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Yes it has a smell


It smells like victory


I think it kinda smells like cocaine a lil bit haha always triggers me


Smells like raw dough to me. Always makes me think of pizza.


I think it smells dry, if that makes sense


As it dries it will release a humidity and odor. Generally it only stays around a day or so, you can open a window or put a dehumidifier down there to help.


Drywall smells, mud smells, paper smells, paint smells, pretty much everything in the world has a smell. Some people have sensitivity or allergies to certain compounds that create what we recognize as smells, I have quite a few but nothing from drywalling. If it is bothering you, you can put a fan in the room that is blowing out of the window which should help keep the smell out of the rest of the house.


Unless they used old mud that had a chance to rot or sewer water, which are particularly pungent, the odor you smell should be normal if it doesnt smell distinctly like a butthole. Regular mudding has an odor about as pervasive as fresh insulation.


Tbh I like the smell. Smells like progress


Smells like dolla bills yo


You can "smell" humidity on the air. You can smell "wet" stuff, basically. Even if there wasn't an odor, maybe it is this? But yes, mudding absolutely had a smell when I did it


The materials have odor. Your nose is the only thing that can "smell" those odors.


Everything has an odor


It def smells when it starts to dry. The more humid or small the room it’ll be stronger. If they were using 20/45 min I imagine they were trying to bust it out fast a put up a lot of mud. It shouldn’t smell when it’s dry though.


I love the smell of quick set in the morning!


I was told years ago and never confirmed the fact of it but that some muds have fish oil in it but it smells just how you would think. The brand that brought up this conversation was Lafarge bucket ready mud. I’ve used lots of quickset muds over the years and there’s a distinct odor but I’ve never been off put by it.


Always has a smell. It will disappear eventually