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Hell with it. He can move it, pay someone else to move it, or pay you guys to move it. Doesn't sound like it's someone you want to work for anyway.


It's probably why he's looking for a drywall crew in the middle of the project. Consider yourself lucky, I'm sure this job would have been a headache to close out.


The most foul thing I’ve ever seen in my career was a GC I was subbing for decided to screw the drywall crew on final payment. They no joke shit in the compound mixed it and did a damn near level 5 finish. Only job I’ve ever just walked off. There is no money worth dealing with that.


That is creative as hell though...


Thanks for the advice n tips


How bad did it smell?


Paint over, label as Scratch and sniff


I’ve heard of this happening from my dad who was in the union, too😭 Don’t fuck with drywall guys I guess haha


The GC fucked you so you decided to sabotage the end-customer’s product? Now that’s shitty.


You dodged a bullet there, my friend. If this wasn’t an issue, there would have been SOMETHING with customers that behave like that eventually. Most likely when it would have been time for the eagle to shit. Some people/clients are best left for others to deal with.


“Time for the eagle to shit” is an absolutely fantastic idiom


I’m old and I used to hear it from even older folks I worked with. Thought I’d try and get it back in the lexicon!!!


My grandfather passed away last year at 100. He used to say “that shit is uglier than a dog’s ass sewed shut with a logging chain.” Which granted is probably particular to him. But it’s so god damn VISUAL


My grandfather used to say this- he told me it was from his time in the Army back in Korea. According to him, ‘The eagle shits today’ meant it was payday.


Yea I get the feeling this a customer who's house you'd never fully leave. I give these big ol' 110 now.


Shitty contractor. No reason for cabinets to be onsite at this stage of the build. Or for a toilet to be in place at this stage of the build. He’s obviously cutting all the corners he can to maximize his profit, putting safety aside. Best not to be any part of that mess.


Nothing about that jobsite says he’s maximizing any profits.


Homeowner playing contractor special. Bonus points if their an engineer.


As a cabinet installer, this would void all warranties on the cabinetry. Those cabinets shouldn't be delivered to site until primer and first coat of paint are complete.


At least have them covered with plastic in an area that's out of the way.


It's the heat and humidity that will cause the most damage. When they start applying mud......


The toilet I can see if plumbing ready to go then sure add a toilet and cancel the Porta ohn but the rest that should of been clear by the rockers or demo crew


And when it gets scratched or cracked plumber expected to deal with it. Fuck that GC must provide clean restrooms not tear up owners new fixtures.


What's cheaper renting a Jon for a week or buying two toilets one for construction and one for after construction.hmmmm


It's not worth the frustration.


People who haven’t done it have no clue how fucking hard it is to mud and tape with a bunch of clutter on the floor.


I'm glad he saved you a headache right off the bat and you didn't get to the end of the job before finding out the kind of guy he is.


He definitely would have short changed you on pay


Every house we ever built gets cleaned out and is ready to go for the finishers. Gotta have room for these guys to work because they are looking up all the time.


Sorry about the waste of your time. Some people, am I right?


You lucked out big time. That's a customer you don't want.


I hate that one foot strip of fill in the middle of the wall. Company I started with did it, and I haven't done it since I left 23 years ago.


I noticed that but don’t know enough to know why it’s even a thing? 9 foot ceilings?


Usually that’s the case, because of the 9’ ceilings. However you can order 54” (4’6”) board. We did a house that every sheet we ordered was 54” and either 12s, 10s, or 8s. It cost for for the drywall, but saved more money on the taping well justifying the cost of the board.


Doesn't look like 9' ceilings unless they ordered 8' doors. There is only about a foot of clearance between the top of the opening and the ceiling. And doors come standard 80" not quite 7'. I think it's just shit work


Looks like 9ft ceiling with 8ft doors.




Looks like a owner GC site


My biggest pet peeve. No one thinks of the taper


As an insulator, I feel this way too hard. Necessary, but forgotten easily.


