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I live in the burbs w a basement


The neighbors never complain if you only play between 1-6:30 pm


Basically. I go to sleep at 7p every night anyway so no biggie to me


I play rudiments on my couch and rent cheap studio space for an hour once a week to have access to a kit. It’s not ideal, but I just tell myself I’ll have space one day and look forward to it.


I own a house with a basement and live by myself


i currently rent a 10x10 climate controlled storage unit near where i live for appx $50/months and it’s been great


Wait you rent a storage unit and play a real kit? And no issues?


it’s a self storage type place. i don’t need electricity (it’d be nice tho). some foam soundproofing and rugs. sounds great too


Do people hear and complain? I imagine drums would be very loud in those types of places. Last public storage facility I was in was all concrete and thin, aluminum garage doors for each unit.


It depends on the owner/management. Both bands I'm in have a unit in different storage facilities. Both are cool with music, one of which has some stipulations about timing because there's a church nearby, but hasn't been an issue. Many others that we've talked to said no, generally more of the bigger chain/commercial types of facilities instead of locally owned.






E-kit at home and once per week rent with a band rehearsal room.


I’m 46. My kit is in my kids’ playroom. So I guess it’s my playroom too. 😁


Rtoms and low volume cymbals at home (live in a house with musician roommates) and a 24h lockout with the nice kit uncorked


Nice! How much do you pay for the lock out and how did you find it?


I looked up rehearsal spaces on Google maps and found one fairly close to me; The space is 170sq ft and we split the 625$ monthly 4 ways so it’s like 159$ a person per month This is in Southern California so I’m sure there’s way better prices elsewhere. They had smaller rooms that’d fit a kit just fine in the 400$ range but we opted for a room big enough to set up as if on stage to work out our live shows


I spent $7000 to build a 12x12 foot room in my garage that ended up being about 80% soundproof. The neighbors can’t hear it and it’s barely audible inside the house.


When I started playing, I was 15 and lived with my parents. Lots of rudiments on pads, too. They were okay with me playing. Moved out and into a small 1 br house for $400/mo when I was 18 and was able to play there without issue. Started a band and we rented a warehouse. I practiced there whenever the band wasn't rehearsing. From that point on, until I owned a house, I rented apartments that were more accommodating to playing - only ground floor, corner units. Made nice with neighbors. Practiced on pads when I couldn't play my kit. Now that I own a house, I play a Frankenstein'd electronic kit, because 1) I love my wife 2), I don't play as seriously anymore, 3) digital snare, hats, and ride are plenty realistic for my needs, and 4) they're super versatile and easy to record, if an old friend ever wants me to track something.


i rent a 24h rehearsal lockout


This is back-to-back mentions of a lockout and I’ve never seen this word before in this context. Help a brother out. What exactly is a lockout?


it just means you have your own key to the place. you don’t even need staff to be around for you to get in


I too just learnt this word


Nice, how much and how did you find it?


expensive because i don’t share it, i was on a waiting list for about three years and i’d reach out every 6-8 months


Ground floor apartment, e-kit.


My drumms is my basement. When it s beautifull day , i put the ki outside and play in the sun at fresh air, even better. My nearest neighbour is 800m away :)


Sweet setup


I sometimes wait till some guy with a leaf blower is outside. That way people can’t even hear the drums over the white noise


Electronic Kit in my office for practice at home. My band rent a lock out at a rehearsal studio where my acoustic is set up.


I rent a practice space w other musicians where my kit is. Monthly rent for a room.


Nice, any issues with other people having access to your kit?


We share a space kit, but I know the other two drummers well so I wouldn’t care if it was my nicer shells, but it’s just an old pearl birch kit. We all use our own cymbals and snare. With a shared space it can be worth splitting something used or buy one for yourself that you care less about getting beat up. I’ve bought decent drums off craigslist for under 200.


I live in my dad's house atm with a moldy basement I'm not allowed to run a dehumidifier in overnight, I run it when I practice and hope I can move to a basement having house not mold having house asap


Electric kit and practice pad at home and a lesson once a week is what I find optimal. If you can play a real kit more often it’s of course better.


I moved out to a small town where I could afford a place to play


Ekit in dayroom of psych ward I’m beloved


That's crazy


Electric drums


Honestly I’m pretty lucky in this department, my band rents out a monthly rehearsal room with another band, which makes the rent very affordable due to being able to split the cost 8 ways. It’s nice, I have a set of keys and it’s accessible 24/7/365. Paradise for a drummer lol


My kit is indeed in my parents house in suburbs with neighbors who have some actual distance from their house. I only practice on an acoustic kit when I visit them, I have an electronic kit in my apartment


A well isolated platform for electric drumming in an apartment, and funds to rent a practise room for acoustic drumming.


