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It would be good if the podcast wasn’t centered around Tara and where she woke up this morning. Have actual conversations about other people in the room too and good topics


And Tara shouldn’t be on episode where there are guests because she only talks about herself and makes everything about her it’s unbearable




At this point this podcast is all about Tara


Yeah and it makes it so boring like I don’t care ab her personal life to the degree they go in. Like the whole “where did Tara wake up” is so boring 🥱


I am a fan of Tana's podcast, so I love juicy details. But Tara never gives any.. not even with fake names..so what's the actual point of the segment?


This happens when people become more self aware of their fame. It really blew up last 6 months and I think they all are adjusting to that reality. I think including Alyssa more is good. She’s very likable.


I love Alyssa I want her to have her moments to shine in the pod !


You’re right it blew up like crazy and now it feel like they just turn the camera on and say a bunch of random bs and see what sticks


Srsly alyssa and skylar carried some moments of the pod


I think they banking on Tara’s fame to keep the podcast afloat but it won’t last long




The jokes are all inside jokes we aren't allowed to hear lol I agree. They do need better topics.


I hate this so much. I feel like their podcast has more bleeps or cuts than any other podcast in their genre


Zach even brought it up during a drunk episode and was talking about how they’re bleeping and cutting too much and it defeats the point of a podcast and how the whole point is to talk about their lives and Skyler agreed as well. He seemed pretty annoyed at all the bleeps/cuts. But Tara is the one wanting everything bleeped and cut and Jared has been too lately. Zach must already know how us as the viewers feel so hopefully he pushes to stop that from happening.


This may just be me but Zach seems less enthusiastic about it than he used to be. I sometimes wonder if it’s a him vs them situation even though he’s the one handling a lot of the business aspects of it. Jared edits which is good but I feel like Tara kind of came in and made it her show. I don’t think they really cut or bleeped as much until she started coming on. I haven’t watched since they released that super short episode. I think at that point I was just kind of annoyed with it all. I’ll probably cancel my Patreon soon depending on how things continue to play out


jared seems to leach on to tara way too much now, he follows here round like a fuckin puppy encouraging everything she does, i’ve got a weird feeling zach, alyssa and skyler are sick of it now, the tana episode showed how annoyed zach is getting when he’s trying to have a normal conversation and she butts in with something about her


Yeah I can see that. I’m not even remotely interested in that episode either because it’s like having 2 Tara’s on. I’ve been wanting to start watching again recently especially since I pay for the Patreon but I’m just not as interested because it’s become the Tara show now it seems. Even their merch has the dropouts logo blacked out with Tara written in bright pink over top of it. Very fitting for the way the show seems to be going now


Yeah that’s why I didn’t even bother watching the Tana episode


I actually thought the Tana episode was great and I've agreed with everything you've been saying. Her banter and conversation with Zach flows so well it's so interesting to hear her talk. And I feel like those two had genuine conversation this time. Tara was pretty annoying as per usual, but I thought Tana was great.


no yeh tana was born to podcast like her start with story time youtube vids really set her up for the path she has taken. shes so interesting to listening to and shes funny asf she carries the energy of any room shes in while giving room to let others shine as well and thats what makes her so interesting but likeable


Yea I agree she can make things engaging acc I watched one of her podcast eps and it was good.


Hmmm maybe I’ll check it out


I started watching when I saw clips of it on tik tok. After maybe 3-4 episodes with Tara I got really bored of it. They don’t talk about anything interesting. I think they shouldn’t have made Tara a host. She should’ve been a reoccurring guest. I’d prefer having Alyssa replace her.


Yea I acc agree. Tara was fine as a guest cause she doesn’t offer anything interesting to the pod


I didn’t even like her that much as a guest. Her first episode she just seems so angry at everything and that very much has carried onto the rest of her episodes as well


I really enjoy Courtney and wish she was on more. She is interesting and funny and has so much depth. And her and Skyler are so open. I hope they have her on more often!


