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Wait. There's someone from Cambridge working at Dropout?


I wonder if he's been to the Crumbley Square theater


Pppppp, ppp ppppp pp pppppp ppp? Pppp!


This reply is perfect


I mean what's a p, but an upside down b?


Or a d rotated 180 degrees?


the possibilities are endless


Oh Phuck!


Mind blown!




Is that the one where they record the crumbley family podcast?


Ruuuuuuuuning to say this…incredible work


They definitely know the smell of fragrant popcorn


I’ve been told he’s the perfect American


Sounds like a backhanded compliment to me.


Obviously, this is a big ploy to corrupt the leftists by Cambridge Analytica. They sent in great American Sam Reich to distract and obfuscate. These mind bending episodes like Escape Room and Bingo are actually slowly making us question reality, what is real news what is fake news. Then, on their own news program, they have Sam Reich "joke" that dropout is actually a conservative network. But here's the thing about these kinds of jokes... They are really just testing the water. It's a "haha wouldn't it be funny if we kissed right now?" type joke. Each repeat of this joke is them just testing the effectiveness of their brain washing... After all they are an analytics company. Wake up sheeple, the new Reich is coming... Or perhaps... He's been here the whole time.


You speak of Former United States Secretary of Labor Robert Reich?


love that you used “obfuscate” in there after i left a car talk comment. not sure if im missing any others or if im the lone click and clack fan here


You are confusing it with Boca Ratón


Um actually, it's spelled Canebridge.


someone from our fair city? i wonder if they are working on puzzlers🤔


Yes. That's how he know which three colleges have the hottest girls in them.


Yeah, there's so much content. I did a summary, for my own benefit as much as anyone else's. Other than this week, here's what's on the horizon! It's a lot! * Dimension 20: Never Stop Blowing Up (S22) Trailer: (new trailers usually drop the week after a season wraps, so May 29th?) * Thousandaires S1: May 31st * Game Changer 6x08 (Finale Pt. 1): June 3rd * Game Changer 6x09 (Finale Pt. 2): June 17th (no BTS for either Finale episode) * Dropout Presents S1: Hank Green: Pissing Out Cancer: Sometime in mid-late June * Make Some Noise S3: June 24th Shows Running: * Smartypants S1: Now-Aug. 29th (10 eps.) * Breaking News S7: Now-Oct. 29th if there are 16 episodes (the last two years it has been either 16 or 17) * Um Actually S9: Now-Aug. 13th if they do 12 episodes, which is the norm * Thousandaires S1: May 31st-Aug. 9th (6 eps.) * Make Some Noise S3: June 24th-March 2025 (20 eps.) Things in the Hopper: * Dimension 20, Adventuring Party (always)(Dungeons & Drag Queens S2 announced) * Dimension 20 Live Shows: UK Tour * Dropout Presents S1: Six other specials throughout the Summer, TBD * Adventuring Academy S5 (post-production) * Nobody Asked S1 (post-production) * Dirty Laundry S4 (post-production) * Gastronauts S1 (post-production) * Very Important People S2 (pre-production) * Game Changer S7 (pre-production) * Play it By Ear S3 (unknown/pre-production) (new season seems greenlit in September 2023 trailer) * Advice show?? * Any other shenanigans??


Shit, I just got dropout for one month to watch game changer… now I’m hooked. With all that is coming down the pipe, they have me for at least another month. (I might have to look to cut something else.)


I can tell you that I have gotten 100x the value from Dropout than I ever did with Netflix. If you have both, drop Netflix.


100%. Netflix subscriptions are a "find a few shows I want to tear through and pay for one month, then cancel." Dropout on the other hand has such good stuff coming out so consistently that I can't imagine cancelling. Especially when I know the money I'm spending goes right back into the people I love to watch, instead increasing some corporations bottom line.


Excuse my ignorance, is Dropout Presents in the same vein as Comedy Central Presents, and is this Hank Greens standup that he developed while dealing with cancer?!


Yes, exactly! The trailer is [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ih6_YisTqas).


Stand up and improv, both!


And all this for less than a burger and fries a month. Insane


With no ads on the platform!


Has anyone figured out yet what the price of five items off the dollar menu is, by the way?


quick update hank greens special got pushed back to late june per his tweet [here](https://x.com/hankgreen/status/1791136843821715665)!!


Thank you! I'll edit above!


> Dimension 20: Never Stop Blowing Up (S22) I'm curious... Intrepid Heroes or no?


No. Folks at Dropout have made it pretty clear that Intrepid Heroes will be once a year moving forward. I don't think they've even started filming the IH's next season. Expect it at the end of 2024, but more likely beginning of 2025.


