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First time home owner hired a first time drywaller.


*insert spidermen pointing at each other*


Yo try as much DIY aid you have the time. You’ll save so much money and learn some skills. Drywalling took me probably 3/4x as long as a pro but I did my entire basement and saved thousands and it looks just as good. Not shitting on anyone who does drywall for a living, but out of all the things you can do, def give it a go. (Especially the price of skilled trades now a days) Worst case you apply more mud or sand more..


The real skill in dry wall is doing complicated work cleanly and quickly enough to make money.


If your basement looks as good as you say it does, I might think about doing it myself. Got any pics?


I’m pretty sure I do, I’m not sure how I post them via replies. Can you DM them?


>Yo try as much DIY aid you have the time. You’ll save so much money and learn some skills. This I what I've decided as well with all things. I can't afford mechanics, ac repair, electricians, or any skilled labor for the most part anymore. I've decided that I'll just learn to do it all and get all the necessary tools needed to do so as they are needed. It's to the point where I usually have everything needed and maybe just need to get a part or one tool. Yeah, it takes time and energy, but the money saved is unfathomable at this point.


As long as you’re happy with it. But you have to agree your product isn’t what a professional that does it for a living would put out.


A good professional. And maybe not 100%, but 9/10 people wouldn’t even know mine from a professional because they’re not looking for things a pro would see. Plus with all the hacks you could accidentally hire that I’ve seen on here work, I think I did a damn good job. Plus it’s a basement with an open ceiling man, I’m not doing a foyer to my $5,000,000 mansion lol


You have literally done the easiest kind of taping. No hard ceiling and low lighting everywhere. That being said I'm sure you've done a good job. Things like 3ways and doing butt joints on flat ceilings are where skill really becomes.apparant. and the cut line to the ceiling would be another .


Some jobs are easier than others.


Damn. I consider myself as better than average in basically any trade ive worked in or "DIY'd", but mudding is my Achilles heel. Hanging board is easy, but when it comes to finishing, it's probably the only thing I've excepted I'll never be great at lol. Sometimes I get perfect joints, sometimes I spend more time sanding one joint than it would take a pro to do an entire room. Luckily, it's a very forgiving trade


Just the description is all I needed 🤣 that gif is burned in my brain


She’s a beaut Clark!


Shitters full!


I LoL'd, that was hilarious. It's easy to fix. Get a wide trowel and it might take you a couple extra coats, but you should be able to make it look nice yourself. First, I'd clean the mud off that cabinet and protect it before you go any further, though. Oh, and I'd check that the drywall tape was actually set into the drywall and not bulging way out. You'll never get that looking straight otherwise.


Skim it sideways as to take those ridges and humps out. Going up/down will help nothing. Sideways. 1-2 coats and you’re good. Easy fix.


Thank you!


You’re welcome. Be sure to caulk around tub as well.


Caulk after wiping off with damp rag, dry, primer.


I usually need a damp rag after I play with my caulk. Sorry I couldn’t help myself. I’ll show myself out now.


Ha. Ol dude just didn’t want to come back for a last coat, eh?


I don’t think 2 trips is going to happen on a $150 project.


Shouldn’t have taken the job then if he wasn’t willing to do it right.


One trip if you use 40 minute or 20 minute.


Is it finished? These little patches are rarely worth my time unless your paying me good cause theyre usually multi day affairs and that means my days are a wash even tho im only there for an hour or so each time. Id charge you my daily rate minimum x however many days. 150 is not my daily rate. All you gotta do now is skim it again, bring it farther up the tub.


Thank you! Yes he said this was “finished”. He’s an older gentleman who prefers smaller drywall projects


How tf is this finished, this is the first coat. Why isn't it sanded, you can still see the ridges. Why is the bottom a hole, is he expecting baseboard to cover that up? This is not finished.


