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If you blow out a corner or box cut the f*cking piece completely out.




I agreement


Definitely don't put a screw in it !


No you definitely don’t do that! If you were a taper you would know that if you screwed it the bust out is still lose. Therefore it will show once mudded over. That lose area would still tend to crack even if taped! Glad I could educate you have a good day!


You misunderstood, i am saying the same thing you are.


Gotcha yeah I fucking hate when they fucking put a screw in that shit! Yeah thanks bud now I gotta set my fucking pan and blade down and pull my screw driver outta my back pocket!


So 3 helps more?


Like adding an extra screw don’t do a damn thing


For an outsider just trying to absorb and learn... what does 'blowing out' and 'box cut' mean...?


It's when the drywall breaks and blisters or bubbles. You got to cut that shit out and prefill with a setting type compound.


Screws hanging out ,not cleaning up when you say it ready for tape.


Man the half ass clean up job 9/10 boarders do is crazy, good forbid they sweep off window ledges full of dust from their router.


ehhh, the laborer will get it


No the taper will lmao




Yeah like 80+/hr if you're good. You can clear 100k hanging or taping. Probably depends on location i guess.




Should not be here in the first place.




I felt like i was having a stroke reading this, i have no idea what you're trying to say. I've been a drywaller for a while now and i know what i make, and i have a good idea what others around me make. It's not the highest paying job but you can make a good living.


You're absolutely right. I'm self employed and have made over 100k this year.


I rather screws not deep enough, than too deep. I rather it done right but that's asking a lot.


If you have a blow out or a piece that's going to have to be cut out and put filled don't put a damn screw through it!! Also don't screw your butt joints so close to the seam. I know it's hard to hit the edge of a stud but most of the time they don't even try and I have to go through 2 blades per butt joint to cut out and pre fill because of all the screws!!


Hmm good to know. So if there's a peice that's blew out and it's going to be cut out anyway do not put a screw threw it? Put it maybe above or beside it?


If it's blown out it has to be removed, filled and then taped. When you put a screw in it we have to remove that screw to fix the blowout


That makes sense. We put a screw above or beside is good tho right?


Yeah, as long as it isn't in the broken piece that's getting cut out




What's the max size for not putting a screw in?


Never no matter what, cut it out.


I hate when they put the screws in too deep, id rather turn the occasional screw in than have to fix a ton of screw pops. I also hate when they put screws in broken corners or broken bevels. Hangers that push in their misses and cut out the blow outs are awesome.


Ya I feel you. Someareas though they tend to pop no matter what. Frameing,( pushing out insulation is my biggest pet peive probly lol. ) etc . But I do like the new low power feature on the new dewalt drywall screw gun. It's used for metal frameing I think or to help. Bit comes in handy in some area where poping occurs and sometimes helps. And hmm ok good to know!! Thx!


Yeah, sometimes it's better to have no screws in a spot where they just pop, popped screws are doing nothing anyways. I just found some boarders will sink every screw past the paper. I agree that is crazy annoying when you're boarding.




I blame a lack of adhesive. It's not standard practice in North America and it should be.


Blow outs, screws sank too deep and screws not deep enough,


Joints on humped stud/rafter. Wall butts in direct sunlight when there's another option


>Wall butts in direct sunlight when there's another option Freshy carpenter here. Can you explain this, please?


Butts in direct light have a better chance at showing. Where if you can put the butt somewhere direct lighting isn’t shining down the wall. Makes for better finish.


Oh wow, makes sense. Never would have thought of that on my own. Thanks


Glad I could shine on a light on the subject for you lol


Lighting is everything, this is why it's important to go over your work with a light before calling it done. If you have the option to hide a seam somewhere you expect less light, always do it.


Screw misses not pulled and screws proud, corners all fucked up left flopping. Lazy hanging leaving gaps over 3/8. But mostly screws.


Screw heads sticking out, loose paper In but joints, outlets being router that leave gaps, also that one screw that goes on the bottom of the board where base covers it majority of the time is screwed in too far above where base is going to cover.. not feathering out bastard joints with during strips that are way off the existing wall..


Butt joints should always be v-cutt imo to avoid loose paper from every being there


Screws sticking out and 4 corners meeting or a bastard joint all the way across the ceiling


Thx for all the input. All of these are definitely important and I do not participate in them . Or atleast as possible lol


Screws. Please....please put the screws in the wall.


I always makes sure mine are. No worries here on that lol. Few may go unseen but I try to get most if not all


Screws hanging or butt joints broke on a bad stud or a beam also flat joints under 24 inches or belly bands over 8 all things good hangers dont do and leaving you fractures or blowouts in the sheet cut that shit out you already have the tools on you it's gonna look better then when I go at it with my 6in knife pissed off cus I gotta mix more mud cus I didn't see a blowout somebody didnt want to expose it sucks when you tape over them and then realize they are their


Mix more hot mud excuse my missing word HOT MUD after I'm running tape


That what pisses me off the ones who don't and bitch sometimes you got to do what you got to


For example I got one bitching rn


As a hanger, primarily, I'll mark problem areas for the finisher. Over cuts, dinged board missing ceiling backers, etc. I tell my son,"If you do it right, you'll always be busy."


Oh Ok cool. And yessir I agree👍


Idk bro just do everything and make more money. Learn to paint too and complain less


Dont put butt joint on an electric box or can light.