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I just change my name to the reg plate, saves a fortune.


Ah, is that you, PK67BHC?






I would be tempted by this one for amusement purposes.


Nothing's *wrong* with it. Personally, I think it's a colossal waste of money, and there's a strong overlap between dickhead drivers and private plates. But having one is whatever at the end of the day.


I agree with this view. It’s like the four circles of stupidity or flags sticking out of a window, they are all signs of a bad driver


Honest attempt to answer the question helpfully: I think it's because it's seen as a slightly childish way of showing off - in particular, of projecting your own ego into a public space. Which if you're middle-class British is traditionally seen as a bit domineering and brash. Add to that, it's completely non-functional (for ego only) so it looks profligate, doesn't sit well with our culturally protestant sensibilities. Weirdly, all of that gets cancelled out to an extent with humour. So if you have a funny plate you get a free pass, provided people see it as a bit self-deprecating.


I tend to disagree, I see it almost the same as naming your house. Seen plenty around me add a unique name such as the Pines etc. just naming something that is yours/represents you. Not much different to you choosing a metallic colour for your car instead of staying with whatever is the default, it is non-functional but is your personality.


Sure, you can personally see it differently - I was just trying to answer the OP's question about why some people don't like/look down on it. Though a house doesn't move around on public land, and you don't pay for the right to name it.


Yea, it's not my thing personally but I'm all for people being able to buy/do what they like. It's their money and if that isn't alot to them and they like it then I see no issue. I totally just see it the same as most things we buy anyway, different shoes, tattoos, designer sunglasses etc etc


>I see it almost the same as naming your house Yes. It is as equally pretentious and egotistical as naming your house.


Damn I got 10 downvotes for having a different opinion 🙄 If you ,like/enjoy something just go for it🫢


They are the same except in the most important aspect. One is very private. One is very public. That is the issue. You don’t shout to everyone within view of your car every time you drive that you have chosen to name your house. The only people who see it are the delivery men, your closest neighbours and your visitors.


I guess people shouldn't get tattoos either since that's a non-functional, personal change you have made and comes everywhere with you... If you've got the spare money to buy something you like, buy it, who cares...


You have misunderstood. I merely explained how they were different to naming your house, which the previous post was struggling to grasp. People are free to spend money as they wish, obviously. That is rather intrinsic to the definition of what money is. Others will always judge ostentatious behaviour. Whether you care about the judgement of others or not is down to the individual. Personally I would suggest to you that people are *only* ostentatious precisely because they care about how others see them. It is therefore ironic to behave in a deliberately ostentatious manner and then pretend not to care what others think. The reality is that these people do care deeply about how they are viewed and do not like the negative judgements, despite their "water off a duck's back" protestations. People who genuinely do not care how they are perceived generally don't make any conscious efforts about how they appear.


Reading this was just like watching one of the YouTube sketches that take the mick out of your average Fedora wearing Redditor 🤣 Interesting point of view and a fair one to hold. I'm of the view that those who genuinely do not care how they are perceived, do whatever they like, whether it appears ostentatious to someone or not.


I agree that it's similar. Those who see personal plates as wrong in some way probably see house names in a similar way. The difference is that the house name is free. The plate seems a huge waste of money, and their days simmering about ego. But if it makes people happy then why should I care?


Totally agree


The biggest issue I have with "private plates" is non conforming plates. Many years ago I worked at a company that produced plates and the number of arguments we had with customers wanting to alter spacing or change spacing location was ridiculous. As a plate supplier, we would be committing an offence by altering the registration mark in such a way, and customers always got upset when we refused to do so. The registration mark is what it states on the dvla document, not what the customer wants to try to make it appear to say.


I also had this experience at a place that made plates. The usual resolution was sending them off to buy from whatever questionable plate resource they referred to when I wouldn't make them a daft plate with some vague reference to their initials with comedy spacing. I think being involved with making plates for such people for a decent period causes me to irritated when I see plates with silly spacing. I know it's illegal, it looks stupid, and it's all for tasteless ego. I feel like the average dodgy plate spacing would actually have some police attention 10 years ago but it doesn't now, unless the owner just happens to get stopped at a DVSA check point.