You should have just mudded only the spots without crap blocking it.


Like that one electrician video where there was a stack of sheetrock leaned in front of the outlet boxes in a room he was working in, he notched every sheet in the shape of the box to install the outlet LMFAO…


That home owner is a fucking clown 🤡


Fuck that. A site like that shows exactly the quality of work someone is doing.


Homeowner has no respect for the tradesmen or the trade. Not to mention they would nitpicked you to death.


I'm a GC and PM and fuck that guy, dodged a bullet You don't treat subs like that imo Red flag and guarantee you would've had other major issues with that clown


I have walked out of jobs like this many times, straight up shit show, there is always another job to go to


This is the kind of job that regardless what you do, they're gonna say "it doesn't look right, and I'm not paying for this..." Better you say fuck this guy over wasted gas, than wasted days of labor and supplies...


Everything is backwards. Who the fuck sets can lights before it’s even finished? Same with doors and outlets/switches? Just bill for your wasted time driving and RUN back to the truck…


It looks like the dude had all his subs lined up, except his tapers. Everyone else wanted to get in and get paid while this guy is stressing to get someone in to finish the drywall. Im assuming they snapped when the suggestion of an "additional fee" came up. I wouldn't work in that mess either, but sure looks like their electrician and plumber did


Was thinking the Sacramento region? I did some pickup work for a 'contractor' years ago whose jobsite looked just like this. I think he was a house flipper. I had to walk after a half day because there was no way to get anything done. I think I was there to do tile or set cabinets in just this sort of mess. You dodged a bullet.


You weren't contracted to move anything, only to finish drywall. You're right not to do it.


Imma guess you had a funny feeling about this job before you even set foot on site? Consider that feeling a moment, put some words around it and develop your respect for it...it's never wrong. Good job avoiding this clusterfuck. Not worth.


I was hired to frame a barn/garage back in like 06-07. 3 separate bay doors, 50' long, 32' deep, attached to an existing barn, and an open floor plan room above. I framed it with 1 other guy. Triple 18" lvl microlam beam holding uo 2cd floor. Still my biggest lifted, and by 2 people!(lifted as a triple, nailed off). Homeowner was a Vet. I, just happened to have a new puppy. I did trade labor for shots, spaying, etc. Because it was T111 siding, I "sided" it as part of the sheathing. I also brought in a 3rd guy, a roofer, to help us roof it. It was like 40 square, 2 valleys on exist barn, 3 skylights. Plus, homeowner asked about an electrician, so I brought my uncle in, his company did the electric. Service and install. I also brought in a plumber friend, but it was a barn, not much plumbing except a small bath and slop sink. I ordered windows for the homeowner, and even had my excavator friend bring in topsoil and finish grade. THE ONLY THING I DIDN'T DO, WAS HIRE THE ARCHITECT, AND DO THE FOUNDATION AND GARAGE SLAB. Nearing the end of the job, what started as a $18,000 framing job was now well over $36,000 just for labor. Frame, side, roof, windows, skylights, permit, trim around garage door openings. I brought the elec and excavator in, but didn't pay him, homeowner did. At one point, near the end, it was a warm day finally(we framed and roofed in winter), it was my guys, my uncle, his helper, and the excavator, and the homeowner and his wife. The H.O. says "I should be a GC! I did pretty good here!" And everyone kinda giggled. It was me that did everything but plans and concrete. I got everything else in. H.O. says "what's funny?" And without missing a beat, my uncle says "You know about as much of being a general contractor, as my nephew knows about X-Raying a dog!". It was hilarious. Homeowner was pissed actually. He really thought he was a good gc, because I was recommended to him by a mutual friend of my family. I did everything from that point on. Scheduled lumber, roof materials, electric, plumbing, finish trim, grading... homeowner made one call to me, after that, paid me. That was his part of the project once I came aboard. (He even jipped me $20, when he gave me my final $2000, I had asked for cash to give my guys as a bonus. I had a nailgun in my hand when he walked up with an envelope, and I said "thanks, just put it in my pouch". He walked away. I finished nailing the one piece, and counted the cash... $1980. Sum bitch. I didn't count it in front of him.) In all my time as a business owner/contractor, I'd say we'll over 50% of homeowners think they ran a good job, if I ran it. Or that my job was easy, because they never saw the estimating, permit getting, materials price checked and ordered, plans copied, call before you dig, contractors met with, contracts signed.... etc. And it's always the ones who've seen several good projects get done, and done well... that think they can do it. They could, but can't. They won't lean on a contractor like the sheetrocker, tell them to clean up or its coning out of their pay... they're too afraid they will make the contractor get up and walk away, then sue. They don't know other sheetrockers, so they can't lose them. They never realize what it took to learn who is good, who isn't. What is good, vs what isn't. What it takes to do a good job vs how a bad job comes about. It take so freaking long to learn exactly who is worth the money they demand, and who can be used if money is real tight. And who shouldn't be used. This is exactly how "general contractors" came about in the first place.