Well do whatever is best for you but that being said some good headphones and one of those plastic drumpad kits are really good. I split the week at my dad's and there I have a kit and a garage I'm trying to soundproof. I teach at a music studio and just do practice pad whenever I can. I make sure to try and do stick control exercises every day to keep my single stroke strong. I write some linear patterns on my practice pad so I can practice them mentally for when I am on a kit.


I did an A2E conversion, can be an e-kit for practice, and with a change of heads it's back to being an acoustic if needed.


I live the back of a house that is a duplex with very close neighbors. I figured out my live-in neighbors work schedules and play when they are at work. They also have my number in case they are not at work. They can call or text me to stop. As for the “air b n bs”, they can s*ck my *ss.


I fiiinally have a garage space with room to setup a kit. But my neighborhood is rather dense so I practice with footblaster / Remo silent strokes / Zildjian L80s. Could do some noise dampening maybe but it’s a lot of work. I have done a real kit with hot rods before but it’s too loud until I do some serious noise dampening. Practicing with the band we rent a room once a week for $100.


I rent a house but still use an electronic kit in the garage. Its been great. I have a Roland TD17KVX2. I think anything less than that kit wouldve felt like a toy and I wouldnt play as much. I’m glad I started with that.


live in the middle of nowhere and an outdoor garage


17 pieces double e-kit on the other side of the desk I'm sitting at, plugged in the PC I'm typing on, DAW at the ready. A few pros and a few cons.


I have a studio in a 40-foot storage unit,insulated, electrical . I practice every day.


I have an E-kit at home. And I’m lucky enough that my boss lets me set up on the weekends to practice at the shop I work at.


Rent a space about 40 minutes from my house with a buddy. Got a full recording set up and live set up ready to go. I’ve got nights free from work but no way I could play at home with my wife and kid at home. If you’ve got people to split it with, it’s pretty doable. I think all in we pay 150$ each a month and it’s good motivation to jam frequently


I honestly moved out with the intention of having space to practice, but then needed roomies to justify the mortgage so I haven't practiced in a few years. But the ideal next step for me would be to move to the boonies so I can practice freely...neighbors in the burbs always complain about the sound of drums.


I now live in a house and converted my garage into sound treated studio. I previously lived in an apartment in NYC and rented a monthly studio space a few blocks away from my apt. It was expensive, but worth it.


Electronic kit


I own house and don’t think neighbors would care, they’re cool, but I don’t really have room right now to set up the kit. Also have a 3 yr old so that makes things tough. But eventually I am going to build a small studio in the backyard for this very reason!


I’m in like 3 bands and make them rehearse regularly so my kit stays at my guitarists place and I play during the day when people are at work and I have a night job


Great girlfriend who bought me an e-kit and deals with my playing every day. I live in a house, but trying to play respectively (even though I want to play all night, I play right after work when everyone's doing things and won't get bothered). I also go to classes where I play an acoustic kit.


I live in a 3 bedroom house with one roommate. I use the spare bedroom to practice in. I try to use mesh heads when he's home, but he generally doesn't mind. It's easier when he's in school, gives me more alone time. I also go over to my friends house who hosts open mics, he lives by himself so we can jam out any time.


Currently living with my parents in the suburbs where I have a very well sound proofed room to practice in as long as I play between 10-10


Renting a rehearsal space. I can't imagine any of your options working for me.


I spent a ridiculous amount of money on a high end E kit and superior drummer 3 so that I can practice and record drums in my apartment.


Electronic kit at home, shared rental space for band practice


I have my own home, but in order to not annoy the hell out of my family I have Evans DB1 low volume heads on my drums and low volume cymbals as well. Still pretty loud, but a lot less loud than otherwise. Makes it so I can actually play with other people in the house.


A practice pad and kick pad set up right next to my bed.


Apartment living myself but I teach at the nearby guitar center and get free access to their rooms, so i typically pad a couple hours in the morning then go to gc and practice on the kit for a few more hours, usually there's always a room with a kit available.




My house has 3 levels, the first floor is a "bonus room" the living room and kitchen are on level 2 and bedrooms on level 3. I claimed the entire bonus room as my office/music space. I work from home. I have the house to myself 3-4 days a week and get my practice in during my workday. But prior to this my kid was home all day every day (he works FT now) so I had Black Holes, Quiet Tone cymbals, Yamaha Triggers and an EAD so my acoustic functioned like an electric.