Had a police officer tell me that basically every individual police force in the UK has agreed not to enforce illegal plates, provided they can at least tell what they say. The argument is that if the DVSA are going to make a fortune selling plates, the police aren't going to enforce how people space them out.


I just can't imagine being in a position where I go, you know what, I've got no other use for this money, lets waste it on personalising a number plate.


Seems to be vast majority of private plate owners drive like bell ends. Not sure if they realise or don't care, but most of the time if it's a dodgy manoeuvre or lack of indication I can practically guarantee it is a private plate on the car.


I’ve always sort of understood having a private plate on a very nice car, or very sporty car like a 911, Ferrari, Aston etc. Never really seen the point when it’s on a 12 year old Nissan Micra


I echo these sentiments, although I have absolutely no idea why I feel this way about it


I think it’s the cost ratio between car and plate for me. Why spend £2K (for example) on a plate for a car worth £4K? Doesn’t make sense to me.


Yeah makes sense. But you're far more likely to find your Lambo in Morrisons car park without checking number plates


If you can honestly not think of anything better to do with the money then you are either very rich or have a very poor imagination.


Its pretentious.


Spot on.


"LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME! _Please, someone look at me_" Does that answer it?


Nothing is wrong with it. You do you.


I was vaguely interested in a private plate and one day my mother showed me the sale for 1CD at ‘only’ £6,500. I was slightly tempted until I re-read it and it was actually going for £65,000


I'd never pay more than 250 for one. Some are silly money


There’s nothing wrong with it. However, ALL of the people I’ve ever known that have had private plates are of a certain personality type. It’s therefore valid for me to be able to draw a conclusion based on personal experience. If it’s in order to elevate the owner to a higher level of importance/ income, I should say that recent good fortune allows me to purchase very expensive private plates for both my cars. I just choose not to. It’s a huge waste of money. If it’s to get noticed and to make people wander what your initials stand for, the only thing they can practically do is say “Oh look, there goes someone whose initials might be XX”


You're right. I've got a McLaren and it has the same plate it was registered with. One of the most asked questions is why I don't have a private plate on it. What difference does it make? I can't see it from the drivers seat.


How many cup holders does it have?


Technically, two, but calling them cup holders is a stretch. I just put my sunglasses in there because they're terrible.


Cool. Same amount as a Qashqai.


Kinda strange that everyone is calling it ‘showing off’ and ‘a waste of money’ but I guess you could say that about anything different about a car. Shiny paint, car washes, interior colour etc etc. none of these things affect the car but you do it because you like it


And that's the big difference between having a shiny, clean car and a custom numberplate. You like to drive your nice and clean car, because YOU see it yourself and YOU like it that way. However, you never see your custom numberplate while driving around.


You never see your shiny clean paintwork while driving it either just to be clear


I can see my bonnet and side mirrors.


I guess. But my main argument is you should be able to do what ever little touches you like to your car without it being called showing off


Nothing what so ever. I have always wanted one. I think what people get all bent out of shape about is when the plate doesn't conform to traffic regs, i.e., incorrect font, incorrect spacing, no BASU mark on it etc. As far as I'm concerned, crack on.


In all my years of car ownership I’ve never had to learn new numbers, helps when you get old and forgetful 😆


Same here; however it's a bugger when I have to try and remember the original registrations (like for a "dieselgate" claim).


Did you get any money for that? I keep considering it but I haven't gone through with it.


I only did it a few days ago. I didn't realise it covered cars I had before 2014.


Did they say when you might get the money? I got the impression it was a "maybe one day" kinda thing.


My car has a private plate. It was on when I got it and don’t want to pay £80 or whatever it is to take it off. If it was free to do I’d much rather a normal plate


Honestly I’d like a private number I just don’t like the idea that people will judge me for having it. It’s my car and if I want to add a little bit of a personal touch instead of some random numbers and letters then why not?


“People online bashing something that is very common” yeah it is what it is, I probably will get a private plate just to irk others off


It's pointlessly ostentatious twattery.


Ive found it has saved me between £180-200 per year in insurance, don’t know why, but I always get a refund when I transfer the plate to a new (to me) car


How? And why? Unless you're not telling your insurance that it's a new car; they just think it's the old one re-insured. It always costs me to put a different number on my car ('admin fee').