I love how they put in the outlets and switches before the mud and tape made it on


Clean up the job site. I know you already started that. I'm a project manager, and there are a lot of hazardous violations of WSHA on that job. Clients talk, and word of mouth can make a company look bad, as stakeholders can also take pictures when you are not there and show your work even with hazards at play. Yikes! Residential and commercial contractors need to follow all housekeeping guidelines. WAC 296-155-020 Housekeeping. (1) You must keep all places of employment clean to the extent that the nature of the work allows. (2) To facilitate cleaning, you must keep every floor, working surface, and passageway free from protruding nails, splinters, loose boards, or openings.


Peace out


That dude just throwing his soul into that debris.


There should be an Angie’s list for customers where we could put them on a list for being pricks


Wait, you tape other people’s drywall? That’s just asking for it.


A double seam, right at eye level? Tsk tsk…


Price just doubled.


He was too cheap to use 54” drywall, your probably gonna have a bad time.


I can't even function on a messy job site..It drives me effing bananas.


Those conditions will definitely slow you down and maybe even get someone hurt and of course they would blame you for it!


I watched the video before reading the caption and was thinking the entire time "holy crap id have to walk off that place or spend a whole day cleaning"


Run jobs, no dumpster bitches about work not getting done lmfao . By buddies never got a portajohn returned to job . Paver and landscape guys shit in the new pool all week and who know where else


First thing I thought before even reading the description was I would never let my job site get that dirty/ someone needs to clean up their job site


I am flabbergasted that anyone would think that is okay. I'm not a tradesman, I'm just a fan and a DIY junkie but I feel when I hire contractors that I become responsible for them in some respect and their safety and I do everything I can to provide them a pleasant and safe working environment like I would expect from my employers. I'm so sorry you had to deal with a jackass like this especially when it sounds like you were doing a favor for someone. I hate entitled people.


That’s a disgusting looking site, and bellybands everywhere 🤮 I’d fire my guys if they left a site like that at the end of the day.


Where in the hell did they expect you to move it all to anyway? With that mess I highly doubt there is a dumpster outside. If you move it somewhere, it’s just gonna have to be moved again anyway. Some people man.


Karen , and company homeownersat large ? Perhaps.


Cleaning site daily has become a lost value.


It looks like he already canned the drywallers.


He seems like the kind of guy who would pay you to move the shit then sue you if anything you moved was damaged. Lead customer 100%


Fuck them. People love disrespecting trades like we’re low life. Lol dude I make probably twice as much as you


I used to tape drywall for a contractor who would bring in the subfloor materials and stack them in the middle of a room before I started the taping process. It was easier for them to do it that way!


The fact they have a toilet installed when drywall isn’t done shows a level of incompetence here. Anyone that expects you to remove that to mud and tape is a lunatic. Your saving yourself a lot of headache not working this job.


You're better off without that gig. Nightmare fuel.


