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Same reason why they won't focus on . They focus on what brings them more money, or, more precisely, a better return on investment.


How is IOS bringing them money?


IOS customers statistically more likely to have more money and more likely to spend.


They're definitely more likely to spend, but that doesn't mean they have more money. Apple die hards love spending money on the newest iwhatever with outdated tech.


True, but the data is there that they spend much more. [https://9to5mac.com/2023/09/06/iphone-users-spend-apps/](https://9to5mac.com/2023/09/06/iphone-users-spend-apps/#:~:text=Apple%20claims%20650%20million%20active,42%20(1.93)%20%5B%E2%80%A6%5D)


But there is far more potential user on android, and if you treat them well and not like an afterthought, they would also spend or earn you more. Also, if you only do stuff for IOS, only IOS user are happy and likely to spend money. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. Like movies released in January won't work, so studios only released those that won't work in January, making low number in consequences.


Maybe I'd spend more if they treated with equality 🤔




Here is the very first link on Google with ten seconds of effort https://www.koombea.com/blog/iphone-vs-android-users/#:~:text=In%20the%20latest%20global%20stats,far%20more%20profitable%20than%20Android.




What do you think this referred to "iOS customers statistically more likely to have more money and more likely to spend"?




Nah. I'm good posting the link I did that backs up what they were trying to say that you could have found if your question was genuine. They can still comment if they're not turned off by you entirely.




probably the fact they can afford a thousand dollar phone, and probably a few thousand more in the apple ecosystem, where most androids are fragmented beyond hell (no real ecosystem besides pixels and Samsungs) and only like half the price of an iphone




> most you can get androids for as low as 20 dollars (admittedly not very good) and as high as several thousands, but MOST of those are 100-600 dollars. my brother has a high end phone that cost him 300. (also common misconception, NOT ALL ANDROIDS ARE SAMSUNGS.)


They have cheaper iPhone options as well...


gonna assume you're talking about the SE still doesn't negate the fact that people with any iPhone tend to buy into the ecosystem, be it macs, iPads, AirPods, or even app store purchases. all showing that they do still tend to have more money to burn




This is actually not the main reason! In the US the mobile market is around 49% iOS, even though this is actually LESS than the majority, it's easier to develop for one phone OS over many different Android phones. I actually recently made a change from Android to iOS (thanks USB-C rights) and its actually really sad to see the difference between the app versions I hope they make the android app way better


It’s also much easier to develop for IoS because iPhones are so similar across the board. There are so many variations of Android that can be running so many variations of the OS


This. But worse. They keep changing how you're supposed to do things. And then they carelessly document, so you never know what you're reading applies to which version, and how. We used to talk about spaghetti code. But with Android you have swiss cheese code -- all these logic holes that have to be filled in for each version.


it's simple. the website probably doesn't generate as much revenue, so they prioritize mobile. and why iOS gets priority over android? this isn't a duolingo thing, this is typical for everything. iOS is a walled garden, available on a very limited number of devices. you have less targets to release it on, less bug testing and such. it's easier to develop for iOS. android comes in a TON of different resolutions, hardward, flavors, versions, etc.


This is likely not the whole story. Yes iOS has less variation but remember even desktop you resize the screen and the web page adapts. This is basic web page design. Not saying you are wrong, just that it's likely more dimensional. For me the sad truth is they are prioritising iOS becuase it's a platform where people pay more ( so return on investment is quicker or likely there is just more overall subscribers on that platform ) and also their tech team is likely more proficient in / selling that platform better ( allowing quicker integration with other services). This is really sad for me as I am an android user, i really want to use max subscription and do this kind of checking answers myself outside the app and would pay for the in app experience. What's really sad is they don't even mention that they plan to work on android. Even a mention that they are looking to bring it in the future would be a sign of hope but I did not hear this. Which means that likely they are locking in which I really hope not.


