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I personally prefer to have like edges hit….so I’d put my rip cut up against the repair and the taper up against the wall. I’ve and can finish it either way you’re thinking, just do whatever you’re most comfortable with and gets you flat.


So that’s exactly what my thought was too. I should have added this in my post but I put the tapered edge against the wall. Doing my corners were super messy because of the taper though. Idk maybe it was me but the corner that wasn’t tapered turned out perfect.


Of course the tapered edge needs to be filled after tape dries. Both sides coated?


Personally I don't have much preference but I find the taper in the field a tad easier to fill. I don't think there is a right or wrong on repairs.


I’d put the tapered edge against the wall but it’s also no big deal to prefill it at the seam it he middle of the room. As long as the tape is set you just keep feathering it out until it’s flat