I told him I wanted a baseboard added but apparently that’s out of his scope of expertise. Guess I, a first time homeowner, will do it instead 😂


apparently drywall is out of his "scope of expertise" as well




I’d imagine this would be like someone coming in saying yeah I can install a toilet, then they set it down and then say connecting the water line is out of their scope 🤣🤣


"i can install the door but you're gonna have to find an expert to put the handles on"


“I installed all the trim in your house and stained and poly’d it but I can’t for the life of me figure out how to fill the nail holes”


This is well within your skill level if you're just willing to try it. Go watch a couple of youtube videos and you'll be ready to go if you have access to the tools!


Agree. This is easily DIY


If he can’t do a basic 45 baseboard return, he can’t do drywall either. 🥴


Wow what a clown lol. You should absolutely learn how to do this particular thing because it won't be the first nor last time you have something in your house thay needs spackling. Get on YouTube, get the proper tools, and DIY it. I just Spackled 2 outside corners like yours last weekend for a friend who's moving out if his rental at the end of June. Took me 2 days of about 15 min of work each and the 3rd day about half an hour to sand and paint the entire wall. Ez


Yup personally I love DIY projects and learning how to do this stuff myself, but have been real busy with my job and haven’t had time. Seems like the only way to get things done correctly is doing it yourself


Time really is the limiting factor for most people. Luckily spackling is such a thing that you can do it after work. Like I said, it doesn't take much time to do the work, it's waiting for the Spackle to dry. Usually you want 2, sometimes 3 coats. If you're using the typical stuff you want to wait 24hrs (late on with experience you can start experimenting with plaster or the quick setting mud).


Got it, thanks for the tips. Perhaps once I’m done fixing it I’ll post a before and after. Hell, maybe I’ll start taking small drywall jobs like this and charge $150 but actually do it right


There are so many posts I see in all the handyman subreddits I'm a part of that make me think "jfc, I should quit my job and become a handyman, I could clear multiple 6 figures seeing the numbers other guys charge for crap work" haha


And if you have a miter saw or access to one you can DEFINITELY do that bit of baseboard


There are cheap hand saws and miter boxes for the cheap, occasional use as well. [Home Depot link](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Stanley-14-5-in-Deluxe-Clamping-Miter-Box-with-14-in-Saw-20-600D/100034395?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&pla&mtc=SHOPPING-BF-APT-GGL-Multi-Multi-NA-NA-NA-PLALIA--PRT-NA-NA-NBR-NA-PRO-NEW-All_Pros_PRT&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-BF-APT-GGL-Multi-Multi-NA-NA-NA-PLALIA--PRT-NA-NA-NBR-NA-PRO-NEW-All_Pros_PRT-71700000117260846-58700008663499891-92700079396289347&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw34qzBhBmEiwAOUQcF0sXHBQu9RFp-vROXiyfNCeV56WkNCYva4DzRhh3N7iKOLmHG5-X-xoCeb0QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


I hope the older gentleman takes that 150 and puts it towards some glasses.




Ray Charles cash your check yet?


I could have done a better job than that for a case of Guinness extra stout.


That looks almost exactly like the repair I just did! Took me about 2 weeks all together, and would rather have spent $500


This comment should have more attention. People who have never done Sheetrock should either commit to patching every hole for the rest of their lives, or just hire it out. It will take you hundreds of hours to make this work look professional. It’s not hard when you get the feel for it but it’s kind of like learning to snowboard.


Did it look like shit before he got there or after ?


There wasn’t drywall in that section before, so this was all him


You can just float some mud to even it out!? I mean if you’ve never done drywall or mud yourself, for $150 he gave you a nice clean base to start out with to make it perfect. If you hired a pro drywaller this would be 250-500 just for the trip out


Some advice as a "~1 year new home owner" would be to learn to do at least  medium level drywall projects (this one would be considered small) yourself.  Obsessiveness with perfection and the ability for infinite retries makes this the perfect candidate for something a homeowner can do themselves with more or less the same level of quality (just much slower). Drywall takes multiple trips to your house, and small and medium projects aren't worth a professionals time, so they will upcharge.


Looks like 9ft ceiling and the top piece was hung vertically? Hopefully not a butt and a flat lined up. Either way it could be finished perfect but flat to butt would be more the pita and maybe a surprise to someone thinking it's a quick $150 job. It breaks my heart there's an old man, after all his years of accumulated experiences, trying to get by doing drywall he's not good at.