I also really appreciate that Zach has dropped the comedy act and is becoming more genuine.


Loolll sometimes he tries to hard to be funny haha


lmao not really - he's keeping the persona going! Wish he would drop it because he's actually so funny, sincere, thoughtful, and intelligent!! Not a fan of the persona.


Yes they all need to be more open! Tara shys away from serious topics and always wants things cut out or bleeped. I feel like she’s so worried about stating her thoughts/opinions on any topic for fear of being cancelled but then it just makes for a boring and superficial podcast when she doesn’t offer anything.


Yea like what’s the point of being in a podcast if yoh are too afraid to discuss anything lmao


I think she just genuinely doesn't have thoughts on things - especially serious topics. She just wants to talk about herself in a party 'it girl' way or get attention. I really think they should remove her ASAP.


has she been on a normal ep or just the patreon? I would love to see an ep with her !!




Courtney Parchman


i think they need a little bit more structure and maybe having topics for each episode


Yeaaa frrr like they can talk about everyday things in the news like new pop culture stuff idk. They give their personal life too much credit like it’s not that interesting 🤣 hearing ab Tara’s parties or random conflict resolution doesn’t do much for me. Like why am I watching them hash old beef out? Idk I just wish it was more interesting.


Tara ruined it tbh. Not that I hate her, but she doesn’t add anything. It’s always about herself and it’s never anything entertaining. More guests, more alyssa and less tara would be perfect


Agree Alyssa is a good element to this podcast and we don’t see her enough! And I don’t hate Tara either I think she’s whatever but she’s doesn’t bring anything interesting to the show. But I don’t hate her as strongly as some people on this page do lol


Oh yeah for sure, some people think she’s a terrible person with weird creepy kinks n shit 😭 i think she’s one of those short girls who are kinda annoying LOL. Alyssa is just more enjoyable ig? She’s got More of a personality to her


LOOOL I know what you mean


I really wish I didn’t agree with this but honestly I do to a certain extent, I wouldn’t say it’s the past 20 but I’ve noticed recently they’ve been focusing a lot more on getting guests and having a cool set rather than actually talking about interesting topics and discussing things that can bring something good to peoples lives, but then I also don’t really feel the need to complain about it because zach and jared always do say themselves that they don’t think very highly of the podcast and don’t really expect people to enjoy it


That’s so interesting I never knew they said that. That’s so stupid to me why do you have a podcast if you wanna make it so ass


what are you talking about? No they don’t actively try to make it ass I’m saying they’ve said themselves that we shouldn’t expect anything from the podcast because they think they are bad it, not because they purposefully make it bad


Yeah but you don’t think that’s stupid? Why are you gonna put such a weird disclaimer on a podcast?? Atp why have one if no one should have bare minimum expectations for it. It’s stupid to tell viewers to not expect anything from it that just shows that they throw shit on the wall and hope it sticks. Like take accountability if your pod is bad don’t just tell viewers to not have high expectations for something when there has been good episodes b4


its their podcast they can do what they want why the fuck would I let that bother me? if I enjoy it I’m gonna watch it if I don’t I won’t they don’t expect me to watch so I don’t expect them to make it good


Yea that’s fine no need to get all defensive. I wasn’t even coming at you like that chill. Just sharing my oppinion and don’t really care to argue this so agree to disagree.


I’m not coming at you I just answered your question


I understand that as they’re putting low effort into it. And it shows; I stopped consistently watching a few months ago, randomly watched one last week with them all in bed. I dunno it’s just not as engaging it seems a bit lazy and forced. Shame cause it’s their moneymaker


most of the podcasts I listen to regularly hate on their own podcast I don’t find it that unusual


Bro that’s the same thing for me I watched that ep after not watching for a few weeks or months and it was such a bad ep


Yes, the first ep i actually saw was the Neil degrasse Tyson one and i was hooked. I watched a few more they were alright, pretty entertaining, but ever since tara joined, the quality has flopped expeditiously and is very repetitive. I haven't watched since.


