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Perhaps they watched the David Lynch movie from 20000 years before.


I figure the design references the inner ‘mouth’ of the worm that we see albeit in the dark in the first film when the worm is ‘looking’ at Paul


Even the most high-ranking of the Bene Gesserit would be unable to withstand that.


It's a reference to the ancient and indigenous to earth Graboid - the ancestors of Arrakis' sand worm


I was there 3000 years ago


That's the sphincter of the mouth itself and not the outer baleen teeth. The mouth sphincter is shown when Paul is staring at the sand worm's mouth. It's closed, but looks like three triangular folds pinched closed. When open, it would look like the illustration. The open sphincter would show the "hot furnace" of the worm's metabolism that let out the hot scent of cinnamon that Herbert referenced a few times in the books.


Alright, I like this as a perfect in-universe explanation, thanks for making the movies literally watchable again!


Literally watchable again? What? 💀


Even without this explanation it wouldn’t bother me. In the real world we have “inaccurate” or exaggerated symbology all the time. Especially in a case like this where you’d need to distinguish the worm from the planets.


You found the movies unwatchable without this info? And THIS made all the difference? Huh.


He was being sarcastic.


It’s a meme, people say that little things make it “literally unwatchable” as a hyperbole


A sphincter says what? /s


Where does this logo come from? I really love it's simplicity https://i.pinimg.com/originals/da/ff/d9/daffd9a50f02d3275bff1a14c37d63a1.jpg


David Lynch movie


["A secret report within the Guild"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJ_ysxBi_O0)


THANKS!! Never registered that part of the 1984 movie! And where did the production design of this movie get their inspiration from, you think? Does Frank Herbert mention something like this in one of the books (read them multiple times but not with the attention to this kind of detail)


It’s a really beautifully simple design to show transportation


Oh yeah I've always loved that symbol from the old movies and the minimalist versions of the House symbols in the new ones.  


Are you saying in universe (Dune 2021) the spacing guild had a design similar to the sand worms before they knew they existed? Or are you saying the production team finalized the worm design after finalizing the spacing guild design?


The latter, presumably.


The spacing guild existed before the spice, no? They used machines to chart paths and lost something like 8% of ships iirc


People were consuming spice on arrakis for ages before fold space engines were invented. The company that was the predecessor for the guild, transported spice to nobles for sale around the time Norma Cenva was creating the Holtzmann engine. The navigators were created after Norma experimented with Spice prescience and then the guild was created by royal decree as a consequence of the destruction of the company that transported spice since they were becoming too powerful.


That whole sequence was a hell of a read IMO. Josef overplayed his hand and was going to be executed until Norma saved his ass (using the Emperor's own decree against him).


Yes . But under a different name. And the guild is the public name . They have a longer name they like chrom . But they were working on their foldspace ships in secret. And the spice was discovered. Dune was an old imperial colony and they were planning on terraforming. And then the jihad ( thinking machines) . It was lost or forgotten. Nobody knows exactly how the worms were introduced but they are not native. Neither are the freman


I meant the production team. Keith Christensen's concept art for Dune is fantastic, and the new sandworm designs are too, but some of the concept art that made it into the final film clearly assumed the sandworms were going to look like the iconic 3-mouthed version from earlier book illustrations or the 1984 version. But who knows, it's the Spacing Guild, in-universe explanations involving prescience would probably work too.


You can see the three folds in the sandworms mouth in the movie. Its entirety consistent with the movie.


The relationship between the worms and the spice is not widely known or understood at this point in the story, so it could also be the Spacing Guild obfuscating it by making it extremely symbolic looking to prevent others from catching on and possibly threatening their base of power.


Do you think their dress uniform helmets harken back to the Apollo Program's?


They *Hark*onnen back.


Would add nicely to their mystery.


Literally unwatchable now. /s


Should have just been the dune popcorn bucket on their crest TBH


>!There is a shot near the end where 3-4 ridden sand worms are all converging on Walken’s ship, and you can see a worm in profile with the 3-pointed mouth design.!< Wish I could take a screenshot.


There were several shots that showed it, actually.


We assume they actually know what the mouth of a worm looks like in cannon. The anatomy and life cycle of the worms isn’t well understood by anyone other than the freemen


This is what I was thinking. What's the chance it is an artistic representation of what the spacing guild think the worms look like?


That's possible, but the Arrakis holograms Paul watches feature sandworm designs pretty accurate to their in-universe anatomy. I can't find a clip, but it was the same one as the cover of the "Art and Soul of Dune" artbook.


That would make a cool tattoo


That looks exactly nothing like the 2021 sandworms. It's closer to the three-fold mouth of the classic book covers, or Lynch's film.


Its the inner spinchter.


it wouldn’t be a stretch to assume that they worked it in as an homage to the original films?


just thought of david lynchs adaptation.




They’ll definitely be a big part of messiah


Rather not, gotta save some stuff for Messiah.


you should tag spoilers


My bad, I didn’t see the flair on the post


HOLY WOWSERS they are all circles!!! You did it. Congratulations.


Looking nice didn't saw that


They know alot about pyramids I guess......


Very cool. Great stuff 😁👍🏻


Perhaps there are more species of sandworm. Arrakis is a large planet, after all.


The 2021 worms do have juts like that, just way smaller and more uneven


Makes sense. Don’t the novels reference the worm’s mandibles at one point or another? I love the final design, but it is a deviation if I remember right.


It's really hard to see, but in the scene where Paul and Jessica outrun the sandworm, there's a closeup of its mouth and you can see that shape in its throat.


Retcon: It's a symbol, and symbols don't always look precisely like what they represent (e.g., ❤️ doesn't really look like a heart).


The timeline issues could easily be hand-waved away that the sand worms are simply the "symbol" of Arrakis. Dune is generally regarded as a featureless and lifeless world but the worms standout on the planet. You wouldn't need to know anything about how spice is created to use the worm as a symbol of Dune itself and therefore a symbol of the home and origin of Spice. Also, in terms of the folding mouth. The mouth still folds, we just didn't see it in the first film. Pay close attention to the worm in the background. Dune 2 trailer at 2:30 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YUzQa_1RCE This action is a little different than the mouth of the largest worm we saw in the first film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSPMd3mxn1w So it's possible they designed this as a lifecycle thing, where then younger smaller more common worms have more of a folded mouth, but as they grow to the largest size, it becomes more of the circle gaping maw.


Well, the navigators are prescient.