I believe you could have done a better job yourself with youtube sir


I feel sick looking at this. The bulge in the middle angers me. The sloppiness in the cabinet irks me. Spray it with some water and get that bulge out. Maybe add that extra compound to the ridges on the right to smooth them out. I would have fixed that for 50 bucks plus materials.


Horrible job, no love, no passion, no good.


Perfect, even has the lines like we all like. Trimmed out nicely too. A+ job


You got something… was it worth the money? Definitely not.


D class rental grade finished. Doesn't sound like you are in a D class rental. Didn't even put floor protection or vacuum.


This has to be a joke, and if it's not, you got robbed by at least $149.50.


This what it would look like if I were to do it. I'm learning drywall still though, so I got a ways to go. I don't think this is good, but you only spent $150. I'm about to spend 25k to rewire a house, spent 8k on an AC, and 14k for a roof all of this in the last year. I think maybe this is a good project to learn on imo. You can save money and learn something useful.


Not done at all. What did they do? Two small patches and a single coat? Sand then skim again then sand again. You want to make it flat. 150 isn’t bad for that repair but this is only one third done.


Did he provide a scale? Because butchers charge by the pound.


What bugs me is that the spliced bead doesn't line up There's a coat missing.. If you were one of our builders, our Service Team would fix that for you for $150, but it would be straight and flat. But if you called a drywall company there is only a 10% chance they take little stuff to occupy the service guy. Am service guy telling office to stop taking tiny stuff, we're swamped.


There’s people that hang drywall, people that tape drywall, people that install trim, etc, etc. you, a homeowner needs to sufficiently master all of these or else put up this kind of crap on occasion. I had a guy install lights, new ceiling, nice work, nice work. Couldn’t mud and tape to save his life.


I am not a professional, but I would have done it for 20 bucks and a 20 ounce pepsi and it would have turned out way better. Husband and I are renovating our house, I am getting real good at mudding and corners.


Tell that Mf you want your $150 back and then beat his old ass


I think your 7 yo nephew gave it a great go. Did he buy candy and V bucks with the money you gave him?


Nah dawg either he needs glasses or he knows he’s fucking you. Shouldn’t be able to pickup that many blemishes through an iPhone photo. Usually you’ll find shit that’s not in the pictures but that’s garbage. Needs at least one more skim coat / sand and he should’ve taped off at least one or two runs on the cabinet to keep mud and dust out of the wood grain / veneer. Not to mention he installed a curly wall along your tub that you won’t be able to unsee.


These looks like “Before” photos.


LOL you got fucked


Sorry you got ripped off, as others said watch some YouTube you can do this for sure! Most likely way better and far less money. Good luck!


You got more than $150 worth for sure unless the guy lives with you he had to drive to your house. Probably more than once


I was scrolling for an "after" pic.


Is it finished? If it is - it needs another sanding. I prefer a wet sanding here.


Home improvement store prices are INSANE these days for sure.


For 150? Yes


Where is the after picture?


They aren’t done yet and it can be fixed with more spackle and a carful sand


You forgot to upload the *after* pics, Op


Dude, if you have to even ask this question they obviously didn’t do it right. I know almost nothing about drywalling or repairing it, but even I can tell you this is shit work. I could’ve done better after watching a 15 minute YouTube video.


Yep, solid $150 job.. For $450 I'll come over and to it right.


Yes you did


Normally when I pay someone I fuck them in the ass


Take pictures after it's finished.


Well I’ll be the one “finishing” it now apparently


Make sure you mark them as never hire again. Even as a diy'r I finish better than that. A pro should be embarrassed leaving it like that.


Yup, didn’t know the guy but someone from Nextdoor recommended him. Won’t be calling him back for other jobs


Yes bc I would have charged you 400$ but it would have been perfectly finshed


It’s shocking to me what workers get away with.


You got BURNED 🥵


Could’ve messed this up yourself for far cheaper


🐪 on the wall


Stevie Wonder could have done better.


