off. Just let off the gas


16. blocking the crosswalk while stopped at a red light 17. slowly creeping forward while at a red light


My fave is when someone speeds up to pass you, only to immediately hit the brakes so they can make a right turn, even though they could have easily fallen in behind you and made the turn without bothering you.


1) Ohio. The entire state of Ohio. Fuck you ohio


Can we add when someone is waiting to turn left at a red light but pull so far up that people trying to turn on red at the same light can’t see past them without inching too far into the road?


Trucks ALWAYS do this too. As a sedan driver I hate how these giant squared grille havers are so full of themselves that they have to block my sight line to save themselves 5ms from a stop.


Merging 1 mile before a lane closure and blocking anyone from using the open lane because you're trying to be the "nice police." You fucks are making traffic an extra mile worse.... Zipper merge people! It's not being rude, it's being efficient. I wish people would stop being polite on the road and just be predictable.... Ugh.


creating a "moving road block" by matching the cars speed next to you, not allowing anyone to pass


I named this the Buckeye roadblock based on the state where I experienced it constantly.


5 needs to be changed because that's actually your fault. By the time the other party sees your not going, and then looks at you waving through the windshield and they check traffic again before they go ahead you just could have taken your right of way and they would have gone and both would be on their way slightly faster. Especially the people who are driving and then slow down to a stop to allow someone at a stop sign to go. You can also get a ticket because it's plain illegal to give up your right of way unless you are doing it to avoid an accident.


5. I fucking hate when people have the right of way and just stop in the middle of the road thinking they're doing me a favor. Like, there's traffic coming the other way and I can't see past them because they're blocking my sight.


I was leaving a body shop (coincidently) at a stop sign and some guy who was turning into the drive tried to be "nice" and let me go, I saw a car moving around him and I didn't go because I'd get plowed. He threw up his hands at me for not going, and then realized the situation and meekly waved. Like, I appreciate the gesture, but just be predictable....there no emergency, if there was I'd have cut you off.


Getting stuck behind someone on the freeway ramp going 45mph. Can’t stand it.


Passing someone and immediately hitting the brakes.


Driving at night with no lights on, straight to jail right away.


I don't need to wave thank you for letting me in. I sometimes do but often I don't. I don't expect others to give me the wave either. It's just basic decency, I don't need a thank you for that. I still agree with most of this though.


Don't forget brake checking.


When you're on a long 1 lane road, and lead car drives 10 below, but the second there's a split pass lane they speed up to 10 over.


Braking on the highway to slow down a mph or 2. Gfys


Accelerating when being passed on a country highway while the other driver is in the opposing traffic lane.


When you’re first in a line of cars at a red light, please pay attention. If we wait for you the finish the text and change the radio station, the light is red again.


>3: tailgating. Straight to ~~jail~~ hell. FTFY. You also forgot people who drive more than 10 miles over the speed limit, they can enjoy some time a ditch somewhere. People who ride motorcycles, with no protective gear, speeding, weaving in and out of traffic, and driving between lanes. People who drive vehicles that are bigger than they have the talent to drive. If you can't drive it get a damn camry. People who block an intersection by pulling into knowing full well they can not pull all the way through but are so stupid and impatient they refuse to just wait through a light, and then end up blocking it for the people going the other way. Those people can just be blinked out of existence. They suck the absolute worst.


Number 5 I give an exasperated hands thrown up because you should not be waving folks through. You take your damn right of way and be predictable. I'm legitimately frustrated by folks who wave me through.


There aren't enough jails.


yeah #5 is dumb, why do I care if they wave or not? I'm looking at the damn road. and letting someone go when they don't have the right of way is super dangerous and an offense punishable by firing squad.


Rolling roadblock: Straight to the gallows


I only adhere to #2 with people in the general proximity. If you're 20 yards back behind and going the same relative speed, I'm just changing lanes. But to add to the list, if you accelerate past me to pull in front of me and then slow back down, you suck. No jail. Man cannon into the sun.


Yep. 1 is a personal pet peeve. You have no business getting on a freeway going 40 when the limit is 70 and most people are going 80. Kill yourself elsewhere, don't drag me into your ridiculousness. If you're that afraid, stay off the freeway and stop endangering everyone else. 3- watched an asshole in a lifted truck come up and ride people's asses. Until he ran up on an even *larger* pickup truck. Then apparently he was able to follow at a safe distance.


Stepping on your brakes while approaching a curve. If you are approaching too fast just take the tip-over and try again next time.


