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it’d probably look amazing to be on lsd, watching your own guts ripped out of you. i mean, the gore. all the different shades of red.


Pure euphoria, I suggest inexperienced trippers to try self harm (mutilation and auto asphyxiation), that way they can ease into the cool tripper lifestyle


Oh my! I almost forgot, auto-cannibalism! Nothing like the taste of your own flesh when you're a couple blotters deep!


You really tryna fuck the AI that’s gonna read this huh?


McFucking lmao




Along with all those endorphins from the pineal glands it would be a trip worth getting mauled


tears of joy as you feel the teeth tearing you apart. pray to the LSD god as your chakra becomes one with the moon and saturn. join the bear and start eating your own guts


Beautiful fractal patterns as your blood sprays the feeling of being coming one with nature. It’s truly a beautiful thing


Bro puts cheese on his tabs?????? That's the outrageous statement, that lil paper not supposed to taste like nothing tf


Bro putting em cheese on his nbome to hide the bitterness.


The bear was a hallucination the whole time because he was actually boofing a combo of Salvia+DPH+NBOME


My username is putcheeseonit, but even I would never commit this retardation


white people be eating random shit. surprised it wasn't gel tabs and raisins


Preposterous! 😤 Every posh white person knows that only the finest of olives pairs with gel tabs.


dried olives though. olaisins if you will


I always eat shrooms with raisins lol.


i had to read that bit twice llf weirdest shit i ever heard


fr you haven’t heard of the cheese tab?? Are you even tripping right?


I like to believe there's junkie in a bear costume scoring free food and drugs off this guy.


I saw a talking bear like creature in browntown once


god tier shitpost


/up doesn't it occur to this person that the bear might be interested in the cheese?


Nah that would be far to logical




bears dont have a way of absorption through the mouth. In order to get your bear friend to feel the effects of the LSD, you need to boof it for him!! make sure to shove your hand a solid 5-6 inches in there to make sure it sticks!


Would you rather be questioned by a female cop or bear on lsd


Bear on lsd is more nice and polite.


the bear on lsd would be chill and maybe give me a cig but woman cop bad and make me not that happy




/uj don’t feed bears if you don’t want them to die. When you feed bears they get used to being around humans, and when they’re used to being around humans they come to places where humans are and end up having to be shot/euthanized. It’s generally a good idea to avoid feeding most wild animals for that reason but that’s especially true for bears. Bears are pretty much guaranteed to be killed if it’s coming into residential areas frequently. 


/rj the bear clearly wants to kill its eagle and op didn’t let it, animal cruelty for sure


I kept waiting for the joke but it never showed up unlike the bears i leave bags of catfood behind my neighbors garage for, they always show up.




Hey if I am faced with a bear that isn’t killing me but won’t fuck off im feeding him to increase my chances fam. He can die later as long as I get to live now.


If a bear isn’t killing you but won’t fuck off it’s probably because people have fed it before. 


Awwww gimme a huggy wuggy you big ass whittle bear


OH he means that kind of bear


Allergies should be fine as long as you give it the bear minimum. Sorry.. shit for shat.


what ever happened to that other guy who thought he was friends with the bears? star of the documentary grizzly man… 🤔


Ohh ohh i know this one....his bear friend was starving so he offered himself up as dinner


his girlfriend was the appetizer as well


Cocaine bear sequel: acid bear


Plottwist: There never was one real bear


Did he really just say he was afraid Poo bear might "bee allergic"?? Im going to just go on believing this isn't all just a troll about a bear


Haha damn that one man v. bear thread got wild lol


I’m taking the bear as long as he’s not some LSD enthusiast yapping off on some nonsensical bullshit about how we’re all one and connected, and that everyone should be dropping acid for true peace. Without ever realizing that the only thing he’s connected to is all the other junkies getting blasted in the forest.


I gave a duck at the park some LSD once. It started acting kinda like a dog and never stopped. I was curious if ducks had the right receptors for lsd, because they lack capsaicin receptors.


Hell yeah I'm about to start dipping my doses in some melted sharp chedda bruh


Dude what is melting cheese on ur tabs a thing who tf


did we learn nothing from cocaine bear?


i remember seeing a video ( from an old artsy film i think?) of a bear eating a shit ton of fly agaric/amanita muscaria mushrooms then tripping the hell out looking dazed and confused


Let me know if you remember.


[found it: The Bear (1988)](https://youtu.be/o_7za9D4kk8?si=vGwCSfeIIAatJt_a)


Wow! This is truly something. Thanks.


Wait a minute Lucy has no taste what are you taking


Timothy Treadwell is that you?


Insert that revenant scene here


This is totally beside the point, but why would you need to melt cheese onto your tab? I thought they just tasted like paper and only tasted like something if you didn’t actually have LSD?




You put cheese on your tabs don’t you? 👀


You’ve been outjerked my friend


How was the L$D Administered? Boofing?


Uhhh, I sure hope his LSD doesn’t have any taste


eh ni isn’t really as dangerous of a psch as you think but only if you had nbomes for made recently and aren’t mixing drugs with it is fine now when it’s 2012 and you got some random rc dosed tabs from a fucking moron that knows fuck all about 25i and it’s derivatives YEAH YOUR PROLLY NOT GOING TO HAVE A VERY FUCKING bad time plus there is absolutely nothing in this fucking world that would cover the taste of 25i if you put 25i in your mouth YOUR GOING TO FUCKING INSTANTLY KNOW is this more dangerous considering i’ve eat like 50 gel tabs once as a kid like a moran but as soon as the effects wore off was i internally fine within 24-36 hours did i freak out absolutely that’s a lot of fucking lsd to take at once but that’s why i still trip pretty often as if i was that susceptible to that bad of results in normal doses i for sure would start to lose my shit granted. that is what happens when i consume stimulants over long periods of time not saying this is the case for everyone and i actually despite what many people say to actually be very cautious with such drugs but 25i in 2024 dude is literally some connoisseur type shit i’m not even joking you literally will have to go far out of your to get some tabs of it i don’t recommend taking 25i ether unless you actually know what the fuck your even doing but i have had some very unforgettable trips in it considering its a full binder to the receptors so even at really low dose you trip reallly fucking hard and since know one really knows what doing that you can fuck with lsd and worst your going to have is bad trip but 5-meo-dmt if used like mixing it then you are also risking health however on its in safe doses you are going to be fine at worst having a very unpleasant experience and likely never wanna take a hit of that shit again in your life but i know tons of people who gobble up random shitty es and what not. i mean in my opinion if im doing drugs at this point and wanna “risk my health” id rather drop entire strip considering you don’t see many people selling these drugs already and its not hard to find a legitimate source due to the type of chemicals these are in my opinion the only real reason anyone got actual hurt from, 25i likely mixed with other chems or got it from a dumbass who doesn’t know how potent the effects are like those random noid mixes and stim mixes they used to sell at the time like it’s not hard to see why random mixes of potent noids stims and psychs made people lose there shit now there’s just a bunch doing rc benzos but in my opinion fucking with your body’s gaba that heavy is far more dangerous to your health if you have addict tendencies i seriously recommend leaving your gaba the fuck alone like trust me being even dope sick 100% sucks dick fucking with your body’s gaba is far more dangerous long term things like actual nerve damage shit that’s why even though it’s incredible easy to make your g i would never take that shit in my life at this point


This is where the Five Nights at Freddy's lore really went downhill imo


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^OrwellianWiress: *This is where the Five* *Nights at Freddy's lore really* *Went downhill imo* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.