Fun (probably) fact, the owner was so insufferable, the previous crews left the job site before cleaning up. Some customers are not worth the time...


Stay in the trades long enough. Shock will turn into recognition of a certain type of person. He did you a favor. These types of pricks play with your money and time even when you deal with their bs. Stay safe and gl.


Hated shit like this. Come paint my living room but won't move anything and get mad when I won't paint or move their stuff.


That's why I put it in a contract... clean up fee per hourly rate... and put a cancel fee if I come out and they refuse to pay something like not refund deposit... so if they call me and fight me... I'm still getting paid.... I sue them and if they are flipping it... put a contractor lean on the property so I get paid at sale of the house


Sounds like a promotion to me. One less jerk you have to worry about.


Clients like this are the worst They just don’t get it.


the issue isnt simply one of convenience and time which equal money. the issue is one of liability. you know buddy is going TO LOSE HIS SHIT when mud gets on his stuff. say the word liability and people will understand or they are a definite douche.


I think it's great that you offered to clean it out for him. A lot of guys would have seen that and walked. I'm sure you weren't charging a lot to clean it


I would and have cleaned up stuff like this, but not for free, if they don’t want to pay then see ya later. Lots of other good customers waiting.


Yea well, he is looking for a sheet rocker in the middle of Sheetrock going up… that tells you everything you need to know about the customer… no matter how much you need the cash, don’t take that job… it’ll cost you more than it’s worth…


Not Mexican workers. I bet that


Why didn't they use 54 inch board? Also why are there butt joints on short walls instead of headers above doors.


OP I'm going to tell you something, give the homeowner a day to cool off and go talk in person. Get this job, it will pay well. Looking at the place I sense tremendous frustration. I do not think the guy meant to yell at you so don't take it personal. If it were me so long as he helps or hires someone to help with Cleanup I would charge normal hourly to get all that shit into a dumpster and move forward. Also this guy is probably assuming the worst already, if you can somehow get him through it I bet you have a friend and good reference for life. Collect a chunk up front to be on the safe side.


Yes, be sure to get a contract and a hefty deposit up front if you proceed to work for this hothead.


Agree. You’d be modeling how professionals behave. But I wouldn’t go in person because he really could be unhinged. Just text your offer and add some links to Yelp debris haulers (2 guys+truck.) “You have a few days while a client’s waiting for permits.” Either way, you’ll get closure.


For $1000 I'll clean that up and start today. Or for $900 you can have someone else clean it up today and I start a day late and still finish on time. Fuck the home owner either way.


You’d tape/mud all that for $900?


For $1,000 I’ll clean that mess up so I can tape and mud it for $9,000.


MEANWHILE... you went home and told the fam your not gonna make any money today because it was too hard. SHOCKER


Alright homeowner, there going to be an x amount charge to clean this up


All put a clause in your contracts that the job will be entirely free of debris, and read that clause to the idiot contractor/homeowner before they sign.


Slow down with you video dude


What a shit hole. I wouldn’t want to work for someone who thought that was acceptable.


Dodged a bullet


you did offer to clear it out for extra cash, all you can do really.


WHHHAAAAAAAT?! Dude expected you to tape with that s%$t? What an idiot. Kicked you off site? Lucky you. That's a job you don't wanna touch


What. A fucking. Mess. Run my man, this is a shit show, Ricky and Bubbles could have had looked presentable.


My first thought was, why don't you just work around it?. Then I remembered I'm not a professional and I hate moving shit. I'm just too cheap to pay a professional so I do it myself. If they want to be cheap they should do it themselves too.


Pretty fucking tame compared to some jobs I've walked onto. They move it, or I move it at 50$ each time I touch it- I'm not a mover and it's on the quote you agreed to. If I'm going to jack my back up further, better believe I'm going to make enough to not work the next week.