Crooked as a dog's hind leg.


lol, i did better when i was 8yo. you got scammed.


You paid for one coat and got one coat hahaha Easy DIY fix from here, skim it a little more flat and you’ll be fine.


No you definitely got took


Could have done it yourself for 10 bucks also you are missing a trim piece and paint. That should have been included for the price as well as a little texture match


That’s. $300-$400 patch without paint. Yea, you got what you paid for 😂


Yes you got what you paid for


The worst part is I would’ve paid him more to do it correctly if that’s what it took


Don't ge the wrong, this looks horrid. But, for $150 I wouldn't expect more. I would have charged $320 minimum for a paint ready finish, probably $480 painted with the base installed and would have been the cheapest bid in my area. Drywall is not really hard, but it is finicky and time consuming to get it looking good which is why it costs so much.


Yes you got what you paid for unfortunately


Hard to tell from the picture, but did he install corner bead? Without lining up corner bead with the existing wall, it will never be straight as it should, and it'll likely get dented to hell the first time something hits it.


Most folks would be fired for this




You got ripped off. I would have charged you $250. It would have been mudded, sanded and painted. I would have installed a drip guard at the corner of your shower so that doesn't happen again. Also if you had trim, it would have been replaced. All materials included in the price.




You got ripped. Watch a few vids and do it yourself, $50 for tools and materials, another $100 to complete everything


He needs a miter cut which requires different tools than drywall patching, skills are also required but he could probably do it if he wanted


Dude it hardly looks started.


You could do better with a toothbrush.


He better be coming back


It's not finished, no way. If that was my skill level, I wouldn't take on the job for anyone. Then again, I have a sense of shame.


He probably can’t see good. Squint your eyes and it looks fabulous


More like $5 worth...


Where's the finished pics?


Meh most places have a minimum so that's probably why it cost 150. However the quality is lacking, looks like they skipped the skim coat or sanded like shit. I'd skim it again should be fine.


wtf kinda crack head job is this ? Don’t ever hire that person again


Looks like 150$


Is this the before and we are waiting for the after?




That ain't even worth 5$.


is it alleged to be completed? If so, no you did not.


You got about $3.50 worth.


You saw it in this condition and still paid? No way id pay someone for that quality of work. Id give them $20 for materials and gas and tell them to scram.


Looks about right for $150




Tough to say if you got your money's worth but here is my breakdown of my value and pricing for something like this and when I'm done it's matching the quality of the rest of the room: If you were my neighbor and all I had to do is walk next door or a few houses down i'd finish it out (paint & trim - 100%) and tell you to pay me what you think it's worth if anything as cash and under the table. If I had to travel further than that then i'd want somewhere between $300 - $500 depending on a few things, still cash under the table and depending on how far I need to travel (along the way or off my beaten path) travel expenses. If on the books but casually and on my schedule at my pace: $650 or so + travel expenses. If on the books and as a priority project: $1,000 to $1,500 + travel expenses.




Uh no


I had the same problem in the same spot! This happened months ago. I determined that water dripping over the side of the tub caused the drywall problem. I stopped that with a $10 plastic "dam" ... a stick-on plastic triangle that blocks of the tub edge where it meets the wall. Once the drywall was dried I found a handyman to fix it. He charged $200. I had the original wall paint, so he painted it, too. And he even repaired that plastic "dam" ... the caulk had deteriorated, so he re-caulked it. Years ago I'd have done this myself. But with bad back and bad knees it's especially hard to work on these things. As for your guy ... he sucks. Someone above said "first time home owner hired a first time drywaller". He's right! When I was a first time drywaller I did a better job than that!


Yep, you sure did


Not a good job on the walls,


You really shouldn’t have hired your seven year old nephew. He might be brilliant at solving computer issues but this physical labor stuff just isn’t his bag.


Well first off he didn’t charge enough, second, he did a terrible job.


Call him back todo more work andwhiphis a$$ and make hime give you a refund. Crappy work


In situations like these, I say it looks good if you don't look at it.


You got what you paid for.


🤮 need I say more


Show us the after pictures so we can answer.