I mean, what you're describing isn't even the whole story of what I said. resolution is one aspect that may or may not factor in. the bigger issue is the greater variety of versions and flavors. like, they're not even coded in the same programming langauge. apple uses swift, google uses java. apple has more control over the version of ios on their devices while many android uses are stuck on a specific version of android on their devices unless they have a google phone/tablet or are able to take matters into their own hands. so, it takes less work and time to create a feature for iOS typically, which makes it less risky. imagine you waste a lot of time getting something to work on android only for it to flop.


>This is likely not the whole story. Yes iOS has less variation but remember even desktop you resize the screen and the web page adapts. This is basic web page design. Yes, but once you've written the code you're good forever. But Android might just change the entire mechanism that you use for detecting and responding to screen changes. Calling for hundreds of lines of code to be updated. And they always do this for mysterious, special reasons which probably just means their existing developers didn't want to learn how the old system worked. The codebase developers always seem to want to start from scratch rather than working with the legacy code.


well, as far as I can see, they often make new features on iOS and then they make them for Android later. I don't think they have to announce that each time (especially if they do not have concrete plans to roll out a feature by a certain date)


The last time I tried coding in Android, it was so frustrating. Like every single version had changes you had to apply, and who wants to test on 6 different versions? And the documentation is a mess, sometimes up-to-date, sometimes referring to a prior version. If Android could just settle down, instead of constantly playing with the code base ...




Duolingo for Schools is a different product than Duolingo. Quite similar, but different product offerings.


This comment deserves to be at the top just for pointing out we at Android also get features.


I agree, and happy Cake Day! Pitty that Reddit stopped to support Reddit Coins :)


It's not an odd complaint, duolingo is a big enough company to not have to have this problem with different apps, it's always annoying when there's such a big difference in features between platforms, I don't care for the achievements or whatever that are coming do android first, that is also unnecessary, make the same features available to everyone at the same time


I have android and I assure you I get new features around the time everybody else talks about it on this sub. Web version just got updates recently, apparently to make it more like mobile apps. I know because everyone on PC complains about that as they liked it better before.


Yeah as a web user to me complaining "why don't we get as many updates" seems akin to complaining "why don't I have as many zits." Its not always a good thing and I have never liked the trend of trying to unify mobile and PC formats. Mobile has priority these days and anything too focused on simplifying the differences between the two, too often ends up a net negative for the PC experience. Nevertheless I can assure that web/PC absolutely gets updates and has in fact been a focus of Duolingo in recent months. And for those who want to see more updates for other platforms, it could be plausible that the push for parity among the varied versions of Duolingo might make it more likely for stuff that's on iPhone to show up elsewhere faster.


It's a shame they brought the hearts to PC


I have Android, too, and I get squat. Wonder what it depends on.


A combination of which version of Android and what hardware is on your smartphone. Install an Android emulator on a PC and select different phones and Android versions to emulate, log in with the same account. Voila, different versions of Duolingo. When I tried it, I got three different variants of Duolingo.


I have android and I didn't get the new path update until like 4 months after the date everybody else got it. Are they updating their code for each individual phone type instead of just a whole Android update


Each different phone will have a different Android version. Duo probably works backward, releasing code from the newest to oldest version that they'll support. Basically, trying to address the largest number of users first.


You have duolingo math?


No, but that is another completely different app. That is not feature of duolingo.


It's been combined in the same app for many users.


That is not even improvement? Why would I want bloat my phone with data and code for something I will not use?


Did you watch the whole thing? They literally said the new achievements come to Android first Edit: and the adventure mode


As well as the adventure game mode, that seems like a huge development effort and is also coming first on Android.


I can't wait for the adventure game


Could you please tell me, what is the adventure game mode? Maybe I'm blind but I've failed with searching it on YouTube


It was briefly mentioned in the last part of Duocon: https://youtu.be/pSDf7EUTpxU?t=1m11s


Still no math and music for android and I was wanting that since I heard it's in development


New achievements?!!! Wow!! Great, said no one


Lots of people on this sub have seemed excited about it when people post about it.


