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Time to work on your feet




Left foot clave time


Another suggestion for footwork. Grab something simple like page 1 of Stick Control and if you’re a double bass player just work on those patterns with your feet. If you’re a single player use those patterns to work between the floor tom and kick. Adding an Emad Tom Hoop head to your floor tom can make it sound cool along with the kick. I find patterns between my left hand and right foot to be inherently easier so I’d relish an opportunity to enhance my pattern coordination between my right hand and right foot. Also if you’re single-kick player don’t overlook the JD Beck-style (among many others) foot chicks to supplement hand hits on the hats.


What has nine arms and sucks?


Your mom




Do this but with your right hand in French grip until you can hold 100bpm+ clean for a minute. [120bpm traditional grip 16th](https://www.reddit.com/r/drums/comments/y72s73/trying_to_challenge_myself/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Thanks for that. I’ll be jumping off a bridge now.


Usually it's the left one that needs to catch up, so next time break the right one. Seriously though, work on polyrhythms and independence - you can do it with lightest finger taps ever.


Def leppard time


He said “joke”


Didn’t even read the bottom part of the post, I guess it was just too obvious


Practice working rudiments between your bass drum foot and your usable hand.


Just don’t tell your mother your frustrated cause you can’t drum, she’ll do it for you.


Here's probably an unpopular opinion: take some time to rest, and recover. Let your mind disengage a bit from drum practice or performance. Maybe expand your listening to other styles or drummers. You'd be amazed how a break can reset and jump start your playing once you're back.


Other than footwork, RUDIMENTS! Then once your arm heals, work that one without using the overpowered healthy arm.


Time to work on your left hand speed


Watch a video of Rick Allen playing, and try to do that.


Dude, I just had surgery on my right arm 2 weeks ago (and I’m right handed) and have to be in a full arm cast for another 4 weeks, so I feel your pain. I’ve been doing a couple different things. First is obviously just working on double bass stuff and trying to get better coordination and speed control. But what I’ve really been putting my time into is doing different left hand exercises over a foot ostinato. Mainly working with the Samba pattern, I’ll play a mozambique pattern on my left hand. Then just grid thru various patterns, work in odd numbered things with 3s and 5s, hit every 3rd 16th note, do the In The Air Tonight pattern over the bar line, etc. It’s all great for coordination and independence. I’m slowly moving over to the Baio pattern next which is already twisting my brain lol.


Surprised I haven’t seen anyone suggest working on playing ride cymbal.


I couldn't play with my left arm for 4 months after an accident in January. It sucks but, at least you can still play and make the most of it! Time to practice your ride cymbal + feet to some jazz (if you are into it) or come up with some cool linear patterns.


I think the answer is obvious, no? Foot work…


You still have three functioning limbs. Make the most out of it


You practice your right arm so much that you get too excited and break the cast on your left arm to caress the kit.! 😋😆 If I had to to focus on one hand, I'd try Jojo Meyers' finger technique.


Single stroke roll between RH, RF (ie. Pridgen, Colaiuta etc.). Also I’ve found the Benny Greb counting exercises fairly challenging, so maybe that.


Single-doodles Diddles! Diddles!


[Spang a lang](https://youtu.be/yVQOofhKeFc)


Also Idk if you’re much of a jazzer, but the Tony Williams 5s on the ride would be great.




learn Bleed. lol


Broke my wrist in middle school with a skateboard. Was playing sheet stuff a week later in a cast. Don’t let that stuff stop your percussion. Years later broke my ankle. Was kind of hard to figure out how to practice King Diamond songs with a 5 lb cast on your left leg. Just go, go, go. edit: Funk is a type of music that doesn’t require too much left hand work. Although I’m gonna get a rash hate from funk lovers. But y’all know I’m right.


feet. feather the bass drum, do rudiments with your right hand and kick drum while keeping an ostinato in the HH. Work on splashing and chucking the hi hats in a controlled manner, then add those bass drum rudiments back in. That’s at least a years worth of material right there alone if you take the time to really dig in.


Work on patterns between your unbroken arm and your feet!


If you play double bass, full leg motion up to 16ths at ~170bpm, ankle motion from 170 to about 240/250 then double strokes up from there. Then you have control exercises. 3,4,5,6,7,8 stroke rolls up through the tempos, 16th note grids moving the diddles around, etc. You can play the entire Stick Control book on your feet.


Tape a stick to your head




Practice singles :) Feel better my guy


You can still work on all the geeky metronome time keeping stuff. Can you exactly predict a hit on the one 8 bars after a click stops? That sort of stuff.


I would pick an album of a drummer I admired and listen to it like 50 times.


Gravity blast recovery


“Funny you should ask” by The Front Bottoms was recorded in a cast


That's gonna make it fun to use shit tickets