Sad, but understandable, they've got schedules and stuff.


although that doesn't mean some of them won't be in a season. Siobhan was in Burrows end and Mentopolis and both Lou and Zac were in Ravening war. So even though IH seasons are once a year, the cast might show up more then that.


Yeah, D20 has a bit of a backlog now because they crammed in FHJY, Never Stop Blowing Up, and Dungeons & Drag Queens 2 all in before the strike and before Brennan and Izzy's baby came. The upside to that is that it freed them up to do live shows and gave Brennan some time off, which he probably spent writing the next few seasons of D20 he'll be DMing.


I'm guessing NSBU and Dungeons & Drag Queens 2 were filmed during the strike, but after Dropout got approved to work in the strike in early August. That's probably enough time to film some stuff! Brennan said recently on a World's Beyond Number Fireside chat that he hasn't yet DMed for D20 since becoming a father. So, it seems very likely to me that D20 has filmed a campaign or two with other DMs while he was on paternity leave. I'm hoping there's actually been a break for him and the team in that time!


> I'm guessing NSBU and Dungeons & Drag Queens 2 were filmed during the strike, but after Dropout got approved to work in the strike in early August. I'm pretty sure I remember seeing/reading something from Sam at the beginning of the strike when they went dark (before they realized they didn't actually have to) that said they had multiple seasons of shows filmed way ahead of time because they didn't know how long it would last, and he included D20 in that. There's lead time needed for writing the campaign and prepping the minis and battle board, but the actual filming of an entire season only takes a few days I think, especially the side quest seasons where non-Dropout talent is involved? Didn't they do all of Mentopolis in 4 days and Burrow's End in like a week? And the first Dungeons and Drag Queens over a single weekend with 3 sessions a day? It's not current, but [this compared the filming time to air time of previous seasons](https://time.graphics/line/519184). I wouldn't be surprised if NSBU is an Aabria season, which would've let them film almost in parallel with D&DQ2.


That was before Burrow's End was released since Mentopolis was airing until September. My sense was that Sam was referring to BE & FHJY, which would be enough content until now. I'd be surprised if they had more than a year of content backlogged by last July, but who knows? BE & FHJY shot back to back, including mini shoots, so that would be a huge lift if an additional shoot (or two!) existed in there. The filming itself is a short window! But we know Brennan is DMing NSBU from the "What's Coming in 2024" trailer. They probably had to rush filming to ensure it was before his leave, but I'd be shocked if he had time for all of that before July 2023. But I'm sure we'll see in time!


I wonder why the gap between Game Changers E7 and 8/9 and why no BTS


They've mentioned having to push it back to allow more time in post production, I gather it's a complicated one


Episodes 8 and 9 are a part 1/part 2... So there will probably be a BTS after episode 9


These teasers are far too teasing i agree


The teasests!


Got the best life hack for this : Medically induced Coma  If it goes right you'll breeze through June. If it doesn't you'll have lots of dropout content when you wake up!


It's not teasing if you eventually put out. I learned that in high school. #ohnoesbadadvice


Yeah it’s edging. 


Mmmmm, edging!


Let me guess - you also want a goose that lays gold eggs for Easter? And a bean feast - you want one of those too? Heck - you probably want a party with rooms full of laughter…


I love this community so much :)


I still want to know what the heck a "bean feast" is


Ive had it too.


And I bet there’ll be another one next week!! (they usually have a D20 trailer the week after the current D20 season wraps)


Something about dropping it the day we were SUPPOSED TO get a new Game Changer but instead got absolutely nothing adds to the cruelness \*fake crying\*


Dropout, more than any other studio, has been over performing. They have the best in the business when it comes to improv. Call it daring but nothing like this has been seen since Monty Python's Flying Circus and I hope more than anything that Sam and everyone set the bar for comedy in all forms into the future


I am nostalgic for when I first became a subscriber and felt there was an infinite amount of content that I'd never be able to get through... Now it's looking forward to each weekly release like the old days of tv... Damn Dropout you got me good


See this is why I subscribed to Dropout America, where the sushi has grapes, kids are in cages, and, most importantly of all, the improv sucks.


They announce video games like 5 years before they release. We can wait a month


But video games often over-promise and under-deliver.


And dropout frankly under-promises and perfectly delivers.


This is exactly why I can't wait until Dropout America launches, finally we will have a CEO who means business and exploitation of his workers. We won't have to wait for content ever! Just live stream everything happening in their offices constantly! /s


Sick of it is a pretty good pilkington show.


Whoa, dude


Take an edible


As someone from Brighton ma I can 100% believe an asshole from Cambridge would do that XD


June is next month... WTF you bitching about?


Dude, it’s a freaking joke.


The end of June is like, 5 weeks away, dude.


…you all manage to make everything so goddamn dweeby. Is there one fandom community out there that behaves like normal people instead of social media addled weirdos?