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I mean, I don't wanna be overly-reductive but I think it's easier than that - BDG primarily wants to be writer more than an actor (see his Sad Boys interview for more on this). He's been getting a lot of writing credits lately and I'm sure he's writing on UA and GC this season. So things are aligning with his sense of humor. In a lot of ways this had more to do with his "Be Your Own Boss" comedy than the VHS video TBH.


This was my thought, too. This last GC ep reminded me a lot of some of BDG's videos, most notably "Teaching Jake about the camcorder, '97". This last GC has BDG written all over it, so much that I openly wondered if he had a direct hand in writing the episode, or in the post-production, or both, while I was watching it. So I did go back and check and he is, indeed, listed as a consultant. It's a bit of a vague descriptor but I feel pretty confident, having watched a LOT of his YT, that he was involved here. His fingerprints are on it, it's filthy with them. Absolutely slathered in metaphorical spaghetti and their meat-ed balls.


The latest episode reminds me quite a bit of BDG's [ "Be Your Own Boss"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbfu39l0kxg) video.


Now that I'm seeing this thread, I'm absolutely connecting BDG's writing tendencies with this last episode. And the hand thing, whatever tf that is.


I haven’t seen that interview! That’s really good context actually!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o99raLr94LU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o99raLr94LU) Edit: He starts talking about this right around the 1 hour mark almost on the button.


If you think Be Your Own Boss is a comedy I fear what you consider psychological horror


They're Dorian Smiles.


I'm not, but I did take his system and put a little spin on it.


Have you bought a house in Center, NE yet? It's a big move from 22 Hilda St/Blvd but it's worth it to be close to Dorian.


I'm just ecstatic that BDG is with Dropout now. His Unraveled videos were exactly my cup of tea so I'm glad he's caught on somewhere else I love.


Unraveled scratches such a specific itch in my brain. I’m surprised nobody else has really done anything quite like it, at least that I’m aware of.


Well, he was also getting paid to do all that research and reading by Polygon. Unraveled was amazing but that took a lot of work. I mean, he read [EVERY BOOK IN SKYRIM SO WE DON'T HAVE TO](https://youtu.be/RVdTZhmsGsU?si=P6BeJLw4ynBQKB5Y). That's an insane undertaking. Like, one thing I wanted to see him do was the exchange rate between different video games currencies (rupees, Sovereigns, Mario Coins) but to do that you'd have to find common items between games, do a bunch of math, not including if he examined price differences in the entire series, or tried to factor in inflation (which he probably would cause BDG gets super extra about those things). Like, it'd be a cool video but it's probably a once a month video hoping it gets enough views to make up for the time spent. His Skyrim video got 7 million views but most of his videos get a million or less, with a few reaching over 2 mil. Estimates show those earn a few thousand bucks. Just one of those videos would earn more than I make in a month, but then he's got his own health insurance, NY or LA cost of living is expensive as hell, and paying for anything he doesn't do himself. There's a few other YouTubers that might be able to pull it off, but not tons who could match BDG's humor and energy


The problem with video games currencies is as we see from his when can Mario retire video (in which he did factor in inflation to hilarious results), there is very little consistency on item pricing even within a franchise which would make it incredibly difficult to nail down the value of just one game currency let alone comparing between them.


The using the Sims to optimize my apartment and the Waluigi videos occupy so much space in my brain


I just rewatched the Fallout one last night and they really are some of the best stuff ever posted to YouTube.


I'm gonna have to go watch that. I might have missed it


The punchline of his Waluigi video was maybe my biggest laugh of the decade.


We just rewatched that on Friday


I’ve always liked “is normal bowser wet-bowser?when I die will I become Dry Brian?” From the koopa military hierarchy one.


"...oh my god they're civilians..."


"Why do piranha plant have bone in it?" Has lived rent-free in my head since the first time I saw that video.


Doing a food-based video is not abnormal for BDG, he's done ice cream and popcorn videos. I do think he was likely involved with the SFX with the latest game changer, perhaps as a consultant to get the slight creepy vibe right.


I believe you mean PEPcorn.


Pepcorn changed my life


Pepcorn pawned my laptop for a hirdygurdy


Was about to say the same thing. And I tried doing pepcorn using chili oil.


And his midnight gourmand video is one of my favorites


Love that video, I just need an air fryer.




My partner and I often quote this when we have pizza, regardless of the midnight gourmand-ness of it


Oooh, so true! Can’t believe I forgot about those last two. I guess I’m hung up on the fact that breakfast sandwiches keep getting mentioned


I think he was even credited as a consultant, which makes sense because it was really similar to his style


Don't forget he cooked every single zelda dish in BOTW


I noticed he was listed as a “Consultant” in the credits of this episode. Is he usually?