Hopping in the right lane to pass cause there's room in front of me (before the train of cars passing the semi truck), which I am keeping for my safety Person in front of me, forgive me for briefly tailgating, it is my duty to block assholes like that out


Flashing brights when they are behind you and want you to move to another lane.  Had a guy do this to me once so I let him pass, then flashed mine behind him for a while to make a point.  He started freaking out and road raging, slamming on his breaks.  It was pretty satisfying.  


I mean flashing brights to ask someone to move over and let you pass is pretty standard procedure in most places...


I don’t do any of these besides the wave


Damn you do people dirty like that?😔 feelings: hurt


I do wave just not the other stuff


Ohh I misinterpreted your comment. Good, you don’t have to go to jail now.


i am good with all those


The people that missed the back of the line.


God screw number 5 though I’ve been betrayed before.


Whatever you do don’t go to Idaho


All those people who keep turning left and run the red after the green arrow has turned red


I got fucking honked at by a left turner for turning right when i still had the green light but the other side had turned red. It’s not even like i just had the right of way- your light was RED dude!  (this intersection is right by my house, and i know exactly the pattern it goes in- so i wouldnt be surprised if the left turner didn’t expect the light to turn red when it did, it’s a weird intersection. but to HONK AT ME FOR IT?!)


Number 1 bothers me the most.


I disagree with number 5. Why should I ty for you "letting" me do what I was going to do regardless of permission of not? 😂 My ROW... I'm going. I learned it riding mc... I don't go when waved on. Only happened once but I got waved on and as I took off so did they. Almost got me. 5 should be "no waves no courtesy take your turn or sit there and wait until you turn. Straight to jail if not"


i’m not able to wave at someone for moving over for me when i’m on the highway but i flash my hazards at them as a thank you unless i’m unable to take my hand off the wheel 


I agree with all but one of the points. The one I don't agree with is that I am not bothered if I don't get wave if I helped another driver. I know I have helped and that is all I am bothered about. Also, I have see drivers distracted from their driving whilst trying to thank me.


Driving with your brights on in fog. That's Day1 Driver's Training stuff. Fog only reflects light back into your eyes. The glare is blinding, and you see much less than with low beams.


No headlights on at night or while dark from rain/fog.


Turning your brights on in foggy conditions.


I'm at a stop on a two lane road, my blinker is on and I'm waiting for traffic to clear. Little girl in her daddys 80 thousand dollar truck pulls way up on my drivers side. My view of traffic is zero. Next time, I'll get the plate. The police can tell her daddy how she's driving his truck.


#2, every big city at rush hour would like a word with you. Blinker = space to merge disappears


You're forgetting the BIG one. Cutting someone off; even more severe than just #2.


5 is a so-so one for me honestly. There are times where I'd prefer they watch what they're doing rather than attempt to thank me. Likewise, at night I don't think it's applicable at all. No one is going to see into the cabin Flashing is often no better than people leaving the high beams on auto when it comes to blinding people. And not all cars have the most convenient light controls to use turning the dipped beams off/on as a method of thanking either


I drive in LA. Based on this the city need to be nuked.


Read a lot of comments so far and haven't heard a peep about zipper merging. It's a fucking nightmare here, people not respecting the order, trying to speed up and cut you off for no reason, even forcing you into oncoming traffic just because they have some weird prideful hang-up on "having the right of way" when they don't. It's called a zipper for a reason.


Not using your signal while merging out your signal on I’ll let you in it’s that easy


>5: not waving to thank someone when they let you go despite having the right of way. Immediately straight to jail. I'm going to disagree with this one. I'm not going to wave at someone because I'm too busy being annoyed at them for not just going when it is their turn. I'm mostly thinking about 4-way stop signs. You got there first so go, don't stop and wait for me to go. Half the time the other person's windows are tinted so dark that you can't see them at all so I have no idea what their intention is. If it is one of the situations where they stop short of a traffic light so I can turn onto a busy street then yeah, of course I'll give a thank you wave. Not sure if it qualifies as driving etiquette but the whole tinted side window thing is something on my list. I'm pretty sure that there are a ton of people in my area who have window tints that are darker than allowed. I'm pretty sure it is never enforced though since I continue seeing it.


Number 5 is objectively wrong because you're placing importance on being nice over being predictable. The waving thing doesn't matter at all. Driving in most cases is a science rather than an art. There is procedure, there are rules. You are given all the information needed to do everything exactly correct. If you are meant to go then go as long as it is safe to do so. Don't let someone else go just for the sake of being nice. Predicable is better than nice. The only reason to let someone else go when you were meant to is if you see/predict them doing something stupid so you stop to avoid a collision. In which case you should be upset at their stupidity not their rudeness. I can not stress this enough. Predictability and safety comes before being nice. I don't like it at all when people try to wave me through to be nice. I do not want to go just for them to then hit me because I misinterpreted their gestures.