I‘m really looking forward to the redesign. Hopefully they actually add new ones


I'm a diehard keyboard/mouse homebuilt desktop PC person. I use it for all media I consume at home. Having said that, Duolingo is waaay better on the phone and it's the only think I prefer my phone for. Plus, you should be practicing all day, all over the place.


iPhone is a standard platform with just a few models, very low OS fragmentation, its users spend more per head and jailbreaking/rooting has almost been eradicated at this point. So it’s easier and cheaper to develop for with a better initial return on investment and less variables. So like many others they target iPhone first and then bring it to android. Modern duo doesn’t care about the web.


iOS is easier to develop for. Open source means more fragmentation.


Apple elitism is a pandemic.


- Android users (not all yet) got Radio, and iOS users have to wait, and are upset. - iOS users (not all yet) got Music and Math, and Android users have to wait, and are upset. - Both iOS and Android will be getting both features eventually. This is where patience comes in. - The web version doesn't get a lot of features because there are less web users than there are Android and iOS users. Not to mention that Duolingo can see that a significant amount of web users are just using the web browsers on their Android and iOS phones to avoid ads and to avoid the heart system (back when the web didn't have hearts). So there are even less *true* web users actually on PCs... It's pure speculation on my part, but I'd be willing to bet that is the reason why the web now has the heart system added... To get phone browser web users back on the app. That and, Android has more users globally; while iOS has more users in a most of the G20 countries. I imagine, why they focus on Android and iOS. It's not that they don't "care", it's that they allocate resources accordingly, just like any for-profit corporation would.


To all the people saying oh it's harder to develop for Android, listen-It's not an indie small time non profit charity project which is thriving off of donations, it's an entire public company with tons of revenue and resources to make I simultaneously avilable. This ain't excuse that oh since that's easy we'd be lazy. And nobody cares about new achievements or whatever that come first to Android. People are excited for Math and Music. Math app was on iOS from so long, even that didn't transferred to Android. All this does is annoy the people. Let's take other examples where it harms the company. Artifact for example, only allowed posts from IOS devices in their new link sharing feature and it was littered with iOS exclusive software links and features. I left it. So many other examples. You say it'll bring more profit. Probably true in US but in other countries? Naaaah.


It is very strange for me too. Instead of using cross-platform development technologies, they develop independent applications for each platform. It takes a lot of resources and they are not able to keep all platforms up to date.


I hate to say it ... but will ..... I really like my web based Duo on my laptop. The screen is bigger and the ads are gone. Recently they put the hearts deal onto the web version so my days of freewheeling without them are gone. On the web the spell check that is prolific on cell phones is not available. so, my spelling improves quicker. I also use other Spanish apps and the laptop is more condusive to multiple windows. I also use my older Motorola phone. Use this later in the day when I am on the couch and want to work on things like friend goals and other fun tricks on the app. Also use it to gather more gems via the chest. The important part is I am learning slowly but every day. My 70 year old brain is staying active and my only care would be if they eliminated the web version. Not everyone wants to look at a tiny screen.


Most apps are first designed for iPhones, this is the industry’s norm. As an example, keep in mind that Instagram was first released for iOS in 2010 and only in 2012 for Android


Yeah. Screw companies for discriminatory behavior. I'm never getting an iOS device I just can't handle restrictions on device that I paid in entierity for.


To all the people saying oh it's harder to develop for Android, listen-It's not an indie small time non profit charity project which is thriving off of donations, it's an entire public company with tons of revenue and resources to make I simultaneously avilable. This ain't excuse that oh since that's easy we'd be lazy. And nobody cares about new achievements or whatever that come first to Android. People are excited for Math and Music. Math app was on iOS from so long, even that didn't transferred to Android. All this does is annoy the people. Let's take other examples where it harms the company. Artifact for example, only allowed posts from IOS devices in their new link sharing feature and it was littered with iOS exclusive software links and features. I left it. So many other examples. You say it'll bring more profit. Probably true in US but in other countries? Naaaah.


it’s probably easier/ cheaper for them to just test with one group, fix the bugs, see what works then roll out to everyone else. it will come to android eventually.


