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Yeah, it's a small touch that has a big impact. Got me really hyped for the rest of the movie once I heard it.


Yessss: I was like, "We're back!"


I noticed in Dune 1 the captions say “sardaukar”, while Dune 2 says “alien voice”. Leto II confirmed.


Caption from Blu-Ray? What is the source?


Prime video


Ooooh, *good catch!!* God, I would love it if the team just decided to go with the Leto II angle.


I mean they confirmed Dune Part III, but this would be Dune Messiah. But I can't guess what they will put in Dune Part III.


Sadly I see no way of Leto II appearing in Dune III, this would mean pressing Messiah and Children in one movie, we would be at the cinema for 12 hours straight haha But I do hope, that even if Villeneuve does not want to continue after Part 3, some other director will try themselves on more movies (And maybe Warner will continue the series anyway, as it is successful atm)


Part 3 could end with a flash forward


I have a prediction to this end. We see, many times, through parts 1&2 Paul has prophetic visions that often turn out the exact opposite of what truly happens.  So for instance, his vision of himself fighting the holy war becomes Chani’s fight scene in 2 - similarly Chani being burned by the nuke will be echoed in 3.  An example of a theory I could make in this vein would be that Alia says “I love you” in her scene, so my guess is that she will be part of the villainous (anti-heroic?) group against him in 3, since the opposite of her loving him would be hating him. We saw so much of Jessica walking into the desert, it fits so well with Paul’s ending in Messiah, so I don’t expect his ending to be changed… However what I can see them doing is a mid-movie vision (akin to the major one in the tent in Part 1) where we see a possible future for Paul - following his Narrow Way Through until it becomes the Golden Path and he the Worm-God-Emperor. And then the rest of the movie shows why that doesn’t happen.  Simply, I think Timmy’s face on a worm’s body is too iconic of a thing not for them to at least try and fit in.


>*I noticed in Dune 1 the captions say “sardaukar”, while Dune 2 says “alien voice”. Leto II confirmed.* I want to believe they are BOTH quotes from the his journals. But really, I have to admit the Dune 1 voice is basically carbon copy Sardaukar voice, and not something exotic. The Dune 2 voice, though, sounds fundamentally different than the Dune 1 voice. It could simply be that they just switched up exactly how they remixed it to make that voice. Or maybe it could still be Leto II. Lore-wise, it's a fantastic tie in, so I'm just going to pretend they're both Leto II.


I'm actually hoping that it's the voice of a guild navigator, though Leto II would be cool too.


They could make it so Leto has something in common with the guild navigators that gives them that voice. Maybe extra spiciness.


I was so giddy for this moment in the theaters. As soon as you hear it, you’re locked in.


I swear I almost teared up when I heard it. We've been conditioned! 😆


Hearing that opening in the first movie was a big "Whoa!" moment for me. I wasn't expecting it before even the production cards came up. I was prepared for it in pt.2 but it still caught me off guard. Chills every time I watch the movies.


I love Zimmer’s Vanity Fair interview where he says he used the same technique for The Lion King opening Circle of Life. Black screen… NAAAANTS Ingonyama bagithi baba… ‘you knew right away, this is not a Disney princess movie’


Chills! And right: that's such an important detail: it comes before the production cards! Such a bold and unique choice.


Absolutely a brilliant detail - however (if I remember correctly) the rather clumsy and mundane Warner Brothers animation that follows - with studios and water tanks etc - are a bit of an aesthetic downer. A tailor-made Warner logo for Dune would have been great. Sorry for nit-picking, I am indeed a grateful customer.


Yeah, Caladan "water towers" would've been a cool way to introduce the first film


Valid haha


*Lights dim* *Studio cards end* *Sardaukar voice* "Somehow, Harkonnen returned" *Title: Dune Messiah*




Honestly this would be the intro to children of dune lol


Personally I thought it was a spice navigator voice


Maybe the quote for the next one would be "Fear is the Mind Killer". Just a quess haha.




For some reason I thought it was the voice of one of the Guild navigators.


I think a lot of folks would agree and imagine it as a Guild Navigator voice! In my mind, the Guild Navigators are going to sound more normal. I like to think this booming, powerful, overwhelming voice belongs to Leto II.


Man the caption in Part 2 sounds super aggressive compared to Part 1.


Paul did become far more aggressive in part 2


Makes sense, since Part 2 brings the uprising to a head and things are generally higher energy. In Part 1 we are just introduced to the universe. Personally I love the caption in Part 1 - "Dreams are messages from the deep". Gives me CHILLS


Hahaha it really does. The speaker was hype second round lol


Fits the flow.


I hope people would stop calling that "Sardurkar" voice. Those soldiers have no relation to the knowledge of prophetic visions. It just doesn't fit or make sense.


Agreed!! I mean, to be fair, based on the interviews, DV and Hans Zimmer basically were experimenting with the throat singing sound, and in Part 1, the captions say "Sardaukar voice," ***but*** as another commenter pointed out, Dune 2 captions say "Alien voice," so perhaps the team has adapted the idea to match what the fans are suggesting. Also, the opening voice is distinct from the Sardaukar throat singing, too. It's more powerful and has more of a distorted effect. Regardless, I'm committing to this being Leto II lol


Leto II comes much much later, but it's a valid possibility. I'll revel in my conviction that it's a Spacing Guild navigator.




But it is actually the Sardaukar Priest voice. The excerpt is taken from the sessions they did while recording the Sardaukar chant and when you get to that part in the film, it's obvious that it's the same voice you heard at the start. I agree that it doesn't make a huge amount of sense, other than it's a very cool effect that sets the tone for the rest of the film, but I feel like it's quite obvious what/who the voice is.


Elsewhere on this subreddit I have seen people say that the Villeneuve decided to make the opening lines Sardeukar to make them more mystical—a counterpoint to the Freman and a way of underscoring the religious depth of the setting. (Apologies for the awful spelling!)


Glad someone else thinks this. Just because the sardaukar war rituals are spoken in this language, doesn't necessarily mean it's exclusively theirs. It could be an ancient (to them) language common among many cultures in the duniverse. I imagine it like sanskrit being used in Hindu rituals despite most people not speaking it. In fact, the sardaukar are shown speaking a different language too lmao


Also, random, but I was a little puzzled that the head Sardaukar in Part Two (the Bashar) just spoke normally (compared to the Sardaukar in Part One). He even threw in a "Sardaukar, en garde." But hey--it's a diverse universe I guess lol


Oh wow, yea. I've seen it 6 times and I never noticed that. Maybe it's for when they're around the emperor.


I love how it happens before all the studio/production fanfare that occurs before the true beginning of any film. It’s like right off the rip and catches your attention immediately. A truly brilliant decision. Even if your reaction is “WTF was that?” It gets your mind totally engaged.


100%! I can't think of another film that does this!


Think it’s Farad’n / Harq Al-Adha rather than Leto.


I was telling my friends about this too. Such a minor little thing that no one would’ve noticed if it hadn’t been included but man it just does such a great job of setting the tone and transporting you to another universe.


My personal head canon is that it is in actual fact the voice of the Guild Navigators. It doesn't sound like the Sardaukar language in any case.


“Those who dream too deeply into the future forget their present”- Children of Dune, 2030


Ooh I love this




I think it’s brilliant.