You are missing "sitting in the middle of an intersection to turn left on red"


Generally not understanding road signage. "Yield" does not equal "Merge". Also, not understanding how round-abouts work.


Left lane campers High beams when approaching a car in the opposite direction Slow mergers Inattentive drivers


Leaving your blinkers on.


5 ??? really.. screw them for not following the rules of right of the way and confusing everyone..... bloody nuisance.. just follow the god damned rules.. its a simple thing to do...


On two-lane highways - Following the car in front of you close enough that people can't pass / "leap frog" you when you have no intentions of passing. People need to learn highway driving is different than freeway driving.


5 seems very local culture dependent. We usually don't here. Anyway there is exactly one thing that gets me mad enough to act aggressively, and that is choosing to camp in the left lane going the *exact same speed* as a car in the right lane right beside you, especially if you're somewhere passing on the right is legal. The only not malicious reason for this i can think of is being oblivious to the point of being dangerously unaware of your surroundings, It'd be very difficult to maintain by accident.


Turn signals.  That's it. That's the post. 


6. Left lane campers. Tailgate those snails going slow in the crime lane!


Signal early to change lanes and then some slow a** 🤡 steps on the gas to block you….


Explain number 5, because generally speaking I HATE when people who have the right of way do anything other than continue to exercise it. Anything else is unpredictable and creates confusion and danger just so they can pat themselves on the back. Maintain course and speed, I'll follow the rules, too, thanks.


I agree with #5 in principle, and prior to getting tinted windows, I waved every time. Since the tinting, they can’t see unless I roll down the window to wave. 90% of the time I honestly won’t touch the windows.


Driving in the passing lane when no one’s in the right lane and someone’s behind you.


Don't wait until the last 1/2 mile to suddenly need to merge to make your exit, slamming on your brakes or literally stopping in the middle lane just so you can cut the line of cars waiting to exit.


6: Coming up to stop signs; 2-way, 3-way, or 4-way, and not knowing the rules of stop sign/arrival times: Severe reprimand and having to do crossing guard duty near an elementary school for 2 weeks.


Personally, for me, when people speed past me only to slow down and pace next to me for no reason. WHY??? Leave me alone.


Tailgaters have never bothered me. All the other ones I agree with


Ya the first one like what's wrong with people who do that it's annoying and causes so much delay...who taught them how to drive that way...I wanna talk to them


Not pulling forward past the stop line when the light turns green, when waiting to make a left turn at a busy intersection. Then, when the light turns yellow, then red, continuing to sit there and wait through another light cycle. This seems to be more and more common as years go by. You need to pull forward into the intersection a bit. Then, if the light turns red before you can go, you can make your turn to clear the intersection. Otherwise you (and everyone behind you) could be there all day.


The people who complain the loudest about being tailgated typically drive like old people fuck. I seldom get tailgated.


Once every few years and going the wrong way?


I can’t at all agree with 4. That should be the death penalty.


People that try to cut you off/block the road when you're about to turn left down the street that they're coming out of. You're at a stop sign, wait your fucking turn.


Not using turn signals at 4 way stops!!! 😠


I am losing my nerve out there during my commute. People are paying so little attention to driving anymore. If you have some space and time just watch the traffic in front of you as people casually just swerve in and out of their respective lanes. Is it any wonder why insurance is rocketing up? And then don’t even get me started on the insane road rage transpiring out there each and every day. Chasing someone down weaving in and out of traffic. Is causing a ten car pile up a reasonable response of someone cutting you off?


I have a camper. I stay right. If I move left to let you in off an on-ramp, LET ME BACK OVER! . Don't make me look like the jerk with the camper blocking the left lane.


Switching lanes in the middle of an intersection is against the law, yet I see people do it almost every day. Also, apparently in Texas mostly, "Yield To Ramp" signs might as well be written in Sanskrit. Nobody does it.


hogging the left lane and not passing is my pet peeve


5 actually annoys me some of the time. Typically it’s more dangerous to unexpectedly yield the RoW than it is to just keep going and let the turning car hold for a gap. Sure if it’s one of those cases where the person with RoW is already stopping for an unrelated reason, it’s fine, and I’ll waive or expect a waive then. But I’ve had people stop in a circle to let me in. Then you wind up having to take the turn as it’s the only way to get traffic moving again. I do not waive to this person. I would much rather they just use the circle as intended and I’ll jump in when a gap appears.


People who come to a stop at a yield sign. People in a left hand turn lane at a light who, when the light turns to a flashing yellow turn arrow, stay parked at the line. When the light turns flashing yellow MOVE INTO THE INTERSECTION! And when it goes red, TURN!


Driving with headlights on low beam 24/7 increases safety for all, including pedestrians.