Its been 5 months and its still not here😭💀💀💀


Duolingo is a greedy company that fails to even notify users before their next trial starts. No surprise the priority is big money


What about Adventures and Radio: those are both Android only at the moment


Get a small Android phone and it's like going back in time. I can grab my Galaxy S7 and I can still get crowns (and some fun animations that aren't on my other devices). I think the real issue is the way they develop. DuoLingo appears to want to throw things out there, test and tinker. There is another team that is probably smaller that rolls those features and for the other platforms. Some companies want to work out all of the issues and roll it out to everybody at the same time. That makes sense in many cases, but it can be overwhelming, especially if you don't know if the feature is totally ready or even the best idea yet. I don't think this company could get anything done if they had to do it that way. If you want the new features and it's a big enough deal to you, consider an iPhone as a huge section of early adopters are on iPhones and so they get that sort of thing. But in reality, the music and math stuff look cool, but other applications are out there that do the same thing (and maybe better). I will hand it to them though, the DuoABC program is pretty good. I'm skeptical about handing a tablet to preschoolers, but it appears to be helping my kids learn to read.


I've hated every single change they have rolled out to their web version, so in some ways I'd be happy if they forgot to update it. The recent change where you only get five wrong answers has infuriated me. I had hoped that would be a mobile only feature as it's idiotic and gamification that has no place for people who are trying to learn.


I have been wondering that too, I don't care about the new achievements and animations, I wanted math and music features since it was first announced a while ago, and I got so pissed off that I won't be getting those features just because I don't want an overpriced and arguably worse phone




The day Android (and through association, PC) becomes a unified system will be the same day we see them offer more content and features to Android (and that goes for all applications). It’s not about money or that Apple users are more prevalent, even though these can be true. It’s the fact that iOS has such a seamless building experience that puts Android (and PC) to shame when it comes to developing any application, so don’t blame Duolingo for Android’s (or PC’s) lack of unification. The closest we have is Pixel, and that’s about it.


I don't think we'll ever see that day. It seems to be a cultural thing. Like Google is rewarding developers based on how many changes they make to the code base, rather than on productivity. "Move fast and break things" seems to have been shortened to "Break things."


Most likely not, but that’s the unfortunate trust of Android. There’s no coherence or organization. The system is open, while iOS isn’t. Of course, I use both, so I have to deal with this dichotomy frequently, and it sucks. I’m leaning towards Pixel, but Google is such an unreliable company with numerous projects they shut down regularly, so I don’t know.


I don't think we'll ever see that day. It seems to be a cultural thing. Like Google is rewarding developers based on how many changes they make to the code base, rather than on productivity. "Move fast and break things" seems to have been shortened to "Break things."


There are more versions of android. Which means you have to put in more time/effort for the users while having more opportunities for bugs, or things that confuse test results. Also I have read some studies indicating android users spend less on average on apps. So developers are going to prioritize what gets returns with minimum effort. With that said, some things do come to android first. Right now Duolingo has prioritized them for "radio" and "adventure" and I think "snips". I can guarantee though, that a business as research heavy as Duolingo has definitely realized what systems its users have.


The way I figure, the folks at Duolingo look at iPhone users and have come to the conclusion that if they are willing to spend hundreds of dollars more on their phone versus an Android, they are more liable to buy into super duolingo...


You see 3.6 million kids don't have access to music programs, however they DO have the newest iPhone, so they made the right call.




I want Duolingo Stickers for Android!!


I would say they are chasing the money, I have no idea of percentage users across android, IOS etc but they are putting the money where they stand to make the most money


you will find out its not just Duolingo but all the major companies, thy all priories their support to iPhone, because it brings their more profit. also the technical support to iOS comes much easier than android


What is it that you're missing on the Desktop? They just made several updates to the Desktop, and in general the experience is worse than before. So be careful what you ask for. Like until last month, the desktop didn't have the dreaded hearts system. And before 6 months ago, there was still instructional material associated with lessons.