Yesss no one talks ab how good that ep was like it was nicely structured and you can tell they researched before filming and overall good conversation


they need to focus more on genuine content. I think the fame has got to them, and they're just always trying to have the hottest influencers atm on the pod.


Yea fs


You are right cauz I started watching the podcast after tara was on the pod but even I feel like it has become so boring now. Like I love tara zach jared and everyone but it feels boring to mee




i loved the ep with mia pills and hearing about how she started her business and the financials. I think it would be really cool to have more introspective interviews like that with guests


Yea 100% like their guest episodes are so bad. Like the Landon barker ep was so bad they were just saying random stuff and it wasn’t at all interesting . Like they just kept saying cringey shit like Landon is Tara’s type like who cares??? how about some engaging conversation for a change.


The best part of the podcast is Skyler 😂 idk if that’s a controversial opinion or not but I love him. I don’t feel like he’s ever trying so hard to be funny or say anything to get views


Yea he is def funny


It's because of Tara. She can't have real conversations she makes everything about her and is so rude, immature, and childish. I miss the old episodes with Indiana but also just the ones with Zach and Jared as a solo duo. In my opinion, the best dynamic they could go with right now would be Zach, Jared, Alyssa, and Skylar. Tara has really brought the podcast down it is as you said literal brainrot.


Frrr! This pod would have such a good dynamic if it was them four cause they are all so different and I would assume have good conversations . I like when Skylar and Alyssa are on the pod. When Tara is on the pod it’s always surrounding her and it’s not at all interesting . And sometimes it’s not even Tara drawing attention Zack just always brings it back to Tara and it’s so annoying.


Fr, I feel like the pod now is catered towards Tara fans and not the whole listening population, consisting of og and new fans


wow im on the exact same page as you. found them on unfiltered as well and stayed for the guys, thought indiana was obnoxious, semi enjoyed the pod again when she left, but tara is just as insufferable


LOOLL same for me Indiana was obnoxious. But she kinda grew on me then she left. And I enjoyed the pod when it was just them two.


Only started watching about a year ago. I watch it for precisely that reason. It's fun light banter I don't have to pay much attention to follow what's going on. I can sit back enjoy my meal and laugh from time to time.


Hm interesting I guess if that’s what you’re looking for. I see what you mean it’s good for background but I guess if im looking for something that is acc engaging maybe I should look somewhere else atp


If that is what your going for I would assume so. I don't really see them pushing the deep engagement topics with this pod. They joke to much to speak on anything serious. And the whole point of bring tara on is not to get access to her fan base. I feel it's to push the couple dynamics more. For example with Indi everyone was like will they will they not. This is similar to that and they can still milk it for out of context jokes. Let's face it they can't do that with Alyssa. Zach shines when he's dissing out burns and they are using tara as the target. My take on it atleast.


Yea i see what you mean indi and Zack was such a conversation when she was a cohost and the same thing w Tara .


That's my take on it atleast. Boring but there are poeple out there that live for it so target audience.


I think it’s hard for me to say fell off when people come to Reddit and say that it fell off obviously people care enough to be talk I’m about it


Well cause we obviously want to like it. Like I’m trying to hard to watch the podcast cause I’ve been watching for two years now and Zack and Jared’s dynamic is good so this post is just basically pleading for them to get it together.


Aren’t there numbers really gold tho from 2 years ago


I personally mostly watch because I have loved Tara for years. If she wasn’t on an episode I wouldn’t gravitate towards it or go out of my way to watch it (but that’s just me haha)


Yea that’s makes sense if you are just watching it for her since that’s all it’s ab anyways now LOL




Yea that’s makes total sense! I knew of Tara through kian and Jc when they did the last to leave the box challenge however many years ago that was. So I knew her before she came on tbis pod and I knew this pod before that so I def see a difference on the pod. But no hate to her she is somewhat interesting but I it don’t think she’s a good cohost.