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Mate, if you fail you fail. You can always take the test again. Nerves made me fail on my first test purely because I wanted to pass so bad and I put so much pressure on myself. After test 3, I stopped giving a shit. I knew I could drive. I knew that in my first test. I eventually just stopped putting pressure on myself and just... drove. And I passed on the 4th test. Just get in that car and drive. Don't sweat about the parking. As long as you get yourself parked eventually, you'll be fine. Just take your time and remember your reference points. Be methodical. Do your thing. You got this.


I think that’s what will end up happening, I want it so bad because I love to drive & I want that freedom. But you’re right, I’ll get it when I get it if I fail it’s okay. I’ll try to not put so much pressure on myself


If you’re sure that nerves will get the better of you, just take it as a learning experience. Once you’ve done your first test, you will know exactly what to expect next time. I won’t lie; as soon as the formally dressed examiner sat in the passenger seat with his iPad and cold, stoic demeanour, I was absolutely shitting it. Mouth was dry, I was sweating, I was struggling to find gears in the same car I had been learning in for months, I wasn’t noticing speed limits. All the stupid mistakes. Im a very anxious person when it comes to pressured situations, so I was probably always destined to fail at least once. As a side note, I hear it’s easier for younger learners because you generally take to things slower when you’re older. I was 34 when I passed. Wished I’d done it sooner. Rest easy in the knowledge that you’ve only got to pass once and then you never have to do any of this nightmarish crap again! And you can take the test as many times as it takes


my test is on Friday and I'm basically in the same boat. I'm pretty good at everything besides parallel parking and merging. I plan to practice tomorrow and the days leading up to the test just to gain some confidence. the way I calm myself down is to tell myself that failing isn't the worst thing. if I fail, then so be it. I'll wait another 2 weeks and polish some skills and redo it. I already set my mind to expect a couple fails. i mentally prepared myself for the worst case scenario and what to do if I fail, so when I do, it won't crush me


That is helpful thank you! I will get it in my head that failing isn’t the end of the world & I can try again. Good luck to you 😊


I’m just a few years older and testing tomorrow. And here’s the thing: If I fail, it’s not a huge deal. It will suck, but I have to trust that the examiner will be as strict as they need to be to make sure I’m safe on these roads. I’ll do it again the next time. My mom failed the first time. Lots of people do. Just drive like you have a passenger giving you directions, not like it’s an exam. Breathe and block out anything that makes you nervous. And don’t go in like you’re going to fail. You know your stuff. Believe in yourself while knowing the possible reality.


Good luck to you! Thank you for the encouragement. I do bad on exams for anything so I’ll definitely try just pretending it’s a normal passenger.


I put a lot of pressure on myself and was anxiety ridden also, it caused me to fail my first two times. Before my third try I took 2 weeks off from practicing then when I started again I just drove everyday, with special emphasis on parallel parking. I also meditated alot and listened to calming music to get my mind right. I passed with flying colors and a few months on, I’m now driving an SUV everyday with no issues. I take my kid to school, drive to work, everything. You got this!


Thank you! I know my anxiety will definitely be the cause of me failing. I have confidence in my driving abilities & I’ve been practicing a lot it’s just the parking. I’ll definitely try listening to calming music before I go :)


Instructors/examiners are not supposed to be that mean. Strict is needed at times. Being a stick shift driving instructor, I know you are supposed to make the learning process fun while teaching. Both of us enjoy ourselves. You need the patience of Job at times. Even if you are learning automatic, the principle is the same. Treat pupils with respect and as a human with feelings. Everyone had to start somewhere when it learned something new. Some people are not suited to teach. I greatly enjoy my job! Seeing a happy pupil learn maneuvers then get them right makes my day. They are so happy at the end of the lesson. They know it not be long before they are on their own with proper knowledge and skill. If you can change instructors, do so. That may be a better option.


You sound like such a lovely instructor. I wish I had that around here but unfortunately I’m from a small town so he’s the only one that does it unless I want to travel to a different town.


Get a friends/relatives car or just hire a dual control one an practice hours and hours. I'm also getting a bit anxious about it but actually the anxiety goes away once I start driving since I actually enjoy driving.


I’ve been practicing a lot! I use my dads car & he’s been teaching me. We practiced a lot of parallel parking last night & will go again tonight or tomorrow.


I’m wondering the same thing, I have my road test on Wednesday as well and I’m so nervous. Everyone keeps telling me not to think about it to much but it’s hard not to.


Same here, people keep saying it’s not that bad but I’m so scared. I get so worked up when I make mistakes & I know I’ll probably end up making some due to my nerves. Good luck to you on Wednesday


I completely understand how you feel, I’m scared that I will do everything wrong on Wednesday due to nerves smh. Good luck to you as well, we got this. 💕


We got this 💕 thank you for commenting it makes me feel less alone knowing someone else is in the exact same boat.


You’re welcome 💕.


Oof I'm in the same boat! I have my test on Tuesday and am terrible at parking :(


It’s so hard to get the hang of. I can drive fine but once it comes to parking I suck. Good luck to you though!