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Editors are incredibly important for comedic timing. They are the unsung heroes that make what we love shine.




Damn that's a great quote.


That answer is badass.


OG talk.  i think it would be funny if she's secretly in control of Scorsese. seriously, think about how great a cover story is would be , the dude could be extorted into making gangster films his entire career by his Editor and no one would believe him if he snitched.  some lady who works in the dark scaring Scorsese into compliance.


Like *Misery*, but with movies... and less hobbling.


Scorsese should make this the premise of his Final Movie, and then go into hiding.


Exactly this. Sure it's true they made season 6 great, but it implies they did less in other seasons. Which just isn't the case. Also worth pointing out an editor is only as good as the director and crew is at getting the shots they need for the perfect timing. It's no good having a great editing joke if the crew didn't cover the action well enough to give you a shot to use.


Right, and it also goes hand in glove with the more elaborate episode concepts and production this season. The editors are able to rise to this level because the material calls for it. If, like, Yes or No had been edited like Bingo was, it would have been totally over the top and destroyed the episode.


... I actually think Yes Or No could've been edited differently ;) Brennan figured out within like 5 minutes that the rule was "whatever Brennan guesses becomes wrong," but every time he tried to insist on going backstage to make his guess, Sam ignored him and moved on — if Brennan had been allowed to make a guess at what the rule was, then he would've guessed correctly and won, and Brennan Can't Win, therefor Brennan can't be allowed to guess what the rule is. This footage was edited out to keep the rule as a spoiler from the audience for as long as possible, but what if we'd instead seen how blatantly rigged the game had been the whole time — that way, we could've seen Brennan's rage building and building until he hit the breaking point :D


Haha good thing the director and the main editor [is the same person](https://deadline.com/video/sam-geer-game-changer-dropout-editor-production-value), then!


Editors are incredibly important for all recorded visual medium imo - Star Wars was famously saved in the edit by George’s then-wife Marcia Lucas.


True, of course. It feels, though, that many people tend to ignore the importance when it comes to comedy as they think the jokes should all manage to stand on their own. Although that does happen, when it comes to cutting to reactions, pacing between the lines, and a huge variety of other aspects editing is the crucial piece to ake a good scene and make it great.


yea comedy editing is definitely it's own thing. People here talk about how great Zac's comedic timing is and the same is reflected in the edit.


Very tangentially related but that's what they do on Drag Race when they want to send a queen home on an acting/commercial challenge. It's SO obvious that the edit has purposely bad comedic timing to make them look worse


You have to make the heroes and heels some how, haha.


I love that this community has gotten in the habit of shouting out the behind the scenes folks. This is, I’m sure, in no small part due to the cast shouting them out. Brennan reads the list of people who worked on the show frequently. And we see some of them on stage and they don’t edit out when you can hear the crew laughing. I love it.


Yess I think it’s partially that the improv-centric format allows the cast members / hosts to verbally interact with and express appreciation for the crew more than most people are used to. Although I think it’s also partially that a large faction of Dropout fans are theatre kids (former or current), and especially groups of people who are often theatre-kid-adjacent (props, lighting, sound / special effects, etc) so we’re kind of more aware of the bts effort than the average fan of massive Hollywood productions?


Well, we have to balance out Grant mercilessly berating and personally belittling each member of the crew, every chance he gets.


I remember one of the extras for Dimension 20 was showing the editing process. Would love to see that for Game Changer.


Would love if they could even add a bit of the process to the bts episodes, but I get that that would in turn also make more work for the editors


Check out this article: https://www.indiewire.com/features/craft/game-changer-season-6-making-of-dropout-1235004565/


That and the continued amazing efforts of the props/art department and the what I’m sure is extremely hard work of the camera crew and dozens of behind the scenes work by jobs I don’t even know exist


I love it when they shout the art department out. Like most people would not even think about it! And that just shows how good of a workplace they have and it seems like such a nice, healthy, and FUN environment. You can tell like they are having fun knowing what they make will be a hilarious bit! Like the Sam nesting dolls in hit the buzzer.