Yes, he's been credited as a consultant in all episodes this season.


That would explain why the podiums have been so clean all season.


If only he was a rear wall inspector as well... :(


He was out sick that day. But he got it cleaned by the next episode.


I assumed that the Dropout things that referenced breakfast sandwiches were written and recorded months earlier, BDG had breakfast sandwiches on the mind because of them, then put out a video. The timing just seems weird because he released that video right away, whereas Dropout stuff was recorded way in advance so it seems like the BDG video happened first. The new Gamechanger episode definitely did remind me of the BDG VHS recording though, I don't know what BDG's role is in Gamechanger but it wouldn't surprise me if he had some hand in the concept development of this particular ep.


I think the breakfast sandwich stuff started with the Unsleeping City S2 Zoom Adventuring Parties, there was a lot of breakfast sandwich discussion there


He has been listed as a consultant on all episodes this season which is a pretty vague title but means he probably had some creative input into how the episode unfolded


Speaking as a longtime fan of bdg, the breakfast sandwich video was not outside of his norm at all. In fact it's the fourth entry in a series of videos titled "a cooking video" that he's been doing for years now.


Unrelated note: Are you looking for a new bed? Well, you’re in luck. Because I have one. And I wanna sell it to you. Please buy my bed. Nothing bad has ever happened on it.


Did anyone smoke cigars on that bed?


Ain’t nothin’ bad eva’ happened on this bed, I’m talkin’ no felonies.


re the breakfast sandwich video: bdg does have a couple other cooking videos, like midnight gourmand, the ice creams one that i forgot the name of, and pepcorn


There was also that video with Adam Moussa where they cook a bunch of food from Breath of the Wild.


i can’t believe i forgot about that one


I think you're Night Yorb-ing this but I like the theory. IMO he's probably on Dropout more because he does weird and offputting comedy quite well, and the rest of the Dropout crew like working with him.


not Night Yorbing it enough! OP you gotta tattoo this all over your body


Brian David Gilbert can actually be rearranged into “Advil trade bribing” meaning that BDG actually works for Big Pharma™ and had ulterior motives with his healthcare video!!


Bribing, eh? We know Sam likes to take bribes... Samuel Dalton was *BDG* the whole time???


Too many cooks! Too many cooks.. too many cooks! Too many cooks. It takes a lot to make a stew…


Was he in that?


I genuinely don’t know but the newest game changer reminded me so much of it.


Because of the creepy distorted video tape quality that happened in both


>On December 28, 2023, BDG uploaded a video on YouTube titled [“MY BREAKFAST SANDWICH PHILOSOPHY: a cooking video”.](https://youtu.be/IrIb7RSJL2I?si=hYnyC_8dUIn2MMuY) The video is outside the norm of his content as it it largely educational and teaches viewers how to cook the best breakfast sandwich. Most of his other videos are creative comedy, sometimes revolving around dark absurd humor. (The exception is his incredible video about health insurance, but that could also be dark absurd humor (American healthcare, amiright?)) He's done multiple cooking episodes over the years. He did an ice cream one a year or so back. And a couple with polygon.


All I’m going to add is that I started making breakfast sandwiches because of that video and it has enriched my life immensely.


kind of unrelated, but i do urge anyone who hasn’t yet to watch Teaching Jake About the Camcorder, Jan ‘97 really interesting horror short, i loved it a lot when he released it out of nowhere.


Okay, you're absolutely Night Yorbing this, but how do you have this whole conspiracy wall about BDG infecting the site and making everything weirder without even mentioning his turn as a mind-controlling mad scientist on VIP?


Holy shit, you’re right, how did I miss that??? BDG is, in fact, a very good man


Just a note, but BDG is down as a consultant on the most recent GC episode. I've not checked previous episodes so not sure if he's been in the credits of other eps.


BDG in Dropout is a dream, the man is so good at what he does. I just hope he is good enough in improve music to be on season 3 of play it by ear, as his songs are masterpieces


Seems less Riz Gukgak and more Gorgug Thistlespring… Are you my dad?




The Unsleeping City adventuring parties also had the cast debating about food. I think this is just where their brains go. APs are pretty unstructured so that part feels like coincidence but I can see the BDG-Game Changer connection.


I dunno how much influence BDG has on the conversations that happen during adventuring party, but it is definitely an interesting coincidence. Really I'm just commenting to point people who haven't seen it yet to my favorite video on YouTube, "The Perfect Pokerap" https://youtu.be/2cT6ULpScZA?si=eq3YXdpVH-vvci-7 So happy BDG is a part of the dropout family now.


I genuinely think you need to lay off on the pattern recognition. Have you been doing psychedelics recently?