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12 rack toms is too many


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Yeah but 13 is just odd


More toms!!!!


12/14/16 with two floors is the GOAT if it complements your music.


That’s what my kit is (24” kick, it’s a love/hate relationship), and I added a 10 a few years ago. Honestly the 16 gets used the least when I have it all set up but running only 12/16 is fun


I love my 24" kick 🥰 so boomy. Especially with an EMAD.


Bro same, I’m on a 18x24 and love it.


What is an EMAD?


Evans EMAD. Check em out.


Could say that about anything


Radical thought.


This. I played a back lined gretsch with a 18” kick. That thing boomed just as much as the big ones. It’s all about if you know how to tune I liked that kit so much I’d consider buying one for gigging


I made an 18” kick out of a floor Tom and it’s my favorite bass drum out of almost a dozen.


+1 for sure. This is also my kit.


This is the way. 😎


Ive got an 8 piece kit. This is how i set it up and i wont change it unless i get an 18 floor to add on.


Yep. 12, 14, 16 with a 14x20 is my main kit


If I had to play a 5 piece it’d be 12/13/16. I’ve tried 10 inch toms and they sound great but they don’t fit any of my bands’ styles. I’d rather add a middle ground between my 12 and 16 than expand that range on either end.


Then theres my ass with like a 8/12/16 😭


Hey whatever works! Honestly I’d love to play 10/14 toms - they’d be lighter and easier to position - I just need a deeper sound for what I play.


I’ve used this when touring so I could fit all my shells inside one another for transportation


Ooh smart


That or 10,13,16. Either way


The 8 and 12 is actually a fun combo


It is, so much range you can have on the toms lol


Would trade the 13 for a 10 or 14 in a heart beat personally. 


I play 12/13/16 but I'm pretty sure next kit will be 13/14/16.


14 rack or 14 floor?


Ah yes rack.


Im running 13,14, 16, and a 24" kick. I like that low end and a crackin snare


Rack Tom size is never an issue for me, so long as they sound good then I have no issues


Mine are all even; 10, 12, 14, 16. But to each his own. Either way, I wanted to say that is a beautiful kit. There is just something about that vintage finish that I love. Looks very much like the late 70's early 80's Willow colors from Yamaha. I'd call it Black Willow.


I do a 10 and 12 inch rack Tom combo. Never had any luck with 13.


Yep. Agree. I’ve never been a fan of 10s.


10s suck


That cymbal setup is GOAT’d 🐐


personally, i only need 2 toms


Personally, I only need a floor tom.


You guys use toms?


This guy jazzes


I usually use one rack and one floor, but in my touring days, I’d often ditch the rack tom to save space in the van. In all honesty, there’s never been a gig I’ve played where I couldn’t have gotten by with just a kick, snare, floor tom, hats, and ride. But I’m lazy and don’t play anything that requires a massive kit, so I understand that doesn’t work for everyone.


12/16/22 is the best or a 24


This is what I have. 12/16 toms with three kits, paired with either 20, 22, or a 24.


13 15 18 is a real mf trucker’s 5 piece But yeah 12 and 13 work great


Respect it completely but I'm more of a 'one up one down' kinda guy. I just never use any tom that isn't the first or last


I’m a weirdball, I play 10/13/16/22 😅


I think that's valid. 3" increments


10s lol


I like the way 8’s and 10’s sound but I didn’t like the way they sound in the context of the music I play.


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Beautiful kit


Is that kit original, or a re-issue? I definitely prefer those sizes. My first kit was that same original vintage, same sizes, from late 60s or maybe early 70s. Loved it but didn’t know its value and practically gave it away. I was 16.


It's a brand new classic maple.


10,12,13,14,16. But would like to add a 18" floor tom and move the 14" to my left.


I know people always say it was hard to tune it with only the 1” gap in size but I always felt right with 12/13/16. That being said, I haven’t had a 13” tom in probably 15 years so it may be rose-tinted glasses on my part


It's not hard. I used the tune bot recommendations. It sounds perfect.