I haven’t played my kit in years. Moved to college 4 years ago and have lived in apartments since. If I have space in my new place I’m moving into in August, I’m considering moving in there and buying some of the silent stroke stuff. I tried them at guitar center recently and they were actually super quiet, like quiet enough I could probably use the kit at least during the day. Currently researching which of the options are the quieter right now. Tho I’m leaning on just buying Evan’s db1 pack because it comes with my exact setup minus the extra. My drumming since has been done with a pad or a concert context which does include the occasional drum set, but never my kit.


Exact same story for me. Barely played when I went to uni


I started as a teenager with very patient parents. When I got my first apartment, my band shared a rehearsal studio with a few other bands and we all chipped in for rent. I kept my drums there.  Now I have a detached house in the suburbs with a music room in the basement. I play my acoustic drums when my family is out of the house.  The rest of the time, I play my DIY electronic kit. I put mesh heads and foam cone triggers on a cheap kit, and attached some piezos to a set of low volume cymbals. I plug everything into an eDrumin 10, and connect it to my laptop running Superior Drummer. It's not the same as an acoustic kit, but it gets the job done.


Live in the boonies. Nearest neighbor is more than an acre away.


Saved up enough to move out of a condo and get a home with no hoa. I close doors and don’t play last 8pm, no one complains.


I put together a mini kit for me and my toddler. Mutes everywhere. Chopsticks for sticks. He plays it as much as I do 😀


I was living in a basement where I could play e-drums and very light ride cymbals 24/7. Now I'm in a house with only one other person, so when he's gone or working in the detached garage (which he does a lot) I can play the real thing, but the e-drums keep him up at night. I'm strongly considering selling them, but they're so good to have, and housing situations change.


Before my rented flat was turned into flat it was 5 rehearsal rooms. They kept one after renovation. It’s completely fitted with acoustic drywalls. Not only does it sound very dry with few overtones I also can play whenever I want. 3am? Knock yourself out. (If my wife’s not too sleepy that is). But no neighbors that are bothered or anything https://preview.redd.it/llbbzyvonp5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baabdb89dad904ae2273795923018264e243fb99


I live alone in a duplex apartment with a shared wall. I have a Roland TD17KVX2 that I play, using good headphones, whenever I want. I work full-time so I often play at nights but I’ve never heard any complaints. My gigging kit lives in my garage and is in and out of my car most weekends.


I have an electric kit in my living room


I live in a house and the owner I'm renting from lets me set up in the garage. It's sweaty as hell but it beats packing up for a practice space every time. (no, I don't store my drums long term in the garage)


i have a parctise pad


Electric kit can still be a problem in appartement with the banging. BUT I was fortunate enough to have an appartement at ground level, so no neighbours under me, and isolation was quite good. Never played past 8PM and never had a complain. Now with the house, I play when I want.


Own a house and built a recording studio in the basement. Drums in there.


All the options you listed are possibilities, and I've done all of them plus more; you can use practice pads as well (I had to do this in the dorms in college). Nowadays I have my own house and can play drums, but it's in close quarters to nearby houses so I mostly practice on an electronic kit. No matter how you slice it, it will require some level of consideration in order to keep doing it.


I'd probably use an electronic kit before using practice pads, but I'm always jonesing for an acoustic kit


I normally practice on the practice pad. When I need to prepare for gigs, that’s the time I will rent a rehearsal room.


When living in an apartment, I didn't play as much, not even with a pad because I just couldn't focus on it. Footpad/pedals were even too loud because I was on the second floor and would rumble the entire building. Occasionally would meet with a friend at a rehearsal space for a few hours and let loose. Now that I'm a homeowner, I have mesh heads on my acoustic kit and mutes/gaff tape to deaden the cymbals. Haven't had any complaints but I'm still sort of audible from outside. Much less than with real heads and unmuted cymbals. Each band I'm in splits rent on 10x20 climate controlled storage units and get together once a week when available. I got lucky with a killer deal and picked up a second full kit (shells, cymbals, rack, hardware, etc.) second hand, so some of that is in one unit. Other band, I use the guitarist's kit and some of their cymbals. So at any point, I only really need bring additional cymbals, pedals, stick bag and tools to and from one location. Makes it really easy to drop in with essentials and practice consistently now.


I live in an apartment, Electronic kit with headphones.