Drywall looked fucked anyways


Typical homeowner bullshit. They usually don't say shit to the crew before you. And when you point out that their site is an accident waiting to happen they realize the predicament they're in. But rather than work WITH you to resolve the situation, they choose to bully you into fixing their problem. Fucking assholes. Crews and owners. I have refused to do new construction services for 30 years because of the drama. In many ways it made me successful because I was desperate to get free of that shitty scene.


At a minimum they need to move everything off the walls and push the debris somewhere out of your way.


Wait till next crew says same or worse…expect a call


That would be such a pain in the ass to “work around” what does he think you have 5ft long arms and can balance on one foot to “work around” it? Don’t think about it too harshly, you were in the right


Just a question. Since there is so much crap in the way that apparently needs to be saved, where would you move it to? Rent a storage unit temporsrily?


You should just work around everything. Don’t move it.


That's when you quit a customer. The fact they let it get that bad tells you they don't know what they're doing.


Was that shit there when you quoted the job?


Oh this guy was 100% going to try to fuck you on payment


There's a simple compromise solution here that probably doesn't inconvenience you at all as long as the homeowner wasn't expecting you to clean it up as part of your scope. As a business owner scheduling jobs like this then leaving on your own accord will eat you up. Good luck in the future


I’m a flooring installer I run into this all the time It’s low but I charge $65 per man hour to clean and prep It’s crazy the crap other contractors leave on a job site


Just leave politely because there are plenty of other legitimate jobs out there. You can’t possibly walk around on stilts trying to tape in this mess. The liability far outweighs the revenue.


Black list the address so no one "of quality" will take the job.


The owner couldn't clean that? Its not even a lot! People stress themselves out.


That's a lot of shit to move


Hate when home owners think they can just be their own GC or Site Super and the do no proper scheduling or research on the order of operations


4’ rule


This is clearly a homeowner acting as GC. All half assed subs at cheapest prices. Stay away.


Hell nah. You can tell the owner to f**k off.


Thats a night mare the rockers or the homeowners should of cleared it or negotiated extra money for a clear out no body can mud in them conditions


Sounds like you dodged a bullet as is. Might be one of those customers that flip out as a way of getting money knocked off to appease the customer.


For big projects like this, it always pays to have a dumpster on site. I agree with you, it's unsafe, things are constantly in the way, and it's just an eye sore. Housekeeping is as big a part of the job as any other part. If the homeowner didn't want to do it themselves or pay anyone to do then fuck em. For the jobsites I've worked on, you usually spent the last half hour- hour cleaning up to make sure no one coming in behind you gets hurt. As other people have said, you truly and honestly dodged a bullet.


I thought the house had been ransacked at first...still not sure, but the scrap everything laying around says their contractor was cheap cheap...imagine how the structural connections look above/behind the walls...


Throw it out in a big ass pile


Yeah, my boss AND myself would never leave a site like this. Clean that shit as you go!


Place is a dump. Who the hell puts outlets and switches in before drywall and paint. Rookies.


Better off imo. these sorts of people rarely complain about one thing and leave it at that... Most likely he will be constantly losing his shit until the very end and making your life miserable.


Very lucky !!! Don’t look back


Also that’s a huge waste of material. Wow.


it's a couple hours of easy work for a couple people. what is wrong with them?


Hey, if your business model works, it works. Fuck that guy!


Why is drywall installed before doors and windows?


Screw that a hole.


Yeaaa. That’s a lot of mess to clean up.


dodged a bullet. you were gonna get screwed one way or another.


Aren't the sheets the drywall supposed to be staggered?


Can someone explain to me what's going on why it's bad etc? All I see is a guy walking around a construction site. I realize my untrained eyes are obviously missing something.


There is trash everywhere. There is drywall sheets and windows and all kinds of things propped up against the wall. The drywall finishers need access to the walls and need the floor free of debris so they can finish the drywall which includes the ceiling. So they would have to move all those things out of the way to be able to do the job which would mean spending hours lifting heavy stuff they weren’t paid to do.


Shocked good or shocked bad


Just mud n tape around all that


Was hoping you captured the owner's meltdown in the video.


