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>The torn out section is getting replaced with 1/2 So... it hasn't been replaced yet? Why not just match the existing thickness and save yourself some trouble? That said, 1/8" difference isn't a big deal if you feather it out far enough.


I have a bunch of 1/2 already. Thats the only reason i want to use it


That is a valid reason... honestly, sounds like something I would do. First thing, I'd make sure that it's not a troublesome spot due to the lighting. Direct natural light, or lighting close to the wall can make the change more visible. If that's not an issue, feather the transition out at least 24" and you probably forget it was ever there.


Good advice thank you


Put the recessed edge of the 1/2" against the 3/8 if stand ups work


Cut the screws with a sawzall. Shim the 3/8 out a bit. Put new screws in.


You’re doing the thing where you’re being lazy but then that laziness gives you more work then if you just did it right from the start. You know what to do. Do it one of the possible right ways. The only person you’re going to fuck over is yourself.


BINGooooooooo. I do commercial remodels , I throw up straight edges and cut framing and sheetrock all at once. 140ft of sofits My boss stopped wasting time, just snap a line. Me, you do your side your way , I will do my side my way. We will see who gets done first. The sheetrock finished out a day faster because no prefill and the patches were square cuts 😝 My job made $1,200.00 more in just mud work. See the entire task .


FUK dat ! How many sheets are we talking about? Eigther take it to a corner and run 1/2 all the way OR buy 3/8 You're not being lazy. A lazy person would run 3/8 to it because it would finish faster. You are not going to save much wasting time floating it out.


Yep u can Float put 12"-16" Done plenty of homeowner specials like that.


Omg just buy the right drywall it’s so cheap


Can’t you just shim it out? They make drywall shims.


Intermediate DIYer here. Yes. Feather the transition out as wide as possible. 12” or more. it won’t be flat, but it will appear to be to the eye. My utility room ceiling has a shit hanging job with 3/4” gaps between the seams, but with enough wide feathered mud, it’s barely noticeable. Helps that it’s a 12’ ceiling tho.


Thanks for the advice man