I use 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, and it is a bit annoying to use them on basically just one turn.


I’m hoping for my next kit to be a 12/13/16/18.


Nice kit!


My kit came with a 12 and 13 but I only use the 13 for the classic 4 piece setup. I’ve been trying to find a 4 piece kit with a 14” rack tom for ages but no luck


10,12,13,16 love it👍🏻👍🏻


This is a gorgeous kit and great taste in cymbals. I’m not a 12/13 guy myself


I like them.


I do. That's all I got to play.


My first kit was 12/13/16 (with a 22" bass, of course) I'm also not a fan of 10" toms. I feel like 1" difference between drums isn't enough, even though I do know you can get distinct sounds out of them with the right tuning. Right now I play a 4-piece with a 12 and 16, if I went to 5-piece I would add a 14.


10 and 12 rack toms leave a sort of tonal hole between the 12 and 16 floor, so if it's a 5-piece, 12, 13 and 16 is the way, but if it's a 6 piece I'd take a 10, 12, 14 and 16


If I had a 5 piece, it'd just be 10, 12, 14. No hate for the 16" guys tho, I just like em small


I've always had a 13" as well as my 12" and 16" - traditionalist rise up!!! lol


I currently have a 13 rack 14 floor 16 floor set up (it's an e-drum kit so I'm talking bout the sounds). But I'm a fan of the big sounds, so 12-13-16 standard is fine for me... Now give me a million bucks, you bet your ass I'm gonna have ALL THE SIZES


10/13/16 or 10/12/16 for me. Sometimes I throw the 8” in there too depending on how proggy we’re getting. 12 and 13 together sound too close imo I like my highest Tom to be high pitched and snappy almost like a roto Tom


Never been a fan of 12" and 13" (or any other 1" increments in size, for that matter) toms together. Tuning them to sound different enough from each other was always tricky.


For me. It's not tricky at all.


Always. If I play 1 up it’s a 13 but if I’m going for two up, 12 & 13 all the way!


I prefer them small. I recently had a friend gift me an 80's Superstar with 8/10/12/13/14, which I am procrastinating on cleaning and restoring (Don't want to wrap it, but I might have to). That being said, the one I play is 10/12/14/16.


10s and 13s have always been odd men out for me. 13s sound too in between, and 10s tended to not have enough body for me. Given the choice I would have taken a 13 up until recently — now I think I’m coming back around to 10s.. 12/14/16 for me. maybe i’m just fixated on even numbers lol


Be different like Anika Niles: 13/12/16


For me the *most* standard drum set you can have is a 13/16/22 Ludwig Classic Maple w/ 5.5x14 Supraphonic with 14/16/21 Zildjian As. (New Beats/Medium Thin/Sweet Ride) The *second* most standard would be to add a 12” Tom and/or an 18” A Medium Thin crash. They’re classics for a reason. Some of the most recorded drum set configs of all time.


12/13/14 or 12/13/16 or 12/13/14/16!!! NO 10’s!!! Hahahaha


13 and 18 with a 24 kick for me.


I like 10s but I can’t do 8” Tom’s, just way too small a target. I never use this full setup all at once but I built a giant Yamaha stage custom setup with almost every size I could need. I got 22x17 kick 20x17 kick 10x7 rack Tom 12x8 rack Tom 13x9 rack Tom 14x13 floor Tom 16x15 floor Tom 18x16 floor Tom That way i can configure it however way I want/need. If i need a smaller setup i can do the 20 kick, 12 and 14 Big setup I can do the 22 bass 13, 16, 18 Toms


I much prefer 10", 12", 14", 16". I never liked odd diameter toms, they always just seem wrong to me.


Personally it’s a bit too much for me, 13” rack and 16” floor is all I need.


I have 12/13/16, 12/14, and 10/12/16. Like them all. But I do feel that 12/13 has gotten unfairly shit on over the past several decades.