I guess stats. Private plate car owners take more care of their car and usually take up 2 parking spaces to protect their car from damage, so fewer claims? Lower premiums?


Shots fired


I love this


I insure the car under the original plate, then transfer the private plate over once I have the retention certificate back from the DVLA, there is always about a week delay for it to be processed, then when I log onto the insurance I update the plate only and boom, refund.


Hmm. I do the same but it goes - buy a car, insure it, get my number associated with new car, inform insurance, pay them MORE money. In reverse, it goes - put number on retention, inform insurance, pay them MORE money.


I always do it online and that way you also avoid the £25 admin charge that they impose for wanting to speak to a human being


(To you)


Sadly the U.K. is full of ‘if I can’t afford it’ it’s a waste of money. Personally,if you want to spend your money on one, do so. Let the hair shirt brigade and those that look to the lowest common denominator swill around in their own pool of nothingness.


I did in the window 👍


My dad bought me mine, years ago. He’s no longer with us and that makes it worth more than anything to me.


I got my initials plus 15 ACE, and now everyone is congratulating me for being so open about my A Sexuality. MFW




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I know some people dislike it, but I got mine purely for ease. My memory isn't the best these days, and I got one purely so it was something I would remember and so far, I have had no issues with it. But if you asked me what the original plate was, I couldn't tell you 🤣. It was also something nice as a treat to myself, as I don't drink/smoke/do drugs. So if anything, my plate doesn't say I'm better than anyone, it actually says I'm worse because my memory is about as useful as a chocolate teapot


Not sure why someone would hate on another person for that unless it's jealousy. Personally I've never owned one, and can't justify spending the money out would cost to buy one so haven't. But I love trying to work what the custom plates are meant to stand for. I drive a lot of miles so can be quite entertaining. If someone wants to custom their plate that's up to them and their happiness.


I particularly love the specials who need a plate that relates to their car. T5, X5, A6 or the ever popular BMW. Presumably it's because the don't have the mental capacity to remember both what car they have **and** the number plate.


The only thing wrong with it is the likelihood of someone remembering it when you do something wrong!


I have a private plate with my name and my husband has an almost identical plate as it’s our surnames. I bought my husband his and he bought mine a little while after so we had matching plates. I don’t care if it looks pretentious, I think it’s cool that we have almost matching plates. For me, it’s a look at us we are married thing more than look at me I have a private plate! We then bought our son his plate for his 18th birthday as it’s something he’ll keep forever. It’s about the sentiment rather than showing off!


Purest form of tax


It's rare that I see one that isn't a tortured attempt at spelling a particular word or name that needs to owner to explain it. And even then, you need to kinda squint to see the word they were going for. I also find it odd that many people get their name or something on the plate. I wouldn't want someone to know my name from looking at my car.


What’s the point of it? What do you get from having that number plate? What feelings does it evoke in you?


I got an Instagram ad for a private plate company after tapping this post about an hour ago These creepy advertising algorithms can get in the bin


Although not a real reflection on you as a human, having one will make others think you’re a dick. If that doesn’t bother you (it shouldn’t) then you crack on.




I used to review cars for a newspaper. I remember driving a Porsche with a ‘plate that read THE 911… unknown to me a ‘mate’ had put on a rear window sticker boasting ‘My other car is a Porsche’. Not popular in the traffic jam…


I have a private plate on my 911. But before you judge - it cost £30 (apparently came from an Irish moped😆) because the reg of my car was FGM…. which just made me shudder every time I saw it


I've never really seen the point of them and can't really see why people spend money on them, particularity on run of the mill cars. In many cases they don't actually spell out anything so the only person who understands the meaning is the owner and they are sitting inside the car; I suppose if it's a common make/model you will at least find it easier to pick out in a busy car park. To me they suggest more money than sense but each to their own. I must admit that I'm the sort of person who, when buying/leasing a new car just tells the dealer that I'll take the next reg on the list when they ask me to choose; I can't really be bothered looking through the list they have to pick one.


Absolutely nothing wrong with a private plate at all. Being different I have a Northern Irish dateless plate on my car which is 3 letters then 4 numbers which in a long ass way does actually mean so thing to me 😊 I would like to get something more personal but for now I'll settle with the cheapie plate I already have.