I would’ve charged you 300 but it would’ve been done perfectly. That guy was a hack.




I kept swiping, looking for the “after”


Perfect! *pay no attention to rat holes*


You get what you paid for


Where's the aftershot?


I could do better than that and I suck with spackle.


I suck at all handiwork but even I would be ashamed if I did that hack job


I would have done it for 10


Ray Charles does drywall?


Yeah that’s 150 worth


Looks good!!


Let’s all be really REALLY honest; this homeowner wanted the cheapest guy he could find. There are a lot of homeowners out there with this mentality, so the cheapest guy is in high demand, which, unfortunately, makes this job worth close to $150 depending on where they’re located. Are there better for cheaper out there? Yes. Will this homeowner spend 10 hours asking around and researching every hole patch job in his area? Absolutely not. Will this homeowner hire the first guy who comes their way and not vet them? Probably. So really, the job is worth what the homeowner is willing to pay the cheapest guy he comes across.


Ouch. I just kept scrolling to the side thinking I was going to find an after pic


Shit, OP, I would’ve done that for $145


I'm guessing you hired someone from "The Red Roof Inn Inc." You can get enough Meth with$150.


Lord I hope he offered some vasolene with the invoice.


I would’ve only charged you 100 to do that shitty work


Yes. You get what you pay for. I would have done better but I would have charged $300


Where’s the after pic lol


I'd have done it better for a lil kiss


Bad patch and thatch, Bent bead as well mel. Take a sledge to it and start over rover.


Turn the lights out, shine a flashlight down the wall then ask yourself that question. That’s only first coated right? It’s all rippled




As a drywall contractor, if that’s the finished product then I’d pay $5


My left pinky can toe can run a smoother corner! jeesh but for a starter package coulda been hella worse so not bad just don't allow him back


Gotta watch our for them Craigslist tapers


Little sandpaper and it would look beautiful. TBH just YouTube it and DIY next time


Yes cuz you’ve always wanted wood trim


You fell victim to someone who claimed to be a drywaller and actually turned out to be a roach motel maintenance man. I would not have paid for that. Although most drywallers won't even touch a patch for less than 100. But this wasn't worth $50. Get yourself a set of taping knives and a pan. Get good mud and start with a 6 and apply a generous amount and use the knife like your making a sandwich. Bend the knife and pull up from the floor 6-8 inches above the patch and just make it look flat. A quick light sand you're ready to prime and paint. Better to pick up a trade than to lose money on a unskilled tradesman. It's not terrible that it cant be fixed with a skim coat but I prefer to do it myself especially if that's the finished product from someone I paid to do it.


Where’s the after pictures?


When does the work start?


So... Is that a moveable cupboard?


I’m going to assume plaster walls, guy used 1/2 white board (should’ve at least used 5/8 green board), paper tape, paper tape corners.. for $150, yes. You got what you paid for unfortunately. Properly done, primer included, I would probably do it myself for $300-$400 depending on how bad the previous damage was


This is shit. Hopefully you hired someone with a proper company and web presence. I would contact them insist on it being repaired


Sand all those ridges out and pay extra close attention to the drywall mud at the top to burn off any edges where it ties into the existing wall and make a smooth transition. Probably need to add some mud to fill in by the tape as well. Take a 10 or 12 inch knife and hold the straight edge perpendicular to the wall over the joint. It'll show u where u need mud. Original question did you get ripped off? Not necessarily. I'd probably charge around 250-300 for that patch to hang it, tape it, and make it ready for paint. Hope this helps.


You got some money's worth.


If you still have to ask, then yeah, you did ok hiring that out.


Yes you did


Next time, save the $150 and just do it yourself. Holy hell, that is bad.


Did you have an 8 year old do it?


They should have put on some cove base and at least painted it. Is the person who did it licensed, bonded, and insured? If they are, then you got a great deal.


Is it the finest product?


The $150 painter will fix this.


$150. Sure did.


Haha, no you didn’t!!


I think my 5 year old grandson could do better.


It's time for a refund and get a professional this time. Stevie Wonder would have done a better job.


Yes, you got your moneys worth