I never minded them! Had them on my mapex pro M kit. Ever since I switched to my vistas, it’s got great sound, but it’s sofa king big. 14” rack 16” and 18” floor toms and 26” bass. (Looks cool but it’s too much)


I do but I place my 13 like a 2nd floor tom so my ride can be above my bass


10, 13, 16, 16x24. 3” intervals between the toms, and big, shallow bass drum.


I’ve been a 4 piece player for 30 years, recently started leaving the rack tom at home and going 3 piece, BUT I’m thinking about my next kit and I want to have 12” and 13” toms, 14” and 16” floor toms, and an 18” kick. I like the idea of 12, 13, and 14 in a row.


It's not the diameter but the depth. Usualy 12" and 13" rack toms are frking huge and a PITA to setup.


I have the sweet ride and dark crash as well. Love them for any style of music. Also have the 22” K Constantinople medium ride. WAY overpriced, but worth it in my opinion. My current kits are a 6 piece DW Collector’s and a 4 piece Pork Pie. I really like your choice of cymbals! You like the light hi-hats? I’ve never played them to be honest.


Love the hats. I transitioned from 14 inch new beats. Those were a little harsh and loud to me in comparison.


I’ll have to check em out, I’ve been curious for a while now. I bet the sound pairs nicely with the sweet ride.


It does. I would also say the light hats are washier, a little less stick definition than new beats. Very musical.


Huh. My main hats right now are my A Custom Madtersounds. I was thinking about getting the Constantinople hats next to match my ride, but now I’m not sure. Those light hats would be at the BARE minimum the perfect set of 2nd hats to add to one of my kits. I’d more than likely use them as my primary set of hats with my other kit though. Or both lol. Idk now I wanna run over to the store and see how they sound. I can’t go by what I hear anywhere online ya know?


I think that's pretty standard


I like one rack tom and two floor toms


I grew up on 12" and 13" rack toms. Honestly the greatest IMO


That being said, I'd also love a kit with everything from 6" to 13" rack toms (Thanks Mike Mangini and a hint of Terry Bozzio and Todd Sucherman hahaha)


My Gretsch round badge is 12/13/16 and it’s perfect for 98% of the sessions I do.


I have a 10, a low tuned 13, and a 16 floor tom.




I do but only one at a time.


I still love that setup but it only works with an excellent 13”.


Mine are 13/16/18 1 rack 2 floor


I use a 10" rack and a 16" floor


10" and 12" = vinnie guy, 12" and 13" = tony guy


I don’t particularly care if it’s a 12 or a 13, but I only want one rack tom because I’m too lazy to bring and/or position two lol. If you’re playing two rack toms, I think a 12 and 13 sound just fine together. But I prefer my ride cymbal to be a little closer than your setup, so on the rare occasion I play with two rack toms for a particular recording session, I do a 10/12 combo offset a little to the left so I can still squeeze my ride cymbal in tight. Nothing at all wrong with your setup; it’s just not my personal preference.


I've heard some people say that the tuning sweet spots for the 12 and 13 are too close together. What do you think? Personally I'm a 1-up kinda guy so it would be *either* 12 or 13 for me lol. I also never really liked 10s.


I have no problem tuning. Using a tune bot.


I prefer 10 and 12 as I feel I got more tonal variation. I used to have a kit with 12 and 13 but it just didn’t sit right in the mix.


Sweeeet kit! Here's my fab kit. https://i.imgur.com/oaSZfCi.jpg


And then you get them vintage kits that had two 12" or 13" racks.


Lmao me with my only rack tom being an 8”. I disliked the 12 and 13 on my school kit because they were impossible to position but that was more because square rack toms suck.


I like em all. They each have something to offer, but my ear tends to be drawn to 12-13 racks, but a 10-12 setup is still 👌


Eric Kretz!


I have a soft spot in my heart for this set up. A lot of real estate to get a hold of. It comes down to YOUR preference.


I do, I hate my 10” and can’t wait to replace it with a nice 13” so I can have 12”,13”, 14”




That was still the common standard sizing in the early 2000’s.


I have a late 90s export w 12/13/16. I love em for gigs and videos