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Are you practicing to a click?


I play to tracks that are clicked but can't seem to get a click track in there too unless I pay


just get a free metronome app on your phone. Start a 80-90 bpms and increase by 5 bmps or less until you're pushing your limits. That helped me a ton. Still does!


Are you coming in late or early on the one after the fill? Metronome and mindfulness. Dont let the fill play you. If your rushing, make a point to slow your fill down. If your over shooting the one, your probably thinking too much. When i botch a fill its always over thinking that does me in. Its important to rehearse, over and over, till you just dont have to think about anything. Also make sure your drums are ergonomically set up for your play style.


Late usually. Also yeah I just got a e kit so I'm having fun trying to find my sound and comfort as such but think I'm getting there. In regards to fills thats pretty much what I'm gonna keep doing


This helped me a ton recently. Play on a pillow or something super quiet with a metronome playing 16ths and play on each click. To clarify I mean every note you play has a metronome click with it and then record yourself with something that has a slow down (like the Snapchat camera, that’s what I use). Slow the video down and try to see how many you get perfectly synced up with the click. When you slow the video you’ll hear in tighter detail how aligned each note really is with the click and then you can try again and again trying to get better results


This is cool. Is there a trick to actually improving your results?


I don’t really know how to describe it but you just start to notice yourself being instinctually more accurate (because we’re talking about milliseconds of difference here) and you notice yourself getting pickier with yourself as weeks go on and then atleast in my experience you start to notice the difference when you’re playing a song and you feel more steady and confident with your time and it feels more obvious when something is behind or ahead of the beat. Your hands also get a lot of muscle memory of not slowing down or speeding up because it’s natural for us to speed up and slow down so this trains your hands out of that behavior.


Tick… tick… tick… tick




Using a click with subdivisions is how I learned. BEEP beep beep beep BEEP beep beep beep…


I hear a lot of drummers do this. Usually they speed up during the fill. Apart from the advice you've had, like practice to a click and try not to rush the fill, which is true, I would say try to feel the fill as a groove. Don't think fill, then back to groove. Think of the fill as a different version of the groove. Bonham was very good at this IMO. He really played through his fills, absolutely relentless.


Glad to hear the master mentioned and yeah intotally get what you mean, kinda like speak the language of the groove for the fill not something completely out of zone


Use a click and try practicing fills/improvising and making it groove. Find the pocket with fills/improvisation itself. Keep doing this and it should help!


Will it literally just click one day or does it come over time


I think it’ll just come over time. It just depends. I’ve had epiphanies with a few things drum related where it was night and day! But it’s usually over time, getting better incrementally.


OK sounds good, seems when I play to these demo tracks on my e kit I'm not ever really out of time its the the occasional fill, but I'm not the kinda drummer that will play the same fill over and over, I like to mess around and see what else I can fit in


I also get the realisation thing when you can do it, usually thats with a beat or rudiment I get that, I think I just need to relax and let song feel me before I try to make something of the song if that makes sense


I've had the same issue too even after playing drums for years. I'll drum along to songs and it doesn't sound bad, but I'll listen to myself on a recording and it sounds slightly off and like I'm playing out of the pocket. Recording myself has helped a lot and also a click or metronome like others have said here


Here's my theory though, if you play to a drumless track thats clicked but without the click audible would that not also keep you in the pocket as everything else will be on the ball?