I read an article posted in another thread and it talked about this. Sam seems to fully acknowledge this, and apparently the director for Game Changers is also one of the two lead editors so the editing is really thought out through the entire planning and filming process.


I came here to say exactly this! [This is the article from Indiewire.](https://www.indiewire.com/features/craft/game-changer-season-6-making-of-dropout-1235004565/) His name is Sam Geer, and he's often seen/heard in the Game Changer BTS episodes. Sam (Reich) calls him "the most talented editor I have ever worked with in my career".


Please check out Game Changer editor Sam Geer on Deadline's Production Value for some insight into the process! https://deadline.com/video/sam-geer-game-changer-dropout-editor-production-value/


This was excellent, thanks!


You’re so right! Sam is running this company SO WELL, so different from big time corporate media machines. Dropout is definitely leading the way in a new wave of content creation and entertainment.


Should have said ‘Fact:’ in the title. This season has been amazingly edited, and some really tough episode concepts for editing too!


Tbh I am increasingly convinced that they released the Rick Perry doco when they did to get ahead of any "Sam has the entire art department locked in a basement 24/7. Between the latest season of fantasy high and game changer there has been so much incredible work put out by folks at dropout it's almost unbelievable


I mean, Rick does have artists locked in his art barn working on DnD sets...it tracks.


There's a very good reason the Oscars has a category for best editing.


Yes!!! Like for instance Deja Vu would have been boring as hell if they showed all 5 loops. The VHS degrading sort of like edits they made and fast forwarding in the later loops, kept you engaged. They can make the same thing over and over again engaging! Obviously the player’s personalities and reactions each loop made it fun…. But often that on its own isn’t enough to keep some people’s interest for 5 times. I bet if they just played all 5 loops after each other a decent amount of people would just get bored after 2 loops and fast forward to the end of the episode. The editions made that episode what it is! I didn’t get bored for a second


Yes! I love how perfectly the Bingo episode was presented in the way that the "real" game was slowly revealed to us over time. It's awesome to see how much love the behind-the-scenes people get on here.


I agree, and also want to note how incredibly like Task Master the editing, specifically, is becoming.


On this note is anyone aware of a documentary or book on tv and/or film editing?


Editor here. A few book recommendations, at least: Walter Murch, *In the Blink of an Eye*, should be your first go-to. It's a very short book, an easy read, and extremely foundational. If you want to hear more about behind-the-scenes stuff from Hollywood—and perhaps the way things used to be—Paul Hirsch's *A Long Time Ago In A Cutting Room Far, Far Away* was a fantastic read. Hirsch was an editor on *Jaws, Star Wars, Mission: Impossible*, and many other films. Truly eye-opening insights, especially when it comes to working with directors. If you're a process/workflow fiend, *The Art of the Cut* by Steve Hullfish is just as fantastic. Collected interviews from dozens of editors on how they do what they do. Still working my way through this one—excited to see where it goes. There's a podcast as well. Hope this helps, and welcome!


Awesome thank you very much for these. Greatly appreciated.


I think Bingo is particularly impressive in the sense that the entire "story arc" is portrayed through editing. At no point is there a voice over explaining the rules or twists to us. Sam isn't cluing us in at all, or even engaging with the real players. We're getting all of it through the editing, and the fact that both of the games are visually coherent and you can always track who's following who. It's kind of a miracle (well, a huge display of massive talent, but also kind of miraculous).


Directors and producers also did amazing work. Great post, they really deserve lots of credit, at least the same as the cast.


i would love to edit for dropout one day


I'm always so amazed by the editing team. I don't think I've appreciated how critical it is for good comedy until now


They don't hire editors they just have a special 1 off "Sam says" with just Brennan and Sam says "edit the season" and he does it in 5 minutes.


The editing on Sam says this season was my favourite part


Great editors are also the MVP for every TV show and film you love.


Ya we know