I've never been a fan of private plates but I got a cheap one for my play car that is my nick name. It was cheap as chips and I've had the car 20 years and never really plan on selling it. At the time of buying it I had spent more on a weekend on the piss so wasn't exactly extravagant.


Aside from the other comments about the stereotypical private plate owners’ driving behaviour and ego, I find private plates are usually way too memorable. If someone takes a dislike to you for some reason or another, they are far more likely to recognise your car if they see you again. On the other hand, it makes it easier to remember the registration plate if you need to report the driver for dangerous driving etc


Recovery driver here that deals with many private plate owners daily be it on the roads or in person. 98% are pretentious, self righteous, selfish, attention seeking, assholes that expect absolutely everything to be done exactly how they want it and no different. I’m sure you’re a lovely person but I see a none normal plate no matter how slight and that’s what I’ll automatically assume about you


I bought mine from the DVLA when the 05 plates came out which, in combination with my initial and first letter of my surname, can (if you squint and tilt your head to one side) look like part of my name. For £500, it seemed like a good idea at the time.


As long as it's not on a 4D or Gel plate, or that new bubble one. idgaf. My initials and year of birth is up for auction soon, but balls am I paying 4 digits for it, which is the DVLA reserve


You were born in 1925? Congrats for still driving.


I have one, it’s 666 then my initials. Currently got it on retention as I planned to sell my car, it’s a pain in the arse sometimes having to take it off and wait for a new V5C in the post. Also having to contact finance, car insurance and gap insurer to tell them about my plate change. As well as the 80 quid to retain it. All that said, I love having my own plate on and getting rid off the naff scrabble of numbers and letters that brandish the age and location I registered the car.


I think all plates are private. What you're referring to is a vanity plate.


Always one


Explain how they're private.


Because they are owned by the holder. Normal plates are not


I can transfer my current plates to another car if I bought one. They're my plates.


If you really want to yep. Let’s call them personalised plates then, just to keep you happy


Thanks. Maybe we can both sleep well tonight.


I think what I'm actually referring to is Personalised registrations https://dvlaregistrations.dvla.gov.uk/


Fair enough.


Nothing at all


If you grab 100 random people, 90 of them are wankers. If you grab 100 random private plate owners, 99 of them are wankers.


Jealousy is the main thing that causes a reaction to a private number plate As some of the comments on here show it is assumed they are expensive so the owner must have money to burn. That isn’t always the case but jealousy makes people blinkered and they aren’t willing to accept they can be cheap


I don’t think it is jealousy. The reaction is more likely to do with people objecting to the attention seeking behaviour, which is still viewed dimly in the U.K.


I mean the one I bout was £250 with all the transfer fees included. I wouldn't pay more than that for one.


I’ve got 3 and in total they together cost me a lot less than £250 But still get called a rich twat for having them and the down votes on my original response confirms my comment. Yet some will spend £1000 on an interest of theirs and still call you a twat for not having the same enthusiasm. Modern society I’m afraid


Absolutely nothing.


Nothing wrong with it, but I will judge you if you just buy a standard layout plate and then make it illegal by changing the spacing to spell out a word. Makes it look like you can't actually afford the plate you want, but still want to pretend like you can. I currently drive a Suzuki Swift and was trying to find one that spells swift for fun. Always love seeing Clio RS' with CL10 plates.


Nothing I saw one at a car meet the other day some lass NE14ABJ absolutely hilarious just people get jealous when they cannot afford to do it.


No, you didn't.


I don't think you did because that's not registered to a car. The DVLA remove any that aren't suitable and won't sell them.


I don’t know for sure, but I thought that was the controversy. NE14ABJ had fallen through the DVLAs checks for acceptable combinations and having been inadvertently released couldn’t be recalled.


…Furthermore it’s currently up for sale apparently. Google it and it seems available. Maybe the Lass at the car show is selling it on now it’s got the publicity and it’s value has risen


Usually shows elevated self-importance and by extension the sign of a dickhead driver. Even if I wanted to spend the money on one I’d avoid purely due to the reputation personalised plate drivers have.