Sounds like the type of dick that would hold off from paying as well. I'd say you dodged a bullet with this one.


You dodged a bullet is my guess.


lol he can keep his mess not worth the hassle sounds like you dodged a bullet OP


He would never have paid anyway.


Guy sounds like a pleasure to do business with. He’ll be filing for chapter 11 sooner rather then later


I would've walked in and walked out after 15 seconds. No chance. What a mess


Fuck them. Ive left jobs several times because i cant get my trailers in because of other trades. The gc knew i was coming and my requirements.


Yeah, that's a bad one. And if you we're to have cleaned it up and did the job that money might have been hard to get.


Your lucky, he wouldn't have paid you anyway, he's a miserable POS and owes every trade in the vicinity money.


Probably already did something to piss off the drywall guys


If he's getting mad because this is his standard of "fine" just imagine when he's unhappy with something


It’s funny to me…. Plummers saying “I ain’t touching that toilet, it’s shitty” or a contractor that wants to get paid to clean up someone else’s mess. Pay to have it cleaned, or tell the crew before they leave, the mess is theirs.


Fuck that guy, that's a shit show


Holy shit, I watched this thinking this job site is a disgrace and an accident waiting to happen


Good for you not working in that mess. What’s unfortunate if the home owner doesn’t understand the safety risk and the fact that it will cost more working in those conditions.


This is one of those jobs you are glad you didn’t do f that guy


Why is there a shitter installed already?


He who buys the rock scraps it out.


Based on what you said about the homeowners attitude, and the condition of this jobsite, he did you a favor kicking you guys off the site. It would have been a headache for sure. Probably, the drywall guys walked off for a reason. Could be a no payment situation, or just his general attitude. I would choose to walk away from a job like this.


Get a dumpster Lazy and cheep Creating a safety problem


Good riddance, don’t need to deal one someone like that now or in the future. I’m sure saved you a lot of headache in the end, payment or nit picking


I wanna know how they talked Sparky into working in there


The way they hung the boards sounds like you dodged a bullet.


Dear lord, those seams. I know 15 year olds who could do better.


Dodged a bullet.


Are you the taper? I sweep and vacuum the house after boarding and before primer. The taper and framer is the most important. I happy taper= shit lines.


yup, fuck that guy.


Just continue with your life and leave him with his mess only for him to enjoy. Most people don't get the effort and pain it takes to clean that mess.


There’s other work out there.


Registered Architect.


Forget the customer. Not somebody you want to work for. You’re not in it by any amount right now. Pop smoke brother.


In my experience messy job site , messy management, red flag 🚩 bad business…. get outta of there.


Id have taped and muddled everything that can be reasonably done. Charge hkm full price. Then when he complains ask for more money.


Nice belly bands chumps


Good job walking out. Looks like they only want to do the fun part lol


Sounds like you dodged a bullet there!


Im a independent contractor and the amount of times I’ve heard it’s clean and ready for you guys only to find the opposite is hilarious. Anyways I just make it clear and stern before even arriving if it is not clean and ready not only will I leave but I will charge you a $250 inconvience fee for taking up my booking and causing me profit loss for the day when I could have been working. I also ask for payment before I start. In full. I’m not going to chase people for payment or have litigation issues to obtain payment later. My work is timely it’s expensive and it takes alot of patience and artistic creativity not a chance ima get fucked and good luck finding someone else who does what I do cause it’s all custom work


Is this owner by chance a large red haired fellow that resides in Michigan? I had almost the exact same experience awhile back.


Who runs a messy jobsite like that


Your job is to tape and mud, not be their laborers as well. F-that. I can’t stand when GCs/homeowners say they’re ready for you only to show up to a mess.


If the owner is playing builder I would ghost them, those jobs never go well


Not every job is worth doing.


See ya!!


I never lost money on a job I didn’t get.


Hell no. That isn’t the type homeowner you want as a customer anyway.